Download pdf - Questionnaire for MLA


Personal What is your background? Economic Social Political Professional What is your educational qualification? What is your specialization or area of interest/hobby? Who are the other members in your family and what do they do? Where do you reside. Constituency What is the profile of your constituency? Social Demographic Economic Religious Caste Profession What do people see when they vote. 1. Development Works 2. Personal helps/Showers 3. Public Interaction 4. Accessibility 5. Caste/Religion What are election issues normally? 1. 2. 3. Are these issues Populist or substantive REPRESENTATION: INTERACTION BETWEEN THE LEGISLATURE AND SOCIETY 1. Citizen interaction with legislators What kind of problems/issues people normally bring to you? 1. 2. 3. 4. How do you try to solve them? Why don’t people go to Bureaucracy for their routine work? What is your perception of bureaucracy/ district administration? Is it able to deliver up to your expectations? What mars the performance/neutrality of bureaucracy? For how many days, you remain in your constituency to meet people. Why you have to travel a lot to attend their each and every function .why do people expect too much.

How do you perceive or justify your role as an MLA in the whole gamut of things with respect to Administration Local Politics Development What do you know about 74th amendment? Has it affected your powers/relations with respect to development? What is the impact of ZP/District Planning Committee on your role? They have financial powers but you don’t have. Do you feel that they are interfering in your domain? 2. Representative role-Interaction with civil society, NGOs and Resident Welfare associations Is any Resident Welfare Associations or Citizen Society in your area? Do they give any feedback to you? Are there any NGOs/Civil Society organizations in your area? Are they doing some good work? Are they in touch with you? Is there any value of involving civil society or NGOs also in your work?

Legislative /Lawmaking role 1. Perception of his role What do you feel are the three main needs/problems of your constituents? 1. 2. 3. What are the main needs/problems of Punjab? 1. 2. 3. Can I add few more problems to the discussion? 1. Education…despite right to education 2. Depleting water table 3. Employment…Why Agro Industry is not coming up despite our huge success in agriculture front. How do you try to solve these issues? Is there any local development strategy and financial planning available? How effectively is this strategy/planning being translated into work plans? What do you feel is the role/ responsibilities of a Member of Legislative Assembly? Do you ask questions in the Legislative Assembly? Do citizens understand what the legislature does? What is their perception of your role? How do they tell their preferences and desires to you? Were you able to bring a new bill or convince government to introduce a bill? Have you ever felt that you need to learn more about your role as a Member of Legislative Assembly? 2. Access to information and policy analysis Do you or the legislature have adequate information upon which to base policy decisions? Where do you take policy feedback from? Who are the experts you are in touch with in addition to Bureaucrats? 3. Professional staff

Is there a corps of permanent legislative staff to assist members in their policy and budget-making roles? What kind of staff do you have to assist you? What is their specialization? How is your office managed? Do you have internet in your office? 4. Citizens’ observation of activities How do media cover the legislature and the process by which legislation is introduced, considered, and enacted? Do the media provide accurate, objective reporting on the legislature? Does the media coverage increase public awareness and understanding of the legislature’s activities? 5. In the Assembly-Institutional vision What do you feel is the role of the legislative assembly? How much is the new business being introduced? Are those bills debated or Parliamentary procedures followed? What mars its functioning? Are there any attempts to strengthen Legislative Assembly to make it more effective? If yes, who are the reform-minded legislators? Is it ad hoc, or is it established by rule or regulation as a permanent legislative committee. What is their mandate? OVERSIGHT: AUTHORITY AND PERFORMANCE How do you detect waste and corruption in the system? Is there any formal audit or evaluation to assess program effectiveness or efficiency? Do you have access to those procedures? TRAINING EXPERIENCE AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS TRAINING Do you feel that a new legislator needs to be trained in his work? What are the issues you need training about? 1. 2. 3. What kind of training do the MLAs attend most often? Who and how many attends such training in general? Have you undergone any training? What was the topic of the training? How was your participation in the training initiated (where the initiative came from?) Who trained you? Do you feel that he/she was the right person to train you? If no, who is the right person to train you? Are these training sessions preplanned in some way? Who designs such a plan? Who approves the plan? Do you face any language problem in getting training? What kind of material was given to you? Whether the material given to you in the training is useful? What was the content of the earlier training? Was it relevant to the requirements of your day to day job? How the training should be designed. How many days do you feel that you need to be trained? Do you attend training related to democratic functioning? Is not training insufficient or doing only one part. Please tell me 5 topics on which you need training.
