  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    Quality Control in Garments Production


    Quality is defned as the level o acceptance o a ood or service! It is a very

    essential re"uirement or any #ind o product! $very product should maintain the

    standard "uality level! In this %&st century o lo'ali(ation mar#et are 'ecomin

    more and more comple)* that+s ,hy every industry are acin a hih level o

    competition or their 'usiness! -o the product must ulfll the customer re"uirement!

    .or this reason every product should maintain the "uality level! .or the te)tile

    industry and apparel industry* product "uality is calculated in terms o "uality

    standard o f'er* yarn! .a'ric construction * color astness* desin and the fnal

    fnished arment! No,adays 'uyers are very much "uality conscious! I it is possi'le

    to maintain a hih Quality system o inspection policy* the 'uyers shall 'e

    motivated and more "uality products can 'e made!The ftness or use concept can'e applied to arment! .or a arments to 'e ft or use provided its style

    accepta'le!&! It must 'e ree rom deects such as stain* material deects* open

    seam* loose hanin thread* misalined 'uttons and 'utton holes* deective (ipper

    etc!%! /ust ft properly or the la'eled si(e!0! It must perorm satisactorily in normal

    use* meanin that a arment must 'e a'ler to ,ithstand normal launderin 1 dry

    cleanin 1 pressin cycle ,ithout color loss or shrin#ae* seams must not come

    apart* a'ric must not tear and so on!2ut maintainin an ade"uate standard o

    "uality also costs e3ort! .rom the frst investiation to fnd out ,hat the potential

    customer or a ne, product really ,ants* throuh the processes o desin*

    specifcation* controlled manuacture!

    Quality Control

    Quality is o prime importance in any aspect o 'usiness! Customers demand and

    e)pect value or money! 4s producers o apparel there must 'e a constant endeavor

    to produce ,or# o ood "uality!5The systems re"uired or prorammin and

    coordinatin the e3orts o the various roups in an orani(ation to maintain the

    re"uisite "uality5! 4s such Quality Control is seen as the aent o Quality 4ssurance

    or Total Quality Control!


     To ma)imi(e the production o oods ,ithin the specifed tolerances correctly the

    frst time! 7 To achieve a satisactory desin o the a'ric or arment in relation to

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    the level o choice in desin* styles* colors* suita'ility o components and ftness o

    product or the mar#et!-atisactory "uality can only 'e ensured throuh8

    &! 9no,in the customer need!

    %! Desinin to meet them!

    0! .aultless construction!

    :! Certifed perormance and saety!

    ;! clear instruction manual

    &= .ault ree a'ric!

    %= -hade matchin o the arments!

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    0= /a#in the pattern as per 'uyer re"uirement!

    := 4ll the di3erent parts o the arment should have the perect si(e!

    ;= Good stitchin* seam ormation should 'e perect!

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    >= /easurement Q!C!

     = Iron Q!C!



    Cuttin "uality control

    -e,in "uality control.inishin "uality

    -tore Q!ITrims and accessories inspection

    .a'ric rela)ation and shade 'and Q!IQuality supervisorQuality supervisor

    -hrin#ae and G-/ test Q!I

    4ter iron inspection Q!I

    .a'ric inspection -R Q!I

    Aine Q!C

    -preadin "uality control/easurement chec# Q!IProcess Q!I

    .inal etup inspection Q!I

    /ar#er chec#in Q!IProcess Q!I

    4ter cuttin O!I

    Banta E 2arcode inspection Q!IProcess Q!I

    2undle inspection ram dam Q!IT,o hours audit

    Ratio E si(e inspection Q!I

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    Output fnal inspection Q!I in side1Top sidePre=fnal

    Cut a'ric panel chec#

    Di3erent section o "uality chec#in and its team

    Di3erent section o "uality chec#in8

    Quality chec#in is done 'y di3erent section ollo,ed 'y a se"uence to ensure the

    production o &FF ood "uality product! -tep 'y step "uality chec#in is done to

    identiy every deect and each section ,hose identiy the deects ta#e action to

    solve the pro'lem! The a'ric inspection is done primarily! Then the a'ric oes to

    the cuttin section* in the cuttin section "uality chec#in is done 'y every part o

    the processin* the identifed pro'lem solve there! 4s the same process the se,insection* ,ashin and fnishin section do their ,or#! 4s a result the ood "uality

    product can 'e produced ,hich helps to ulfll the 'uyers re"uirement

     The various -teps o Garments manuacturin ,here in=process inspection and

    "uality control are done are mentioned 'elo,=

     &! .a'ric inspection!

