  • 8/12/2019 QuangHoa HoangLinh QuangTuyen LAB5 EE472 Report.pdf


    Da Nang University of Science and Technology

    DaNang University of Science and TechnologyAdvanced Program in Digital Systems

    Ho Viet Viet, Pham Xuan Trung, Nguyen The Nghia

    EE472 LAB 5 REPORTHexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013

    Experimenter Board

    March 3, 2014

    10ECE Group 03:

    L Quang Ha Trng Hong Lnh V Quang Tuyn

  • 8/12/2019 QuangHoa HoangLinh QuangTuyen LAB5 EE472 Report.pdf


    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    To develop a C language and an assembly language program that adds, subtracts and multiplies

    two hexadecimal digits. The resulting answer is then displayed on the LCD display of the

    MSP430FG4618 experimenter board.

    PROCEDURE:Part 1. Generating Basic input with C language programs

    1. Write a C language program that input from the keyboard two hexadecimal numbers via

    hyperterminal. Next these two numbers are to be displayed in the hyperterminal window and

    on the right most two digits of the LCD display on the experimenter board. To convert an

    ASCII 0- 9 to a four bit number, 0x30 is subtracted from the ASCII number. To convert the

    ASCII capital letters A-F to a four bit number, 0x37 is subtracted from these capital letters.

    To help write this program, please use as reference the C language programs written for labs

    #3 and #4.

    Source code

    2. Write a C language program that inputs two ASCII hexadecimal digits followed by the +

    symbol to indicate addition. Next, the user enters a second set of two hexadecimal digits that

    are to be added to the first two hexadecimal digits. The addition result is shown on both the

    hyperterminal display as well as the LCD display. Three digits are required for this resulting

    addition. For example, what should be displayed is:

    FF + 02 = 101 (0xFF + 0x01 = 0x101)

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    This program should run indefinitely and start on a new line each time waiting for user input.

    Source Code

    3. Write a C language program that inputs two ASCII hexadecimal digits followed by the

    symbol to indicate subtraction. Next, the user enters a second set of two hexadecimal digits

    that are to be subtracted from the first two hexadecimal digits. The subtraction result is shownon both the hyperterminal display as well as the LCD display. Care must be taken when the

    second hexadecimal number is greater than the first so the proper sign is given. The best way

    to perform the subtraction is to subtract the smaller of the two numbers from the larger of

    the two numbers and display a negative sign if the second number is larger than the first

    number. For example, what should be displayed is:

    01 FF = FE (0x01 0xFF = 0xFE)

    This program should run indefinitely and start on a new line each time waiting for user input.

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Source Code

    4. Write a C language program that inputs two ASCII hexadecimal digits followed by the *

    symbol to indicate multiplication. Next, the user enters a second set of two hexadecimal digits

    that are to be multiplied with the first two hexadecimal digits. The multiplication result is

    shown on both the Hyperterminal display as well as the LCD display. Multiplication of two

    eight bit hexadecimal numbers can produce a result as large as sixteen bits. As such four

    hexadecimal digits should be used to display the result. For example what should be

    displayed is:

    4E * A1 = 310E (0x4E * 0xA1 = 0x310E)

    Source Code

    5. Write a program that merges steps 2, 3, and 4 together and uses the ASCII symbols +, -,

    and * to determine which arithmetic operation to perform. This program should run

    indefinitely and start on a new line each time waiting for user input.

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Source Code

    Part 2. Generating Basic input with assembly language programs.

    The demonstrate are the same in Part I

    1. Write an assembly language program that inputs from the keyboard two hexadecimal

    numbers via hyperterminal. Next, these two numbers are displayed in the hyperterminal

    window and on the right most two digits of the LCD display on the experimenter board. Toconvert an ASCII 0- 9 to a four bit number, 0x30 is subtracted from the ASCII number. To

    convert the ASCII capital letters A-F to a four bit number, 0x37 is subtracted from these

    capital letters. To help write this program, please use as reference the assembly language

    programs written for laboratory experiments #3 and #4.

    Source code

    2. Write an assembly language program that inputs two ASCII hexadecimal digits followed by

    the + symbol to indicate addition. Next, the user enters a second set of two hexadecimaldigits that are to be added to the first two hexadecimal digits. The addition result is shown on

    both the hyperterminal display as well as the LCD display. Three digits are required for this

    resulting addition. For example, what should be displayed is:

    FF + 01 = 100 (0xFF + 0x01 = 0x100)

    This program should run indefinitely and start on a new line each time waiting for user input.

    Source code

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    3. Write an assembly language program that inputs two ASCII hexadecimal digits followed by

    the - symbol to indicate subtraction. Next, the user enters a second set of two hexadecimal

    digits that are to be subtracted from the first two hexadecimal digits. The subtraction result is

    shown on both the hyperterminal display as well as the LCD display. Care must be taken when

    the second hexadecimal number is greater than the first so the proper sign is given. The best

    way to perform the subtraction is to subtract the smaller of the two numbers from the largerof the two numbers and display a negative sign if the second number is larger than the first

    number. For example, what should be displayed is:

    01 FE = FD (0x01 0xFF = 0xFD)

    This program should run indefinitely and start on a new line each time waiting for user input.

