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April 2015


Rachel Foote <[email protected]>

Quarterly Alumni Newsletter

Saint Mary's College of California Graduate Kinesiology <[email protected]>

Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 4:21PM

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The SMC Graduate Kinesiology Alumni Newsletter

Your  Source  for  Department  Updates,  Events,  &  Staying  ConnectedWelcome to the spring 2015 issue of the Graduate Kinesiology Alumni Newsletter. Asalways, the newsletter aims to provide you with all the latest department news andupdates, announce upcoming events, highlight your accomplishments, and provide newways for you to stay connected with the program and each other. The next issue of the

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newsletter will land in your inbox on the third or fourth Friday in July. If you would prefer aprint version or have content you would like to see included in that issue please emailRachel  Foote with your request. Happy reading!

Department  News  &  Updates2015 has been an exciting year thus far for the GraduateKinesiology Program with continuing changes to faculty andthe planning of our annual summer colloquium.

Faculty ChangesIt is with heavy hearts that we announce the resignation ofcurrent Program Director, Derek Marks. Derek has accepteda position at the Australian College of Physical Education in Sydney Australia. While hewill be greatly missed we wish him well in his future endeavors. Bill Manning has agreed toreturn to the director role for the 2015 fall term.

LinkedIn Group Quarterly DiscussionJoin our LinkedIn Group and participate in this quarter's discussion between now and July1st to be entered into a raffle to win a fabulous prize! Since commencement is right aroundthe corner, this quarter's discussion is  centered  around  job  searching  and  promo3on.  Log  onand  share  your  favorite  job  search  tool  or  3p  for  landing  a  new  job,  or  to  leverage  your  MA  inKinesiology  degree  to  get  a  promo3on  or  be?er  pay,  along  with  advice  that  you  wish  you  hadreceived  when  you  were  just  finishing  your  master's  degree. We  can't  wait  to  chat  with  you!

2015 Colloquium Preview: Mind, Body and Soul: Holistic Approaches to OptimizingWellnessThe topic for this year's Colloquium has been finalized and will focus on holistic techniquesfor obtaining the highest levels of wellness possible. Speakers include:

Evelyne Lambrecht

Nathan Brammeier

Christa Orecchio

Chris Hinshaw

To learn more about this year's colloquium speakers and topics please visit: Presentations willoccur on June 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM daily. All presentations arefree to Graduate Kinesiology (HPER) alumni. There is no need to register or RSVP.

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Brendan Blakeley, Class of2002

Alumni  Accolades

Have you recently had an article published, presented at a conference, received an award,started a business, or had a really great season? Share your good news by emailing orcalling us, (925) 631-8834, and we'll make sure it is included in the next issue of thenewsletter.

Alumni  SpotlightEach issue of the newsletter we strive to highlight one of you, our outstanding alumni. Thisissue the spotlight is on Brendan Blakeley. Brendan graduated from the program in 2002and is currently the Athletic Director and Physical Education Chairat Head-Royce School in Oakland.

Greatest  professional  accomplishment: It  would  be  easy  to  point  to  certain  seasons  when  I've  had  teams  at  myschools  win  a  lot.  There's  a  lot  that  goes  into  teams  having  "winning"seasons,  but  more  3mes  than  not  I  am  most  proud  of  teams  that  have"successful"  seasons.  Successful  seasons  don't  have  as  much  do  to  withwinning,  but  rather  with  the  team  performing  at  or  above  expecta3ons;consistent  improvement  over  the  course  of  the  season;  and  a  high  levelof  sa3sfac3on  from  the  players,  coaches,  parents.    It  is  also  rewarding  to  help  facilitate  the  growth  of  programs  and  see  them  develop.    Forinstance,  in  a  four-­‐year  span  we  went  from  having  a  Track  program  that  had  four  kids,  to  having  aleague  championship  team  for  our  girls.    That's  neat  to  see,  when  kids  can  find  their  athle3c  niche,and  have  success  with  it.

