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1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A) Trailer

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The title of the trailer

The title of the trailer developed the forms and conventions of real media products. The type of the font we decided to use allowed us to express what the trailer was about in words and the way it presented the trailer as a whole. The grittiness and cracks of the font shows may represent how some characters are in the trailer. Most of the characters in the trailer really felt trapped which the title of the trailer allows to show by the way it is visible for the audience. The broken and cracked letters may reflect on how the characters are feeling which may intrigue the audience in finding out why they may be feeling this way. The title of the trailer informs the audience what this trailer might be about and this would create enigma codes for the target audience.

This media product really challenged and developed the forms and conventions because of the type of font we used for our title, however, the font fitted in so well which is why we chose this. The title also was influenced by a human trafficking play which the actors and actresses all had their own struggles that they were trying to escape which is why we chose this title because ‘Nobody’s Free’ really fitted in to what the trailer is about. The title really gives the target audience an insight of what the teaser trailer is going to be about, however, this would intrigue them in wanting to know what the trailer is actually about which is another reason why we chose this specific title for our teaser trailer. Nobody's Free title stands out from the footage because of how the font is designed which means that it would intrigue and catch the audiences eye so their attention is on the teaser trailer only.

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The setting/location

The locations and different settings where very important for our teaser trailer because there were three different stories which we had to establish in such a short amount of time. This fits into the first part of the three part structure and allows us to establish the main characters and intrigue the audience in trying to think what might happen. The first part of the structure also allows the audience to have a little insight of what type of thriller trailer it is and what sub-genre it falls in. The locations are vital because the stories are completely different, this is one of the main forms and conventions we had to follow because of how important the locations are for the story that is being told. For instance, the first screen shot, Gabriel is from a village in Africa and we had to establish this whilst he was telling his story so that the audience doesn’t get lost.

The settings also makes the shots look realistic and almost like the trailer is happening for real, which is why we followed this form and convention that is used in real media products. The stories told links up with settings and locations which shows that our shots were planned out and were taken the way we imagined it. In the thriller genre, the setting and location is very important because it is one of the main form and convention that makes a thriller movie, look thriller. This was an important factor for us as a group because our idea for our teaser trailer wasn’t really obvious that it is thriller, therefore, we had to show this by the way we framed our shots and where we took them as well. This gave us an opportunity to tell more of the story however, not to give too much away because it would ruin the whole footage and the suspense we were trying to give out to our target audience. Some shots were taken outside due to the story the characters where trying to tell, also some of the shots were inside because of how emotional their story is. The stories are completely different however, the main character is what links them together. This is shown throughout the teaser trailer so that the audience knows that’s going on however, triggering enigma codes because they would think why are they getting taken away, what have they done… This is a form and convention we followed precisely because in real media products they connect the location and the story so it seems more realistic for the audience.

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Costumes and propsThe costumes allows the audience to see if the story they are telling fits their image. This is one main factor which had to be accurate so that the stories look more believable. Gabriel’s role was an African slave, he had to look like he's from where he says, therefore, he had to wear African clothing so that the story and setting all link up with what he is telling the audience. This shows the audience that the shots were really planned out and taken with a purpose. We followed and used the forms and conventions of real media products and used costumes to engage with the audience. This would engage with the audience because the location, costume and their dialogue links together which brain washes the audience in believing the stories.

The props used for our teaser trailer follows however, slightly develops the forms and conventions of real media products. This is because the type of thriller trailer we aimed for wasn’t really gritty, however, we put shots that are because it would show how the main character might be. The shots of the main character doing drugs and drinking shows the audience what his lifestyle is however, would trigger enigma codes. The props used were all suitable for the shots, therefore, it all looked realistic which would intrigue the audience in wanting to find out more. The costume and props used for the main characters really followed the forms and conventions of a typical kidnapper and dealer. This is because they try look smart, however, look a bit edgy because of the way they act and what they do.

The props used tell more of a story in some shots because of what the props are indicating to the audience. For instance, in the first screen shot, the main characters men are wearing glasses – this hides their identity from the audience. This would trigger enigma codes for the audience in thinking why are the hiding… Their costumes are also very sophisticated and smart which implies and shows that they are well educated, however, using it in a negative way.

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High angle shots allows the audience to see the character in more of a less dominant way. This is because the camera is looking down at the character making them look belittled and almost worthless. We used this shot specifically because the story he was telling made him look little and used. The framing of the shot is typical for the story he is telling which is why we followed the form and convention so that the shot, dialogue and location all links together for the audience. In real media products, they connect the location, story and the shot together so that the story comes across as real and not just an act. However, we challenged the low angle shot of the main character, we framed the main character looking up at his men. However, typically if a character is looking up at someone then the other characters are the one with the power however, we swapped that convention and made the main character look powerful by looking up at them. This was a challenge because typically in real media products, the main character with all the power usually looks down at all the other characters however, in this shot we wanted to break the form and convention and frame it in the opposite way.

