Page 2: Question 4 - Using media technologies


There was a wide access to a range of technologies throughout the

production process, therefore Zara and I we decided to use the majority

to our benefit. The first technology I used was the internet to help me

research into different aspects of the filming world and expand my

knowledge on conventions of short films, depth of field as well as

camera technologies. As well as this, we were also able to research the

different narrative theories of film and discovering which theories would

best suit our end production. The results I found were that, Roland

Barthes's theory of semantic codes and Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of

equilibrium best fit our storyline. The internet also provided me with

several diagrams to help explain certain key areas of filming, for

example the 180 degree rule.

Page 3: Question 4 - Using media technologies


Within the internet, I was also able to access YouTube, a well-known aspect

of the internet. This was extremely useful as it allowed me to research

and get inspiration from other short films and find out the popular

genres for short films, for example Romantic, Comedy, Drama or

Thrillers. After gathering this information, we decided that a Comedy

Drama would be the best route for us to go down when planning our

own film. As well as research, YouTube also allowed us to view several

tutorials showing many steps throughout the process, ranging from

how to film short films, to using Edius to edit films and finally adding

the finishing touches to our production by using VisTitles. By watching

these tutorials, it gave us a head start when learning how to use the

different technologies resulting in our skills being heightened.

Page 4: Question 4 - Using media technologies


In preparation for our film, creating storyboard templates on Microsoft

Word meant that I was able to make them look professional and

understandable as well as knowing what was going on in our film step

by step. As well as the professional finish, Microsoft word also allowed

me to save time by me being able to save a draft template and then re-

print more copies when need be.

In Microsoft Word I was also able to create tables for different documents

that would be of use to me when planning time management, props and

locations for our film meaning that every member with our group,

whether it be the cast or the producers, knew what they were doing on

what day and where.

Page 5: Question 4 - Using media technologies


When it came to shooting our film, technology radically improved our film

due to the high qualities cameras used, these being a Sony HXRMX3OE

with an attachable microphone, as well as tripods, lighting, the track

and dolly and finally the jib which all hugely contributed to the making

of a successful film. As well as all this technology making the filming

process easier, it also allowed us to create a professional looking film

from the very start. Due to the time management being improved, by us

being able to shot several different shots at one time, it also meant that

we were able to shoot whole scenes in one benefiting the continuity of

our film.

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After shooting the whole of our film, we were then able to use another

technology called Edius to help us edit. This software allowed us to edit

our film to high quality production due to the various effect that it

offered us. Additionally, this software was also simple to use after I

watched several tutorials before the making of our film it gave us the

opportunity to; add colour correction, sound and transitions to our film,

creating a professional look and feel to our final production.

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Another technology we used throughout the process of construction,

research, planning and evaluating was a software called VisTitles. This

software provided us with the technology to create the finishing

touches to our film, including the title, credits and any other titles

throughout our film. Overall creating a professional look and finish to

our film.

Page 8: Question 4 - Using media technologies


When it came to creating the ancillary tasks, I used one final technology

,Photoshop; this was a very useful technology as it helped create out

ancillary tasks to a high quality finish by us being able to add effects to

our title, altering the hue and saturation to our main image and adding a

gradient in order to soften the edges of the poster.

To conclude, each technology that I have used throughout the production

process has been a huge advantage to us and overall we are very

pleased with how or production has turned out with the help of these

different technologies.