Page 1: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Quantum Gibbs Samplers

Fernando G.S.L. BrandãoQuArC, Microsoft Research

Based on joint work with

Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen

Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity Reunion WorkshopSimons Institute, Berkeley, 2015

Page 2: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Dynamical Properties



State at time t:


Expectation values:

Temporal correlations:

Page 3: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Quantum Simulators, Dynamical

Quantum Computer Can simulate the dynamics of every multi-particle quantum system

Spin models (Lloyd ‘96, …, Berry, Childs, Kothari ‘15) Fermionic and bosonic models (Bravyi, Kitaev ’00, …) Topological quantum field theory (Freedman, Kitaev, Wang ‘02) Quantum field theory (Jordan, Lee, Preskill ’11, …) Quantum Chemistry (…, Hastings, Wecker, Bauer, Triyer ’14)

Page 4: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Static Properties

Page 5: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian


Static Properties


Page 6: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian



Thermal state:

Compute: local expectation values (e.g. magnetization), correlation functions (e.g. ), string order

Static Properties


Page 7: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Static PropertiesCan we prepare thermal states?

Warning: NP-hard to estimate energy of arbitrary classical Gibbs states

Page 8: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Static PropertiesCan we prepare thermal states?

When can we do it efficiently?

Warning: NP-hard to estimate energy of arbitrary classical Gibbs states

Page 9: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Classically: Metropolis SamplingConsider e.g. Ising model:

Coupling to bath modeled by stochastic map Q

The stationary state is the thermal (Gibbs) state:

Metropolis Update:

i j

Page 10: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Glauber Dynamics

A stochastic map R = eG is a Glauber dynamics for a (classical) Hamiltonian if its generator G is local and the unique fixed point of R is e-βH/Z(β) (+ detailed balance) Ex: Metropolis, Heat-bath

Mixing time:

Rapidly mixing 1. tmix < poly(n) 2. tmix < O(n) (constant gap) 3. tmix < O(log(n)) (constant log-Sovolev)

Page 11: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Glauber Dynamics

A stochastic map R = eG is a Glauber dynamics for a (classical) Hamiltonian if its generator G is local and the unique fixed point of R is e-βH/Z(β) (+ detailed balance) Ex: Metropolis, Heat-bath, …

Rapidly mixing Glauber dynamics

Gibbs state with finite correlation


Gibbs Sampling in P (vs NP -hard)

(Stroock, Zergalinski ’92; Martinelli, Olivieri ’94, …)

When is Glauber dynamics effective for sampling from Gibbs state?

(Sly ’10, …)

(Proved for hard core model and 2-spin anti- ferromagetic model)

Page 12: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Temporal Mixing

Convergence time bounded by Δ:

Time of equilibration ≈ n/Δ

Detailed balance:

R is self-adjoint with respect to

Spectral gap:

Page 13: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Spatial MixingLet be the Gibbs state for a model in the lattice V with boundary conditions τ, i.e.

blue: V, red: boundary

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Ex. τ = (0, … 0)

Page 14: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Spatial MixingLet be the Gibbs state for a model in the lattice V with boundary conditions τ, i.e.

blue: V, red: boundary

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Ex. τ = (0, … 0)def: The Gibbs state has correlation length ξ if for every f, g


Page 15: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Spatial MixingLet be the Gibbs state for a model in the lattice V with boundary conditions τ, i.e.

blue: V, red: boundary

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Obs1: Equivalent to

Obs2: Equivalent to local indistinguishability (local perturbations perturb locally)

Page 16: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

(Stroock, Zergalinski ’92; Martinelli, Olivieri ’94, …) For every classical Hamiltonian, the Gibbs state has finite correlation length if, and only if, the Glauber dynamics has a finite gap

Temporal Mixing <-> Spatial Mixing

Page 17: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Obs1: Same is true for the log-Sobolev constant of the system (convergence in O(log(n)) time)

Obs2: For many models, when correlation length diverges, gap is exponentially small in the system size (e.g. Ising model)

Obs3: Any model in 1D, and any model in arbitrary dim. at high enough temperature, has a finite correlation length(connected to uniqueness of the phase)

(Stroock, Zergalinski ’92; Martinelli, Olivieri ’94, …) For every classical Hamiltonian, the Gibbs state has finite correlation length if, and only if, the Glauber dynamics has a finite gap

Temporal Mixing <-> Spatial Mixing

Page 18: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Obs1: Same is true for the log-Sobolev constant of the system (convergence in O(log(n)) time)

Obs2: For many models, when correlation length diverges, gap is exponentially small in the system size (e.g. Ising model)

Obs3: Any model in 1D, and any model in arbitrary dim. at high enough temperature, has a finite correlation length(connected to uniqueness of the phase)

(Stroock, Zergalinski ’92; Martinelli, Olivieri ’94, …) For every classical Hamiltonian, the Gibbs state has finite correlation length if, and only if, the Glauber dynamics has a finite gap

Temporal Mixing <-> Spatial Mixing

Does something similar hold in the quantum case?

