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Al-Musanna College of Technology

Quality Assurance Manual

Al Musanna College of Technology


Version 11.1 February 2016

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Versions: with amendments

Version and date Summary of Changes

1 QAM version 3

Feb 24 2012

-New Policies added: Examination Policy, Records Retention Policy,

Curriculum Review and Development page 3.

2 QAM version 4

September 2013

-New policy added: Printing and Photocopying Policy, HR Planning and

Development page 3

QAM version 6 November 2013

3 QAM version 5

June 2014

-New policy added: Graduation project, Organizing Event Policy page 3

4 QAM version 6

November 2014.

- End of Contract Procedures page 3

- Staff Handover Procedures added in Section 9.10 Appraisal Report updated.

Appendix 4.1 to 4.3

5 QAM version

6.1 January


-Mechanism added. Section 11.1 pages 63-64

-SP Development Process added page 13.

-OP Development Process added page 20.

6 QAM version

6.2 April 2015

-New policies added: Student Society Policy and Student Grievance Policy page


-Statistics added. Section 1.1 last line.

- The mechanism to obtain staff feedback on QAM is added- 2.2

7 QAM version 7

September 2015

Brief explanation of the following polices were added;

3.13 Risk Management Policy

3.14 Academic Integrity and Honesty (Plagiarism Policy)

3.15 Records Retention

3.16 Examination

3.17 Curriculum Review and Development

3.18 Parking

3.19 Computer Services

3.20 Library Services

3.21 Maintenance

3.22 Transportation

3.23 Cafeteria

3.24 Code of Ethics

3.25 HR Planning and Development

3.26 Account Creation/Deletion and Clearance

3.27 Graduation Project

3.28 Organizing college Events

3.29 Printing and Photocopying

3.30 End of Contract Procedures

331 Student Society Policy

3.32 Student Grievance Policy

3.33 Student Attendance Policy

Section 9.9 Staff Grievance

10.2.4 The research team or individual should first approach ADAA.

(previously Research Team)

10.2.5 Whether the College gets funding support from Research Council-


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10.2.6 A monetary grant given by The Research Council –

FURAP for students for approved project proposals. (added)

QAM version

11.1 February


-parking policy added statement” ACT built a new parking lot to overcome the

shortage in parking space. The parking lot gives a modern look and there is no

longer shortage of parking space”.

-Colleges of Technology policies approved in November 2015;

1. Mechanism for the Standardization of frameworks, policies and

procedures in Colleges of Technology

2. Mechanism for measuring the effectiveness of Governance and

Management of Colleges of Technology

3. Mechanism for the Financial Planning and Management in Colleges of


4. Policy for Succession Planning in Colleges of Technology

5. Guidelines for Enhancing Staff Commitment to Quality Assurance Work

in Colleges of Technology.

6. Policy for Student and Staff Involvement in Decision Making in Colleges

of Technology

7. Mechanism for Collection of Feedback from Industry on GAs, LOs and

Curriculum of Colleges of Technology

2.1 Added: (Guidelines for Enhancing Staff Commitment to QA work in

Colleges of Technology)

7.10 added: (Policy for Succession Planning in Colleges of Technology)

4.8.4 added: (Mechanism of Collection of Feedback from Industry on

GAs, Los and Curriculum of Colleges of Technology)

3.2 Financial management of the College added: (Mechanism for the

Financial Planning and Management in the Colleges of Technology)

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QAM Sections:

Section One Introduction

Section Two Quality in the College

Section Three Management and Operation of the College

Section Four Teaching and Learning

Section Five Assessment

Section Six Academic Standards

Section Seven Assessment and Examination Standards

Section Eight Student Guidance & Support

Section Nine Human Resource Development

Section Ten Research and Consultancy Policy

Section Eleven Quality Audit

QAM Appendices: (Available in the College Portal and QA Folder)

Appendix 1 College Strategic Plan (SP)

Appendix 2 Annual Report (AR)

Appendix 3 Policy Management System (PMS), Policies and Procedures and Guidelines

Appendix 3.1 Examination Policy

Appendix 3.2 Records and Retention Policy

Appendix 3.3 Risk Management Policy (RMP)

Appendix 3.4 Plagiarism Policy

Appendix 3.5 Health and Safety Policy (HS)

Appendix 3.6 Parking Policy

Appendix 3.7 Curriculum Review and Development Policy (CRD)

Appendix 3.8 Computer Services Policy

Appendix 3.9 Library Services Policy

Appendix 3.10 Maintenance Policy

Appendix 3.11 Transportation Policy

Appendix 3.12 Cafeteria Policy

Appendix 3.13 Code of Ethics Policy

Appendix 3.14 HR Planning and Development Policy

Appendix 3.15 Account Creation/Deletion and Clearance Policy

Appendix 3.16 Graduation Project Policy

Appendix 3.17 Organizing College Events Policy

Appendix 3.18 Printing and Photocopying Policy

Appendix 3.19 End of Contract Procedures (Policy)

Appendix 3.20 Student Society Policy

Appendix 3.21 Student Grievance Policy

Appendix 3.22 Student Attendance Policy

Appendix 3.23 Mechanism for the Standardization of frameworks, policies and procedures

in Colleges of Technology

Appendix 3.24 Mechanism for measuring the effectiveness of Governance and

Management of Colleges of Technology

Appendix 3.25 Mechanism for the Financial Planning and Management in Colleges of


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Appendix 3.26 Policy for Succession Planning in Colleges of Technology

Appendix 3.27 Guidelines for Enhancing Staff Commitment to Quality Assurance Work in

Colleges of Technology.

Appendix 3.28 Policy for Student and Staff Involvement in Decision Making in Colleges

of Technology

Appendix 3.29 Mechanism for Collection of Feedback from Industry on GAs, LOs and

Curriculum of Colleges of Technology

Appendix 4.1 Department’s Summary of Appraisal Report

Appendix 4.2 Instructors and Technicians Appraisal Report by HoD/HoC/HoS

Appendix 4.3 Administration Appraisal Report

Appendix 5 The Program

Appendix 6 Amended Bylaws

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

ENG and ETC Quality Sub-manual (QAM) for workshops and labs

The structure of the College’s programs

Appendix 9 A note on sources

Appendix 10 Staff and Student’s Handbook

Appendix 3.23 Mechanism for the Standardization of frameworks, policies and procedures

in Colleges of Technology

Appendix 3.24 Mechanism for measuring the effectiveness of Governance and

Management of Colleges of Technology

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Table of Contents

Foreword by the Dean …………………………………………………………………………..9

Glossary ………………………………………………………………..………………………10

Section One: Introduction ………………………………………………………………….…11

1.0 General remarks

1.1 A brief history of the College

1.2 College Vision

1.3 College Mission Statement

1.4 College Goals, Principles and Values and Attributes

1.5 Strategic planning

1.6 The meaning of ‘quality’

Section Two: Quality in the College……………………………………………………..16

2.1 The College’s quality philosophy

2.2 The scope and purpose of the QAM

2.3 The College’s annual Quality Cycle - ADRI

2.4 Organizational structure

2.5 Management responsibilities

2.6 College Council

2.6.1 Responsibility and Authorities of College Council

2.6.2 Regulations

2.6.3 Operational Planning

2.6.4 Planning Management

2.6.5 Entity and Activity Review system

2.7 College Committees

2.7.1 Quality Assurance Committee

2.7.2 Curriculum Review Committee

2.7.3 Investigation Committee

2.7.4 Disciplinary Committee

2.7.5 On-The-Job Training (OJT) Committee

2.7.6 Registration Committee

2.7.7 Cultural Committee

2.7.8 Policy Development Committee

2.7.9 Health and Safety Committee

2.7.10 Risk management Committee

2.7.11 Benchmarking Committee

Section Three: Management and Operation of the College……………………… …………31

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3.1 Management of the College: Overview

3.1.1 Ethical requirements for staff in the College

3.1.2 Role of the College

3.1.3 Role and responsibilities of the Ministry of Manpower (MoM)

3.1.4 Role of the Ministry’s Quality Assurance Department [QD]

3.2 Financial management of the College

3.2.1 Budget setting

3.2.2 Budget control

3.3 Policy Management System (PMS) and College Policies and Procedures (PP)

3.4 PP for Maintenance and Repair of equipment and facilities

3.5 PP for Labs and workshops

3.6 PP for Ancillary Services of the College

3.7 PP for Health and Safety

3.8 PP for Community Engagement

3.9 PP for Media Relations

3.10 PP for Inter-institutional relations

3.11 PP for Relations with the private and governmental sectors

3.12 PP for Communication services

3.13 Risk Management System

3.14 Academic Integrity (Plagiarism)

3.15 Records Retention

3.16 Examination

3.17 Curriculum Review and Development

3.18 Parking

3.19 Computer Services Policy

3.20 Library Services Policy

3.21 Maintenance Policy

3.22 Transportation Policy

3.23 Cafeteria Policy

3.24 Code of Ethics Policy

3.25 HR Planning and Development Policy

3.26 Account Creation/Deletion and Clearance Policy

3.27 Graduation Project Policy

3.28 Organizing College Events policy

3.29 Printing and Photocopying Policy

3.30 End of Contract Procedures (Policy)

3.31 Student Society Policy

3.32 Student Grievance Policy

3.33 Student Attendance Policy

Section Four: Teaching and Learning………………………………………………………42

4.0 Colleges of Technology Pedagogical Framework (see college portal)

4.1 Teaching and learning strategy

4.1.1 The basis of the strategy

4.1.2 Skills needed by graduates

4.1.3 Cognitive skills

4.1.4 Interpersonal skills

4.1.5 IT skills

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4.1.6 General and subject-specific skills