    Source code

    4. Write an assembly language program that inputs two ASCII hexadecimal digits followed by

    the * symbol to indicate multiplication. Next, the user enters a second set of twohexadecimal digits that are to be multiplied with the first two hexadecimal digits. The

    multiplication result is shown on both the hyperterminal display as well as the LCD display.

    The MSP430 does not have an assembly language multiplication instruction. For this project,

    the program needs to implement the shift and add multiplication

    algorithm.For example, what should be displayed is:

    4E * A1 = 310E (0x4E * 0xA1 = 0x310E)

    Finally, this program should run indefinitely and start on a new line each time waiting for user


    Source code

    5. Write a program that merges steps 2, 3, and 4 together and uses the ASCII symbols +, -,

    and * to determine which arithmetic operation to perform. This program should run

    indefinitely and start on a new line each time waiting for user input.

    Source code


    Part IC language programs

    Procedure 1:

    //---------------------------------------------------------------// Console I/O through the on board UART for MSP 430X4XXX//---------------------------------------------------------------#include"msp430fg4618.h"#include"stdio.h"#include"string.h"

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    voidInit_LCD(void);unsignedchar*LCDSeg = (unsignedchar*) &LCDM3;intLCD_SIZE=11;

    intmain(void){volatileunsignedchara;volatileunsignedinti; // volatile to prevent optimizationvolatileunsignedcharj;// LCD digit EncodingunsignedcharLCDdigit[] =


    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timerInit_UART();Init_LCD();

    //Finish SET-UP



    // First Hex Displayi = a;if(i>=0x30 && i =0x41 && i =0x61 && i = 0x30 && j =0x41 && j =0x61 && j

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    }while((IFG2 & 0x02)==0);// send the data to the transmit bufferUCA0TXBUF =A;}


    do{}while((IFG2 & 0x01)==0);

    // go get the char from the receive bufferreturn(UCA0RXBUF);}

    voidInit_UART(void){P2SEL=0x30;UCA0CTL0=0;UCA0CTL1= 0x41;UCA0BR1=0;UCA0BR0=3;UCA0MCTL=0x06;UCA0STAT=0;UCA0CTL1=0x40;



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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    volatileunsignedchara;volatileunsignedinti; // volatile to prevent optimizationvolatileunsignedcharj;volatileunsignedintsum;

    unsignedcharLCDdigit[] ={0x5F,0x06,0x6B,0x2F,0x36,0x3D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x3F,0x77,0x7C,0x68,0x6E,0x79,0x71};

    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer

    Init_UART();Init_LCD();//Finish SET-UP

    for(;;){sum = 0; // Reset the Sum

    //--|#1 Hex |-----------------------------a = INCHAR_UART(); // Get CharOUTA_UART(a);i = ascii2digit(a); // Convert ASCII code into digit code (0-F)

    //--|#2 Hex |-----------------------------a = INCHAR_UART();

    OUTA_UART(a);j = ascii2digit(a); // Convert ASCII code into digit code (0-F)

    OUTA_UART(0x2B); // Print out "+" on Hyperterminal

    i = i 4; // Get tens

    j = sum >> 8; // Get hundreds

    OUTA_UART(0x3D); // Print out "="//Display in Hyperterminal

    OUTA_UART(hex2ascii(j) );OUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );OUTA_UART(hex2ascii(a) );

    // New Line in HyperterminalOUTA_UART(0x0D);

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    // Display on LCDLCDSeg[0]= LCDdigit[a];LCDSeg[1]= LCDdigit[i];LCDSeg[2]= LCDdigit[j];


    if(hex < 0x0A) hex += 0x30;elseif(hex> 0x09 && hex < 0x10) hex += 0x37;



    if(ascii>=0x30 && ascii =0x41 && ascii =0x61 && ascii

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board



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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    i = getting_data(); // #3 HEXj = getting_data(); // #4 HEX

    OUTA_UART(0x3D); // Print out "="

    i = i = i){sub = sub - i;LCDSeg[2]= 0x00; // Clear the third LED


    sub = i - sub ;OUTA_UART(0x2D); // Print out "-"LCDSeg[2]= 0x20; // Display "-"


    i = sub & 0x0F ; // units Digitj = sub >> 4; // tens Digit

    // Display in Hyperterminal

    OUTA_UART(hex2ascii(j) );OUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );

    OUTA_UART(0x0D); // New LineOUTA_UART(0x0A);

    // Display on LCDLCDSeg[0]= LCDdigit[i]; // Display on LCDLCDSeg[1]= LCDdigit[j];


    a = INCHAR_UART();



    if(hex < 0x0A) hex += 0x30;elseif(hex> 0x09 && hex < 0x10) hex += 0x37;



    if(ascii>=0x30 && ascii =0x41 && ascii =0x61 && ascii

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    voidOUTA_UART(unsignedcharA){do{}while((IFG2 & 0x02)==0);// send the data to the transmit bufferUCA0TXBUF =A;}