    %! Inspection in a'ric cuttin section

    0! Inspection in se,in section

    :! Inspection o ,ashin section

    ;! Inspection in pressin E fnishin section!

    4ctivities to 'e done 'y Quality team8

    Inspection o .a'ric and 4ccessories8

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     To a'ric ,hich ,ill 'e used to ma#e the arments* matchin ,ith the approved

    s,atch card!

     To inspect a'ric and accessories 'eore start the processin

    .a'ric Test8

     The ollo,in tests are carried on 'ased on : point system! There are used a lass

    ta'le! The a'ric laid on the ta'le and under the lass a liht used to chec#in


      -hade matchin!

      Di3erent types o spot chec#in!

      -ide=Centre=-ide shade chec#!

      $nd=$nd shade chec#!

      -hrin#ae Test!

    -preadin Quality Control8

    &FF a'ric lay spreadin should 'e 'ased on : points on a ,ooden ta'le!

    Cuttin "uality control8

    2loc# chec#= ta#in > 'loc#s o di3erent si(e o any one cuttin!2undle chec#= &FF

    chec# o cuttin no* 'undle no* and si(e serial etc!Panel chec# H &FF o cuttin

    ta'le inspection!

    4ter cuttin Quality Report8

    -l!no 2uyer -tyler1re!no Color Type o a'ric Cut!no Cut!"uantityty Chec#edQty

    Name o parts -i(e /isscut /1c plies Pattern chec# Top1In maintain Deect Qty

    Deect RateF& suns 'urry :F0 Purple Pi"ue :% &%

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    suns 'urry :F0 Purple Pi"ue :% &%JF;

    suns 'urry :F0 Purple Pi"ue :% &% F FJ &F TTA

    4ll deects are rectifed and pass!

    -titch monitors Record8

     To chec# the stitch countin them t,ice in a day* such as= ater startin se,in in

    the mornin and ater lunch 'rea#!0!%!< In= Aine Inspection8The arments chec# in

    every line everyday!4t least %F to 0F machine operator ,or#s under the "uality

    inspector! Be chec#s the arments in his line!0!%!> Ta'le inspection8 This is the

    last part o se,in section! The ta'le inspection is done in the fnal line o every

    se,in line! The arments ,hen completed se,in then it oes to the ta'le or


    .inal Inspection8

     The arments chec# &FF at fnal inspection line 'eore the product deliver!

    9eep the record hourly ater chec#in the product!

    Initial fnishin inspection8 chec#in done prior to pressin o the arment at

    fnishin room is #no,n as initial fnishin!

    .inal fnishin Inspection8 4ter pressin arments are aain chec#ed and passed or

    tain and pac#in!

    .a'ric "uality inspection

    .a'ric inspection8

    Inspection in reerence to the apparel industry can 'e defned as the visual

    e)amination or revie, o ra, materials li#e a'ric! The "uality o a fnal arment

    depends on the "uality o a a'ric ,hen it is received as a roll! $ven the most

    outstandin manuacturin methods cannot compensate or deective materials!

    Normally* ,e inspect &F o the rolls ,e receive and evaluate them 'ased on a

    our=point system! This ,ay* ,e can avoid a'ric related "uality pro'lems 'eore it is

    put into production! Normally our systems are used or inspection o fnished

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    arments!&! : point system%! &F point system0! Graniteville K>5 system!:! Dallas

    system!2ut amon them : point system is ,idely used! No, a short description o :

    point inspection system is iven 'elo,!

    point system8

     The :=Point -ystem* also called the 4merican 4pparel /anuacturers L44/4M point=

    radin system or determinin a'ric "uality* is ,idely used 'y producers o

    apparel a'rics and is endorsed 'y the 44/4 as ,ell as the 4-QC!

     The :=Point -ystem assins &* %* 0 and : penalty points accordin to the si(e and

    sinifcance o the deect! No more than : penalty points can 'e assined or any

    sinle deect! Deect can 'e in either lenth or ,idth direction* the system remains

    the same! Only ma6or deects are considered! No penalty points are assined to

    minor deects! In this system* one should inspect at least &F per cent o the total

    rolls in the shipment and ma#e sure to select at least one roll o each color ,ay!