4.1.7 Class-based and independent learning

4.2 Course delivery

4.2.1 Lectures

4.2.2 Seminars

4.2.3 Tutorials

4.2.4 Practical work

4.2.5 Independent learning

4.3 The quality of teaching

4.4 Learning resources strategy

4.5 On-Job Training (OJT) Policies and Procedures

4.6 The Structure of Academic programs

4.7 Approval of courses and programs

4.7.1 Program approval

4.7.2 Course approval

4.7.3 The process of Curriculum Review and Update

4.8 Monitoring of courses and programs

4.9 Review of courses and programs

4.10 Staff-Student Program Committees

Section Five: Assessment…………………………………………………………………….49

5.1 The College’s responsibilities in relation to assessment

5.2 Assessment strategy

5.3 Moderation procedures

5.4 Physical security of question papers

Section Six: Academic Standards…………………………………………………………...51

6.1 The definition of academic standards

6.2 The importance of academic standards

6.3 Responsibility for academic standards

6.4 Underpinning of academic standards

Section Seven: Assessment and Examination Standards………………….…………….…53

7.1 Examinations

7.1.1 The role and responsibilities of invigilators

7.1.2 Examination procedures

7.1.3 Role and responsibility of examination committee

7.1.4 Action by invigilators on discovery of malpractice

7.1.5 Action by invigilators in the event of illness

7.1.6 Action by invigilators in the event of an emergency

7.2 Extenuating circumstances

7.3 Coursework

7.4 Examination meetings

7.5 The reporting of results

7.6 Progression regulations

7.7 Regulations governing repeat of a course, or a semester of study

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7.8 Exclusion of a student on academic grounds

7.9 Assessment offences

7.9.1 Definitions

7.9.2 Steps to be taken

7.9.3 Student appeals

Section Eight: Student Guidance & Support……..……………………………………..56

8.1 Student recruitment

8.2 Student admissions

8.3 Student guidance

8.3.1 Academic advice

8.3.2 Student handbook

8.3.3 Student counseling

8.3.4 Career guidance

8.3.5 Student finance

8.3.6 Medical services

8.4 Policy on students with disabilities

8.5 Student discipline procedures

8.6 Student complaints procedures

8.7 Policy on student feedback

8.8 Graduate follow-up

Section Nine: Human Resources Development……………………………………………63

9.1 Policy and procedures for recruitment of academic staff

9.2 Policy and procedures for recruitment of administrative staff

9.3 Policy on induction, mentoring and development of College staff

9.4 Procedures for induction of College staff

9.5 Procedures for the mentoring of College staff

9.6 The development of College staff

9.7 Staff profile

9.8 Staff appraisal

9.8.1 General matters

9.8.2 Systems of appraisal

9.8.3 Appraisal of academic staff

9.8.4 Appraisal of administrative staff

9.8.5 Appraisal of Technician or support staff

9.9 Staff Grievance

9.10 Staff Handover

9.11 Exit Interview

9.12 Staff Clearance

9.13 Human Resources Planning and Development Policy

Section Ten: Research and Consultancy Policy……………………….…………………….68

10.1 Research and consultancy policy

10.2 Support for research

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10.3 Support for consultancy

Section Eleven: Quality Audit……………………………………………………………….70

11.1 Procedures for internal quality audits

11.2 Procedures for external quality audits

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Welcome to Al Musanna College of Technology. We hope you find this Quality Assurance

Manual (QAM) to be useful and clearly understood.

Al Musanna College of Technology main objective is to provide high quality technological

education and training to Omani students, so that when they graduate they are immediately

able to make a meaningful contribution to the further development of the Sultanate’s economy.

In fulfilling that purpose, a culture of quality assurance and enhancement is essential,

therefore, this QAM serves as a guiding tool.

This QAM sets out the policies, procedures and regulations through which the College will

conduct its day-to-day operations. It also contains details on the college’s approach to

monitoring, reviewing, and seeking to improve its performance in all areas. It is through a

constant desire to improve, that the college will move forward.

All staff of the college, whether academic or administrative, must be familiar with the contents

of the QAM and should know how the manual relates to their own role in the institution.

Quality is the responsibility of all, and it is only through the whole-hearted commitment of each

and every staff member that the college can succeed and serve the nation as it should.

Dr. Qasim Murtadha Al Mar’ashi

College Dean

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Academic standards: The term ‘academic standards’ (Section Six) is used here to mean the

standards of academic awards such as Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and BTech. In a high

quality College, levels of achievement demonstrated by students gaining an award should be

similar to those demonstrated by students in reputable institutions nationally and


Academic quality: Academic quality has three main components. Academic programs should

be effective in terms of their usefulness to students, appropriate in terms of enabling students'

learning and development through the educational process, and comparable in terms of meeting

national, regional and international expectations for academic content and coverage in the

subject area.

Activity Plans: Detailed documents, drawn up at department or College level, which list

actions to be taken in a given timeframe by a department, individual or the College as a whole.

Activity plans (or ‘work plans’) are designed in line with the strategic plan, the operational

plan, and stakeholder feedback. See 2.3.3.

ADRI: Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvement. See section 2.3 for further explanation.

Ancillary services: See section 3.5

KPIs: Key performance indicators used to measure the outcomes of strategies in the

achievement of goals and sub-goals.

Mission: A plan to be implemented by an institution which is realistic in relation to the

institution’s capacity. It states the steps to be taken by the institution for effective development

and improvement (for example in planning, evaluation and resource allocation), and is used as

a basis for decision making in the institution’s strategic plan. See section 1.3.

Operational Plan: A plan derived from the College strategic plan in which departments and

centers extract the strategies and KPIs that are relevant to their annual operations.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the technical term for forms of academic cheating, usually involving

either copying from a published source or from another student’s work and claiming the work

is your own; or copying sections from a published source or from another student’s work and

changing only a few words and phrases.

Policy: Policies are relatively general statements of intent. For example a ‘health and safety

policy’ for an institution will set out in general terms the institution’s intentions and

responsibilities in promoting heath and safety among its staff, students and visitors. See, for

example, section 3.7.

Procedures: Procedures show in more detail how particular policies will be carried out in

routine practical terms. For instance ‘health and safety procedures’ will itemize specific day-

to-day actions to be taken in order to safeguard health and safety in the institution. See, for

example, section 3.7

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Quality: Quality is inherently variable (‘high quality,’ ‘low quality’) and refers to the extent to

which processes and activities in an institution are fit for its purpose and meet the requirements

of all stakeholders.

Quality assurance: Planned and systematic mechanisms to ensure that specified requirements

are met, and that responsibility for quality and standards is properly discharged.

Quality Assurance Manual: A document, available in hard and soft copy, which sets out the

College’s approach to quality assurance and enhancement, and specifies how this translates into

practice through a rigorous set of policies, procedures, guidelines, forms and regulations.

Quality enhancement: A commitment to improve the quality of activities and services, put

into practice through forms of regular scrutiny leading to immediate action by named

individuals or bodies.

Stakeholders: This term refers to all the individuals, groups or formal bodies that have a

legitimate interest in the success or failure of an educational institution. In relation to the

Colleges of Technology, stakeholders include students, staff, the Ministry and the communities

in which the Colleges are situated. See section 2.1.6.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): These are sets of instructions, directives or

guidelines covering repetitive day to day activities that lend themselves to standardized

procedures. Their aim is to improve efficiency, consistency, and therefore, quality.

Strategic planning: This term refers to the process of developing strategies in pursuit of

agreed goals. In general, planning is ‘strategic’ when it operates on the grand scale and takes in

‘the big picture.’

Strategy: A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or goals.

Vision: An institution’s ‘vision’ sets out where it hopes to be in the medium- or long-term

future, in terms of achievements and reputation.

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Section One - Introduction

1.0 General remarks

This section of the QAM provides background information about the college, including its

history, goals, and core beliefs. This information provides the context for which its quality

systems have been designed.

1.1 A brief history of the College

Al Musanna College of Technology (ACT) is located in Al Bathina South governorate, was

established in 1993 by vocational authority no.131/93 in order to change it from a vocational

training institute to a full pledged technical college.

The college started its academic activities in 1993 by accepting students for the academic year

1993-1994. The language of instruction was Arabic. At the beginning, the total number of

students registered was 102, teaching staff was 12, and administrative staff was 17. There were

only two courses of study: Accounting and Management.

Despite being a new college, the entire college team was committed to quality education to

meet the high technical manpower requirements of the job market in the Sultanate. The

pioneering efforts of the original college staff resulted in the successful completion of its first

academic year and produced 58 graduates in 1995.

In the academic year 1996-1997, the college began to offer the General National Vocational

Qualification (GNVQ), authorized by the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), UK, and the language

of instruction was changed to English. At the beginning of academic 2000-2001, the college

again introduced a change and began to offer the Omani National Diploma (OND).

Due to rapid changes of technology, and consequently the need for additional modes of

teaching, the college again implemented new programs in academic year 2003-2004 in order to

comply with the pace of the technical world. The following academic years and onwards, the

college has improved tremendously in terms of its facilities and technology as the total number

of students, staff, and administrative and technical staff has largely increase. The academic year

2014-2015, the number of teaching staff is 296 and students around 4200 (April 2015),

technical support and administration staff totals to 52 and 117 respectively.

1.2 College Vision

We will be a leading technological institution, providing high quality teaching and learning to

prepare and empower the Omani professionals of the future to contribute to national socio-

economic development.

