Page 1: QUEEN OF MARTYRS · 2018-04-09 · Fr. Paul, Fr. Rich, Deacon Bob and myself, we take this opportunity to wish all

Rev. Edward M. Mikolajczyk, Pastor Rev. Christopher Kituli, Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas McCarthy, OSA, Weekend Associate Rev. Rich Young, OSA, Weekend Associate Rev. Paul Galetto, OSA, Weekend Assoicate Robert Landuyt, Permanent Deacon

QUEEN OF MARTYRS CHURCH Evergreen Park, Illinois

Page 2: QUEEN OF MARTYRS · 2018-04-09 · Fr. Paul, Fr. Rich, Deacon Bob and myself, we take this opportunity to wish all

Alleluia! We welcome all of our parishioners, families, friends and visitors who have joined us today to celebrate Easter.

Our Lenten journey is now complete. Hopefully, the promises and the sacrifices we made along the way have been fulfilled. Today, we begin again anew. We are an Easter people! As we renew our baptismal promises, we are called to give witness to the Risen Lord. God’s promise to us has been fulfilled. Now it’s our turn to fulfill our promises to God. God’s

love is ever present to us. How have you encountered the Risen Lord in your life? How have you witnessed the Risen Lord in the lives of people you know? How has the Risen Lord touched your life? The celebration of Easter gives us hope that all is not lost. The glory of the Resurrection enables us to affirm and proclaim that Jesus is alive and well. It gives us the opportuni-ty to share God’s love with each other.

I want to congratulate the seven students from our Religious Education class on Saturday morning who received their Confirmation on Sunday, March 18, at St. Xavier University, Bishop Andrew Wypych presiding. They are Isabell Gaskin, Moira Haran, Katie Lotti, Joseph Lotti, Gavin Murphy, Ryan Shaughnessy and Jack Sullivan. My appreciation is extended to Ms. Tina O’Shea and Mr. Ricky Widmer who helped to prepare them for this special day.

Today, as you gather with your family and friends, enjoy Christ’s Resurrection. On behalf of the Parish Staff, Fr. Chris, Fr. Paul, Fr. Rich, Deacon Bob and myself, we take this opportunity to wish all of you and your families a Happy and Blessed Easter.

I take this opportunity to wish our faculty, staff, administration and students to have a safe and enjoyable time away this week. A well deserved break from the business of homework and teaching. May your travels and journeys be memorable and safe.

A reminder that next Sunday, we observe Divine Mercy Sunday. You are invited to join us for an hour of prayer and reflection as we celebrate Mercy Sunday. The Holy Hour begins promptly at 2:30pm in the Church. Immediately following the Holy Hour, we will celebrate our regularly scheduled Mass at 4:00pm.

You still have the opportunity to purchase tickets for our upcoming School Spring Fundraiser being held at Gaelic Park on Sunday, April 22nd. Help us to celebrate and recognize 65 years of academic excellence through the efforts of the Sisters of Mercy and our present faculty, our students are well prepared for high school. We have a strong, vibrant school. It’s a wonderful way to show support and display “Martyrs Pride”!

Have a good week.

God Bless,

Page Two Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 1, 2018

Sharing your talents, time and treasure.

Last Week Year-To-Date Amount Needed .................. $10,000 .................... $380,000 Amount Collected ................. $8,757 .................... $318,654 Online Giving ........................... $492 ...................... $20,626 Surplus (Deficit) ........................ (751). .................. $(40,720) Number of Weekly Envelopes……….. .......................... 290

Please consider increasing your weekly contribution to decrease our deficit. Your sacrifice is appreciated.

Queen of Martyrs Sunday Comparison—March 18, 2018

Due to the early publication deadline for the Palm Sunday and Easter Holidays,

the collection data for the weekend of March 25th could not be included in this week’s bulletin.

It will be published next week.

Thank you for your support and generosity!

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April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page Three

Queen of Martyrs Parish Outreach

Sandwich Schedule for Adult Members at 9:00 A.M. in the Convent on the following Wednesdays:

2018 April 4 & 18

May 2, 16 & 30

Queen of Martyrs Preschool Celebrate Career Day

Students in Mrs. Griffin’s and Mrs. Bischoff’s class had the opportuni-ty to participate in “Catholic Schools Week Vocation Day“. The three year old class dressed as doctors, nurses, teachers, fire fighters, police, and construction workers. Each student explained why they would want to choose that career in the future. Their answers varied from they would like to help others to having fun in those professions. Parents volunteered to visit the classroom to talk about their careers as Police, Nurses, Bankers, and Corporate Leaders. The students enjoyed each presentation and learned many interesting facts about each career. A fun and educational day was had by all!

