Page 1: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

Quarterly Communication 7.30pm, Wednesday 13 December 2017

Sandringham Masonic Centre

MWBro. Don Reynolds, Grand Master welcomes you to the December Quarterly Communication at Sandringham Masonic Centre.

Page 2: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors
Page 3: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors






[1] Welcometoallinattendance - GrandMaster

[2] ConfirmationoftheMinutesoftheMeetingofGrandLodgeheldon20September2017 - RWBro.D.Blake,SGW

[3] Apologies - GrandSecretary

[4] CommunicationsfromtheGrandMaster&SisterGrandLodges - GrandSecretary

[5] ReportoftheBoardofGeneralPurposes ReportoftheBoardofDirectorsoftheFreemasons

FoundationVictoriaLimited ReportoftheBoardofDirectorsofRoyalFreemasons - GrandSecretary

[6] BrethrendeceasedsincelastCommunication - GrandSecretary

[7] MotionforConstitutionalChange - GrandRegistrar

[8] PresentationfromRoyalFreemasons - ChairmanRoyalFreemasons

[9] InvestitureofDistrictCoordinators - GrandMaster

[10] PresentationofCertificatesofMasonicStudies - GrandMaster

[11] PresentationfromFreemasonsFoundation - ChairmanFreemasonsFoundation

[12] ChristmasCarols - All

[13] AddressbytheMostWorshipfulGrandMaster - GrandMaster

[14] AnnouncementoftheresultsfortheConstitutionalchange - GrandMaster

[15] ClosingofGrandLodge - GrandMaster




Page 4: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors





• Givemoretimeforourmemberstogettheirheadsaroundthechanges

• AllowmoretimefordiscussiontotakeplaceasopposedtotheBGP“talkingat”ourmembers

• Carefully considerour approach to thewhole issueof significant constitutional reframingandrewriteincludinginvolvementofmembersatearlystage


Our Grand Master has drawn attention recently to matters relating to poor behaviour, including inmeetings, letters,emailandonsocialmedia towardsothers in theorganisation includingstaff.This ishardlyarecentphenomenon,butmoreapparentofrecentyearswithuseofelectroniccommunication.

TheBGPdiscussedthis issueandagreedthatwhilemostmemberscommunicate in linewithMasoniccommitments,somedonot,andthisshouldnotbetolerated.TheBGPdeterminedthatMasonicetiquetteshouldbere-affirmedandworkisunderwaytothisend.






• FreemasonsLeadershipVictoriaOnlinePortal

• FreemasonsCommunityLeadershipProgram

• Specificcustomisedleadershipforums

Page 5: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors



• WBro.IanUpjohnwasappointedGrandRegistrar.Thisappointmentwilltakeeffectfrom7April2018

• WBro.MarkFreudensteinwasappointedtotheRiskandAuditCommittee


It was recently advised that the BGP had established an Executive Committee to provide advice andsupporttotheCEOonkeyoperationalmattersaswellasaddressinganumberofkeystrategicissues.TheCommitteecomprisestheGrandMaster,DeputyGrandMaster,PBGP,CEOandBGPmembers,VWBro.PeterClarkandWBro.CraigHead.TheCommitteewillmeet intheperiodbetweenBGPmeetingsandminutesandrecommendationsreportedatthesubsequentBGPmeeting.


• Providesupport,guidanceandadvicetotheCEOandtheexecutivemanagementteamofFMVinthedeliveryofstrategicinitiatives

• Provideguidance,adviceandwhereappropriate,decisionmakingonmattersbeyondthedelegatedauthoritiesoftheCEOthatareofanoperationalnatureanddonotrequireBGPapproval

• ProvidesupportandcounseltotheCEOinthepreparationofsubmissionstotheBGPrequiringBGPapproval

• Provideadvice,guidanceandsupportonmatterstabledbytheCEOand,whereappropriatemakedecisionsonbehalfoftheBGP,includingreferralofsuchmatterstotheBGP

• TablestrategicandoperationalmattersfordiscussionanddecisionmakingthatwillassisttheworkoftheBGP



• OccupationalHealthandSafetyManual

• FinancialManagementPoliciesandProceduresManual

• HumanResourcesPoliciesandProceduresManual

• VolunteerPoliciesandProceduresManual

Page 6: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors






Page 7: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

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Page 8: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