What  first  aEracted  you  to  Saint  Mary's  College  (SMC)? Geography!  I  was  coaching  at  UC  Davis  when  I  started  the  program,  so  the  proximity  to  Daviscertainly  helped.  I  also  liked  the  ability  to  take  classes  over  the  summer.    I  really  liked  the  emphasison  research  as  well.

Why  did  you  choose  to  study  Kinesiology  or  Health,  Physical  EducaNon  &  RecreaNon  (HPER)?  AQer  gradua3ng  from  college,  I  found  myself  in  a  situa3on  where  I  was  coaching  at  the  collegiatelevel  (at  UC  Davis),  and  in  order  to  further  my  coaching  career,  geTng  a  Master's  degree  in  HPERfrom  Saint  Mary's  was  exactly  what  I  wanted,  and  needed,  to  do.

What was your favorite course at SMC?

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The first year classes were great, especially Shari Otto's research class. I learned a lot inthat class from reading about various works that people had done previously. There wasalso a class that focused on risk that opened my eyes to the all the things coaches andadministrators need to be weary of. That was most helpful.

What was your favorite SMC experience or moment? My third year I was in a night class that met one day a week. I had a couple people withwhom I carpooled from the Sacramento area. I actually don't recall what the class was,but I enjoyed the opportunity to talk with my fellow car-poolers in our rides about the class,coaching and teaching as a profession, etc. Really, interacting with classmates is a greatway to learn, since everyone usually has great, and informative, experiences to share(both good and bad).

How have your experiences at SMC helped you in your personal and professionallife? Getting a Master's degree in HPER has been the single best thing that I have doneprofessionally. Doing this work at the start of my career really propelled me on a trajectorythat I have benefited from since the first day I took a class there. What advice do you have for current students who want to make the most out oftheir experience at SMC?Talk to people! Talk to professors and instructors, talk to classmates, talk to people in theareas that you are interested in. Plan for the future, by putting yourself in a position to bethe best-looking applicant in the field. Try and get as many varied experiences as you can,in terms of the field of coaching, teaching, and athletics. Keep in perspective what it is youlike about this field, and try to focus on that. And don't be late for class!

Want to share in the spotlight? Please complete the Alumni Spotlight Questionnaire andsubmit a profile photo or send us a link to a short video where you provide a briefautobiography in which you include your work history and anecdotes on how yourexperiences at Saint Mary's impacted your career and life we could share in the newsletterand on the website.

Upcoming  Event

2015 Colloquium - June 8th - 11thThis year's Colloquium will be held in Galileo 201 withlectures occurring nightly from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM.Admission is free and there is no need to RSVP. Clickhere to learn more.

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Annual Summer Barbecue - July 16thJoin  fellow  alumni,  current  students,  faculty,  and  staff  in  celebra3ng  the  end  of  anotherintense  summer  term  with  great  food,  fun  games,  prizes  &  more!  Watch  your  email  for  achance  to  RSVP  beginning  in  June.

2015 GPS Alumni Reunion Day - July 18th Bring  your  family  and  enjoy  one  or  many  of  the  wonderful  eventsoffered  to  all  alumni  that  day.  Be  sure  to  RSVP  for  the  exclusiveGraduate  and  Professional  Studies  (GPS)  recep3on  that  eveningto  catch  up  with  old  friends  and  faculty  from  all  of  the  GPSprograms  on  campus.  We  can't  wait  to  see  you  there!

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Reconnect with SMC Graduate Kinesiology

We recognize the integral role you play in making the Graduate Kinesiology programgreat and want to take this opportunity to reconnect with you. Share your good memoriesand accomplishments, help plan events meaningful to you, and reconnect with old friends

and faculty by filling out our alumni information form. We can't wait to hear from you!

Alumni Information Form

Saint Mary's College Graduate Kinesiology925-631-8834


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