On Monday, March 19th Envelope No. 824 was drawn. There was NO winner. The total amount of the prize pot was $9,868.00. Due to the early publication deadline the 50/50 data for March 25th could not be included in this week’s bulletin. It will be published in an upcoming bulletin.

To be eligible for the raffle, you must use two separate envelopes for the current week. In your regular weekly envelope, your contribution must be at least $5.00; and you must use the corresponding week’s 50/50 envelope with a $5.00 contribution in that envelope. To be included in the weekly 50/50 drawing, envelopes must be in the rectory office by 8:30 A.M. on the Monday morning immediately after the weekend.

Good luck next week!

Results for 03/18/18

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.”

The members of your parish Outreach would like to wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter and thank you for your continued support.

Queen of Martyrs Adoration Chapel of Divine Mercy

“The Lord is truly risen, alleluia. To him be glory and power for all the ages of eternity,

alleluia, alleluia.” —(Lk 24:34)

Jesus Christ rising from the dead by His own power, and calling Himself back from death to life, is the greatest of all miracles — a MIRACLE OF MIRACLES! It is the clearest proof of His Divinity, the proof of our redemption and the pledge of our own salvation.

CELEBRATE EASTER SUNDAY with a visit to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at the Adoration Chapel today!



Sunday, April 8th, at 2:30 p.m. in Queen of Martyrs Church

The Divine Mercy prayers will be lead in the Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with Adoration and Benediction. A 4:00 Mass will be offered after the service.

HOLY HOUR FOR PRIESTS Thursday, April 5th at 8:00 pm


CHILDREN’S HOLY HOUR Friday, April 6th at 5:00 pm


Total Parishioners Pledged:……………………………… 283 Total Pledges:……………………………………... $494,713.00 Ending Balance as of 02/28/18 In “To Teach Who Christ Is” Account:…..………..$58,457.48

Cash & Carry News… There will be no weekly orders the week of

April 2nd. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Cash & Carry Upcoming Dates & Locations April 15—Rectory Basement

Page 4: QUEEN OF MARTYRS · 2018-04-09 · Fr. Paul, Fr. Rich, Deacon Bob and myself, we take this opportunity to wish all

Page Four Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 1, 2018

Notice: Bulletin articles must be received in the Rectory office by Noon on Mondays. Please drop them off or e-mail them to [email protected].

Thank you!

Questions about QMYM? Contact Tina O’Shea at [email protected]

Queen of Martyrs Faith Formation

+Please be sure to check out the Faith Formation link on the school website for more information.+


Isabel Elizabeth Gavin Michael Moira Mary Ryan Francis Joseph Matthew Jack John

Katie Josephine

Congratulations to those Confirmed at SXU! ********************************************************************* +April 9th Confirmation Practice 6:30pm ********************************************************************* +April 13th Confirmation 7pm ********************************************************************* +April 20th First Holy Communion Retreat ********************************************************************* +April 30th First Holy Communion Practice with parents 6:30pm. *********************************************************************

Happy Easter to you and your families!!

Questions: contact Tina O’Shea. Phone: 708-422-1647 Email: [email protected]

Religious Education Program

Queen of Martyrs Youth Ministry






QMYM Mission Trip 2018

On Mission Day, the Lenten Offering Boxes were collected as the students learned about the Mission Trip to Harlan, Kentucky

that teens from the community participate in each summer. Thank you for your generous support and continued prayers.

Check back to find out more about the Mission Trip!


Mission Trip Fundraiser ORDERS DUE April 10th

If you are interested in sponsoring a teen or meal for the Mis-sion Trip this summer please contact Tina O’Shea.

Ronald McDonald House

Join us Tuesday April 3rd to bake cookies at RMH 2-4pm. Contact

Tina to RSVP.

High School Lock In

Wednesday April 4th 8pm— Thursday April 5th 6am. Cost: $15 for snacks and donation to Mission Trip.


"Holy Thursday -- An Intimate Remembrance," by Francois Mauriac. This Catholic author who died in

1970, was described as "a convinced and a convincing Christian." His novels, many about the dark side of humanity, sold millions of copies. His religious works showed his pro-found spirituality, and made him famous. This short book about the Last Supper, Holy Eucharist and priesthood is a gem. It is not a book to skim. Let it be food for prayer. This is what Holy Thursday means to Mauriac personally. Unique, refreshing and spiritually stimulating. Find our "library nook" in Martyrs' Cry Room. Take a look and take a book, before or after Masses each weekend. For more info, call Terri, at (773) 239-1041.