Trusteefor: FreemasonsBenevolentFund


FREEMASONSFOUNDATIONVICTORIALIMITEDA.C.N159528122W.A.TopeBuilding,CoppinCentre 45MoubrayStreet,Melbourne,Vic8002POBox553,EastMelbourne,Vic8002Phone:(03)94110124Email:[email protected]




• TertiaryEntranceScholarshipsandAwards(includingMusic)–applicationscloseon31January2018

• SecondaryScholarshipsandAwards(years7to12)–applicationscloseon31December2017• MatureAgeScholarship–applicationscloseon31January2018

Page 9: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors





Page 10: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

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Page 11: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016 JUNE 2016

A year of steady steering The Homes experienced another productive year while steadily negotiating its strategic growth path, in the midst of a rapidly evolving aged care sector. We maintained progress towards our targets to deliver the current Strategic Growth Plan to the end of 2018. An increase of 337 new customers during the year to 1,995 in total, represented an uplift of 20% across the three main service offerings: independent and retirement living, home care services, and residential aged care. This followed a 36% increase in customers over the 2015-16 year which highlights our sustained growth in providing aged care services to more older Victorians. We focused on growth through acquisition during 2016-2017. Acquired properties and services during the year included: - Mount Martha Valley, a 125-bed aged

care facility, acquired in January.- Royal Freemasons Ballarat, a 42-bed

aged care facility, with a further 48 placesunder construction to bring total places to90 by mid-2019, acquired in March.

- Canadian Pines, a 26-apartment site co-located with Royal Freemasons Ballarat,acquired in March.

- Flora Hill, a 66-bed aged care facility inBendigo acquired in July.

In addition, we commenced operations at the first of six newly-built facilities to be developed over the next two years. Royal Freemasons Bendigo, a state-of-the-art 144-bed residential aged care facility opened in May 2017. The second 144-bed facility, located in Sale, opened in August. The development pipeline of six new facilities will deliver an additional 840 new aged care beds to Victoria and help address the growing need for quality aged care and accommodation in regional communities and surrounding districts.

Our people make all the difference The Homes employs 1,317 people and another 280 as volunteers. The health, well-being, sense of security, job and task satisfaction of all members of our Royal Freemasons family is something we consider to be a genuine part of our corporate duty of care. We recognise and reward our employees in a variety of ways, with events such as service awards, the celebration of International Nurses Day and other festive gatherings. We know that without our employees and volunteers, we couldn’t possibly do what we do, as well as we do. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big “Thank You” to our people, for their continuing efforts and ongoing contribution to the success of the Homes as we strive to honour our one Mission to assist our customers to live a secure, dignified and rewarding life by providing a range of quality care services and accommodation options. .The work of the Homes continues to be very much an expression of Freemasonry in action. Thank you for the support we receive from Freemasons, Lodges and Freemasons Victoria which makes all the difference and helps us provide a special level of care to our customers.

On behalf of the Homes, I sincerely thank each of you for your past support and I look forward to your continued support in the future.

I wish you all a happy and safe festive and holiday season.

Yours fraternally

RWBro Denis Henry PSGW Chairman of the Board


Page 12: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

A Sprig of Acacia

Notification of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of the following members has been received since

the last communication.

MWBro. John Evans PGM Caulfield Grammarians' Lodge 364

RWBro. George Larsen PSGW Leura Lodge 50

RWBro. Norman Abberton PJGW Outtrim Lodge 209

RWBro. Lindsay Bidgood PJGW Allara Lodge 855

RWBro. Lindsay Jones PJGW Lodge of the Golden Rule 555

RWBro. Gordon Millar PJGW Lodge Noble 783

RWBro. Ronald Rintoull PJGW Bacchus Marsh Daylight Lodge 718

VWBro. Andrew Balsillie MBE PGIWkgs Golden and Corinthian Lodge 7

VWBro. William Hendrickson PGIWkgs Henty Lodge 279

VWBro. Ian Latimer PGIWkgs Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge 396

WBro. James Franklin PJGD Yarraville Lodge 164

WBro. William Jennings PJGD Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge 916