    .a'ric deects are assined points 'ased on the ollo,in8 Total deect points per

    &FF s"uare yards o a'ric are calculated and the acceptance criteria are enerally

    not more than :F penalty points! .a'ric rolls containin more than :F points are

    considered Kseconds5! .ormula8 Points1&FF s" yards Total deect

    points1Total lenth o a'ric in yard &FF1& 0< inch1?idth o a'ric in inch!

     .inished .a'ric Inspection Report8

    ?hen the a'ric inspect* many types o ault has to chec#

    &! arn ault8=Naps=-lu's!=Thic# and thin place!=Dead cotton!

    %! 9nittin construction ault8=Aoop=Oil stain!=Needle mar#!=-in#er mar#!=Bole!

    0! Dyein ault8=Dye spot!=Uneven!=Crease mar#!=-otener spots!=Bole!=4dration


    .inishin ault8 =Dirt or soil! =Bole

    #nittin a'ric ault and remedies8


    &! Bih yarn tension!

    %! Aess strenth o yarn ,hich 'rea#s durin loop ormation!

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    0!Presence o mineral particle in yarn!

    :! Incorrect ap 'et,een the Dial E Cylinder rins!

    ;! arn eeder not properly set!

    -olution8 &! .or holes pro'lems solution use proper count o yarn!%! arn strenth is

    important!0! It should 'e ree rom all #ind o orein particle!:! The ap 'et,een

    the Cylinder E the Dial should 'e correctly ad6usted as per the #nitted loop si(e!

    Pin hole8 ery small holes appeared in the a'ric!


    &! Due to 'rea# do,n o latch or 'end!


    &! Chane the needle!

    %! Di3erent drive has to maintain!

    Needle 'ro#en1ladderin8=

     These deects occur due to 'ro#en needle! The loop does not orm in the ,ale!


    &! Bih yarn tension!

    %! ?ron cam settin!

    0! 2rea#ae o hoo# or 'utt! -olution8

      Deective needle should 'e chane

      Needle settin should 'e riht!

      arn tension has to minimi(e!

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    :! Needle must 'e cleaned 'eore production o any ne, a'ric

    -tain8 H

    -tains appear as spots o rease oil or dyes o di3erent color* in a neat E clean

    fnished a'ric surace!


    &! I dyin machine does not clean!

    %! Grease E Oil stains rom the unuarded movin machine parts li#e Gears

    -hats Drivin Pulleys E Trolley ,heels etc!

    0! .a'ric place on the dirty oor ater completin the process!

    :! Durin transportation!


    &! To remove the oil mar# the machine should 'e cleaned reularly and lu'ricantsuse careully!

    %! The a'ric should place in the clean oor!

    0! /a#e sure that the a'ric is neatly pac#ed in or covered ,ith Polythene sheets

    ,hile transportin or in storae!


    Contaminations appear in the orm o orein matter such as dyed f'ers* hus#*

    dead f'ers etc! in the staple spun yarn or em'edded in the #nitted a'ric structure!

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    &! Presence o dead f'ers E other orein materials* such as dyed f'ers* hus# E

    synthetic f'ers etc!

    %! Dyed E other types o f'ers yin rom the ad6acent 9nittin machines clin to

    the yarn 'ein used or #nittin E et em'edded in the Grey .a'ric!


    &! Riid control measures in the 2lo, Room to prevent the mi)in o orein matters

    in the Cotton mi)in!

    %! -ereate the -pinnin E 9nittin /achines* ,ith Plastic Curtains or /os"uito

    Nets* to prevent the f'ers yin rom the neih'orin machines* rom ettin

    em'edded in the yarn 1 a'ric! .ly yarn8 H This ault occur ,hen the

    yin yarn et mi)ed ,ith the yarn durin #nittin!-olution8 The #nittin

    machine have to clean reularly 'ecause the machine ,hen process the yarn to

    ma#e a'ric lot o f'er drop as ,astae and this can 'e mi)ed ,ith the a'ric

    .a'ric Cuttin Inspection

    .a'ric Cuttin8

    .a'ric cuttin is the preliminary section in arments industry! The a'ric cut into

    parts o arments here! This is most important section o arments or inspection

    'ecause the a'ric spread o F plies on the ta'le or cuttin! I there ma#e

    any mista#e or measurement in cuttin it can cause a serious damae or many

    arments product! -o it re"uired s#illed operator and hih level o inspection!

