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We have tried to pleasure our 15-26 year old audience as we have used different elements in order to modernise the thriller in order to make it more relevant to this age group. Using the convergence of the torch as a feature of the phone will be understood by this young audience.

We have therefore delivered this promise as this is one element used that has made the thriller more relevant to its target audience.

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We wanted the meaning of the filming to be apparent to our audience. We therefore used a variety of camera shots in order to maintain the audiences’ interest. For example, the Point of view shot of Nicole looking across Sophie’s room allows the audience to put themselves in her shoes and can understand the emotional feelings she has developed. Furthermore, the high angle of Nicole running up the stairs emphasises her vulnerable position and her worried feelings.

Page 4: Question 5- How Did You Attract and Address

We wanted ‘Grounded’ to be thrill seeking and keeping the audiences’ attention. We have successfully done this through the use of editing by the cross cutting between scene to scene. Originally, we had categorised the three scenes separately, however it became boring and less interesting. However, through the use of our editing skills, we were able to dissolve and cross cut the scenes frequently which met the audiences’ satisfactions. Ending the title sequence on a cliff-hanger also pleasured our audience as it encourages them to continue viewing our thriller. through the dialogue between the mystery caller and Sophie.


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The audience had a similar response to each other, as the majority understood the storyline. The results from the post production audience questionnaire are normally heavily weighted with the majority of people agreeing with one answer than another. This shows the results are a well rounded representation of our audience in this age group. The feedback may not be reliable as we have not repeated this process and shown it to other people of a different ethnicity or class backgrounds. Although the film was not screened to a wide range of ethnicity’s and genders, there are few interpretations of the storyline as the dialogue helps the audience to understand the story. The data gathered is valid as the results are a true and accurate picture of what has been observed.

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The title for our opening title sequence to our thriller is 'Grounded'.

'Grounded' is defined by 'the solid surface of the earth; firm or dry land: to fall to the ground.'

Before the viewing of the film, the audience will learn from advertising that the name of the thriller is 'Grounded'. The name of the film will attract an audience as they can instantly think of a buried alive film. The title is placed after Sophie is taken, and before we see her buried alive. This title is dragging out the anticipation of the audience, however it hints to the audience that they may expect a buried alive storyline. This prepares the audience as well as helping their understanding of the thriller.

The title appears in capital letters which help the name stand out and establish that it is the title. The title is in a light brown to represent the coffin she is buried in, as well as soil underground. All of these ideas are related to the movie.

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The first way we attracted our audience was through the advertisement of our final product. Advertising the product made the market aware of the product and the genre of the product. We also advertised when our screening took place in order to gain a wide range of an audience. The screening took place at school, we had to be careful where to advertise our product and who to as the BBFC rating of ‘Grounded’ is a 15+.


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This poster was made to advertise the room of where the screening took place, the date and time. We had to take into consideration the most convenient time for the majority of the audience. We advertised this screening in the sixth form block only as they are all over 15 years old. Therefore the results gathered from the post production audience questionnaire were mainly late aged teenagers.


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To make our product known, advertisement is a key element of the marketing mix.The marketing mix

is the combination of elements that influence a customer’s decision whether or not to buy a product. There are four elements to consider of the marketing mix: product, place, price and promotion.


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In addition, a business needs advertising included in their marketing strategy to aware customers what they are offering. Promotion of a product allows people to see what the product is or includes and the appearance of the product. If you have a successful promotion strategy, it will lead to higher sales and therefore increasing revenue. Although advertising may cost, it is an investment as people will see the advertising, and then may decide to buy a product available; so over the long term, you will receive more money from selling the products than the costs to produce it. Advertising the product to the market may also encourage people talk about it to their friends or family, therefore the product will also be noticed by customers by the word of mouth. Advertising and promoting a product is an extremely important element of the marketing mix as it allows you to draw in potential customers and expand your business and increase sales.

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This is the final poster we made that would be on the front cover presenting our final product. This poster indicates to the audience that the BBFC has rated it a 15+ and the date of release. The title ‘Grounded’ is written in bold red, and with the image of our main character, Sophie, one could assume it is a thriller. The red writing is a connotation of danger and blood and the black eye connotes violence.