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1QUALITY?What does the term quality mean?

Quality represents the extent to which a good/service meets or exceeds expectationsOverall QualityQuality along many dimensionsterm used for todays new concept of quality is total quality management

Quality in business, engineering and manufacturing has a pragmatic interpretation as the non-inferiority or superiority of something. Quality is a perceptual, conditional and somewhat subjective attribute and may be understood differently by different people. Consumers may focus on the specification quality of a product/service, or how it compares to competitors in the marketplace. Producers might measure the conformance quality, or degree to which the product/service was produced single universal definition of quality. Some people view quality asperformance to standards.Others view it as meeting the customers needs or satisfyingthe customer.

term used for todays new concept of quality is total quality management(TQM)An integrated effort designed to improve quality performance at every level of the organization.

2QUALITY AWARDSQuality awards: special recognition Strive for excellenceGenerate interest in quality programsMeet challenges

encouraging manufacturing and service organizations to strive for excellence and giving special recognition to those who are considered to be the leaders of quality movement .These award are intended to generate interest and involvement of Industry in quality programmes, drive our products and services to higher levels of quality and equip our Industry to meet the challenges of domestic and International markets3 Quality AwardsRajiv Gandhi National Quality AwardThe Golden Peacock National Quality Award.IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality AwardMalcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)The Deming Prize 4

Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award

Instituted by BIS in 1991Its a annual featureDesigned similar to Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in USA, Deming Prize in Japan and European Quality Award.

BIS BUREAU of Indian standardThe award has been named after our Late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, recognizing the new thrust he had given to the quality movement in India with a view to encouraging Indian manufacturing and service organizations to strive for excellence and giving special recognition to those who are considered to be the leaders of quality movement in India

5RGNQA helps IndustryEncouraging improvements, consumer satisfactionRecognize improved qualityGuideline to evaluate own qualityProviding specific guidance

a) Encouraging Indian Industry to make significant improvements in quality for maximizing consumer satisfaction and for successfully facing competition in the global market as well;b) Recognizing the achievements of those organizations which have improved the quality of their products and services and thereby set an example for others;c) Establishing guidelines and criteria that can be used by industry in evaluating their own quality improvement efforts; andd) Providing specific guidance to other organizations that wish to learn how to achieve excellence in quality, by making available detailed information on the `Quality Management Approach' adopted by award winning organizations to change their culture and achieve eminence.

6Rajiv Gandhi National Quality AwardCOMMENDATION CERTIFICATES - BEST OF ALL' and the name of the winning organization. In addition, the winner will also be given financial incentive in the form of a cash award of Rs. 500 000.

There are five awards consisting of one for large scale manufacturing organizations, one for small scale manufacturing organizations, one for large scale service sector organizations, one for small scale service sector organizations and one for BEST OF ALL. In addition, there are eight commendation certificates each for large scale and small scale manufacturing organizations as per industrial sectors given below:a) Bio-technology,b) Chemical industry;c) Electrical and electronic industry;d) Food and drug industry;e) Gems, jewellery and allied industry;f) Metallurgical industry; g) Textile industry; andh) Engineering industry and others

7Rajiv Gandhi NQA ASSESMENT CRITERIA Large scale OrgLeadershipPoliciesObjectivesHRMResourcesProcessEmployee satisfactionBusiness results

Small scale OrgLeadershipHMProcessesCustomer focused resultsImpact On societyBusiness results

Emphasis will be placed on quality achievement and quality improvement as demonstrated through the information provided by applicant organizationLeadership,PoliciesObjectives, HRM ,Resources ,Process, Employee satisfaction, Business results

8The GoldenPeacock Award.Institute of Directors in February 1991Total Quality improvements in manufacturing as well as service organisations in Indiapresented at the World Congress on Total Qualitystimulates and helps organisations to rapidly accelerate the pace of customer-oriented improvement process

Institute of Directors in February 1991Total Quality improvements in manufacturing as well as service organisations in Indiapresented at the World Congress on Total Qualitystimulates and helps organisations to rapidly accelerate the pace of customer-oriented improvement processincluding :* Public and private undertakings* All sectors of industry and commerce* Government and Semi-Government departments* Trade and professional associations* Educational, Service and Research Establishments9

Your application will be assessed and scored on a scale from 0 to 1000 points using the GPNQA Model for TotalQuality Management.enabler categories are concerned with how 'Result' are achieved. The assessor scored each part of theenabler criteria on the basis of : The degree of excellence of your approach The degree of deployment of your approach. The degree of robust design of your approach10Golden peacock awardsscoring and feedback are based on three evaluation dimensions:(1) Approach (2) Deployment and (3) Results

Scoring and feed back Approach refers to how the applicant addresses the Item requirements - the method(s) used. Deployment refers to the extent to which the applicants approach is applied to all requirements of the Item.

Results:what the organisation has achieved and is achieving11MBNQA- What Is It?Award named after the former Secretary of Commerce Regan AdministrationIntended to reward and stimulate quality initiativesGiven to no more that two companies in each of three categories; manufacturing, service, and small businessPast winners; Motorola Corp., Xerox, FedEx, 3M, IBM, Ritz-Carlton


The Deming PrizeGiven by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers since 1951Named after W. Edwards Deming who worked to improve Japanese quality after WWIINot open to foreign companies until 1984Florida P & L was first US company winner

The Deming PrizeBoth individuals and organizations qualify for the Deming prize Annually presented to companies that show improvement in the field of total quality managementNo industry barrierDivisions of a company

15How to decide the winners???How well is TQM implemented

Rules and regulations

Depending on production and non-production parts of the firm.

IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award

Instituted in 1997 objectivesPromote quality awareness and practices in Indian BusinessRecognize achievements of Indian companies in the field of quality Publicize successful quality strategies and programs

IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality AwardThe Quality Award is presented every year to Companies in Manufacturing organizationsService organizationsSmall BusinessesOverseas OrganizationsEducation and Health Care

Impact of quality awards on TQMStimulate companies to improve quality and productivityRecognize the achievements of the companiesProviding guidance to the companies helping stimulate companies to improve quality and productivity for the pride of recognitionwhile obtaining a competitive edge through increased profits,- recognizing the achievements of those companies which improve the quality of their goodsand services and provide an example to others,- providing specific guidance for other organisations that wish to learn how to manage for highquality by making available detailed information on how winning organisation were able tochange their cultures and achieve eminence.References19HOW QUALITY AWARDS HELP BUSINESS Identify a critical process that needs improvingIdentify an organization that excels in this processImprove the critical processdevelop a benchmarking, best practice, and business excellence information to serve the needs of companies

Quality awards provide an excellent source for monitoring progress and identifying opportunities for improvement for companies20CONCLUSIONWhile leading organisations compete to win awards, the main purpose of these awards is to encourage more companies to adopt quality management principlesThe models are practical tools; they help organisations to measure where they are now and where they want to be in the future. The models also help organisations to create a plan to reduce the gap between these positions.

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