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  • 8/18/2019 Question Type.docx


    Question Type – 1.

    13.   What type of work does the work permit system authorize?

    a.   All work done by maintenance or contractor b.  Non-hazardous work where safety is important

    c.  Specific construction maintenance or repair work 

    d.   All work conducted by !lient.

    1".  #estricted areas include which locations?

    a.  $ump stations tank farms and %as wells

     b.   Weldin% shops pump stations and assembly areas

    c.  &as plants tank farms and assembly areas

    d.  'inin% halls housin% units and operatin% areas

    1(.   Who can decide that the work is a low risk and that a work permit is not needed?

    a.  )he issuer

     b.  )he 'epartment *ana%er

    c.  )he recei+er

    d.  )he Superintendent

    1,.   Which of the followin% is N) a restricted area?a.  &asoline station

     b.  oadin% pier

    c.  'ump site

    d.  )ank farm

    1/.   What is a work permit issuer responsible for?

    a.  0uipment or a work area

     b.  02tendin% certificates

    c.  )he recei+ers actions

    d.  Nothin% once he issues a permit

    43.   What can a desi%nated representati+e do?

    a.  5nspect the work site

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     b.   Accept the recei+ers responsibilities

    c.   Authorize the recei+er to lea+e

    d.  Si%n the work permit


     A recei+er must be what?a.   A desi%nated representati+e

     b.   A senior craftsman

    c.   A senior contractor mana%er

    d.   A ualified en%ineer

    4/.   Why do recei+ers %o on the 7oint site inspection with the issuer?

    a.  )o check fire watchs certificate

     b.  )o start the work 

    c.  )o discuss hazards and risks

    d.  8or the recei+er to take %as test

    39.   What will the issuer reuire when weldin% on in-ser+ice hydrocarbon euipment?

    a.  8ire station

     b.  8ire watch

    c.  8ire blanket

    d.  8ire department

    36.   Who should be assi%ned when workin% near a combustible :dahansil; material?

    a.  8ire watch

     b.  8la% man

    c.  8ire man

    d.  Standby man

    3(.   What must be checked durin% the

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    c.  8ire watch and Standby man

    d.  5ssuer

    3=.   Who should point out all hazards and write the hazards on the work permit?

    a.  #ecei+er


    Standby manc.  5ssuer

    d.  8ire watch

    3/.   What is the purpose of a

    a.  Nitrous o2ide

     b.  Nitrite

    c.  Nitro%en

    d.  Nitrate

    6".   When preparin% euipment for maintenance work the issuer will make sure it is>

    a.  Shut down isolated and de-ener%ized

     b.  'e-ener%ized with the power turned on

    c.  0lectrified isolated and shut down

    d.  5solated repaired and certified

    6(.  !hoose two methods of isolatin% euipment

    a.  #emo+e pipin% and install blinds

     b.  Shut down and clean

    c.  5nstall ta%s and pur%e

    d.  5nstall locks and take %as test

    6,.  #emo+in% fuses from an electrical circuit or disconnectin% wirin% is an e2ample of>

    a.  5solatin% electrical euipment

     b.  ockin% electrical euipment

    c.  $ur%in% electrical euipment

    d.  !leanin% electrical euipment

    6=.  0uipment is isolated to make sure it cannot be>

    a.  Started-up leak or cause electric shock 

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     b.  )aken to a shop for repairs

    c.  Shut down by accident

    d.  Slip trip and fall


     Why do we install blinds in process euipment?a.  ecause it is a %o+ernment reuirement

     b.  )o pre+ent blindness

    c.  )o isolate electrical euipment

    d.  )o keep liuids and %ases from contactin% people

    "9.  $er &5 (.914 who must install locks and ta%s before a work permit is issued?

    a.  8oreman and recei+er who inspected the worksite for the euipment

     b.  5ssuer and %as tester who tested the euipment after shutdown and isolation

    c.  0+ery operator on shift when maintenance will work on the euipment

    d.  0+ery craftsman from each maintenance crew who will work on the euipment

    Question Type – 2.