1.3 College Mission

To deliver high quality student-centered education that produces competitive graduates

who enter the labor market with confidence, strong technological and personal skills,

prepared for a life of contribution and success.

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1.4 College Goals

1 Governance We will provide excellent governance and administration with

transparency and adherence to ethical principles

2 Teaching and


We will offer all students high quality teaching, learning and

training opportunities through continuous market analysis and

curriculum review process and using recent technology

3 Entrepreneurial


We will offer quality programs that promote entrepreneurial skills

and respond to the changing market needs and developments in


4 Graduate


We will ensure that our graduates develop into responsible citizens

by enriching their values and attributes to positively affect the socio

economic development

5 Staff development We will develop staff by offering opportunities for professional and

personal development, rewarding hard work and innovative


6 Research We will encourage opportunities for applied research and


7 Stakeholder


We will foster mutually beneficial constructive partnerships with

various public and private sector organizations, local, professional

bodies and international communities that benefit the community at


8 Support services We will provide facilities and learning resources that are effectively

utilized and well managed to ensure efficient student and staff


College Values

Professionalism Hard work, commitment, accountability and transparency

Integrity Honesty and fairness

Flexibility A willingness to learn, develop new skills and take on new


Teamwork and Tolerance Transparency, diversity, acceptance, openness to

constructive criticism and ethical behavior

Creativity and Innovation Imagination and originality

Communication Commitment to the effective exchange of communication

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Graduates Attributes

Graduates of the Colleges of Technology;

1 Are well disciplined and committed to hard work and a high standard of productivity.

2 Are able to apply the knowledge and skills to a diverse and competitive work


3 Are able to think critically, analyze and solve problems.

4 Have a high degree of competence in using information and communication technology

5 Are professionally competent and up-to-date in their field of specialization in a

changing global environment.

6 Can gather and process knowledge from a variety of sources, and communicate

effectively in written and spoken English.

7 Can effectively demonstrate and apply good interpersonal skills in teamwork and

leadership roles.

8 Are committed to self-development through lifelong learning.

9 Are socially responsible citizens aware of contemporary issues in contributing to

national development.

10 Are able to demonstrate and apply their entrepreneurial skills.

1.5 Strategic planning

1.5.1 ACT operates within the parameters of a Strategic Plan (SP) agreed upon

by the Ministry. (From June 2005 forward).

1.5.2 The SP sets out in detail the College’s goals and objectives, and provides

clear guidance to the College in the short and medium term of its


1.5.3 Performance indicators and other evidence provide senior College staff,

the Ministry and all other stakeholders with the means to measure College


1.5.4 ACT is committed to improving quality continuously (year-to-year)

across the whole range of its activities. Departments are required to produce

Operational plans (OP) derived from the SP. And from the operational

produced, Activity plans (AP) is prepared every semester.

1.5.5 College planning and operation always takes place within the context of

full compliance with the latest edition of the document Bylaws of the Colleges

of Technology. (see amended Bylaws)

1.5.6 The SP of the College (2013-2018) is attached as Appendix 1.

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Figure 1.5 Annual Strategic Planning Process

1.5.7 SP Process

a. Procedures for developing 5 years Strategic Plan

1. Send an email to all staff to review the current SP and its elements for their comments

and feedback.

2. The feedback from staff is submitted to the respective Cs and Ds.

3. A meeting is called by the college council including QA officers (QAO), QA

Coordinators (QA Coord) and HoSs to discuss the contribution received from staff.

4. Another meeting is called to discuss and finalize the five SP elements ( Vision, mission,

college goals, principles/values and graduate attributes) which will be used for the SP

external workshop organized by QD

5. After receiving the approved SP elements from QD, an internal workshop is planned

including nominated staff members to work per each college goal to produce sub-goals,

strategies and KPIs.

6. QAO consolidate the contributions submitted by the groups.

7. A meeting is called by the college council including QAO and coordinators and HoSs to

discuss the contribution received from the groups.

8. After finalizing, the first draft is sent to QD for review and comments.

9. After receiving the comments from QD, a meeting is held to discuss the QD


10. College council approves the SP when there are no more suggestions from QD.

11. QAO disseminates the approved SP to all staff for awareness and implementation.

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b. The Annual Review of SP - see 2.6.3.

1.6 The meaning of ‘Quality’

1.6.1 High quality organizations do things well. A high quality educational institution


Have clear statements of mission, goals and objectives, and be able to communicate

these to staff;

Provide excellent teaching and learning support to students;

Establish a strong local and regional reputation among the general public and

engage actively with the community;

Ensure the welfare of all staff, reward hard work and creative thinking, and offer

opportunities for professional development and promotion;

Support academic staff who engage in consultancy or other forms of scholarly


Manage all resources efficiently and deploy them effectively;

Operate with a high level of integrity, honesty and commitment to the well-being of

all stakeholders;

Formulate general policies and specific procedures to support the high quality

operation of all its activities;

Operate an annual cycle of self-review and operational planning to foster continuous

improvement of its performance;

Be open to external advice and ideas and is kept informed of new trends and

developments in education.

1.6.2 A high quality college must also ensure that the standards of student achievement

associated with particular awards (Diploma year I, Diploma year II and Advanced

Diploma, B.Tech) are in line with standards of student achievement in other reputable

institutions, nationally and internationally.

1.6.3 Overall, quality is about fitness for purpose. ACT will strive to ensure that all its

services and activities are fit for the purposes that they serve.

Section Two – Quality in the College

2.1 The College’s Quality Philosophy

2.1.1 Quality is a vital part of the College’s Mission.

2.1.2 Effective planning and careful implementation of plans are, of course, essential

to the creation of a high quality institution, as are the processes of monitoring and

reviewing. However, equally important is the commitment of each member of the staff to

understand the institution’s purpose and future ambitions, to see his or her role in relation

to the institutional goals, and to do his or her job well and with enthusiasm. (see

Guidelines for Enhancing Staff Commitment to QA work in Colleges of Technology)

2.1.3 Quality must be the responsibility of everyone who works in the College.

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2.1.4 Specifically, quality is of great importance to the College because;

there is a need to show that government money is being spent wisely and that

high quality outcomes are being achieved;

the College’s reputation and the professional satisfaction of its staff both derive

from knowing, and being able to demonstrate, that students are learning

effectively and achieving high levels of performance in all programs;

the College exists in order to provide the nation with a skilled workforce.

2.1.5 The College is guided by Ministry decree No 14 / 2006 which emphasizes

full compliance with the Bylaws of the Colleges of Technology;

College-level planning consistent with the overall Strategic Plan (see 1.5.1 and

1.5.2 above);

constant monitoring of College departments to assess progress in implementing

operational plans;

careful monitoring of course and program delivery across the curriculum,

including On-Job Training;

data collection on College graduates to ascertain the effectiveness of the

education and training they have received;

rigorous self-assessment across all Colleges, taking into account mission, goals

and objectives.

2.1.6 The College’s stakeholders include, but are not limited to, students, staff, the

Ministry, private and public sector employers, parents of students, and the wider

community as a whole. The College will at all times seek formal feedback from

these stakeholders and see to it that College activities and services meet their

needs and expectations.

2.2 The Scope and Purpose of the QAM

2.2.1 This manual sets out in detail the College’s quality assurance philosophy and

how this translates into day-to-day practice. The College

values excellence in its day-to-day work in all areas of activity;

places emphasis on monitoring the quality of service provided to staff and


recognizes the importance of self-evaluation, operational planning and constant


recognizes that benchmarking with other institutions as it is an important tool in

monitoring and improving the educational quality.

2.2.2 The QAM is reviewed by staff and feedback is send to QAO. QAM will be

updated in versions as the need arise. Over time, the procedures contained in this manual

will be improved, expanded and fine-tuned so that they fully meet the needs of the

College and all its stakeholders.

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2.3 The College’s Annual Quality Cycle

2.3.1 The College’s quality enhancement strategy is driven by an annual quality cycle

in which all areas of activity are reviewed and are subject to a process of operational

planning and plan implementation. This is illustrated in Figure 2.3.

2.3.2 The College bases its quality cycle on the ADRI (Approach-Deployment-

Results-Improvement) Model (Figure 2.3), advocated by the Australian Universities

Quality Agency (AUQA) and the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA).

The College has chosen to base its cycle on ADRI for two reasons. Firstly, it reflects the

philosophy of planning, implementation, review and improvement which already exists

in the College. Secondly, in adopting an ADRI-based quality cycle, the College positions

itself in relation to quality assurance and enhancement developments in the Sultanate as a


2.3.3 The College’s Approach is derived from the Bylaws of the Colleges of

Technology, unpinned in the Quality Assurance Manual, and set out in its Strategic Plan,

and Annual Department Operational Plans showing how this will be put into practice.

2.3.4 Deployment begins at the beginning of each academic year with Activity Plans

which are implemented at department levels.

2.3.5 To measure Results, the College evaluates the effectiveness of its deployment

through departmental meetings, student feedback, and feedback from other stakeholders.

It examines critically whether the departmental Operational Plans have been effectively

implemented through the Activity Plans, to what extent any changes in practice have

been beneficial, and what further improvements need to be made. The Quality Assurance

Committee monitors the process of evaluation. At the end of each academic year, heads

of Cs and Ds produces a standardized Annual Report and QAO consolidates the report. A

copy is submitted to the Dean, MoM and QD disseminated. ACT performance for that

year is reviewed and is used as a basis for improvement. Annual report is available in the

College portal for information and awareness (Appendix 2).