    }while((IFG2 & 0x01)==0);// go get the char from the receive bufferreturn(UCA0RXBUF);}

    voidInit_UART(void){P2SEL=0x30; // transmit and receive to port 2 bits 4 and 5UCA0CTL0=0; // 8 data, no parity 1 stop, uart, asyncUCA0CTL1= 0x41;UCA0BR1=0; // upper byte of divider clock wordUCA0BR0=3; // clock divide from a clock to bit clock 32768/9600UCA0MCTL=0x06;UCA0STAT=0; // do not loop the transmitter back to the

    UCA0CTL1=0x40;IE2=0; // turn transmit interrupts off}voidInit_LCD(void){


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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    unsignedchar*LCDSeg = (unsignedchar*) &LCDM3;constunsignedintLCD_SIZE=11;volatileunsignedchara;volatileunsignedinti; // volatile to prevent optimizationvolatileunsignedcharj;volatileunsignedintmulti;constunsignedcharLCDdigit[] =


    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timerInit_UART();Init_LCD();//Finish SET-UP

    for(;;){multi = 0; // Initial Multiple data

    i = getting_data(); // Gather data #1 HEXj = getting_data(); // #2 HEX

    OUTA_UART(0x2A); // Print out "-"

    i = i 12; // #4 digitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[3]= LCDdigit[i]; // LCD Display for #4 digit

    i = (multi & 0x0F00) >> 8; // #3 digitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[2]= LCDdigit[i];

    i = (multi & 0x0F0) >> 4; // #2 digitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[1]= LCDdigit[i];

    i = multi & 0x0F ; // units DigitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[0]= LCDdigit[i];

    OUTA_UART(0x0D); // New LineOUTA_UART(0x0A);

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    a = INCHAR_UART();OUTA_UART(a);returnascii2digit(a);


    if(hex < 0x0A) hex += 0x30;elseif(hex> 0x09 && hex < 0x10) hex += 0x37;



    if(ascii>=0x30 && ascii =0x41 && ascii =0x61 && ascii

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    Procedure 5:

    //---------------------------------------------------------------// Console I/O through the on board UART for MSP 430X4XXX//---------------------------------------------------------------#include"msp430fg4618.h"#include"stdio.h"#include"string.h"



    //Declarationunsignedchar*LCDSeg = (unsignedchar*) &LCDM3;constunsignedintLCD_SIZE=11;volatileunsignedchara;volatileunsignedinti; // volatile to prevent optimizationvolatileunsignedcharj;volatileunsignedintresults;volatileunsignedchararithmetic;constunsignedcharLCDdigit[] =


    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timerInit_UART();Init_LCD();//Finish SET-UP

    for(;;){results = 0; // Initial Result

    i = getting_data(); // Gather data for #1 HEXj = getting_data(); // #2 HEX

    //----------------------------------------determine_arithmetic(); // Determine Arithmetic ( + - * )

    //----------------------------------------i = i

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    //Display resultdisplay_result();}


    voiddetermine_arithmetic(){a = INCHAR_UART();

    OUTA_UART(a);if(a == 0x2D) arithmetic = 0x02; // Subtractelseif(a == 0x2A) arithmetic = 0x03; // Multipleelsearithmetic = 0x01; // Add


    if(arithmetic == 0x03) results = results * i; // Multiple arithmeticelseif(arithmetic == 0x02) { // Substract


    if(results >= i){results = results - i;

    LCDSeg[2]= 0x00;LCDSeg[3]= 0x00;


    results = i - results;OUTA_UART(0x2D); // Print out "-"LCDSeg[2]= 0x20;LCDSeg[3]= 0x00; // Turn off LCD Led #4


    elseresults = results + i; // AddArithmetic


    if(results> 0x0FFF){i = (results & 0xF000) >> 12; // #4 digitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[3]= LCDdigit[i]; // LCD Display


    if(results> 0x0FF & arithmetic != 0x02){i = (results & 0x0F00) >> 8; // #3 digitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[2]= LCDdigit[i];


    if(results > 4; // #2 digitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[1]= LCDdigit[i];

    i = results & 0x0F ; // #1 digitOUTA_UART(hex2ascii(i) );LCDSeg[0]= LCDdigit[i];

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    OUTA_UART(0x0D); // New LineOUTA_UART(0x0A);


    a = INCHAR_UART();OUTA_UART(a);returnascii2digit(a);


    if(hex < 0x0A) hex += 0x30;elseif(hex> 0x09 && hex < 0x10) hex += 0x37;returnhex;



    if(ascii>=0x30 && ascii =0x41 && ascii =0x61 && ascii

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    Part IIAssembly language programs

    Procedure 1:

    .cdecls C,LIST,"msp430.h" ; Include device header file.sect".sysmem" ; data ram for

    initializedLOOKUP .byte0x5F,0x06,0x6B,0x2F,0x36 ; Encoded digits


    .byte 0x77,0x7C,0x68,0x6E,0x79,0x71LCD_SIZE .byte11 ; eleven bytes needed bythe LCD;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    .text ; Assemble into program memory