Page 5: QUEEN OF MARTYRS · 2018-04-09 · Fr. Paul, Fr. Rich, Deacon Bob and myself, we take this opportunity to wish all

April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page Five

Luke Amelio Vikki Finkel Shirley Muno Bill Barts Lauren Graver Jacqueline Olsen Jerry Becmer Jean Harazin Patricia Peil Maddux Blunt Joyce Hoff Alex Pier Tim Brennen Michael Kelly Richard Pollack Jack Carr Conor Kilmartin Laura Dixon Price Jan & Jack Clisham William Lass Daniel Ramsden Carol Coleman Teresa Li Sue Reidel Janice Della Posta Jim & Pamela Matusiak Elizabeth Reilly Don DiFilippo Terry McKee Mary Schneider William Dillon Lauren McGovern Judy Ulrich Shirley Evans May Mesco Bob Warda

Raymond Farano Daniel Waters

Please Pray for Our Sick Relatives and Friends

Prayer is a powerful prescription for whatever ails you. Please remember our sick in your prayers:

While They Serve… We pray for our Parishioners and the Relatives of Parishioners who are serving in the Military and protecting us…

Matthew Beemsterboer - USMC - nephew of Barry & Joan McClorey Daniel Birmingham - USMC - son of Ed & Mary Birmingham Ted Bos—USMC—grandson of Theresa Bos Jade Guest—US Navy—Granddaughter of Ray & Sharon Cramsie 2LT David Jackson Jr.- US Army - Son of Dave & Tricia Jackson Major Daniel R. Johnson—US Army—son of Betty and Roy Johnson Colton Kielbasa-US Marine-Son of Rich & Charmaine Kielbasa- Brother of Chris Kielbasa Lance Corporal Patrick J Kinnerk—USMC— Nephew of Michael and Meg Kinnerk SPC Sean Martin—US Army—son of Bob & Kathy Martin Sgt. First Class Wayne Mutnansky Lt. John Mutnansky Sergeant Clifford Oskvarek—USMC—son of Chuck & Carol Oskvarek Colin Prendergast—son of Carole Prendergast Colonel Ellen Shannon-Ball—daughter of Barbara & sister of Jack Shannon Master Gunnery Sergeant Michael J. Slomski—USMC — nephew of Steve & Mary Currier 1LT Martin J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer 1LT Robert J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer Daniel Talty—USMC—grandson of Colleen & Pete Cunningham

If you would like us to pray for a Parishioner or a Relative of a Parishioner serving in the Military, please contact the rectory at 708-423-8110 or email [email protected].

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) Since the beginning of October, Nadia Garofalo, has been journeying with Sue Lamm, Donna Kovats and me through the inquiry and catechumenate stages of the RCIA Pro-cess. Nadia's request was to be brought into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. It is with great pleasure that I announce that on the night of the Easter vigil, Nadia will be welcomed into full communion. She will also be wel-comed for the first time at the Eucharistic Table. I have asked Nadia to share a little bit about herself and some of her reflections on the process. My family and I came to Queen of Martyrs in January of 2015. I have been married to Gregg for almost eleven years and we have two boys Frank who is in 3rd grade and Dominic who is in 1st grade. We are also expecting a baby boy in August! I originally inquired about the RCIA program because my husband and children are baptized Catholic and I wanted consistency for the kids. I wasn't certain I wanted to convert; I just knew something was calling me to learn more about the faith. Over these last six months, I have not only gained knowledge about Catholicism, but I have felt the Holy Spirit in my life now, more than ever. I am grateful and blessed to have Deacon Bob, Father Ed, Sue, and my sponsor, Donna to guide me along the way. Their patience in teaching me and their genuine love for the Lord has been such a joy to experience. I look forward to continuing the friendships I have gained on this journey. I have learned so much about the church and the faith, and I look forward to learning much more! I have no doubt that coming into full communion with the Catholic Church is what God is calling me to do. Congratulations Nadia!! Also at this years vigil we will have Elizabeth (Ellie) McCraw, a 7th grader in our school, receive her First Eucharist. Ellie has had her preparation through the school and her Catechists. Congratulations Ellie!! To celebrate these milestones, we will have a small reception to honor Elle and Nadia immediately after the Easter Vigil celebration. All in the parish are welcome to join us. I also want to begin to plant the seed in case you know of anyone who would be interested in becoming Catholic or who is baptized and would want to complete their initiation with the reception of Eucharist or Confirmation, please have them leave their contact information at the rectory to my attention. Happy Easter to All Deacon Bob

Queen of Martyrs Extended Day is looking for donations of board games and toys for 3 year olds through 14 year olds. If you have anything you’d like to donate, please drop it off at the Rectory during regular business hours.