2.3.6 Improvement is an ongoing process. Drawing on the results of evaluation(s), the

annual report of each department concludes with recommendations for improvement.

Recommendations are discussed in Department Councils and the College Council where

decisions are made that guide changes to be implemented in the following academic year.

2.3.7 The annual reports of the departments – and particularly their recommendations

for improvement – form the basis of new Operational Plans.

Figure 2: ACT Quality Cycle

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Al Musanna College of Technology Quality Assurance elements are:

1. Bylaws of Colleges of Technology

2. College Strategic Plan

3. Center/Department Operational Plan

4. Department/Section Activity Plans

5. Quality Manual and Sub-manuals

6. Laboratory Manuals

7. Internal Quality Audit

8. Policies and Procedures

The following figure describes how the elements of the Quality Framework fit together

Figure 2.3 Quality Framework


SP, QAM, ByLaws,

QSM etc.



of SP, OP, AP,

QAM and




and Feedback



and Actions



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2.4 Al Musanna College of Technology Organization Management Chart

Figure 2.4 Organization Chart

2.5 Management responsibilities

The responsibilities of the following post-holders are set out in the document Bylaws of the

Colleges of Technology, from Article 9 (page 17) onwards.

Dean (Article 9)

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs (Article 11)

Assistant Dean for Administration and Financial Affairs (Article 13)

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs (Article 12)

Head of the Educational Technology Center (Article 18)

Head of the English Language Center (Article 20)

Heads of Academic Departments (Article 22)

Head of Admissions and Registration (Article 26A)

Head of On-Job Training (Article 26B)

Head of Guidance, Counseling and Graduate Follow-Up (Article 26C)

Head of Housing and Student Activities (Article 26D)

Head of Administrative Affairs (Article 27A)

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Head of Financial Affairs (Article 27B)

Head of Human Resources (Article 27C)

Head of Educational Services (Article 19A)

Head of Computer Services (Article 19B)

Head Librarian (Article 19C)

Head of the English Language Programs Section (Article 21B)

Head of the Curriculum and Teaching Methods Section (Article 21A)

Heads of Department will at all times strive to ensure

good communication between themselves and their staff;

good communication between themselves and the Dean and Assistant Deans;

comprehensive and up-to-date departmental policies and procedures;

departmental planning and operation consistent with the College Strategic Plan.

2.6 College Council

Membership of the College Council is set out in the Bylaws, Article 14

Executive members

College Dean, Chair

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

Assistant Dean for Administrative & Financial Affairs

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Head of the Educational Technology Center

Head of the English Language Center

Head of the IT Department

Head of the Engineering Department

Head of the Business Studies Department.

External Members

Three members of the private sector to serve three-year terms.

2.6.1 Responsibilities

The College Council meets upon invitation from the chairman, at least once a month or

whenever deemed necessary. The meeting is official if attended by a majority of its

members. In case of a tie vote, the chairman will cast the deciding vote. After referring to

the council, the Dean is authorized to invite whosoever deemed necessary to attend the

meetings of the Council for consultation, although they will not have the right to vote.

The chairman of the Council will appoint one of the members of the Council as a

coordinator (secretary), to prepare the meeting agenda and follow up the implementation

of the Council decisions.

The College Council will have the responsibilities and authority stipulated in the Bylaws,

Article 16.

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Implementing delivery plans, curricula, training programs, and maintaining a

commitment to the conditions of awarding certificates and academic degrees;

Suggesting the numbers of students and the requirements of admission in the different

centers and departments;

Suggesting examination regulations, examination schedules, and endorsement of


Organizing study, research and practical training, coordinating between centers and

departments, and assigning lecture halls;

Reviewing the annual report that the Dean presents on the work progress and the reports

presented to the council by the heads of departments on their activities and work,

endorsing them and ensuring the implementation of College Bylaws;

Suggesting the college needs for teaching and technical support staff, and

recommending their appointment, transfer, promotion, seconding, and all other related


Suggesting the date of commencement and end of each study semester, as well as the

beginning and the end of vacation for teaching and technical support staff

Encouraging and coordinating research activities and development ;

Suggesting the establishment, closure, combinations or changes in centers, departments

or sections;

Suggesting the organization of conferences, seminars, social or cultural activities for

teaching staff and/or students;

Forming committees, ad-hoc committees or work groups to attend certain issues, and

making recommendations;

Suggesting the college annual budget;

Promoting the college relationship with the local community and private sector;

Carrying out any duties the College Council is assigned by the Director General

Making sure that job descriptions are clear and understood by the staff of each


2.6.2 Regulations

The regulations which apply to the College Council are to be found in the Bylaws, Article 15

and Ministerial decree no. 339/2007 (Colleges of Technology Bylaws amendment).

2.6.3 Operational Planning

ACT has identified goals to achieve its mission and vision. Based on these goals, the strategic

plan is developed with sub-goals, strategies and key performance indicators. Cs and Ds of the

College produce their department OP based on the College SP. They identify the goals and sub-

goals which fit into the department/center functions and add strategies and KPIs as needed to

achieve them through specific implementation steps.

Operational Planning Process:

New OP format developed by QD is prepared to use starting academic year 2014-2015.

Implementation steps on how to achieve those strategies were added. The Strategic Plan

Achievement Report (SPAR) of the last AY is prepared. This is based on the OP consolidated

report of Cs and Ds. The Cs and Ds are guided by the timetable below to produce a new OP:

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1- General Procedures: Date

1 Visits are made to Cs and Ds to audit their OP accomplishments.

- During the internal audit, QAO asks the heads and staff for any

comments and suggestions (if there is) about any amendments

in the SP.


2 QAO discusses with ADAA the Cs and Ds achievements and any SP

comments and suggestions by Cs and Ds.


3 Based on the audited OPs of the Cs and Ds, SPAR for the academic

year is prepared and distributed to Cs and Ds for their reflection and



4 For any changes made in the SP and approved by the CC, the Cs and

Ds should make use of the SP amendments in preparing their OPs.

CC in October

2- OP Preparation Date

1 OP workshop or meeting is conducted by QA Coordinators with their

staff. See Specific Guidelines on OP Workshop within each C and D.


2 OP draft is submitted to QAO for review. Last week of


3 A meeting is held with ADAA and Heads of Units to discuss:

any anticipated changes in OPs

any SP amendments

First Week of


4 Reviewed OPs are sent back to the HoCs/HoDs for their further

comments and approval

5 OP is submitted to ADAA

6 Approved OP is distributed to Heads and QA coordinators of Cs and

Ds to inform their staff (email, department meetings, college portal).

7 Activity plan is prepared by QA coordinators 2nd week of


2.6.4 Planning Management

ACT has formed committees responsible for all the necessary needs of the college. Policies and

procedures set by the College distributed to all Cs and Ds and are posted on the ACT intranet

portal. Whenever there is a need for a revision in the policies, the committees meet and submit

recommended changes/revisions to the College Council or via the link provided for each policy

(PMS page 4). Once approved in the College Council, revisions are implemented and a revised

policy with procedures is issued.

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Figure 2.6 Operational Planning Process

2.6.5 Entity and Activity Review System

ACT Annual Report describes the activities of the Cs and Ds for the year. Cs and Ds submit an

Annual report to the QAO then, consolidate and prepares the Annual Report. The draft is then

sent to Cs and Ds for review. The final Annual report is submitted to the |Dean.

Self-study groups appraise the activities of the College in the areas of Nine (9) OAAA


1. Governance and Management

2. Student Learning by Coursework

3. Student Learning by Research

4. Staff Research and Consultancy

5. Industry and Community Engagement

6. Academic Support Services

7. Student and Student Support Services

8. Staff Support Services

9. General Support Services and Facilities

A committee is formed with QA coordinator as the lead member in writing the assigned goal or

standard. The reports are submitted to the QA Office for consolidation and final writing. The


Mission and Vision

Cs and Ds

Operational Plan

College Strategic Plan

Goals and Objectives

Cs and Ds

Specific strategy,

delivery, action,

Performance indicators

How does ACT knows plans,

actions, delivery and results

are appropriate and effective

to achieve goals and strategies?

Internal Audit


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final self-assessment report is send to the college Council for review. The report is

communicated to the staff through the portal.

The QD conducts regular visits as per schedule to review the policies, procedures and all other

activities of the College. After each visit, the QD provides a briefing to the College Dean and

Quality Assurance Committee Chairman and send reports of their findings. The findings along

with comments and recommendations are discussed in the College Council meetings for

necessary action.

The College Dean and the Assistant Deans meet with the heads of Cs and Ds and discuss to

them the QA activities to ensure;

that the institution uses its resources appropriately to uphold its Mission and meet its

stated objectives;

the institutions ability and effectiveness of providing quality education to its students;

that the college processes and procedures comply fully with the Bylaws, QAM and

ministerial decrees;

a particular college department receives a “spot audit” from time to time;

self assessment report is periodically reviewed.

2.7 College Committees

The College Council has the authority to recommend the formation of new college committees

and to stipulate their membership, chairmanship and responsibilities.

These committees will normally be subordinate to the College Council and will submit their

minutes to the Council. When no action is required on the basis of these minutes, the College

Council may simply note the receipt of the minutes without further comment.

When a committee wishes to make recommendations to the College Council, the Chair of the

committee must draw the Dean’s attention to these recommendations before the Council

meeting, so the recommendations can be discussed at the Council. They can then be rejected,

approved, or approved with specified amendments.

All committees listed in the current section (2.7) are at the College level. Additional

committees are formed at unit levels as needed, and are explained in the relevant sections.