    .retain ; Override ELF conditional linking

    .retainrefs ; Additionally retain any sections;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RESET mov.w #__STACK_END,SP ; Initialize stackpointerStopWDT mov.w #WDTPW|WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog timer; Initial



    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitmovR4,R12 ; Get #1 Hex

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitmovR4,R11 ; Get #2 Hex

    call#Dis_digit ; Display on LCD#2 Hex

    call#Dis_tenth ; Display on LCD#1 Hex;------- New line in Hyperterminal

    mov#0x0D, R4call#OUTA_UARTmov#0x0A, R4call#OUTA_UART

    jmp Mainloop;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ascii2HexDigit; Only accept the uppercase for character from A -> F;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------;------------Value of R4 in range 0 - 9Number1 cmp#0x3A, R4 ; if R4 < A (10)

    jlNumber2 ; move to Number2jmpChar1 ; else move to Char1 (R4 not a


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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Number2 cmp#0x30, R4 ; R4 > 0jgeconvert1 ;jmpretn ; Finish convert

    convert1 sub#0x30, R4jmpretn

    ;------------Value of R4 in range A - FChar1 cmp#0x41, R4 ; if R4 >= A

    jgeChar2 ; move to Char2jmpretn

    Char2 cmp#0x47, R4 ; if R4 < G (mean: R4

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    lpb mov.b&IFG2,R5and.b#0x01,R5cmp.b#0x00,R5jzlpbmov.b&UCA0RXBUF,R4popR5ret




    Init_LCDmov.b#0x00, R6mov.w#LCDM3, R5mov.b#0x00, R7

    lpt mov.bR7, 0(R5)inc.wR5inc.bR6cmp.bLCD_SIZE, R6jnzlptmov.b#0x1C, &P5SEL

    mov.b#0x00, &LCDAVCTL0mov.b#0x7E, &LCDAPCTL0mov.b#0x7d, &LCDACTLret

    ; Stack Pointer definition.global__STACK_END.sect .stack

    ; Interrupt Vectors.sect ".reset" ; MSP430 RESET Vector.short RESET

    Procedure 2:

    .cdecls C,LIST,"msp430.h" ; Include device header file.sect".sysmem" ; data ram for

    initializedLCDencode .byte0x5F,0x06,0x6B,0x2F,0x36 ; Encoded digits


    .byte0x77,0x7C,0x68,0x6E,0x79,0x71Hex .word 0x0000,0x0000RESULT .word0x0000 ; Store result value

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Offsets .byte0x00;Dis_digit .byte0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 ; Temporary for splitingResult into digitLCD_SIZE .byte11 ; eleven bytes needed bythe LCD

    ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------.text ; Assemble into program memory

    .retain ; Override ELF conditional linking

    .retainrefs ; Additionally retain any sections;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RESET mov.w #__STACK_END,SP ; Initialize stackpointerStopWDT mov.w #WDTPW|WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog timer;------- Initial ---------------------------------------------------------------

    call#Init_LCDcall#Init_UARTmov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Use R10 as address for

    display digitmov#Hex,R6 ; Use R5 as

    address for stores value;---| Main loop |---------------------------------------------------------------


    call#Get2_hexmov0(R6),&RESULT ; Store 2 first Hex in


    mov#0x2B,R4 ; Print out "+"call#OUTA_UART

    add#0x02,R6 ; R6 point to next .WORD


    mov#0x3D,R4 ; Print out "="call#OUTA_UART

    add0(R6),&RESULT ; ADD arithmetic

    call#Split_digit ; Split into digitscall#Dis_hyper ; Display on

    Hyperterminal;------| Display on LCD |---------------------------------------------------

    mov.b0(R10),R9mov #0x00,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #1 Hexcall#Display_digit

    mov.b1(R10),R9;mov #0x01,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #2 Hexcall#Display_digit

    mov.b2(R10),R9;mov #0x02,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #3 Hexcall#Display_digit

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    ;------| New line in Hyperterminal |-------------------------------------------mov#0x0D, R4call#OUTA_UARTmov#0x0A, R4call#OUTA_UART

    jmp Mainloop

    ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dis_hyper;----------- Display on Hyperterminal





    Split_digitpushR11pushR12mov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Set R10 as Address

    mov&RESULT,R11 ; Store data in R11 for processmovR11,R12 ; Back-up R11bic#0xFFF0,R11 ; Get the LSB digitmov.bR11,0(R10) ; Store units digit

    movR12,R11 ; Restore R11 for shiftingrram#0x04, R11movR11,R12 ; Back-up after shiftingbic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,1(R10) ; Store units digit

    movR12,R11rram#0x04, R11movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,2(R10) ; Store tens digit

    movR12,R11rram#0x04, R11movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,3(R10) ; Store hundreds digit



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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Get2_hex;Store 2 Hexadicimal at address: R6

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitrlam#0x04,R4 ; 0X h =>

    X0 hmovR4,0(R6) ; store #1

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitaddR4,0(R6) ; store next HEX ( XX h)


