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Question: When, exactly, does history begin? Slide 2 History - is the story of the past, all recorded events of the past. Pre-history - is the period before the appearance of written records. Ancient - belongs to the early history of humans, usually before the end of the Roman Empire Slide 3 The Origins of Humans Humans Slide 4 Theories on prehistory and early man constantly change as new evidence come to light. Louis Leakey Slide 5 Evolution Slide 6 Charles Darwin: Father of Evolution 12 February 1809 19 April 1882 When he was 22, he embarked on a 5 year journey around the world, as a Naturalist on the HMS Beagle The distribution of wildlife and fossils he saw on his journey was later used to develop his theory of Evolution. This evidence was then used to publish his theory in his 1859 book On the Origins of Species Slide 7 Evolution Gradual change over many generations Widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor. Natural Selection (Survival of the Fittest) = Random genetic mutations occur and the good aspects are kept to aid survival Failure to evolve in response to the environmental changes can and often does lead to extinction. Slide 8 In this theory, modern humans and apes share a common ancestor, with a split taking place about 8 million years ago. Did you know Did you know Humans and Pygmy Humans and Pygmy chimps share chimps share approximately 99% approximately 99% of the same DNA. of the same DNA. Slide 9 Slide 10 Brain Pop on Charles Darwin: Slide 11 Slide 12 Out of Africa 20 th Century archaeological discoveries in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Southern Africa indicate that humankind originated in Africa. Slide 13 Out of Africa Africa is the part of the world in which most or even all of the critical stages of human evolution took place. Slide 14 Slide 15 Old Stone Age = Palaeolithic Age Started around 2 million years ago and ended around 8000 B.C.E Nomadic = moving from place to place hunting and gathering Hominids = Any member of the family of two-legged primates that includes all humans. Slide 16 Say hello Slide 17 Slide 18 STOP!! Fossilization handout. Answer the questions which will be taken up as a class. Slide 19 Australopithecine Slide 20 Australopithecine 4.4 to 2.8 millions years ago Some teeth were human-like Approximately 1.2 m tall Molars like chimpanzee Walked upright (Bipedalism) Arm bone structure different than ape Characterized by heavily brow ridges, large skull and slopping forehead large skull and slopping forehead Walked slightly bow-legged Slide 21 There are many types of australopithecines that continued to evolve over millions of years. Slide 22 Example of Australopithecine: Lucy Discovered in Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson The skeleton was 40% complete About 3.5 million years old 25-30 year old female Named after the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Slide 23 Homo Habilis = Handy Man Slide 24 The first true humans Found in East Africa Nomadic Created basic stone stools Main diet was fruits & vegetables Built campfires but did not know how to make fire Slide 25 Homo Habilis = Handy Man Slide 26 Homo Erectus = Upright Man Slide 27 Existed between 1.8 million years ago and 300,000 years ago First to look like people *No Chin *Low long Skull * Large Molars * Thick brow ridges * Protruding Jaw Found in Africa, Asia and Europe (about 1 million years ago began to leave Africa because the Ice Age produced bridges allowing for travel) Tool making skills were considerably improved: Stone axes and knives Slide 28 Homo Erectus Had fire making skills!!!!! Slide 29 Slide 30 Homo Erectus and Modern Man Skeleton more robust than modern humans which indicates great strength Skeleton more robust than modern humans which indicates great strength Slide 31 Australopithecus & Homo Erectus Slide 32 Homo Sapiens = Wise Man Slide 33 First appeared about 500,000 years ago Skull characteristics of both Homo Erectus & Modern Humans Skeleton and teeth are smaller than Homo Erectus, but larger than Modern Humans Large brow ridges, receding forehead and chin Homo Sapiens = Wise Man Slide 34 Slide 35 Comparison of skulls of (a) Home sapiens and (b) Homo erectus Slide 36 Homo Habilis & Homo Sapien Slide 37 Tools of Homo Sapiens Slide 38 Neanderthals Slide 39 Existed between 