



(To be handed in AFTER degree results are given)

Name (optional)

Karan Agarwal.We are always striving to improve the MRes in Nanomaterials Course and would be grateful for your comments and suggestions

Taught Courses

(1) Did you feel there was too much/too little/just enough taughtmaterial (no. of lectures)?

I think the number of lectures was good but a few more wouldnt have done any harm. (2) Was the taught material broadly appropriate?

The taught material was really good. I personally enjoyed it. It covered most of the areas like chemistry, physics, biology and material science. Also some of the courses were directly helpful in the project(3) If not what was missing?

(4) Was the quality of the courses in general? high/medium/low

I would say the quality was somewhere between medium and high. Some of the courses were really well designed.

(5) Could you pick out a course that was of high quality?

Nanotubes, Theory and modelling of materials, supramolecular chemistry(6) Another that was of low quality?

None of the courses were of low quality, but compared to others material characterization was of a bit low quality

(7) What would you change for subsequent years?

I like taught courses, so personally i would add a course or two.(8) Did you encounter any difficulties preparing for examinations on the advanced courses?

Not at all, they were quite inteesting

(9) Were you happy with the open-book nature of the February exams? Did it make it easier or harder to balance the taught and research elements of the course?

It didnt really matter to me that it was an open book, because I would have studied the same amount for a closed book as well. Projects

(1) In your view was there enough time to carry out your research project?Yeah, 10 months were enough(2) Did you receive adequate support and guidance from your main supervisor?

Yes, he helped me whenever i need it(3) Were you happy with support facilities (eg library, labs,computing etc)?

Good enough(4) What would you change for subsequent years?

Nothing as such(5) Do you consider the course to be an effective grounding for further academic research (e.g. PhD)?

Yes, its very easy to continue the project into a Phd (6)Do you consider the course to be an effective grounding for non academic jobs (industrial research, other) related to nanotechnology?

Not sureTrips

(1) Do you feel the US trip was worthwhile was participation in the conference useful?

Yeah, we got know what is happening around the world. Plus you get some time off from the busy year(2) Do you feel that the laboratory and company visits were worthwhile?They are one of the highlights of the trip(3) What would you change for subsequent years?

Make the trip a bit longer (hehehe)Other activities

(1) Were the 'foresight' lectures useful?

Not sure(2)Did you benefit from the 'transferable skills' courses and if so how?

Didnt participate much(3)Did you benefit from the various opportunities to make oral presentations?There were not manyBackground(1)What is your background?



Other Computer science.

(please specify)


(1)Did you feel the administrative arrangements were satisfactory?

They were a bit less organized in the beginning. We missed a lecture because we were not informed of the change in the timings. Also the replies to any query were really late in the first few monthsFinal Comments

(1) Would you recommend the course to prospective students?

Absolutely(2) What did you enjoy the least about the course?

Couldnt meet my course mates more because every1 had different projects in different buildings

(3)What did you enjoy the most?

The US trip and the taught lectures.(4) Any other comments you would like to make? I really liked the course and the college. Course directors were really friendly specially Nic. I feel fortunate on being admitted to the courseThank you