    HexDigit2AcsiiNum1 cmp#0x0A, R4


    Num2 cmp#0x00, R4jgecon1jmpretn1

    con1 add#0x30, R4jmpretn1

    Char1c cmp#0x0A, R4jgeChar2cjmpretn1

    Char2c cmp#0x10, R4


    con2 add#0x37, R4jmpretn1

    retn1 ret;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Ascii2HexDigit; Only accept the uppercase for character from A -> F;-------------------------------------------------------;------------| R4 in range 0 - 9 |----------------------Number1 cmp#0x3A, R4 ; if R4 < A (10)

    jlNumber2 ; move to Number2jmpChar1 ; else move to Char1 (R4 not a


    Number2 cmp#0x30, R4 ; R4 > 0jgeconvert1 ;jmpretn ; Finish convert

    convert1 sub#0x30, R4jmpretn

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    ;------------| R4 in range A - F |----------------------Char1 cmp#0x41, R4 ; if R4 >= A

    jgeChar2 ; move to Char2jmpretn

    Char2 cmp#0x47, R4 ; if R4 < G (mean: R4

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board



    Init_LCDmov.b#0x00, R6mov.w#LCDM3, R5mov.b#0x00, R7

    lpt mov.bR7, 0(R5)inc.wR5inc.bR6cmp.bLCD_SIZE, R6jnzlptmov.b#0x1C, &P5SELmov.b#0x00, &LCDAVCTL0mov.b#0x7E, &LCDAPCTL0mov.b#0x7d, &LCDACTLret

    ;------------| Stack Pointer definition |---------------------------------------.global__STACK_END.sect .stack

    ;---------------| Interrupt Vectors |-------------------------------------------.sect ".reset" ; MSP430 RESET Vector.short RESET

    Procedure 3:

    .cdecls C,LIST,"msp430.h" ; Include device header file.sect".sysmem" ; data ram for

    initializedLCDencode .byte0x5F,0x06,0x6B,0x2F,0x36 ; Encoded digits



    Hex .word 0x0000,0x0000RESULT .word0x0000 ; Store result value

    Offsets .byte0x00;Dis_digit .byte0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 ; Temporary for spliting

    Result into digitLCD_SIZE .byte11 ; eleven bytes needed bythe LCD

    ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------.text ; Assemble into program memory.retain ; Override ELF conditional linking.retainrefs ; Additionally retain any sections

    ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RESET mov.w #__STACK_END,SP ; Initialize stackpointer

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    StopWDT mov.w #WDTPW|WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog timer;------- Initial ---------------------------------------------------------------

    call#Init_LCDcall#Init_UARTmov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Use R10 as address for

    display digitmov#Hex,R6 ; Use R6 as

    address for stores value;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Mainloopcall#Get2_hex ; Gather 2 first


    mov#0x2D,R4 ; Print out "-"call#OUTA_UART

    add#0x02,R6 ; R6 point to next .WORD

    call#Get2_hex ; Gather 2 lastHEX

    mov#0x3D,R4 ; Print out "="call#OUTA_UART

    call#Sub_arithmetic ; SUB arithmetic

    call#Split_digit ; Split into digitscall#Dis_hyper ; Display on

    Hyperterminalcall#Dis_LCD ; Display on LCD

    ;------- New line in Hyperterminalmov#0x0D, R4call#OUTA_UARTmov#0x0A, R4


    jmp Mainloop;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub_arithmetic

    mov#Hex,R6 ; Reset R6pointer

    cmp2(R6),0(R6);jl minus_sign ; If 2(R6) >

    0(R6)mov0(R6),&RESULTsub2(R6),&RESULTmov.b#0x00,R15 ; Use R15 = 0 for

    plus signjmpfinish_sub

    minus_signmov2(R6),&RESULTsub0(R6),&RESULTmov#0x01,R15 ; R15 = 1 for minus sign

    finish_sub ret


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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    ;----------- Display on LCDmov.b0(R10),R9mov #0x00,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #1 Hexcall#Display_digit

    mov.b1(R10),R9;mov #0x01,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #2 Hexcall#Display_digit

    cmp#0x00,R15jeqplus_sign ; Plus signmov.b#0x10,R9; ; Display "-"jmpdis_next

    plus_sign mov.b#0x11,R9; ; Turn Off the LCDdis_next mov #0x02,&Offsets ; Display on LCD #3 Hex



    Dis_hyper;----------- Display on Hyperterminal

    cmp#0x00,R15jeqNot_minusmov#0x2D,R4 ; Display "-"call#OUTA_UART






    Split_digitpushR11pushR12mov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Set R10 as Address

    mov&RESULT,R11 ; Store data in R11 for processmovR11,R12 ; Back-up R11bic#0xFFF0,R11 ; Get the LSB digit

    mov.bR11,0(R10) ; Store units digit

    movR12,R11 ; Restore R11 for shiftingrram#0x04,R11movR11,R12 ; Back-up after shiftingbic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,1(R10) ; Store units digit