Page 19: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing Quantum Thermal StatesWhat’s the quantum analogue of Glauber dynamics?

(Temme et al ‘09) Quantum metropolis: Quantum channel s.t. (i) can be implemented efficiently on a quantum computer and (ii) has Gibbs state as fixed point But generator non-local; hard to use

Page 20: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing Quantum Thermal StatesWhat’s the quantum analogue of Glauber dynamics? Let

Quantum Heat-Bath:

(Another choice: Davies maps)

Page 21: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing Quantum Thermal StatesWhat’s the quantum analogue of Glauber dynamics? Let

Quantum Heat-Bath:

Generator: semigroup:


For commuting Hamiltonians ( ), Λ is local

only acts on a neighborhood around site i

Page 22: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing Quantum Thermal StatesWhat’s the quantum analogue of Glauber dynamics? Let

Quantum Heat-Bath:

Generator: semigroup:


Question: How fast Mt converges to ρ? Can it we related to decay of correlations in ρ? Next:

1. Quantum algorithm inspired on Λ 2. Fast mixing of Λ vs decay of correlations (for commuting only)

Page 23: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Local Indistinguishabilitydef: Hamiltonian H satisfies local indistinguishability if for every regions A, B:


Page 24: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Local Indistinguishabilitydef: Hamiltonian H satisfies local indistinguishability if for every regions A, B:

Obs1: Equivalent to the following type of decay of correlations:


Page 25: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Local Indistinguishabilitydef: Hamiltonian H satisfies local indistinguishability if for every regions A, B:

Obs2: Local expectation values are easy to compute

Obs3: Holds true in 1D at any T (Araki ‘69) and any D at high T (Kliesch et al ‘13)


Page 26: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Local Indistinguishabilitydef: Hamiltonian H satisfies local indistinguishability if for every regions A, B:

Obs 4: Implied by O(log(n)) convergence time of local Liouvillian (Cubitt, Lucia, Michalakis, Perez-Garcia ‘13)

Question: Can we q. sample from the Gibbs state if LI holds?


Page 27: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Local Indistinguishability implies Efficient Preparation

thm: Let H be a commuting local Hamiltonian in d dimensions. Then local indistinguishability implies one can prepare on a q. computer in time exp(O(logd(n)))

Page 28: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Local Recoverability


(Poulin et al ’05, …)There is channel R : B -> AB s.t. R(ρBC) = ρABC

Explicit choice:

Follows from H = HAB + HBC, [HAB, HBC] = 0. Decompose B spaceinto s.t. , with HAB,k acting on A Lk

(Hayden, Jozsa, Petz, Winter ‘04)Equivalent to I(A:C|B) = S(AB) + S(CB) – S(ABC) – S(B) = 0

C Let H be commuting.


Page 29: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Local Recoverability


We will use this reconstruction idea to construct the state from its reductions in small regions (local indistinguishability will guarantee we can patch parts together)

Similar constructions in (Bravyi, Poulin, Terhal ’09, Pastawski, Yoshida ‘14) and (Kitaev ‘13)

C Let H be commuting.


Page 30: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Suppose we have reduced state of on blue region.

Building State from Skeleton

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `




Page 31: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Suppose we have reduced state of on blue region.

Can prepare the state by applying recovery channels, each acting on O(l2) qubits.

Building State from Skeleton

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `



10l CB


Page 32: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Suppose we have reduced state of on blue region.

Can prepare the state by applying recovery channels, each acting on O(l2) qubits.

Building State from Skeleton

` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `




Page 33: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Suppose we have reduced state of on blue region.

Can prepare the state by applying recovery channels, each acting on O(l2) qubits.

Building State from Skeleton

` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `




Page 34: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Suppose we have reduced state of on blue region.

Can prepare the state by applying recovery channels, each acting on O(l2) qubits.

Building State from Skeleton

` ` ` `

` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `




Page 35: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing the Skeleton




` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

Let HBR be the sub-Hamiltonian of H containing the local terms acting only in the blue and red regions. By local indistinguishability:

Choosing l = 4 ξ log(n) gives small error.