WBro. Andrew Kolevas PJGD Carisbrook Lodge 405

WBro. Jack Driscoll PGStdB Sandringham District Lodge 220

WBro. Frank Wotton PGStdB Lodge Leawarra 867

WBro. Leslie Bright PM Dromana Lodge 511

WBro. Douglas Brown PM Sturt-Buninyong United Lodge 23

WBro. Nigel Cooper PM Marangan Lodge 64

WBro. Harry Davies PM Lodge of the Great Ocean Road 886

WBro. Ian Farquharson PM Leura Lodge 50

WBro. Enrique Garetto PM The Brighton District Lodge 37

WBro. George Gilmore PM Warrnambool Lodge 34

WBro. Barrie Hunt PM Dromana Lodge 511

WBro. Mervyn McEwen PM Stewart Lodge of St. Arnaud 61

WBro. Kevin McMeekin PM Guiding Star Lodge 922

WBro. Kenneth Missen PM Bacchus Marsh Daylight Lodge 718

WBro. Andrew Mowat PM Cosmopolitan Lodge 96

WBro. Leonard Orme PM The Lilydale Lodge 108

WBro. John Plant PM Beechworth Lodge of St. John 14

WBro. John Rogers PM Gardenvale Mobility Lodge 243

WBro. John Rogers PM Lodge Eos 880

WBro. Alan Smith PM Moorpanyal Lodge 467

WBro. Douglas Wilkie PM Antient York Lodge 80

WBro. George Williams PM Lodge Observance 654

WBro. John Williamson PM King Edward Lodge 189

WBro. George Wilson PM Gardenvale Mobility Lodge 243

Page 13: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

Bro. Guy McNicoll PGTyler (MM) Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge 396

Bro. Jeffrey Arnall MM Glenelg Lodge 154

Bro. George Cavanagh MM Chirnside Daylight Lodge 904

Bro. John Dobell MM Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge 916

Bro. Alfred Faull MM Outtrim Lodge 209

Bro. Murray Freeman MM Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge 877

Bro. Ronald Hanson MM Wangaratta Lodge of St. John 66

Bro. Kevin Hogan MM The United Memorial & Merbein Lodge 327

Bro. Neville Lester MM The Lilydale Lodge 108

Bro. Keith McGilton MM The Melton Lodge 367

Bro. Henry Mosford MM Seaford Lodge 720

Bro. Alfred Mussett MM Lodge of Transition 0

Bro. David Pniewski MM The Brighton District Lodge 37

Bro. Peter Spence MM Sandringham District Lodge 220

Bro. Norman Swarbrick MM Gippsland Lodge 51

Bro. Gunstaaf Walta MM Zetland Lodge 25

Bro. John Worlley MM Healesville Lodge 247

Bro. Samuel Wright MM Carisbrook Lodge 405

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Page 15: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors



I move that the Laws, Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Craft be amended as follows: That Rule 12 e) be amended by deleting 76 and substituting therefor: 75A and Rule 48 be amended by inserting after the word “than’ in the first line ‘Grand Chaplains (MM), Past Grand Chaplains (MM),’


At the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge on 20 September amendments were voted on for Constitutional change which, amongst other amendments, provided for the appointment of Grand Chaplains (MM). At the time of drafting the changes to the Book of Constitutions, these rule changes were omitted.



Page 16: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

O Come All Ye Faithful

O come all ye faithfulJoyful and triumphant,

O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,

Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,

Christ the Lord.

Sing, choirs of angels,Sing in exultation,

Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above.Glory to God, glory in the Highest;

O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,

Christ the Lord.

Page 17: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Hark! The herald angels sing,“Glory to the newborn King!”

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,God and sinners reconciledJoyful, all ye nations, rise,

Join the triumph of the skies;With th’ angelic host proclaim,“Christ is born in Bethlehem.”Hark! the herald angels sing,“Glory to the newborn King!”

Christ, by highest heav’n adored:

Christ, the everlasting Lord;Late in time behold him come,Offspring of the virgin’s womb.

Veil’d in flesh, the Godhead see;Hail th’incarnate Deity:

Pleased, as man, with men to dwell,Jesus, our Emmanuel!

Hark! the herald angels sing,“Glory to the newborn King!”

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Page 19: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

Grand Craft and Royal Arch Chapter

Grand Installation 2018

Friday 6 to Sunday 8 April 2018Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Grand CraftInstallation

Bro. Keith Murray asGrand Master of the

United Grand Lodge of Victoria

Supreme Grand Chapter Re-Installation

MEmComp Greg Harmer asFirst Grand Principal,

Supreme Grand Chapter ofRoyal Arch Masons of Victoria

For more information:

To register:

Page 20: Quarterly Communication - Freemasons Victoria · was held on 29 November 2017 and it was pleasing to see in attendance a good number of Freemasons other than the Members and Directors

Good men, supporting each other, their families and the community