    Process -e"uence o .a'ric Cuttin -ection8

    &! .a'ric spreadin8 F plies o a'ric spread on the cuttin ta'le! The a'ric

    spread is very important! 4ll the a'ric measurement is #ept same or rom one

    ede to another ede! Tension o all plies ,ill 'e same! /ar#in process8

    %! /ar#in process8 This is the second step o cuttin section! The pattern parts

    place on the a'ric plies and dra,s accordin to pattern measurement! /ar#in is

    done compactly or possi'le amount o a'ric can save rom ,astae!

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    0! .a'ric Cuttin8 4ter ma#in is done the cuttin process 'ein! Bih speed

    cuttin machine cut the a'ric plies 'y the operator! The operator should 'e s#illed

    or this process 'ecause the a'ric has to cut 'y e)act mar#in measurement!

    :! Num'erin8 ?hen the a'ric cut into parts has fnished all the parts num'ered 'y

    the stic#er! This is done or all the parts o a arments can assem'led 'y the same

    a'ric! -o it can minimi(e the ris# o shade variation!

    ;! 2undlin8 ater num'erin the parts has to 'undled and sent to the se,in

    section Prepared 'undlin card accordin to a'ric lay report this card


    &! Proram No %! Cuttin No 0! -i(e No :! Pies

    ;! Roll No

    Quality Control in a'ric spreadin E cuttin8

    &! .a'ric spreadin accordin to correct alinment ,ith mar#er lenth and ,idth %!

    /aintain re"uirements o spreadin 0! Aay contains correct num'er o a'ric ply :!

    Correct Ply direction >! Tension control

    &! The dimension o the pattern and the cut piece should 'e same and accurate %!

    Cut ede should 'e smooth and clean

    0! 4void 'lade deection

    :! /aintain cuttin anle

    ;!:! .ault occurs in cuttin section and its remedies8;!:!&! /isalinment o plies8 Plies misalined* resultin in arment parts ettin cut

    ,ith 'its missin in some plies at the ede o the spread!

    Cause8 &! Di3erent plies spread too tiht or too loose!%! 4ll the plies do not

    spread rom the ede at same measurements!


    &! 4ll a'ric should spread at same tension!%! /easurement should 'e e"ual at all

    measurement or the ede!

    Aess mar#er e@ciency8 less mar#er e@ciency cause o increasin ,astae and

    result a ,ron cuttin!


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    Chec# the mar#er is placed on the spread ,ith the ede parallel to the selvae o

    the oods! It must ensure that no plies is creased* damae* or have overlapped

    parts! It must 'e ensured that possi'le amount o ,astae can reduce!

    Incorrect tension o plies8 Improper tension durin spreadin can spoil the riht

    measurements o the cuttin parts

    -olution8 &! Chec# the tension durin spreadin! It is very important or #nit a'ric!

    ?ron cuttin8 This occur due to

    &! Careless cuttin operator

    %! Deection o 'lade!

    0! Unsharpened 'lade!

    :! Roller 6ams durin cuttin

    -olution8 &! 2lade should 'e sharpened!%! Reular chec#in o cuttin machine 0!

    -hould 'e careul ,hen cuttin!

    ;!:!; Num'erin mista#e8 The cuttin partsnum'ered 'y the stic#er to assem'le the arments rom same a'ric! I operator

    misses any parts to num'er all the parts ater rom there ,ill 'e ,ron num'ered!

    Cause8 Aac# o concentration 'y the operator durin num'erin!

    -olution8 The operator has to 'e alert ,hen he num'ered the parts that no

    parts cannot 'e missed rom num'erin!

    -e,in Quality Inspection

    -e,in section8

    4ter fnishin the cuttin process the cuttin parts come here or se,in! It is

    mainly an assem'ly section in the arments actory! Di3erent parts o the arments

     6oined toether here and attach other accessories li#e 'utton* (ipper ma#e a

    complete product!