    1. What happens if work must continue past the time the original permit was to expire?

    1.  Work can continue until the job is complete

    2.  Keep working, but tell the issuer 

    3.  Stop work and come back next da

    !.  "enew the permit

    2. Who is the responsible for safety at the work after permit has been extended?

    1.  #he original issuer and recei$er 

    2.  #he old issuer, because he did the joint site inspection

    3.  #he issuer and the recei$er who sign the extension

    !.   %o one a&ter permit has been extended

    3. Work permits can be issued up to 30 days if '

    1.  (s highl unlikel that conditions will change

    2.  )nl cold work will be done3.  #he work site is &ar awa

    !.  #he recei$er cannot close the work permit

    4. Who must sign the work permit issued for up to 30 days?

    1.  "ecei$er and designated representati$e

    2.  #he designated representati$e

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    3.  )perations and maintenance di$ision head

    !.  )peration &oreman, issuer and reco$er 

    5. If the work permit is not issued during the emergency what must be done to do the work ?


    Superintendent must appro$e2.  Wear Scott air * packs

    3.  +oint site inspection

    !.  ll sa&et precaution must be taken

    !. "he issuer must stop work if '

    1.  -ore men working than stated on the permit

    2.  #he issuer lost his cop o& the permit

    3.  #he issuer le&t the jobsite

    !.  #he job site was &ound to be unsa&e

    #. What must the issuer do with the permit after he stops work?

    1.  lose, and then extend the permit

    2.  /i$e his cop to the recei$er 

    3.  /et a countersignature

    !.  Write the reason on the permit

    $. % pipe fitter cannot work on the same piece of e&uipment using a welder's

    work permit because'

    1.  0ach tpe o& work in$ol$es di&&erent haard

    2.  +oint site inspection are not needed &or pipe &itters

    3.  Welders are usuall contractor.

    !.  /as tests are not needed &or pipe &itter 

    (. Work permit can be issued up to

    1.  #o recei$er shi&t

    2.  )ne operational shi&t

    3.  2! consecuti$e hours

    !.  #wo * ten hour shi&t

    10. Who must sign a work permit to extend it?

    1.  #hen new area &oreman and new issuer 

    2.  Superintendents countersignature is reuired

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    3.  #he new issuer and recei$er 

    !.  #he new issuer, recei$er and gas tester 

    11. When must be work permit closed?


    4e&ore another permit is issued2.  When the work is &inished or crew lea$es

    3.  &ter gas test taken

    !.  When the issuer lea$es the jobsite

    12. Who must sign the work permit to close it?

    1.  ompetent person

    2.  /as tester, issuer and recei$er 

    3.  5esignated representati$e

    !.  (ssuer and recei$er 

    13. Why must work permit be closed?

    1.  #o allow gas test to be taken

    2.  #o allow the permit to be extended

    3.  #o communicate the status o& the work 

    !.  #o stop all hot work 

    14. What is one ha)ard with doing hot work ?

    1.  6apor pressure

    2.  (gnition source

    3.  7lash point

    !.  old work 

    1*. "he use of air compressor in an operating+area re&uires which work permit?

    1.  "elease

    2.  0ntr

    3.  8ot

    !.  old

    1!. Why do we install tags as well as locks?

    1.  #o record a gas test

    2.  #o explain wh the lock is installed

    3.  #o lists sa&et precaution

    !.  #o record purging ccle

    1#. Who from the work crew install lock ?

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    1.  )ne member &rom each work crew

    2.  0$er member o& the crew

    3.  #he &oreman and the recei$er 

    !.  #he issuer and the gas tester 

    1$. "he issuer must try to start + up e&uipment at the field switch after it has been

     isolated and before

      work starts to make sure,

    1.  (t has been purged and cleaned

    2.  #here is no gas in the area

    3.  #he recei$ers tag in installed

    !.  (t cannot accidentall start

    1(. Why is designated representati-e sometimes used?

    1.  #he recei$er did not come to work 

    2.  #he issuer ma be bus and need help

    3.  #he gas tester .&ound high 909 readings

    !.  #oo man sa&et problems were &ound

    20. What can the designated representati-e do?

    1.  Sign the work permit

    2.  uthorie the recei$er:s responsibilities

    3.  ccept the recei$ers responsibilities

    !.  (nspect the work site

    21. What oint responsibility does /ssuer and ecei-er hare?

    1.  #aking gas tests

    2.   %aming the designated representati$e

    3.  during the work.

    !.  Sa&et at the work site.

    22. When can an issuer decide a work permit is not needed in a restricted area?

    1.  #he are alwas reuired a work permit in restricted area.

    2.  When the work is cold work 

    3.  When he decides the work is low risk 

    !.  When a joint site inspection is not needed

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    23. xamples of low risk work could include?

    1.  Spra painting, water*washing, & turbine work 

    2.  4rush painting, abrasi$e blasting, & sweeping


    old work, light work&

    nondestructi$e testing!.  Sweeping, $isual inspection & minor cleaning.