2.7.1 Quality Assurance Committee

The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) of ACT was formed in order to make sure that there

is ongoing review of effective teaching and learning processes and standards are maintained

(refer to Admin Order 14/2006 - Article1). The Committee monitors the performance of

teaching and learning activities continuously and meets as the need arises. The committee is

chaired by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) and will follow up on what has

been approved and its recommendations. The committee will meet as deemed necessary. (refer

to Admin Order 14/2006 – Article 3 & 4 and Admin order 2/2008).

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The QAC in the College takes responsibility for;

working with the QD in the Ministry;

introducing a comprehensive strategic plan to all departments;

observing the progress of departments and centers;

ensuring the availability of student information systems;

ensuring academic confidentiality;

ensuring the best utilization of resources both human and financial;

following up administrative and academic staff assessment results;

implementing relevant administrative procedures and regulations;

ensuring quality of academic programs;

generalizing best practices;

following up the different stages of self study (self assessment);

upgrading the competitive spirit and the distinguishing values among employees and

students in the college;

preparing comprehensive and periodic reports on implementing the quality assurance

standards of all college activities (refer to Admin Order 14/2006 - article 2).

Quality Assurance Committee Members:

1. College Dean, Chair

2. Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs - Chairman

3. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

4. Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance

5. Head of Educational Technology Center

6. Head of English Language Center

7. Head of the IT Department

8. Head of the Engineering Department

9. Head of the Business Studies Department

10. QA Officers

2.7.2 Curriculum Review and Development Committee

The establishment of the Specialization Program Committee in the Ministry, where heads

of Cs and Ds are the members, review the course outcomes and gives suggestions and

recommendations. At the college level, the Curriculum Review and Development Committee is

established to:

ensure that goals outlined in the course outcome or syllabus are planned and met.

provide an opportunity for a thorough review of the existing courses and new courses to

be brought to Specialization Committees of the Ministry.

ensure that the course offered is in line with the current trends and in response to the

market needs and opportunities.

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1. Asst. Dean for Academic Affairs,

2. Heads of Academic Department and Heads of Section

3. Course coordinator and appointed staff members of Cs and Ds

2.7.3 Investigation Committee

The Investigation Committee meets upon the invitation from the head of the committee as need

arises. This committee investigates disciplinary violations committed by students on campus or

during external activities organized by the College (Bylaws, Article 82). Any misconduct,

misbehavior, mal-practice or violation as stated in Article 77 of the Bylaws requires

investigation only if necessary under the Dean’s discretion. The Dean, if he decides, can call

the Investigation Committee to investigate the matter after bringing the issue to the Directorate

General’s notice. After the committee’s investigations are documented, the head of the

committee submits a report to the Dean (refer to appendix 10. Admin order 10/2009)

Investigation Committee Members:

1. Asst Dean Student Affairs, Chairman

2. Head, Housing, Student Activities, Graduation Department

3. Academic C or D Representative

4. Academic C or D Representative

5. Academic C or D Representative

2.7.4 Disciplinary Committee

This committee is set up for one renewable year (under Article 84) to look into the violations

referred to in Articles 76 to 91 of the Bylaws. The authority of implementing disciplinary

measures (refer to Appendix 10. Admin Order 3/2009.) is as follows:

A teaching staff member is authorized to exercise the disciplinary measures stated in

clauses 1, 2, 3 of Article 78 of Bylaws of Colleges of Technology.

The Dean is authorized to inflict the disciplinary measures stated in clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

9 of Article 78 of Bylaws of Colleges of Technology.

The Disciplinary Committee is authorized to inflict any of the disciplinary measures

stated in Article 78 of Bylaws of Colleges of Technology.

Disciplinary Committee Members:

1. College Dean, Chairman

2. Academic C or D Representative

3. Academic C or D Representative

4. Academic C or D Representative

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2.7.5 On-The-Job Training Committee

The OJT committee meets upon invitation from the head of the committee whenever deemed

necessary and perform the following activities. The committee is responsible for;

coordinating between the heads of departments and industrial establishments,

maintaining a departmental OJT database, and organizing student visits to industrial


supervising student activities, following up a unified standard assessment system for

OJT, deploy feedback survey about OJT and graduates

preparing and submitting reports on students' activities,

making arrangements for guest speakers, exhibitions and seminars in coordination with

the departments and industrial establishments,

carrying out any other tasks assigned by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.(Refer

Article 26 and refer to appendix 10. Admin order 8/2006)

OJT Committee Members:

1. Head of OJT Dept, Chairman

2. OJT Coordinator, BS Dept

3. OJT Coordinator, ENG Dept

4. OJT Coordinator, IT Dept

2.7.6 Registration Committee

The Registration Committee meets upon invitation from the Chairman of the Committee as

deemed necessary to perform the registration activity effectively (Appendix 10. Administrative

order). The committee is responsible for;

Supervising the implementation of the new registration program,

Updating students’ data,

Determining access rights,

Conducting training sessions etc.

Registration Committee Members:

1. College Registrar, Chairman

2. ENG Department Registrar

3. BS Department Registrar

4. IT Department Registrar

5. Member

6. Member

2.7.7 Cultural Committee

The Cultural Committee meets upon invitation from the Chairman whenever deemed

necessary. The head of the Student Activities and Graduation Department frames an activity

plan for the committee and entrusts implementation of the activities to the members.

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The Cultural Committee is responsible for organizing non-academic support for students in the

form of activities, events, clubs, competitions, social programs, and other extra-curricular

opportunities that enhance the quality of student life and provide a sense of belonging,

involvement and comfort inside the College. (See also Organizing event Policy)

Cultural Committee Members:

1. Head of Housing, Student Activities and Graduation Department, Chairman

2. Cultural Supervisor, Student Affairs Dept.

3. Sports Supervisor, Student Affairs Dept.

4. Arts Supervisor, Student Affairs Dept.

5. Student representative

2.7.8 Policy Development Committee

The Policy Development Committee (refer to Admin Order 11/2009) receives proposed

policies from Cs and Ds whenever a need arises. The QAO and the committee prepares the

draft of new policies in accordance with the Policy Management System. Drafts are circulated

back to the originating department or center for final review, and then submitted to the College

Council for approval (Policy Management System appendix 3).

Policy Development Committee Members:

1. College Dean, Chairman

2. Assistant Dean Academic Affairs

3. Assistant Dean Student Affairs

4. Assistant Dean Administration and Finance

5. QA Officers

2.7.9 Health & Safety Committee

The work of the Health and Safety Committee (Admin Order 4/2009) is to meet the health and

safety requirements in the College. (Health and Safety Policy appendix 3e)

Health and Safety Committee members:

1. Assistant Dean for Administration & Financial Affairs, Chairman

2. Head of ETC

3. Head of Housing

5. Head of Administration

6. Academic Departments (BS, ENG and IT)

9. QA Officer

The Health and Safety Committee’s responsibility is to;

Ensure that the procedures in the Quality Sub-manuals (laboratories and

workshops) are updated, understood and followed by all,

Reports to the Dean about the current health and safety situations in the college.

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ensures that reasonable steps are being taken to promote the safety of staff, students

and other persons on College premises,

reviews implementation of the College's safety policy, especially in workshops and


produces an annual report for College Council on health and safety in the College,

including recommendations for change

promotes health and safety consciousness among staff and students,

organizes presentations and seminars on first aid, use of fire extinguishers, fire drill

maintains and discusses at each meeting, a complete record of accidents in the

College and

maintains contact with national and regional organizations concerned with health

and safety.

2.7.10 Risk Management Committee

The Colleges of Technology recognize that risk in its many forms can affect governance and

management, reputation, health and safety, environment and community. They must therefore

be committed to identify, manage and minimize risks that may affect the day to day college

operations. (Admin order 8/2010).

Staff in the college has a role to play in the identification and analysis of risk through the risk

management processes which are incorporated within the operational and activity plans of

centers and departments. The college is responsible to do the following;

Setting out a risk management policy to support the objectives such as;

a) Avoid or minimize loss,

b) Identify opportunities and threats, and

c) Manage risks.

Training the staff to provide a rational basis in deciding what to do with regard to any

identified risks.

Risk Register is developed and is available in the Cs and Ds and College portal. For any

events that occurred, possible handling options are stated to address the risks that have


This committee is responsible for ensuring that risk management is applied to all college


A. Membership

Chairman : Dean

Members : The ADAA, ADAF (College Risk Officer) and ADSA

Heads of Centers and Departments (HODs and HoCs)

2.7.11 Benchmarking Committee

The College benchmark with higher or similar institutions to identify the best practices in

teaching and learning and other services. ACT and the institutions will gain more knowledge in

the areas of delivery methods and assessment, utilization of human and physical resources,

feedback system, industrial interaction, job placements and membership and professional

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organization etc. Working together and sharing experiences and best practices help improve the

quality and efficiency of both college programs and services.

Benchmarking committee members;

1. Asst. Dean for Academic Affairs – Chairman

2. QA Officer

3. Heads of Academic departments

4. Benchmarking committee members of the Academic departments

Section Three - Management and Operation of the College

3.1 Management of the College: Overview

3.1.1 Ethical requirements for senior staff in the College

The College requires and expects the highest ethical standards from all senior staff, and

especially from the Dean and Assistant Deans. The Mission of the College relates strongly to

the future of the country and to nurturing the country’s young people. This is an important task

and it must be carried out in the most efficient and committed way.

The staff are expected to provide an example to students and other staff of high ethical

standards and to work diligently and productively at all times.