    &! Input material chec#in %! 4ccessories chec#in 0! /achine is in ,ell

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    condition :! Thread count chec# ! -titchin ault should

    'e chec#ed ! Garments measurement chec# J! -eam ault chec# &F! -i(e

    mista#e chec# &%! -hade variation ,ithin the cloth &0! ?ron placement o

    interlinin &:! Creased or ,rin#le appearance control

     Deects occur in se,in section and remedies8

    -#ipped stitch8

    -ome place in the stitch line ,here the stitch does not ormed 8


    &! .ailure o needle to enter loop at correct time%! Needle deection or 'ent

    needle0! Thread loop ailure due to incorrect needle si(e or thread si(e:! Incorrectse,in tension in the needle;! Thread loop ailure due to incorrect settin o thread

    control mechanism

    %! Perect needle si(e or thread si(e

    Needle 'rea#ae deect8

    -cratch on the se,in product 'y the needle tip ,hen several stitches are

    perormed and needle is 'ro#en durin se,in Cause8

    &! $)cessive tension in needle thread

    %! $)cessive needle heat* roove or eye 'loc#ed ,ith melted a'ric

    0! Thread rayin at needle

    :! Thread trapped at thread uide

     ;! Thread trappin at the 'ase o cone

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    &! The needle has to chane immediately! I the scratch on the arments is very 'i

    or deep the product should 'e re6ected!

    %! Use stroner thread or ad6ust tension!

    0! Reduce Increase thread uides and reduce disc tension

    :! The overhead uide should 'e directly a'ove cone or the thread pac#ae! 4lso

    ensure that thread pac#ae shouldn+t et tilted durin o3 ,indin!

    Uneven Lsleeve* armholeM8 sleeve or armhole ede old has a measurement! Unevenmeans ,hen the measurement is not same in all place! This occur due to careless

    operatin 'y se,in operator

    -olution8 the uneven place seam has to open and aain stitch ,ith riht


    /ain level not in centre point8

    &! 2uyer ives instruction ,here to place the main level! I it is placin in the ,ron

    area this is a ault!

    -olution8 &! /ain level has to attach in the riht place!

     Oil mar# in arments8

     Oil mar# occur rom the se,in machine lu'ricants and spot is appeared on the


    Cause8 Durin the se,in operation oil can accidentally slic# out rom the

    machine and drop on the a'ric and spotted!


    -pot liter chemical use to remove the oil the mar# o the arments! 4t frst the spot

    litin chemical spray on the arments spot then air 'lo,n 'y the machine! The spot


  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    -ide seam not in line8

    -ide seam are not at the side line! It may come or,ard or 'ac#,ard!

    Cause8 I the ront and 'ac# part o the arments do not cut 'y correct

    measurement or operator ma#e mista#e o se,in the seam ormation in the side

    come or,ard or 'ac#,ard rom the side ormation!

    -olution8 Cuttin parts must have riht measurement and oprator have to

    'e conscious a'out that! -ome times it can recover 'y stitchin aain or it can 'e


    -eam Puc#er8

    4ter se,in ,hen the a'ric is puc#ered in the seam area! It is the ,rin#le* orcorruation o the se,n a'ric runnin across the seam


    &! .a'ric and 1 or thread insta'ility

    %! Poorly controlled a'ric eed

    0! $)tension in se,in thread

    :! Incorrect tension settin

    ;! -tructural 6ammin or inherent puc#er


    &! 4d6ust eed timin and a'ric control or ma)imum pullin o the a'ric!

    %! Chec# tension level in the thread* -e, ,ith minimum tension possi'le! 4l,ays

    ad6ust 'o''in thread tension frst then needle thread tension!

    0! Chec# i the coe@cient o riction o the thread ,ith metal is hih!


  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    -hade pro'lem8

    It is the pro'lem appeared ,hen the t,o parts shade loo#s di3erent in the arments


    It is also may 'e a pro'lem in cuttin section ,here this parts made num'erin


    .or the lac# o e)perience or concentration o ,or#er and i di3erent parts are mi)ed

    'y ,or#er!


    -hade pro'lem parts are separate and actual parts are attached

    9acha pro'lem8

    I une)pected parts are sho,n 'y the arments rom se,in area then this pro'lem

    is occurred

    Causes8 .or lac# o e)perience or concentration o ,or#er!-olution8

     The une)pected part is cut out precisely!