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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,2(R10) ; Store tens digit

    movR12,R11rram#0x04,R11movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,3(R10) ; Store hundreds digit


    Get2_hex;Store 2 Hexadicimal at address: R6

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitrlam #0x04,R4 ; 0X h => X0 hmovR4,0(R6) ; store #1

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitaddR4,0(R6) ; store next HEX ( XX h)

    ret;---------------------------------HexDigit2AcsiiNum1 cmp#0x0A, R4


    Num2 cmp#0x00, R4


    con1 add#0x30, R4jmpretn1

    Char1c cmp#0x0A, R4jgeChar2cjmpretn1

    Char2c cmp#0x10, R4jlcon2

    con2 add#0x37, R4jmpretn1

    retn1 ret;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Ascii2HexDigit; Only accept the uppercase for character from A -> F;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------;------------ R4 in range 0 - 9

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Number1 cmp#0x3A, R4 ; if R4 < A (10)jlNumber2 ; move to Number2jmpChar1 ; else move to Char1 (R4 not a


    Number2 cmp#0x30, R4 ; R4 > 0jgeconvert1 ;jmpretn ; Finish convert

    convert1 sub#0x30, R4jmpretn

    ;------------ R4 in range A - FChar1 cmp#0x41, R4 ; if R4 >= A

    jgeChar2 ; move to Char2jmpretn

    Char2 cmp#0x47, R4 ; if R4 < G (mean: R4

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    lpb mov.b&IFG2,R5and.b#0x01,R5cmp.b#0x00,R5jzlpbmov.b&UCA0RXBUF,R4popR5ret




    Init_LCDmov.b#0x00, R6mov.w#LCDM3, R5mov.b#0x00, R7

    lpt mov.bR7, 0(R5)inc.wR5inc.bR6cmp.bLCD_SIZE, R6jnzlptmov.b#0x1C, &P5SELmov.b#0x00, &LCDAVCTL0mov.b#0x7E, &LCDAPCTL0mov.b#0x7d, &LCDACTL

    ret;-------------| Stack Pointer definition |--------------------------------------


    .sect .stack;-------------| Interrupt Vectors |---------------------------------------------

    .sect ".reset" ; MSP430 RESET Vector

    .short RESET

    Procedure 4:

    .cdecls C,LIST,"msp430.h" ; Include device header file.sect".sysmem" ; data ram for

    initializedLCDencode .byte0x5F,0x06,0x6B,0x2F,0x36 ; Encoded digits



    Hex .word 0x0000,0x0000RESULT .word0x0000 ; Store result value

    Offsets .byte0x00;

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Dis_digit .byte0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 ; Temporary for splitingResult into digitLCD_SIZE .byte11 ; eleven bytes needed bythe LCD

    ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------.text ; Assemble into program memory.retain ; Override ELF conditional linking.retainrefs ; Additionally retain any sections

    ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RESET mov.w #__STACK_END,SP ; Initialize stackpointerStopWDT mov.w #WDTPW|WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog timer;------- Initial ---------------------------------------------------------------

    call#Init_LCDcall#Init_UARTmov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Use R10 as address for

    display digitmov#Hex,R6 ; Use R6 as

    address for stores value;------------------| Main loop |-------------------------------------------Mainloop

    call#Get2_hex ; Gather 2 first HEXadd#0x02,R6 ; R6 point to next .WORD

    mov#0x2A,R4 ; Print out "*"call#OUTA_UART

    call#Get2_hex ; Gather 2 last HEX

    mov#0x3D,R4 ; Print out "="call#OUTA_UART


    call#Split_digit ; Split into digitscall#Dis_hyper ; Display on

    Hyperterminalcall#Dis_LCD ; Display on LCD

    ;------- New line in Hyperterminalmov#0x0D, R4call#OUTA_UARTmov#0x0A, R4call#OUTA_UART

    jmp Mainloop;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    mov#Hex,R6 ; Reset R6 pointermov#0x0000,&RESULT ; Empty the resultspushR9 ; Use R9pushR10 ; and R10 as temporary

    lp8 mov#0x08,R10


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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    mov2(R6),R9 ; Back-up 2nd termbic#0xFE,R9cmp#0x01,R9 ; If the current digit = 1jeq implementjmpmult_skip

    implementadd0(R6),&RESULT ; implement binary adding




    ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Dis_LCD;----------- Display on LCD

    mov.b0(R10),R9mov #0x00,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #1 Hexcall#Display_digit

    mov.b1(R10),R9;mov #0x01,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #2 Hexcall#Display_digit

    mov.b2(R10),R9;mov #0x02,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #3 Hex


    mov.b3(R10),R9;mov #0x03,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #4 Hexcall#Display_digit


    Dis_hyper;----------- Display on Hyperterminal





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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board