3.1.2 Role of the College

ACT through the Dean will take responsibility for the quality of College performance,

including the quality of the student experience, and the maintenance of appropriate standards

for academic awards (Diploma year 1, Diploma year II, Advanced Diploma and B.Tech). The

Dean also takes responsibility for the proper operation of a College Council to meet regularly

with a full agenda, and include attendees from the private sector.

Heads of Cs and Ds are responsible for ensuring that planning and operation at the

departmental level are consistent with the College’s SP and the Annual Department/Center


3.1.3 Role and responsibilities of the Ministry of Manpower

The Ministry of Manpower oversees the Colleges of Technology and is the final arbiter on any

matters relating to them.

The Ministry, through the Directorate General for Technological Education, has a right and a

responsibility to ask for any information, at any time, that it considers necessary to establish

that a College or the Colleges are working well.

The Ministry also has a responsibility to respond promptly to any reasonable requests received

from Colleges. This includes requests for additional staff or resources, once these have been

officially approved.

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The Ministry and the Colleges will jointly ensure that channels of communication between

them operate efficiently at all times.

3.1.4 Role of the Ministry’s Quality Assurance Department (QD)

The Ministry, through its QD, will provide support and advice wherever necessary on matters

relating to academic quality and the overall quality of College services. The QD will

work closely with the Colleges to develop internal quality systems, through self-

evaluation and other strategies,

conduct workshops in the Colleges, according to need,

monitor the Colleges’ performance and compliance with the QAM, Bylaws and other

Ministry directives,

assess progress at each College in implementing the Strategic Plan,

conduct quality audits at regular intervals in all Colleges,

produce reports for each College identifying strengths and making recommendations for

change in areas of relative weakness.

3.2 Financial management of the College (Appendix 3.25 Mechanism for the Financial

Planning and Management in the Colleges of Technology)

3.2.1 Budget setting

The Ministry of Manpower is responsible for controlling expenditures at all Colleges.

Budget setting will at all times be carried out in the light of the College’s Mission, goals and

responsibility to wider Omani society.

ACT is funded by the Ministry. Funds are allocated to the different budget heads on the basis of

the previous year actual expenditures. The approved budget is given to the ACT Finance

Department for allocation as per the priority plans of the college. Once the college budget has

been allocated, the Dean, Assistant Dean of Administration and Finance, and the Head of the

ETC meet to decide how the overall amount is to be allocated to certain budget heads

(equipment, furniture and learning resources etc.) will be effectively utilized in the light of the

annual requirement submitted by the different departments and centers to the College Council.

After the initial allocation of those headings on the basis of the priority plan, the budget goes to

the college council for discussion, modification and formal approval.

Financial transactions are subject to prior approval by the College Dean and recorded

systematically by the auditor appointed by the Ministry financial system. All the financial

transactions are reviewed and audited periodically by the Ministry.

Periodical financial statements are developed and examined by the Asst. Dean for

Administration and Finance.

The budget will go to College Council for formal approval once agreed by the officers

mentioned above.

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3.2.2 Budget control

The College will control its monetary resources according to procedures set out.

3.3 Policy Management System (PMS)

Policies and procedures are developed under a Policy Management System that assures all

policies are in compliance with Ministry of Manpower mandates. ACT policies:

represent and support the college’s mission, vision, goals and objectives,

are relevant and lead to transparency in their intention and meaning,

are developed in consultation with the QAO and endorsed by the College Council,

comply with the Bylaws and relevant government legislation,

assign responsibility for actions required under the policy,

are in accordance with the policy framework and developed using the policy template,

are posted to the authorized policy file maintained by the QAO,

are reviewed as the need arises. (PMS page 3)

are uploaded in the college portal and disseminated to staff at Cs and Ds through HoCs

and HoDs for awareness and feedback. (Appendix 3)

ACT Policies and procedures are as follows;

3.4 Policies and procedures for maintenance and repair of equipment and facilities

3.4.1 Efficient procedures for the maintenance repair and upgrading of College equipment

and facilities are essential to the College’s smooth operation.

3.4.2 The Assistant Dean for Administration and Financial Affairs will report to the Dean on

this aspect of College performance.

3.4.3 Details of all hi-tech equipment, machinery and guarantees/warranties in the College are

kept on file according to detailed guidance given in the Quality Sub-Manual for

Laboratories and Workshops. (Appendix 7) These include:

Operating manual

Manufacturer and model

Serial number

Price when purchased

Date of purchase

Contact details for servicing

Servicing contract

Location in the College

Staff member responsible for day-to-day checking

3.4.4 The ETC and Engineering Departments are responsible for ensuring that all hi-tech

equipment and machinery is serviced on or before the due date. Online service

request/repair forms are available to expedite any unexpected service needs.

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3.4.5 When a piece of equipment, fixtures, fittings, or buildings require repair, it is reported

either in writing or through the on-line service request procedure to the facility

management section of the Administrative Affairs Department.

3.4.6 The Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance is responsible for maintaining and

updating the Capital Assets register.

The Administration department is responsible for ensuring that academic facilities

including classrooms, workshops, labs, and the library are well-equipped and


3.5 Policy and procedures for laboratories and workshops

These matters are covered in detail in the Quality Sub-Manual for Laboratories and

Workshops. A comprehensive set of Standard Operating Procedures is laid out in the

manual to ensure safety, efficiency and uniformity of operation in relation to

laboratories, workshops and hi-tech equipment. (Appendix 7)

3.6 Policy and procedures for ancillary services of the College

3.6.1 The term ‘ancillary services’ means all non-core services (such as restaurants, shops,

clinics, and College security) that support the main activities of teaching and learning

but do not contribute directly to the college.

3.6.2 The College undertakes to

ensure that all ancillary services are delivered efficiently,

seek cost-effective solutions wherever possible,

maintain good record-keeping in relation to ancillary services so that arrangements

can always be investigated whenever this needed,

3.6.3 It is the responsibility of the Assistant Dean for Financial and Administrative Affairs to

ensure that ancillary services are provided appropriately.

3.7 Policy and procedures for Health and Safety

It is the policy of the College to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its staff

members as far as this is reasonably possible. The College also accepts its responsibility

for visitors to its premises and other sites under its control, and to all those who may be

affected by its work activities. The College will take all necessary steps to ensure that

its legal obligations (relating to health and safety legislation) are met at all times.

(Appendix 3.5 Health and Safety Policy).

3.7.1 Role of the Health & Safety Committee

The Health & Safety Committee (see also 2.7.9 above) is responsible to:

Provide and maintain facilities, equipment, systems and working conditions which

are safe and without risk to the health of students, staff-members, visitors,

contractors and the general public

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Maintain a safe condition and without risks to health, and provision and maintain

safe means of access.

Ensure that arrangements are in place for the safe transport, handling, storage and

disposal of articles and substances that may be hazardous to health

Provided information, instruction, training and supervision to all staff-members to

enable them to carry out their work activities in a safe manner

Ensure that students and staff-members are able to raise health and safety issues to

management and have them resolved effectively.

Conduct health and safety awareness through presentations, seminars, and


3.7.2 Responsibility of staff

In addition to the above, all members of staff have a duty to take reasonable care of

their own health and safety and of the health and safety of others who may be affected

by their work activities. They are also required to follow all relevant procedures, codes

of practice and guidelines and report to management any matter likely to present a

danger to health and safety. (Bylaws, Article 25 (C, D, E).

The successful implementation of this policy requires the cooperation and commitment

of everyone within the College.

3.7.3 The College’s health and safety procedures are set out in the Quality Sub-manual for

Laboratories and Workshops, as well in decisions made and implemented by the Health

and Safety Committee. They cover, among other matters:

Health education

First aid in the College

Medical emergencies

Safety procedures – general

Safety procedures – laboratories and workshops

3.7.4 Updating the health and safety policy

This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that its objectives are being met and

will be reviewed and revised, if necessary, in the light of legislative or organizational


3.8 Policy and procedure on Community Engagement

3.8.1 The College recognizes the importance of maintaining close relations with the local and

regional community. Community engagement means, among other things, that

Local and regional people feel they know and trust the College

The College is able to enhance its profile and reputation

The College becomes a community center for other activities (sports, debates,

cultural and religious events) besides teaching and learning.

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3.8.2 The College conducts community engagement activities through a variety of means


Involvement of the wider community in its graduation ceremonies

School visits by staff and students

Visits by school staff and students to the College

College events such as public lectures to which outside guests are invited

Use of College facilities by outside groups

3.8.3 The College has established a working group, under the department of the Student

Affairs and in cooperation with the academic departments and centers and active

involvement of staff and student representatives. This working group plan and manage

the community and external engagement activities of the college and decide on how

they can be best carried out. The activities and recommendations of this working group

are submitted to the Dean for approval.

3.9 Policy on Media Relations

3.9.1 The College understands the importance to its status and profile of managing its

appearance in the print and broadcast media.

3.9.2 Whenever a noteworthy event occurs at the College, or a member of staff or of the

student body performs a newsworthy act, this will be released to the media through a

well-drafted press release, approved by the Dean.

3.9.3 Strong contacts will be maintained with both print and broadcast media (Arabic and

English language) and selected journalists or radio/TV crews will be invited to the

College whenever the Dean decides that there is something for the College to draw to

the attention of the wider public.

3.10 Policy on Inter-institutional relations

3.10.1 The College recognizes that it does not exist in isolation and that it is to its benefit as an

institution to foster and maintain links and contacts with other educational institutions in

Oman, across the Gulf region, and internationally.