High and Low angle shot

Over the shoulder shot and long shot

Over the shoulder shots and long shots are typically used in real media products so that it builds suspense for the audience. The over the shoulder shot allows the audience to see the actress pointing the gun at something or someone and then hears it go off however, the audience wouldn’t know who she shot at and if they are hurt. This would keep the audience on edge and wanting to find out more which is why we used this specific shot for this scene. The shot allowed us to show the audience what we want to show them only and keep them intrigued in finding out who she actually shot. This is a typical thriller form and convention because the suspense allows the thriller product to build up and keep them wanting more from the teaser trailer. The long shot also allows the audience to see a full body shot of the character, the long shot isn’t on screen for long because the actress and actor walks towards the camera. This triggers enigma codes for the audience because they would want to know where are they walking to and where is he taking the little girl. This shot was used at the end of our teaser trailer which allowed us to make a cliff hanger for the audience so that they stay interested and wanting to find the full product. This is typical for a trailer that is in the thriller genre and also is used for many different real media products which allowed us to follow the convention and make our trailer look more professional.

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Close up shots

Close up shots allows the audience to see for themselves the characters facial expressions. The facial expressions shows the target audience what emotion they are feeling and if it connects with what they are saying. This is another form and convention we have used and followed from real media products, this is because the framing and the close up of the character is telling more of a story because their emotions would either connect or disconnect to the trailer. The composition of the shot allows the audience to almost be up and personal so that they can connect with the characters and their stories. The emotions in real media products are also shown in close ups which is why we followed this form and convention so that the trailer seems realistic and professional.

Close up shots also shows the action in more detail, for instance, when the main character was sniffing power - this was a close up shot so it shows the audience how intense the scene is and shows just a little insight of the main characters role. The close up of the main characters face also shows the audience how much he doesn’t care from his facial expressions and emotions all in his face. This allows the audience to almost want to know more because they would trigger enigma codes into thinking know why is he being so heartless… These shots in a thriller movie would typically be close ups because it shows the audience more so that it intrigues them into wanting to watch more of the product. This is why as a group decided to follow and use this typical thriller form and convention of close ups because in real media products, it really benefitted the main products trailer and the audience because it keeps them on edge and interested in finding out more.

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EditingFIRST PARTThe first part of the structure allows the audience to see what the trailer might be about. We followed the forms and conventions of real media products in establishing all the main characters and locations for the audience so that they are informed and have an insight of the trailer and what it might include. The first part lasted 21seconds which meant that all the actors and actresses where established and what type of thriller subgenre in may fall in. The first part also triggers the audiences enigma codes in thinking why have they been through all of this, why is this happening to them…

SECOND PARTThis part of the structure is when the action shots come in and the pace of the shots gets faster. This allows the audience to see what the official movie might include and if they would be intrigued to watch it. The fast pace shots lasted from 21seconds to 34seconds which shows how fast the second part structure was on the screen for. This is another form and convention we followed due to how much suspense we wanted to give out to our target audience. We also developed the second part structure by dividing some shots and making it look like the main character has a habit of taking drugs and drinking. The second part structure is fast pace however, in real media products they are usually faster therefore, this shows that we followed the convention however, developed and challenged it to fit our teaser trailer.

THIRD PART: From 34 seconds till the end of the teaser, it gradually went from fast pace editing to normal pace because it was coming to the end. Our teaser trailer followed the forms and conventions of real media products by building up suspense then leaving the target audience with enigma codes which would intrigue them in wanting to know more. Through the three part structure, this shows that we knew as a group what shots were needed for each part which would fit into the thriller genre accurately. The shots used were important shots that would get the audience intrigued in wanting to find out more however, having to wait for it due to it only being a teaser trailer.

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The font and size for all the captions are continuous and the same which shows that we followed the forms and conventions in linking the captions together as a whole. The captions have to stand out however, has to fit into the teaser trailer and compliment it. We decided as a group to use a black background and white font colour so it stands out and is vibrant. This decision was one of the main forms and conventions we had to keep continuous and ongoing because the captions have to link and look like its suppose to be there. For instance, in real media products they continuously use the same font and size in every caption they use in their trailer, therefore, to make our teaser trailer look proficient we have to follow most of the forms and conventions; the main convention that can stand out if it is not followed are captions. The font type connotes thriller because of the way its decaying and crumbling off the actual word. The font type for the captions really tells a story and connects to the footage and shots we have for our trailer. The captions does stand out and appeal to the audience from the trailer which is another form and convention we followed and developed by using a font that producers wouldn’t usually use.