    -titch line uneven8

    -titch line is not straiht position* it is displaced rom its line!

    Cause8 This ault is occurred 'y operator!


     The stitch has to open and aain se,in!

    Non matchin thread8 -ome times ,hen se,in is done* the arments and the

    se,in thread loo#ed shade variation!

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    Cause8 I arments color and se,in thread does not match ,ith color

    -olution8 The se,in thread must have the same color ,ith the arments!

     To ensure that 'eore se,in the thread must chec# ,ith the arments!

    ?ashin Quality Inspection

    ?ashin section8

    ?ashin process o arment is done to create ,ash loo# appearance! 4ter ,ashin

    the arments create a ne, loo#s ,hich seems the ne, touch o ashion!

    =?ashin techni"ue create ne, ashion such as tain* rindin* destroy* 2lastin*

    ,his#erin* permanent ,rin#le* deep dye* tie dye* p!p spray* hand crappin* p!p

    spoon (in etc! ?hich is also seems the 'est touch o arments!

    =The main and important unction o ,ashin is to reduce si(e materials as a result

    the arment 'ecome si(e ree and 'ecome sot hand eel!

    =?hen these sot arments are touched then it seems to 'est touch o arments!

    =To attraction the customers12uyer 'y di3erent types o .ashiona'le ,ashin and

    mar#et developments!

    =Due to ,ashin* shrin#ae occurs in the arments! There is no possi'ility o urther

    shrin#ae o ,ash arments!

    =4ny dirt* spot or erm i added in the arments durin manuacturin is alsoremoved due to ,ashin

    >!% Quality control in ,ashin section8

    &! -hade variation chec#!

    %! Uneven chec#!

    0! /aintain time schedule or each process!

    :! /aintain e)act temperature or each process!

    .inishin Quality Inspection

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    .inishin section8

     This is the fnal section o the arments industry! arious types o ault chec# here!

     This is the important section ,here fnally the product has to inspect and solve the

    deect o the arments!

    Quality Control in .inishin -ection8

    &! Proper inspection o the arments includin measurement* spot* dirt* impurities

    %! -hadin variation chec#

     0! -mooth and unold in poc#et

     :! In secured or 'ro#en chain or 'utton

      ;! ?ron old

    >! Properly dried in ater pressin

    ! Collar closin

    .ault occur in fnishin section and its remedies8 Ironin pro'lem8 -ome ironin

    pro'lem occurred are ivin 'ello, most !0!& -houlder up do,n8 Durin ironin i

    the shoulder side is not placed correctly Causes8 It is also the mista#e o the

    ,or#er!Remedies8 -houlder placed correctly and ironin aain!2ottom up do,n8

    I top and 'ottom are not placed correctly

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    Causes8 .or the lac# o e)perience or concentration o ,or#er!Remedies8 2ottom and

    top placed correctly and ironin aain!


    Crease i 'rouht in the a'ric and ironin! Causes8 .or the lac# o concentration o

    ,or#er i he ironin the arment on the crease area!Remedies8 Remove the crease

    rom the a'ric and ironin aain!

    Poor oldin resultin poor appearance8 Due to poor oldin the arments

    4ppearance loo#s odd or not appreciatin!


     The arments should old properly accordin to 'uyers instruction!

    Incorrect pac#in8 The pac#in should do 'y ollo,in instruction rom the 'uyer!

    -olution8 The product has to pac# properly

    -i(e mista#e8

    Di3erent si(e sin are used in arment and loc# pin la'el


    It+s a mista#e or lac# o concentration o ,or#er!-olution8

    Place the loc# pin ,hich si(e are sho,n in the product

    2arcode pro'lem8

    I the main la'el and han ta 'arcode are not similar!

  • 8/17/2019 Quality Control in Garments Production


    Causes8 It+s a mista#e o ,or#er!-olution8 -ame 'arcode o main la'el and han ta

    are placed!


    Quality control plays a vital role in #nit arments production! No,adays 'uyer

    re"uires specifc "uality in all ma6or parts o the fnished products! ?hat special in

    this report is that the inormation data and description very much o'6ective E

    practical! ?e have tried to complete this pro6ect ,or# as much ,e can! It ,ill help

    us to maintain the "uality o the arments in arments production!