    24. When would the issuer make sure e&uipment ha-e been properly prepared for

    maintenance work?

    1.  When the permit is closed

    2.  &ter issuing a W;?

    3.  during the +S(

    !.  &ter getting counter signatures

    2*. Why do recei-ers go on the oint site inspection with issuer?

    1.  &or the recei$er to take gas tests

    2.  #o start the work 

    3.  #o check the &ire watchs certi&ication

    !.  #o discuss haard and risks.

    2!. When a fire watch be assigned?

    1  When gas tests are o$er manage emergencies

    3.  #o track work hours > contractor names

    !.  #o communicate > control work.

    2$. % work permit lists.

    1.  -inimum sa&et precaution.

    2.  -aximum sa&et precaution.

    3.  /o$ernment sa&et precaution.

    !.  )S8 sa&et precaution.

    2(. Work permits must be issued for,

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    1.  Speci&ic tools and general locations

    2.  Speci&ic work at a speci&ic location

    3.  /eneral work at a general location

    !.  /eneral euipment at small work sites

    30. % restricted area re&uires,

    1.  #hat work permits are issued.

    2.  #hat recei$ers respond to emergencies.

    3.  #hat extension is short time.

    !.  #hat certi&icate is issued.

    31. What is a fire triangle?

    1.  )xgen, 8eat > 7uel

    2.  8eat and 7uel

    3.  7uel and )xgen

    !.   %one o& the abo$e

    32. 5hoose three 3 things that are needed before allowing entry into confined space?

    1.  /as tests, &ire extinguisher and barricade

    2.  9ighting, standb man and air mo$er 

    3.  7ire watch, air mo$er and gas tests

    !.  ir mo$er, respirator and countersignature

    33. What are the three 3 type of gas we take?

    1.  7lammable gas, inert gas, hea$ gas

    2.  )xacetlene, &lash point, sul&ides

    3.  7lash point, $apor pressure, speci&ic gra$it

    !.  )xgen, &lammable gas, toxic materials

    34. What is oxygen deficiency?

    1.  lower than normal amount o& oxgen

    2.  higher than normal le$el o& hdrogen sul&ide

    3.  #oo much oxgen

    !.  )xgen that is not pure

    3*. What are the three 3 maor re&uirements needed before a 6ot Work acti-ity

    can start?

    1.  Water, 7ire 0xtinguisher > Work ;ermit

    2.  7ire 4lanket, Water > 7ire Watch

    3.  7ire Watch, 7ire 0xtinguisher > Work ;ermit

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    !.  7ire Watch, 7ire 0xtinguisher > 7ire 4lanket

    3!. What would the issuer re&uires when welding or in ser-ice hydrocarbon e&uipment.

    1.  7ire watch


    7ire department3.  7ire blanket

    !.  7ire station

    3#. What must the fire watch be?

    1.  s issuer 

    2.  #rained

    3.  erti&ied

    !.  recei$er 

    3$. % 7ire watch has to know how to?

    1.  #ake a gas test

    2.  )perate process euipment

    3.  4e a recei$er 

    !.  )perate &ire euipment gi$en to him

    3(. What do we call a person who is re&uired to be at a ob site because of a special skill he has?

    1.  ompetent person

    2.  5esignated "ep

    3.  Standb -an

    !.  erti&ied

    40. /s a firewatcher assigned in a welding acti-ity can lea-e the area while the work is going on

    Without any information?

    1.   %)

    2.  0S

    3.   %) ;")490-

    41. What type of fire extinguisher is used to extinguish 5lass+5 fires lectrical 7ire?

    1.  5r chemical powder 

    2.  Water

    3.  )2 @carbon dioxideA

    !.  7oam

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    42. What happen to the operations locks and tags installed on e&uipment when operators

     change shifts?

    1.  #he kes are usuall trans&erred to the new shi&t


    #he locks and tags must be remo$ed3.  #he tags must be destroed

    !.  #he locks must be replace

    43. "he reason e&uipment must be de+energi)ed and depressuri)ed before work is

     started is because,

    1.  0lectricit can be wasted

    2.  ;eople can be injured

    3.  9ocks and tags will be lost

    !.  /as can be wasted

    44. What would be a good example of when the recei-er must stop work ?

    1.  -aterials ha$e not et arri$e

    2.  8e cannot wait &or the countersignature

    3.  8e hear an emergenc alarm

    !.  #he back hoe run out o& &uel

    4*. What might happen if the safety problem arises and the recei-er does not stop work ?