3.10.2 The potential benefits from such links and contacts are:

Gaining information about the practices of other schools, colleges and universities and,

where appropriate, adapting them to the College’s needs

Inviting outside speakers to the College

Building up inter-institutional links leading to sporting and cultural co-operation

Signing of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) to formalize co-operation on specific

issues such as exchange of staff, exchange of students, and co-institutional forums on

teaching and learning, or research

3.10.3 The College will continue to seek formal and informal links with appropriate

institutions in the coming years.

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3.10.4 In the medium term, the College will reach agreement with a range of institutions on the

exchange of data relevant to its performance indicators (such as data on students, staff

and learning resources). This will be used for benchmarking purposes as an aid to

ongoing improvement.

3.11 Policy on relations with the private sector and governmental organizations

3.11.1 As an institution aiming to provide its students with skills which will be relevant to

employment, the College places great value on its links with the private and public


3.11.2 In order to maintain and improve contacts with the private and public sector and

government bodies such as Ministries the College will;

Actively seek to build up personal and professional contacts in private and public

sector organizations.

Keep accurate records of official meetings with such organizations.

Invite individuals from such organizations to visit the College.

Maintain private sector representation on the College Council.

3.11.3 The College will devise detailed procedures for putting these policies into practice and

will designate a unit to take responsibility for promoting relations with the private

sector and public organizations, and for keeping a database of contacts and all other

related records in good order.

3.12 Policy and procedures of Communications services

To ensure efficient communication within the college, the College adopts the following


Circulation of approved forms

Displays on various department’s notice boards

LCD TVs around the college announcing day-to-day activities.

Intranet (Portal) and Internet

IP phones for communications among and between departments


Telephone, Fax


3.13 Risk Management Policy

Risk management is a systematic approach to maximize the prospects of ongoing success by

identifying, analyzing, evaluating and treating threats. (ISO/IEC Guide 73 (2002).

ACT follows Risk Management System to;

understand, prioritize and develop action plans for avoiding potential risks and their

consequences that may affect the efficiency of running the college operations.

recognize that risk in its many forms can affect governance and management, reputation,

health and safety, environment and community and therefore commit ACT to identify,

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manage and minimize risks that may affect the day to day college operations. (Appendix

3.3 Risk Management Policy)

ensure that Risk register assists the Cs and Ds when an event arises.

3.14 Academic Integrity and Honesty (Plagiarism Policy)

Academic honesty and integrity are highly valued by ACT in line with the “college

academic integrity code” (Article 77.2 College Bylaws) and the principle of “respect for

intellectual property” (Art. 75.7, College Bylaws). ACT makes ensure that all staff and

students are aware of all aspects of plagiarism and its implications.

This policy is developed to;

keep up with high standards of academic honesty and integrity among staff and

students by dealing pro-actively with cases of all forms of plagiarism.

Encourage students and staff to use proper citations and acknowledgements to the

work of others in respect of the principle of intellectual property (Appendix 3.4

Plagiarism Policy)

3.15 Records Retention Policy

At ACT all staff are encouraged to keep their records, whether paper or electronic copies, to access

important information at anytime it is needed. They are responsible for retention and disposal of the

records they create and receive and maintain, monitor and dispose records properly after the

completion of its retention period. The records should be disposed in accordance with records

retention and disposal schedule written in the policy. (Appendix 3.2)

3.16 Examination Policy

ACT aims to achieve a coordinated, fair and regular assessment of quizzes and examinations

papers. This policy ensures that preparation of quizzes and exam papers is smoothly carried

out and confidentiality is maintained at all times. The questions set are reviewed and reviewed

by the examination moderator to ensure questions are aligned with the learning outcomes of the

course and that the assessment and evaluation process followed meets the standard and

consistent across all the departments (Appendix 3.1).

3.17 Policy on Curriculum Review and Development

This policy is developed to ensure that goals which are outlined in the course outcome or

syllabus are planned and met. It also provides an opportunity for a thorough review of the

existing courses and new courses and they are brought to Specialization Committees of the

Ministry (MoMP) for recommendations and approval. The approved course is ensured that it is

in line with the current trends and in response to the market needs and opportunities (Appendix


3.18 Parking Policy

This policy addresses the parking requirements of the staff of ACT within the college premises.

This will ensure that having an organized parking in the college results in a satisfactorily safe

working and learning environment. A parking area is designated as a waiting area for pick-up

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and drop off for students. Students with special needs are also given a car permit to pick up and

drop them within the college premises. Staff can also avail the use of college parking lot while

on leave during annual vacation. A form is filled up and is submitted to the administration

department. A college gate computerized card for car entrance is issued to staff to allow them

to enter the college premises (Appendix 3.6).

ACT built a new parking lot to overcome the shortage. The parking lot gives a modern look and

there is no longer shortage of parking space.

3.19 Computer Services Policy

This policy is developed to ensure the requirements of the students and staff are met and must

abide by the procedures of this policy. This policy also ensures the safety and security of high-

tech equipment used in the college are properly maintained. The maintenance of the equipment

in the computer laboratories is done annually by private companies on a contract basis.

General guidelines for using the computer equipment in the laboratory are posted in each lab.

Quality Sub manual or QSM is also available in the lab. Security and safety measures are

followed by staff and students to prevent the misusage of equipment in the computer

laboratory. Maintenance involves repair, replacement and restoration of equipment. (appendix


3.20 Library Services Policy

This policy is developed to enhance the utilization of the library’s resources for academic and

research purposes. Compliance to this policy will improve the college learning environment

and raise the potential of staff and students. Rules and regulations for borrowing and returning

books and CDs are strictly followed to maximize the utilization of existing resources. The library

environment is maintained in such a way that is conducive for learning. (appendix 3.9)

3.21 Maintenance Policy

ACT developed this policy to address problems and maintenance priorities pertaining to the

college's facilities and services. It also aims to ensure that necessary health and safety requirements are met and preventive maintenance is being done in all facilities and services.

The maintenance of the college facilities, cleaning and gardening is provided on an annual basis by

private companies contracted by the Ministry of Manpower and is supervised by the administration

department of the college (appendix 3.10)

3.22 Transportation Policy

Staff and students are engage in activities requiring transportation to other locations. The purpose

of this policy is to address the vehicle requirements of the staff and students and establish priorities

for use of college vehicles. ACT has acquired cars and buses to attend to the need for transport

services of staff and students for attending official business and to ensure that they arrive at their

destinations and return to the college safely (Appendix 3.11)

3.23 Cafeteria Policy

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The purpose of this policy is to guide the would-be and existing cafeteria concessionaires in

acquiring space to provide service to the staff and students. The concessionaires who rent space

and provide service to staff and students must comply with this policy in their transactions with

the Administration. It is an important requirement for the concessionaires to provide healthy

food and affordable price along with the good service. This policy sets a guide in the selection of

cafeteria providers and the renewal of their contracts and services (Appendix 3.12).

3.24 Code of Ethics Policy

The Code of Ethics policy is a formal and systematic group of ethical behavior guidelines. It is

important to develop a code which serves as a framework for professional behavior and respect,

as well as providing a benchmark for self-evaluation.

ACT established this policy to govern the professional conduct of every staff member of the

College. It details staff responsibilities to serve the college and the community at large which

are in line with the cultural morals and laws of the nation. Being the role model for students, staff

must have a formal personality, attitude and approach to provide students with a satisfactory

learning environment. By following the code of conduct, students and staff, are not only guided

but more importantly are able to have their welfare protected and secured (Appendix 3.13)

3.25 HR Planning and Development Policy

The sub goals 1.5, 5.1 and 5.2 of the Strategic Plan 2013-2018 pertain to human resources of

the college. In order to achieve what these sub goals require, ACT developed this policy to

serve as a guide in the day to day operations of the college such as planning and development,

handling grievance, performance management etc. A staff is supported by receiving a

consistent and fair treatment with transparency, thus, meeting the College goal 1. “We will

provide excellent governance and administration with transparency and adherence to ethical


An internal Human Resources and Development Committee is formed under the Chairmanship

of ADAF with appointed members from HR department and Cs and Ds. The committee shall

oversee HR functions by reviewing, monitoring, and providing feedback for developing or

improving the existing systems and processes and maintains confidentiality on issues such as

appraisal, appeal, advice and counseling (appendix 3.14).

3.26 Account Creation/Deletion and Clearance Policy

Standard Operating procedure (SOP – 10) is developed for creating, disabling, deleting and

clearing account for new staff and students and for staff and students leaving the college. This

guideline shall protect and organize the college’s records of user accounts (Appendix 3.15).

3.27 Graduation Project Policy

This policy is developed to encourage graduating students to come up with innovative ideas in

doing their research project. The policy also aims to;

ensure the originality of the project proposals

promote real life projects to address the current needs of the industry which are useful

for national and economic development of the country

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ensure that students can apply the skills and knowledge learned and can perform well in

the industries they will join after graduation.

In the policy, the students are well assisted by their supervisors and course project coordinators.

Proposals by students and staff are submitted to the committee one semester in advance for

proper evaluation. Approved project proposals by staff are also offered to the students if they

are interested (Appendix 3.16)

3.28 Organizing College Events Policy

This policy is designed to plan students and staff programs’ and activities’ in a way through

which they are conducted in an organized way. In line with staff development programs and

students activities, the Cs and Ds conducts various events such as symposium, seminars and

workshops. To have all these activities properly organized, this policy is developed to;

recognize the importance of a smooth planning of events in the college.

ensure that effective communication takes place, sufficient time is allocated for

preparation, logistics are coordinated and required resources are received on time.