Your generosity is truly appreciated!

Page 6: QUEEN OF MARTYRS · 2018-04-09 · Fr. Paul, Fr. Rich, Deacon Bob and myself, we take this opportunity to wish all

Apr. 7 7:30 PM TBD TBD (L) TBD TBD Altar Servers G. Ward A. Ellerbeck M. O’Connor Apr. 8 7:30 AM TBD TBD (L) TBD TBD Altar Servers J. Lotti K. Lotti S. Dahill 9:30 AM TBD TBD (L) TBD TBD Altar Servers O. Manning J. Schmitt R. Bonilla 11:30 AM TBD TBD (L) TBD TBD Altar Servers S. McNally M. Del Bosque G. Del Bosque 4:00 PM TBD TBD (L) TBD TBD Altar Servers J. Davies L. Dougherty D. Gargano

MONDAY — Apr. 2, 2018 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM— Carol Kessenich Frank Burke

TUESDAY — Apr. 3, 2018 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM — John J. Kelly

WEDNESDAY— Apr. 4, 2018 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM — Ron Horn

THURSDAY— Apr. 5, 2018 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM— Jerry Giermak

FRIDAY — Apr. 6, 2018 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM— John Leonard, Sr.

SATURDAY— Apr. 7, 2018 8:30 AM — Eleanor Johnson 2:00 PM— Wedding—Mary Pat Fricano & Michael Burns 4:00 PM— Henry Stritch Eleanor Johnson George Vick

SUNDAY — Apr. 8, 2018—2nd Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) 7:30 AM — Joe Jager Stanley Pahuski 9:30 AM — Bill Mitchell Edward Budz Mark Grabfelder 11:30 AM — Susan T. Walsh-Haggerty Dennis Darling Rita Soto 2:30 PM— Divine Mercy 4:00 PM— Daniel Deavers

Page Six Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 1, 2018

Altar Servers

Week Days April 2—7, 2018 8:30 AM

III Mary Pat Fricano & Michael Burns

Mon., Apr. 2 — Adult Servers Tues., Apr. 3 — Adult Servers Wed., Apr. 4 — Adult Servers Thur., Apr. 5 — Adult Servers Fri., Apr. 6 — Adult Servers Sat., Apr. 7 — Adult Servers

Page 7: QUEEN OF MARTYRS · 2018-04-09 · Fr. Paul, Fr. Rich, Deacon Bob and myself, we take this opportunity to wish all

RECTORY 10233 S. Central Park Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805 708-423-8110 FAX 423-7372 Parish Secretary: Janine Missey Operations Director: Cynthia Cochran Administrative Assistant: Peggy Klein Bulletin Editor: [email protected] MUSIC DIRECTOR 708-423-8110 COORDINATOR OF FAITH FORMATION Tina O’Shea Religious Education Program—[email protected] Office Phone: 708-422-1647 Youth Ministry—[email protected] SCHOOL Kathleen Tomaszewski—Principal 3550 W. 103rd Street Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805 708-422-1540 FAX 422-1811 Website: EXTENDED CARE PROGRAM Janice Bolster, Coordinator — 708-423-8120


SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Anticipated Mass on Saturday: ............................... 4:00 P.M. Sunday: ................ 7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M.,11:30 A.M., 4:00 P.M. Vigil of Holy Day: ..................................................... 7:00 P.M. Holy Day: Eucharistic Service ................................ 6:00 A.M. Masses ............................... 8:30 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. Weekdays: Eucharistic Service Mon.—Fri. .............. 6:30 A.M. Morning Mass Mon.— Sat. ……………..8:30 A.M. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Pre-marriage instructions required. Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple, in person, at the Rectory six months prior to the wedding.

QM PARISH OUTREACH (Formerly St. Vincent de Paul Society): For membership info or assistance call the Rectory. Confidentiality assured. MINISTRY OF CARE Jane Dunne, Coordinator — 708-499-9808 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL 10240 South St. Louis Open daily from 9:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M.

Registration of New Parishioners: Please register at the Rectory at your earliest opportunity.

Moving: Please notify the Rectory of your departure or of a new address in the parish.

April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page Seven