    1.  &ire, injur or accident

    2.  ountersignature become $oid

    3.  8is certi&icate expires

    !.  #he work permit expires

    4!. 7lammable li&uids oil grease gases are examples of,

    1.  lass &ires

    2.  lass 4 &ires

    3.  lass &ires

    !.  lass 5 &ires

    4#. % nonflammable materials commonly used to purge process e&uipment is.

    1.   %itrate

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    2.   %itrite

    3.   %itrous oxide

    !.   %itrogen

    4$. "wo common methods of cleaning process e&uipment methods


    Streaming and gas testing2.  #reating and clari&ing

    3.  ;urging and gas testing

    !.  Water washing and streaming

    4(. &uipment is isolated to make sure it cannot be.

    1.  Started*up, leak or cause electric shock 

    2.  Shut down b accident

    3.  Slip, trip or &all

    !.  #aken to stop &or repairs

    *0. What 2 things must the recei-er do before recei-ing a W8?

    1.  0xtend the permit and take gas tests

    2.  #ake gas tests and check Scott ir ;ack 

    3.  #rain the 7ire watch and renew the permit

    !.  "ead the permit and agree to all conditions.

    Question Type – 3.

    1. Where must the recei-er keep the W8 after it is issued?

    1.  5ispla at the job site or in his possession

    2.  in the control room.

    3.  Within BC o& the work site.

    !.  With senior crew member.

    2. When can a recei-er lea-e the 9ob ite?

    1.  When the issuer has gi$en permission

    2.  4e&ore con&ined space entr

    3.  When gas test read

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    % : im at the base of the fire

    : &uee)e the le-er

    : weep from side to side

    4. 5an water be used to extinguish 5lass+5 fires?1.  0S

    2.   %)

    3.  -40

    *. Who must sign an issuer;s certificate?

    1.  #he issuer:s &oreman

    2.  8is superintendent

    3.  #he designated "epresentati$e

    !.  #he issuer.

    !. 6ow long is the -alidity of a certificate issued?

    1.  D precautions are known

    !.  Ese a designated representati$e

    (. What two things must the issuer do before issuing a W8?

    1.  heck the recei$er:s certi&icate and get counter signatures.

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    2.  "enew certi&icate and get counter signature.

    3.  ;ro$ide 7irst id and assign a &ire watch.

    !.  lose the work permits and check the recei$ers cert.

    10. Who goes on the oint site inspection?1.  #he recei$er and gas tester 

    2.  #he issuer and the area &oreman.

    3.  #he issuer and the gas taster 

    !.  #he issuer and the recei$er.

    11. 5hoose 2 methods of isolating e&uipment.

    1.  (nstall tags and purge

    2.  "emo$e piping and install blinds

    3.  Shut down and clean

    !.  (nstall locks and take gas tests

    12. emo-ing fuses from electrical circuit or disconnecting electric wiring is an example of what.

    1.  (solating electrical euipment

    2.  9ocking electrical euipment

    3.  leaning electrical euipment

    !.  ;urging electrical euipment

    13. /nstalling locks and tags on electrical breakers pre-ents accidental.

    1.  Start up euipment

    2.  4lind installation

    3.  ;urging euipment

    !.   %itrogen release

    14. What is the different between 6ot and 5old work ?

    1.  8ot uses ignition source

    2.  old uses an ignition source

    3.  4oth use an ignition source

    !.   %either use an ignition source

    1*. 5old Work includes?

    1.  Sca&&old building and using back hoe

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    2.  brasi$e blasting and painting

    3.  Sand remo$al and sca&&old building

    !.  4rush painting and abrasi$e blasting

    1!. % release of ha)ardous li&uid or gases permit is re&uired when?1.  ;ipe &itters open a line or install blinds.

    2.  )perators release hdrocarbon to burn

    3.  ra&tsmen build sca&&old

    !.  )perators drained euipment

    1#. When preparing e&uipment for maintenance work the issuer must make sure it is,

    1.  (solate repaired and certi&ied.

    2.  0lectri&ied isolated and shut down.

    3.  5e*energied with the power turned on.

    !.  Shut down, isolate and de*energied

    1$. estricted areas include.

    1.  ;ump stations, sewage plant, and wells

    2.  ommunication building, wells, &enced areas

    3.  Wells, loading piers, welding shops

    !.  Wells, o&&ice buildings, welding shops

    1(. /f it has not been decided if a11 area is restricted who makes the final decision?