230,000 and 30,000 years ago. Europe and the Middle East Named after the Neander Valley in Germany - Protruding jaw - Protruding jaw - Receding forehead - Receding forehead - Short, Solid - Short, Solid - Short Limbs - Short Limbs - Mid-face area protruded, probably adaptation to cold - Mid-face area protruded, probably adaptation to cold Neanderthals Slide 40 Neanderthals Height Average = 56 Extraordinarily strong by todays standards Skeletons showed they lived extremely hard lives Slide 41 Slide 42 Great Hunters First to bury their dead Lived in caves and tents Known as cavemen Made clothes from animal skin and used animal tusks of animals to make needles Stone axes Neanderthals Slide 43 Neanderthals Slide 44 Homo Sapiens Sapiens = Wise, Wise Man Slide 45 Replaced the Neanderthals Cro-Magnon People (Modern Man) First appeared about 195,000 years ago Made more delicate & efficient tools Carved fishhooks, harpoons & needles Began to build shelters out of animal skin Paintings left on cave walls Homo Sapiens Sapiens = Wise, Wise Man Slide 46 Slide 47 Australopithecus Habilis erectus Sapiens Sapiens Slide 48 Tools Slide 49 Cave Painting Slide 50 dex.html Slide 51 7bqi70B3tE&feature=related 7bqi70B3tE&feature=related Slide 52 Mesolithic Age: Middle Stone Age Slide 53 Middle Stone Age = Mesolithic Age 8000 B.C.E to 6000 B.C.E. Climate grew warmer = grasslands & forests Improved weapons & tools 1 st pottery, which was used to store food & water Besides fishhooks & harpoons, they weaved nets & used canoes for fishing and travel Domesticated dogs for hunting & protection Slide 54 Neolithic Revolution: Slide 55 The New Stone Age = Neolithic Age 6000 B.C.E. to 3500 B.C.E. Planted seeds & started farming Farming is known as the Neolithic Revolution Kept herds of animals (cattle & sheep), which added meat to the diet Used cattle & oxen to pull plows Slide 56 The New Stone Age: Neolithic Age Affect of farming: Did not have to move around as much to find food. A more reliable source of food. A surplus of food. Consequently, populations grew and settlements became larger. Larger families = more help = more food. Led to sharing of responsibilities. Slide 57 Built sturdy houses & villages started to form Decorative pottery, dishes & ornaments Weaved cloth from plant fiber & animal hair Polished stone Invention of the wheel & axels and later simple carts The New Stone Age = Neolithic Age Slide 58 Brain Pop Slide 59 First Societies: p/u/236/GklwSat8inU p/u/236/GklwSat8inU Slide 60 Specialization of labour = Separation and assignment of jobs according to the skills of individuals Markets and trading Economy, $, class system More leisure time There was a form of government, which regulated customs and rules for protection Culture developed Stonehenge was built The New Stone Age = Neolithic Age Slide 61 Stonehenge 6oxmxPKoSE&feature=related 6oxmxPKoSE&feature=related Slide 62 The Bronze Age 4000 B.C.E. Bronze ended the New Stone Age Bronze was made from copper & tin Bronze was 1 st found in the Middle East = beginning of a metals industry Stronger weapons, tools, swords, shields Slide 63 Making Bronze p/search/1/biHJaYWWIzM p/search/1/biHJaYWWIzM Slide 64 Bronze improved productivity in farming: Digging sticks, plows, tools of irrigation and sickles The potters wheel invented Simple sailing and navigation = trade with distant places Development of specialization = urbanization Urbanization = Growth of cities due to migration of people to them The Bronze Age Slide 65 What makes a civilization? With a partner, brainstorm elements that you consider to be essential for a civilization. This will be shared with the class. Slide 66 Civilization Centralized Government Occupation Specialization Agricultural Intensification State Religion Class Structure Writing and Science Merchants and Trades Slide 67 Civilization Centralized Government Occupational Specialization Agricultural Intensification State Religion Class Structure Development of Writing & Science Merchants & Trade Slide 68 Rivers & Civilizations Civilizations relied on rivers for: Steady source of water Fertile soil Fish to supplement their diet Transportation Communication through Trade and Exchange of ideas Slide 69 Slide 70 ZL7-us&feature=related ZL7-us&feature=related Slide 71 Early Agriculture: p/u/235/xbXWWzxC1e0 p/u/235/xbXWWzxC1e0 p/u/235/xbXWWzxC1e0 First three minutes