Page 36: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing the Skeleton

It suffices to construct

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

Page 37: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing the Skeleton

It suffices to construct

• First build the regions above (the reduced states can be calculated in time O(exp(l2)) as every 1D system satisfy local indistinghuishability (Araki ‘73))

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `














Page 38: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Preparing the Skeleton

It suffices to construct

• First build the regions above (the reduced states can be calculated in time O(exp(l2)) as every 1D system satisfy local indistinghuishability (Araki ‘73))

• Second apply channels to fill in the gaps

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `

` ` ` ` `














Page 39: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Non-Commuting Hamiltonians?def: Hamiltonian H satisfies Markov property if for every A, B, I(A : C|Bl) < c 2-l/ξ

Markov property related to fast saturation of area law:

(Wolf, Verstraete, Hastings, Cirac ‘07) I(A:Bl) < 2 Area(A)/T

I(A : C | Bl) = I(A : BlC) – I(A:Bl)

I(A : C|Bl) < 2-l/ξ if I(A : Bl+1) < I(A : Bl) + c 2-2l/ξ

A Bl





Page 40: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Non-Commuting Hamiltonians?def: Hamiltonian H satisfies Markov property if for every A, B, I(A : C|Bl) < c 2-l/ξ

A Bl



thm: Let H be a local Hamiltonian in d dimensions. Then local indistinguishability + Markov property imply one can prepare in time exp(O(logd(n)))

Similar proof. New ingredient: Small conditional mutual information implies approximate recoverability by inequality due to Fawzi and Renner. Recovery map found efficiently by SDP.

Page 41: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Going forward

Previous approach has several drawbacks:

1. Only quasipolynomial run-time

2. Local indistinguishability might be too restrictive

3. Algorithm does not mimic nature

Rest of the talk: Fast mixing of quantum heat-bath vs mixing in space (but is less general; will achieve wish list only for 2-local commuting Hamiltonians )

Page 42: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian


The relevant gap is given by

L2 weighted inner product:


Gap equal to spectral gap of

Mixing time of order

Page 43: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Previous Results

(Alicki, Fannes, Horodecki ‘08) Λ = Ω(1) for 2D toric code

(Alicki, Horodecki, Horodecki, Horodecki ‘08) Λ = exp(-Ω(n)) for 4D toric code

(Temme ‘14) Λ > exp(- βε)/n, with ε the energy barrier, for stabilizer Hamiltonians

Gap has been estimated for:

Page 44: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Equivalence of Clustering in Space and Time for Quantum Commuting

thm For commuting Hamiltonians in a finite dimensional lattice, the Davies generator has a constant gap if, and only if, the Gibbs state satisfies strong clustering of correlations

(Kastoryano, B. 1409.3435)

Page 45: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Equivalence of Clustering in Space and Time for Quantum Commuting

Strong Clustering holds true in:

• 1D at any temperature• Any D at sufficiently high temperature (critical T determined only by dim and interaction range)

thm For commuting Hamiltonians in a finite dimensional lattice, the Davies generator has a constant gap if, and only if, the Gibbs state satisfies strong clustering of correlations

Page 46: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Equivalence of Clustering in Space and Time for Quantum Commuting

Strong Clustering holds true in:

• 1D at any temperature• Any D at sufficiently high temperature (critical T determined only by dim and interaction range)

Caveat: At high temperature cluster expansion works well for computing local expectation values. (Open: How the two threshold T’s compare?)

Q advantage: we get the full Gibbs state (e.g. could perform swap test of purifications of two Gibbs states. Good for anything?)

thm For commuting Hamiltonians in a finite dimensional lattice, the Davies generator has a constant gap if, and only if, the Gibbs state satisfies strong clustering of correlations

Page 47: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Strong Clustering


def: Strong clustering holds if there is ξ>0 s.t. for every A and B and operator f acting on

Conditional Covariance:

Conditional Expectation:

Xc : complement of X

d(X, Y) : distance between regions X and Y

Page 48: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Strong Clustering


def: Strong clustering holds if there is ξ>0 s.t. for every A and B and operator f acting on

Fact 1:

prop: For 2-local commuting Hamiltonians, strong clustering is equivalent to

Based on C* algebraic trick of decomposing local spaces into irreducible spaces (Bravyi, Vyalyi ‘03)

Page 49: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Strong Clustering -> GapWe show that under the clustering condition:



V : entire latticeV0 : sublattice of size O(ξ)

Key lemma: If


Follows idea of a proof of the classical analogue for Glauber dynamics (Bertini et al ‘00)

Page 50: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

Gap -> Strong Clustering

Employs the following mapping between Liouvillians for commuting Hamiltonians and local Hamiltonians on a larger space:

Apply the detectability lemma (Aharonov et al ‘10) to prove gap -> strong clustering (strengthening proof previous proof that gap -> clustering)

Page 51: Quantum Gibbs Samplers Fernando G.S.L. Brandão QuArC, Microsoft Research Based on joint work with Michael Kastoryano University of Copenhagen Quantum Hamiltonian

ConclusionsEquivalence clustering in time vs clustering in space for commuting quantum models:

• Local indistinguishability -> quasipolynomial-time q. sampling • Strong clustering <-> gapped q. sampler Is strong clustering related to “weak clustering” beyond 2-local?

Equivalence for non-commuting?

• Local indsitinguishability: when Markov property holds?• Strong clustering: how to define it? Needs at least (quasi)-local

Liouvillian. Can define in 1D and any D at high temperature. Unknown in general…

What’s the complexity of approximately computing tr(ρT H)? Is it in QMA? Is it QMA-hard?