    1.  9oss pre$ention

    2.  #he department -anager 

    3.  #he area .superintendent

    !.  "e&er to /( 2.1

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    22. What must operations do before remo-ing+their locks and tags

    1.  lean and purge the breaker 


    #ake gas tests and restart the euipment3.  -ake sure the euipment can be sa&el started

    !.  -ake sure the euipment is gas*&ree

    23. "he recei-er must stop work if,

    1.  8e cannot &ind the issuer 

    2.  #he designated representati$e must lea$e

    3.  #he issuer lea$es the jobsite

    !.  #he work site becomes unsa&e

    24. What must the recei-er do if he stops the work ?

    1.  #ell the issuer 

    2.  #ell the designated representati$e

    3.  #ell his immediate super$isor 

    !.  #ell the senior cra&ts man

    2*. What type of fire extinguisher is used for 5lass+% fires like wood and paper?

    1.  5r chemical powder 

    2.  )2 @carbon dioxideA

    3.  Water

    !.  7oam 

    2!. 6ow long must be the issuer keep close work permit on file?

    1.  3< 5as

    2.  F< 5as

    3.  3 ears

    !.  3 -onths

    2#. 5o-ering sewers is re&uired by which work permit?

    1.  0ntr

    2.  8ot

    3.  old

    !.  "elease

    2$. 5hoose three 3 things you should check before issuing a release permit

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    1.  Sa&et harness, belt and glass

    2.  Wind direction, drainage and ignition source

    3.  Sewers, man wa and air mo$ers

    !.  (gnition source, glo$es and sa&et shoes

    2(. % work permit issuer is responsible for?

    1.  #he recei$er certi&icate

    2.  0uipment or a work area

    3.  0xtending certi&icate

    !.   %othing, once he issue a work permit

    30. %n issuer has which responsibility

    1.  5e&ines sa&et precautions > sign the work permit

    2.  5e&ines precautions > stand in &or the recei$er.

    3.  (ssues > recei$es work permit

    !.  Super$ise the crew > sign the work permit.

    31. % recei-er is?

    1.  Senior cra&tsman

    2.  5esignated representati$e

    3.  Senior cra&tsman manager 

    !.  Guali&ied engineer 

    32. "he recei-er;s main responsibilities include,

    1.  ompling with sa&et precaution > signing the work permit.

    2.  4eing the designated representati$e

    3.  7illing in &or the issuer when the issuer must lea$e H

    !.  "esponding to operational emergencies

    33. Who goes on 9oint ite /nspection?

    1.  5esignated ra&tsmen

    2.  (ssuer and designated "ep.

    3.  "ecei$er and Senior ra&tsman.

    !.  (ssuer and "ecei$er.

    34. Why is it important that the issuer tell the recei-er about safety ha)ards he may find

     at a 9ob ite?

    1.  #he recei$er ma not ha$e worked in the area be&ore.

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    2.  #he recei$er does not read the W;.

    3.  #he recei$er must respond to emergencies

    !.  #he recei$er must take gas tests

    3*. 7ire is made up of four basic components including fuel heat of an ignition source 

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    3.  #oo much oxgen

    !.  )xgen that is not pure

    41.  /f it has not been decided if a11 area is restricted who makes the final decision?


    9oss pre$ention2.  #he department -anager 

    3.  #he area .superintendent

    !.  "e&er to /( 2.1

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    4#.  "he recei-er;s main responsibilities include,

    1.  ompling with sa&et precaution > signing the work permit.

    2.  4eing the designated representati$e


    7illing in &or the issuer when the issuer must lea$e H!.  "esponding to operational emergencies

    4$.  Why do recei-ers go on the oint site inspection with issuer?

    1.  7or the recei$er to take gas tests

    2.  #o start the work 

    3.  #o check the &ire watchs certi&ication

    !.  #o discuss haard and risks

    4(.  Work permits must be issued for,

    1.  Speci&ic tools and general locations

    2.  Speci&ic work at a speci&ic locations

    3.  /eneral work at a general location

    !.  /eneral euipment at small work sites

    *0.  What are the 2 important reasons for using work permits?

    1.  #o designate representati$es > communicate

    2.  #o track contractors > manage emergencies

    3.  #o track work hours > contractor names

    !.  #o communicate > control work.

    *1.  ye inuries can result from.

    1.  ;oor $entilation

    2.  "emo$ing machine guards.

    3.  Wearing ee protection

    !.  4oth 1 and 2.
