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Before embarking on the production process of our music video, I decided to conduct a significant amount of research into existing music videos within the reggae genre. This allowed me to look out for certain aspects within each music video that was consistent in the all the music videos within the reggae genre and incorporate it within my own music video .i.e. the use of semi-naked female backup dancers/artists and I did this to ensure that my video is similar to that of others within this particular genre and attracted my intended target market to my media product.

Me and my team also created a marketing aims sheet for every media product within our media package (magazine advertisement, CD packaging), this gave us a clear idea of how our media products should be promoted and sold. Due to the fact our media products were solely created in order to sell to our target market, we based our decisions on their thoughts and opinions so therefore we did use and develop forms and conventions of real media products but the overall message embedded within our music video of female independency challenges the forms and conventions of real media products.

I have posted all the findings of my research onto an online blog which can be found at this address:

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Looking at other reggae music videos on the market it is evident to see that seductive and revealing females are common within the majority of the videos and this is something that we have incorporated within our own music video by purposely dressing the acting artist Simone and the background dancers in tight, revealing clothing and then further emphasised their seductive image with the use of close camera shots focusing on certain body parts.

There are several ways that my media package uses , develops or challenges forms and conventions of real media products. From the research I have conducted, it has become apparent to me that every particular genre such as Reggae, Hip Hop, Rock etc each generate their own codes and conventions in order for fans to identify with their most favorable genre, nonetheless certain music videos go against what is normally apparent within each genre and this is to create a certain unique quality about the video that challenges a fans perception of what should be included and could draw in a different audience all together.

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Me and my team decided to choose a song which challenges forms and conventions of real media products in terms of the narrative within the song which is about the independence of a single woman and the fact that she does not require a male figure by her side as she is able to provide what a man can all by herself i.e. the luxuries of life, food on the table etc. This narrative can be used as a unique selling point for our music video and does not necessarily mean that the media package will not sell as much as a video that uses the normal narrative within the reggae genre as we have also used and developed the form and convention of real media products that use females as sexual objects and we have done this through the use of revealing clothing and highlighted body areas which were emphasised through the use of special software effects so therefore we were able to create a narrative that is not apparent in the majority of reggae songs but at the same time ensured that it does not put off the male audience from listening to the song or watching the music video.

Within the reggae/dancehall genre, fast cut- aways are a regular feature in the majority of music videos as it coincides with the speed of the actual song and most reggae songs are very fast paced due to the fact that the introduction of new reggae artists has meant that they are creating music that is mainly played within the club/dance scene and therefore must be fast paced. Me and my team have conformed to this convention of real media products and have used it within our own music video through the use of cut-aways in order for our intended target audience to be able to relate to the video. Most reggae songs also have some sort of narrative embedded within the lyrics and the majority consist of male and female relationships or a males views of a female in terms of women being represented as sexual objects which again is a convention we have tried to stick by as the narrative of our music video is about male and female relationships but with a twist.

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Here is a comparison between our music video and a mainstream music video by Sean Paul titled ‘Watch Dem Roll’, as you can see we have stuck with the same convention of reggae music videos which is the highlight of certain body parts on a female particularly the back of the body which is the body part most commonly highlighted. We have not gone as far as to reveal our artist in very seductive clothing because although we are sticking with this convention, the main narrative within the music video is that the artist is trying to promote female independence and by going that far it would mean that she is trying to appeal to the male audience and attract them.

Here is another comparison between our video and Sean Pauls which again highlights the females chest area. Because Sean Paul is a male artist it is more suitable for him to have females in his video half naked but we decided to go against this form and convention of real media products and dress our artist in modest clothing but at the same time maintaining the element of seduction.

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Here is another screenshot from my video and it shows we have gone against the usual convention of reggae music videos which is dressing female artists and dancers in semi-naked clothing, this was because we wanted the visuals on the screen to coincide with the narrative of the song so therefore we highlighted certain body parts which we thought would interest both gender audiences but have kept her modestly clothed so the video did not come across as hypocritical.

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The majority of reggae CD covers are created with the colour scheme of the Jamaican flag and this is a convention I have decided to follow in the production process of creating my CD cover. Evidently, the use of revealing females are another factor present within most reggae CD covers, I have ensured the main body parts that are essential in being revealed are revealed but have still maintained the modest clothing I was trying to portray within the music video .

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Here is the magazine advertisement I have created as a promotional tool for my music video, I have once again tried to conform to the image of the seductive female by embedding the cd cover on my magazine adverts, this will attract the eyes of my target audience and link the cd cover with the advertisement. Many mainstream magazine advertisements also embed a large size image of the artist on the advertisement but I have gone against this convention and purposely used the CD cover due to the fact that this is what I want my audiences eyes glued on.