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Genre and how the trailer shows this

The way the characters were telling their story shows the audience that is has some element of documentary. However, not all of the trailer was documentary which also shows the audience that it has other different elements that would intrigue the audience in wanting to watch more of the trailer. Real media products allows the audience to see what genre it is within seconds of watching the trailer. We followed and used this form and convention because we wanted to grab the audiences attention instantly so that they stay interested whilst watching the whole teaser trailer. From the start of our teaser trailer the subgenre stands out because of the documentary shots that were shown at the start of the trailer. However, there are different subgenres that make our teaser more interesting and intriguing for our audience. With real media products they show their subgenres all in their trailer so that the audience is informed what elements and shots they are going to be shown. We slightly followed this form and convention, however, developed it in a way so that our action shots almost over power our documentary shots. The genre is typically a thriller because of the shots used in the trailer, most of the shots in our trailer follows and used typical thriller form and conventions which informs our target audience what genre and subgenre our teaser trailer falls in.



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How key character traits are shown In the second part of the three part structure, it allows the audience to

have a little insight of the key character traits that are using within our teaser trailer. The drug use and the emotion the main character was showing the target audience implies that there are going to be tense scenes and shots if there was an official movie for Nobody’s Free. In real media products, the key character traits are normally shown in the middle of the trailer which is why my group used this form and convention so that the shots look more tense and realistic for the audience that are watching.

We followed the forms and conventions of real media products due to using the villain as a male. This is typical in the thriller genre due to how dominant and strong male characters are. However, we didn't want to follow the forms and conventions fully, therefore, decided to use femme fatale character to almost use the main male character into getting her own way. In the teaser trailer, the femme fatale female character says “I have a purpose” and her facial expressions shows the target audience that she has a plan and not only with him. This triggers the audience enigma codes into thinking what is her purpose in being with him? We also challenged the forms and conventions by making a female character an ex-army solider, this shows the audience how serious this character is however, would instantly want to know how she was taken... This engages with the audience in keeping them intrigued and wanting to find out more whilst watching the teaser trailer. The key character traits in the Nobody’s Free follows and uses some forms and conventions in real media products so that in looks more professional and well though out, however, challenges some as well which shows the audience how determined we were to get the teaser trailer unpredictable so that the audience are still intrigued after they have watched the teaser trailer.

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Special effects

The dissolve allowed us to break shots so that it keeps the suspense up for the audience. Special effects are important for thriller genre trailers because it connotes thriller automatically to the target audience. Gabriel started telling his story then it dissolves into the production company which would allow the audience to know what production is distributing this type of trailer. The story was on pause for a few seconds which is enough time for the audience to trigger enigma codes in thinking what is going to happen. The enigma codes intrigues the audience in watching the whole trailer so that they know what time happen. The forms and conventions allows the audience to get enigma codes which would guarantee them in watching the trailer.

The fade to white allows the shots to connect with each other and look continuous for the audience’s eye. The transition was important in between these two shots because it was going from an outside location to an inside which means that there is a different story that is being introduced to the audience. The fade to white allows the audience to think and come up with that they might think would happen however, the enigma codes would still be unanswered because of how limited a teaser trailer can show. We followed, however, developed the forms and conventions of real media products because of how many different stories we had to establish in a short amount of time. However, the conventions weren’t broken because to an extent we followed them so that our trailer looks realistic and professional.

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The fade to black transition ensures that different shots look more continuous and ongoing. We used this transition between these two shots because they are different locations and something different is happening in both of the shots. To ensure they were continuous we followed the forms and conventions of real media product so that the shots connect together in the trailer. The fade to black triggers the audience into thinking certain things and triggering enigma codes. The fade to black allows the audience to almost try to answer their own questions about the trailer, however, they would want to actually know what happens next so it will keep the on edge and engaged for the whole trailer.

The wipe for our title is more advanced so that it intrigues the audience in wanting to know the title of the teaser trailer. The wipe goes from a white background to black which would eye catch the audience in looking at the screen. We developed and challenged the forms and convention of real media products because we had to make our title stand out from other captions. The wipe links with the whole trailer however, it wouldn’t really be used because it might look too classical for our trailer. The special effects are very typical for thriller genre movies because of how adventurous the trailers are which is another reason we decided to develop the form and convention in our final trailer.

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Length of the trailer

The length of a typical thriller teaser trailer is maximum one minute. Our teaser exceeded this by one second, however, for a specific reason. At the end of our teaser trailer, after our title has come up. There is are two quick shots of the main character taking a little girl. This links back to one of the stories at the start of the trailer. We exceeded the length so that we could develop our teaser trailer into keeping the audience intrigued and wanting more. The two quick shots allowed us to create more enigma codes for the audience so that they can remember this teaser trailer. Therefore, we developed this form and convention of a typical teaser trailer, however, we tried making almost like a cliff hanger for our target audience which was influenced by real media products that have already been realised.