    Split_digitpushR11pushR12mov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Set R10 as Address

    mov&RESULT,R11 ; Store data in R11 for processmovR11,R12 ; Back-up R11bic#0xFFF0,R11 ; Get the LSB digitmov.bR11,0(R10) ; Store units digit

    movR12,R11 ; Restore R11 for shiftingrram#0x04,R11movR11,R12 ; Back-up after shiftingbic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,1(R10) ; Store units digit

    movR12,R11rram#0x04,R11movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,2(R10) ; Store tens digit

    movR12,R11rram#0x04,R11movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,3(R10) ; Store hundreds digit



    Get2_hex;Store 2 Hexadicimal at address: R6

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitrlam #0x04,R4 ; 0X h => X0 hmovR4,0(R6) ; store #1

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitaddR4,0(R6) ; store next HEX ( XX h)


    HexDigit2AcsiiNum1 cmp#0x0A, R4

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    Num2 cmp#0x00, R4jgecon1jmpretn1

    con1 add#0x30, R4jmpretn1

    Char1c cmp#0x0A, R4jgeChar2cjmpretn1

    Char2c cmp#0x10, R4jlcon2

    con2 add#0x37, R4jmpretn1

    retn1 ret;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Ascii2HexDigit; Only accept the uppercase for character from A -> F;------------------------------------------------------;------------| R4 in range 0 - 9 |---------------------Number1 cmp#0x3A, R4 ; if R4 < A (10)

    jlNumber2 ; move to Number2jmpChar1 ; else move to Char1 (R4 not a


    Number2 cmp#0x30, R4 ; R4 > 0jgeconvert1 ;jmpretn ; Finish convert

    convert1 sub#0x30, R4jmpretn

    ;------------| R4 in range A - F |---------------------Char1 cmp#0x41, R4 ; if R4 >= A

    jgeChar2 ; move to Char2jmpretn

    Char2 cmp#0x47, R4 ; if R4 < G (mean: R4

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    mov.w#LCDencode, R8 ; Initialize lookuptable to R8

    add.wR9,R8 ; Offset addressof R8

    add&Offsets,R5 ; Choose the LEDto display

    mov.b0(R8), 0(R5) ; Display Digit




    lpa mov.b&IFG2,R5and.b#0x02,R5cmp.b#0x00,R5jzlpamov.bR4,&UCA0TXBUFpopR5ret



    lpb mov.b&IFG2,R5and.b#0x01,R5cmp.b#0x00,R5jzlpbmov.b&UCA0RXBUF,R4popR5ret




    Init_LCDmov.b#0x00, R6mov.w#LCDM3, R5mov.b#0x00, R7

    lpt mov.bR7, 0(R5)inc.wR5inc.bR6cmp.bLCD_SIZE, R6jnzlpt

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    mov.b#0x1C, &P5SELmov.b#0x00, &LCDAVCTL0mov.b#0x7E, &LCDAPCTL0mov.b#0x7d, &LCDACTLret

    ;-------------------| Stack Pointer definition |--------------------------------.global__STACK_END.sect .stack

    ;------------| Interrupt Vectors |----------------------------------------------.sect ".reset" ; MSP430 RESET Vector.short RESET

    Procedure 5:

    .cdecls C,LIST,"msp430.h" ; Include device header file.sect".sysmem" ; data ram for

    initializedLCDencode .byte0x5F,0x06,0x6B,0x2F,0x36 ; Encoded digits



    Hex .word 0x0000,0x0000RESULT .word0x0000 ; Store result value

    Offsets .byte0x00;Dis_digit .byte0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 ; Temporary for splitingResult into digitLCD_SIZE .byte11 ; eleven bytes needed bythe LCD;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    .text ; Assemble into program memory

    .retain ; Override ELF conditional linking

    .retainrefs ; Additionally retain any sections

    ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RESET mov.w #__STACK_END,SP ; Initialize stackpointerStopWDT mov.w #WDTPW|WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog timer;------- Initial ---------------------------------------------------------------

    call#Init_LCDcall#Init_UARTmov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Use R10 as address for

    display digitmov#Hex,R6 ; Use R6 as

    address for stores value;--------------------| Main loop here |-----------------------------------------Mainloop

    call#Get2_hex ; Gather 2 first HEX

    call#Dect_arithmetic ; Store in R14

    add#0x02,R6 ; R6 point to next .WORD

    call#Get2_hex ; Gather 2 last HEX

    mov#0x3D,R4 ; Print out "="call#OUTA_UART

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board


    call#Split_digit ; Split into digitscall#Dis_hyper ; Display on

    Hyperterminalcall#Dis_LCD ; Display on LCD

    ;------- New line in Hyperterminalmov#0x0D, R4call#OUTA_UARTmov#0x0A, R4call#OUTA_UART

    jmp Mainloop

    ;-----------------------------------Dect_arithmetic; Store arithmetic in R14


    cmp#0x2A,R4 ; *jeqmulti_arithcmp#0x2D,R4 ; -jeqsub_arith

    jmpadd_arith ; +

    sub_arith mov#0x01,R14; -jmpquit_dectecion

    multi_arith mov#0x02,R14; *jmpquit_dectecion

    add_arith mov#0x00,R14; +

    quit_dectecion ret;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Arithmetic



    call_plus call#Plus_arithmetic

    jmpfinish_arithcall_mult call#Multi_arithmetic

    jmpfinish_arithcall_sub call#Sub_arithmetic ; SUB arithmetic




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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board



    mov#Hex,R6 ; Reset R6pointer

    cmp2(R6),0(R6);jl minus_sign ; If 2(R6) >

    0(R6)mov0(R6),&RESULTsub2(R6),&RESULTmov.b#0x00,R15 ; Use R15 = 0 for

    plus signjmpfinish_sub

    minus_signmov2(R6),&RESULTsub0(R6),&RESULTmov#0x01,R15 ; R15 = 1 for minus sign

    finish_sub ret;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Multi_arithmeticmov#Hex,R6 ; Reset R6 pointermov#0x0000,&RESULT ; Empty the resultspushR9 ; Use R9pushR10 ; and R10 as temporary

    lp8 mov#0x08,R10

    mult_startmov2(R6),R9 ; Back-up 2nd termbic#0xFE,R9cmp#0x01,R9 ; If the current digit = 1jeq implement


    implementadd0(R6),&RESULT ; implement binary adding





    ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Dis_LCD;----------- Display on LCD

    mov.b0(R10),R9mov #0x00,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #1 Hexcall#Display_digit

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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    mov.b1(R10),R9;mov #0x01,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #2 Hexcall#Display_digit

    cmp#0x01,R14 ; Subjeqlcd_subcmp#0x00,R14 ; ADDjeqlcd_pluscmp#0x02,R14jeq lcd_multi

    lcd_submov.b#0x11,R9; ; Turn Off the #4

    LCD ledmov #0x03,&Offsetscall#Display_digit

    cmp#0x00,R15jeqplus_sign ; Plus signmov.b#0x10,R9; ; Display "-" on

    #3 LCD Ledmov #0x02,&Offsetscall#Display_digit


    plus_sign mov.b#0x11,R9; ; Turn Off the LCD

    dis_next mov #0x02,&Offsets ; Display on LCD #3 Hexcall#Display_digitjmpexit_lcd

    lcd_plusmov.b2(R10),R9;mov #0x02,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #2 Hexcall#Display_digitjmpexit_lcd

    lcd_multimov.b2(R10),R9;mov #0x02,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #3 Hexcall#Display_digit

    mov.b3(R10),R9;mov #0x03,&Offsets ; Display on LCD

    #4 Hex



    Dis_hyper;----------- Display on Hyperterminal


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    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    cmp#0x00,R14; +jeqhyper_add



    hyper_subcmp#0x00,R15jeqNot_minusmov#0x2D,R4 ; Display "-"call#OUTA_UARTjmpNot_minus





    Split_digitpushR11pushR12mov#Dis_digit,R10 ; Set R10 as Address

    mov&RESULT,R11 ; Store data in R11 for processmovR11,R12 ; Back-up R11bic#0xFFF0,R11 ; Get the LSB digitmov.bR11,0(R10) ; Store units digit

    movR12,R11 ; Restore R11 for shiftingrram#0x04,R11movR11,R12 ; Back-up after shifting

    bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,1(R10) ; Store units digit

    movR12,R11rram#0x04,R11movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,2(R10) ; Store tens digit


  • 8/12/2019 QuangHoa HoangLinh QuangTuyen LAB5 EE472 Report.pdf


    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    rram#0x04,R11movR11,R12bic#0xFFF0,R11mov.bR11,3(R10) ; Store hundreds digit


    Get2_hex;Store 2 Hexadicimal at address: R6

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitrlam #0x04,R4 ; 0X h => X0 hmovR4,0(R6) ; store #1

    call#INCHAR_UARTcall#OUTA_UARTcall#Ascii2HexDigitaddR4,0(R6) ; store next HEX ( XX h)

    ret;---------------------------------HexDigit2AcsiiNum1 cmp#0x0A, R4


    Num2 cmp#0x00, R4jgecon1jmpretn1

    con1 add#0x30, R4jmpretn1

    Char1c cmp#0x0A, R4jgeChar2cjmpretn1

    Char2c cmp#0x10, R4jlcon2

    con2 add#0x37, R4jmpretn1

    retn1 ret;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Ascii2HexDigit; Only accept the uppercase for character from A -> F;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------;------------ R4 in range 0 - 9Number1 cmp#0x3A, R4 ; if R4 < A (10)

    jlNumber2 ; move to Number2jmpChar1 ; else move to Char1 (R4 not a


  • 8/12/2019 QuangHoa HoangLinh QuangTuyen LAB5 EE472 Report.pdf


    Lab 5Hexadecimal Calculator using MSP-EXP430FG4618/2013 Experimenter Board

    Number2 cmp#0x30, R4 ; R4 > 0jgeconvert1 ;jmpretn ; Finish convert

    convert1 sub#0x30, R4jmpretn

    ;------------ R4 in range A - FChar1 cmp#0x41, R4 ; if R4 >= A

    jgeChar2 ; move to Char2jmpretn

    Char2 cmp#0x47, R4 ; if R4 < G (mean: R4

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