(Appendix 3.17)

3.29 Printing and Photocopying Policy

To fulfill the printing and photocopying requirements of the college consistently with the

college resources, this policy was created to establish procedures for the acquisition and use of

printing, duplicating, and photocopying. All requests are attended on the basis “first come, first

serve” for a smooth delivery of service.

There is a Central Photocopying Services (CPS) of the Educational Technology Center (ETC)

that manages the task using an on-line feature for submitting a job request. In addition to the

system in place, the Cs and Ds have photocopying machines installed in their respective areas

(Appendix 3.18)

3.30 End of Contract Procedures (Policy)

ACT ensures that staff termination whether voluntary or involuntarily is handled

professionally. A voluntary termination occurs when a staff leaves a job on his/her own

preference such as resignation or retirement whereas, an involuntary termination is the one that

is initiated by the college due to the grounds for ending the contract discussed below.

The policy was developed to provide fair treatment to all staff regarding end of employment

contract and ensure ending staff contract is handled professionally with clear process and

procedures. The staff are made aware of the reasons leading to a termination or premature end

of contract (Appendix 3.19).

3.31 Student Society Policy

ACT formed a Student Society aiming at promoting professional and personal growth amongst

the student population. The Academic departments of the college in coordination with the SA

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Department shall provide support to the societies in bringing out student’s creativity in the

various college events and activities. This policy aims to;

Increase student participation in college–wide activities and expand their opportunities

in various educational activities;

Build student confidence;

Build students’ rapport with other departments;

Ensure that events and activities are properly organized and;

Ensure the societies are effectively working. (Appendix 3.20)

3.32 Student Grievance Policy

In order to maintain a supportive learning environment, this policy is developed to provide the

students of ACT a timely, fair and impartial treatment when any grievance, academic or non-

academic in nature is arisen. The grievance by a student is considerably reviewed and effort is

made by the management to resolve the issues grieved at. This policy will give guidance to the

student with direction to whom the grievance shall be appropriately addressed and ensure that

the resolution provided to the grievance is fair and to the mutual satisfaction of both the student

(grievant) and the other party (respondent). (Appendix 3.21)

3.33 Student Attendance Policy

Monitoring student attendance is a joint responsibility of the students, academic staff and

administrators and therefore must adhere to the requirements of this policy. This policy is

developed to;

a. Maintain an accurate student attendance records

b. Address student absences at an early stage

c. Ensure that student attendance is monitored and recorded on time.

d. Ensure that student attendance is communicated to the proper channel on time.

(Appendix 3.22)

Section Four - Teaching & Learning

4.1 Teaching and learning strategy

4.1.1 The basis of the strategy

The college’s teaching and learning strategy is based on an assessment of work skills and

competencies needed in the modern world and an awareness of recent research on the

effectiveness of teaching and learning. The college recognizes that learning takes place in

many ways, and that each individual student has his/her own learning style. There is therefore a

strong rationale for well-balanced program delivery methods, allowing all students a variety of

settings in which to learn. The College aims to achieve a ratio of 60-70% practical work versus

30-40% theoretical work in the delivery of its teaching and learning strategy, as this balance

best serves the needs of employers and the students themselves.

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4.1.2 Skills needed by graduates

The college believes that its graduates will be best suited to the demands of the modern world if

they are able to develop cognitive, interpersonal and information technology skills to

international standards. The College is guided by the 2013-2018 Graduates Attributes.

4.1.3 Cognitive skills

The College seeks to develop in its students cognitive skills such as the ability to evaluate and

analyze. In addition, students must be assisted in developing the ability to identify what is

important or relevant to a given problem in large amounts of statistical data and/or text; to think

critically; to evaluate; and to find solutions to both practical and theoretical problems.

4.1.4 Interpersonal skills

The College prioritizes the following interpersonal skills: the ability to communicate

effectively in both spoken and written Arabic and English; the ability to function as a team-

member or as a team-leader; and the ability to work harmoniously alongside people of all


4.1.5 IT skills

Information technology skills are paramount in the modern age. Graduates need to possess full

confidence and capability in using a wide range of software packages effectively.

4.1.6 General and subject-specific skills

These three areas of skills acquisition (cognitive, interpersonal and IT) are supported through

the range of teaching and learning methods adopted by the College. These skills will be

acquired by students alongside, and in conjunction with, the skills specific to their chosen


4.1.7 Class-based and independent learning

The College’s curriculum is delivered through a carefully calibrated mix of lectures, seminars,

tutorials and practical work, for all students and On-Job Training (OJT) for Diploma, Advanced

Diploma and B.Tech students. Students are also actively encouraged to work on their own,

building the foundations for independent learning that will be essential in later life. Lecturers

reflect on their performance and are committed to excellence in teaching, taking into account

the particular needs of College students.

4.2 Course delivery

4.2.1 Lectures; Active Learning; E-learning

Lectures are defined as lecturer-led sessions in which students are expected to listen and take

notes. Lectures are usually supported by well-written and well-designed updated handouts from


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The college recognizes the challenge to students of learning through the medium of a second

language (English). It therefore trains its lecturers (through induction and mentoring) to

explain complex subjects carefully and incrementally. There are also plenty of opportunities for

students to ask for further explanation or repetition of anything that has not been fully


Active teaching strategies can be more effective learning tools than traditional lectures. In line

with the college mission, the lecturers are to deliver Student Centered education. The academic

departments are focusing on students centered learning approach topics in their staff

development program. There are several simple collaborative teaching techniques that are

already been deployed within traditional lecture frameworks to promote active learning such as

think-pair-share, roundtable, jigsaw, in-class quizzes, minute papers etc. Each technique is

broadly applicable to any specialization and is described along with specific examples of how

each technique might be deployed within a traditional lecture to create more active learning

experiences. Also, e-learning is encouraged and currently in use in their studies and


Lectures are supplemented by active learning methods such as E-learning, laboratory sessions,

group discussions, case Studies, role-playing etc. These tasks serve several functions: first, they

break up a long lecture and help to maintain the students’ concentration and interest; second,

they help the lecturer to see to what extent the students have understood what has been said;

and third they offer an opportunity for enjoyment, personal contact and interaction between the

lecturer and the students.

4.2.2 Seminars

The College uses the term ‘seminar’ to mean a gathering smaller than a lecture, in which

students have a greater opportunity to ask questions and discuss material with the lecturer.

Seminars can also offer an opportunity for students to work in pairs or small groups, or for

student presentations to be made to both the lecturer and classmates.

Seminars allow students to test their understanding of what has been covered in lectures. They

have the opportunity to check their understanding both with a lecturer and with fellow students.

4.2.3 Tutorials

Tutorials may be formally timetabled or on-demand sessions in which a course lecturer meets

with a student or a small group of students in order to discuss or explain something.

Tutorials are particularly helpful when either a topic recently dealt with has not been fully

understood by students, or when an assignment has been sent or returned to students.

Tutorials provide a more intimate forum in which quieter students may feel more comfortable

and more able to raise questions, than in the full ‘public’ forum of lectures or seminars in which

they might be too shy to raise questions.

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All College lecturers have scheduled office hours when they are available to students who want

to visit them. In addition, students are told from their first day in the College that they can

always gain access to individual lecturers or an appointment is given.

4.2.4 Practical work

The term ‘practical work’ covers any supervised tasks undertaken by students in College

workshops or laboratories and usually involves the use of specialized equipment. It does not

include On-Job Training (OJT), which is dealt with in section 4.9.

General examples of practical work include using equipment in an engineering workshop to

carry out a task set by a lecturer within prescribed levels of tolerance, or conducting a

procedure in the laboratory and recording the results in a table or on a graph.

In all cases, practical work will be carried out with appropriate supervision and

technical/academic support.

The purpose of practical work is to enhance technical skills that complement and interconnect

with academic knowledge and are essential to success in employment.

Students also gain greater understanding of practical issues through:

Case studies prepared by academic staff, using real world situations relevant to

commerce and industry in the Gulf region.

Industrial visits arranged by the College, and guest lectures given by practicing

professionals from local and regional commerce and industry.

Role-playing scenarios, business games, mock interviews in which students have the

chance to test out theoretical knowledge in a safe but challenging environment.

Micro research projects in which student gain further understanding of the links

between theory and practice.

4.2.5 Independent learning

It will be seen that the range of teaching and learning forums (lectures, seminars, tutorials and

practical classes) allows the student a variety of opportunities to acquire knowledge and/or

skills and then to check or test whether learning is complete. However, it is essential that

students also become self-reliant. They must not simply expect ‘answers’ to be provided by

lecturers or to be available, without the need for further thought.

Accordingly, the college has a learning support services for both the ELC and the Academic

Departments. In the ELC, a Student Activity Center provides books, tapes, CDs, video

cassettes and newspapers designed for improving English language skills.

The ETC maintains the library, open computer labs and the e-brary subscription database of

academic titles which supplement materials available in the library.

A library staff is assigned and trained to support student learning.

The SAC, the library, and the computer labs provide a modern and supportive

environment for students. This, coupled with the emphasis on independent study in the

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curriculum, means that students are actively supported towards greater intellectual self-


College lecturers recognize the importance of independent study, and increasingly

require students to read, think and formulate ideas in their own study time as they

progress from their level. Students are expected to use the resources available such as

internet access and the availability of a wide range of reading materials to support their


4.3 The quality of teaching

4.3.1 The quality of teaching is clearly a factor in the success of all programs in providing

students with the skills they need to succeed in the modern world.

4.3.2 MoMP seeks at all times to recruit teaching staff who are suited by qualifications and

experience to handle the challenges of delivering the curriculum through the medium of


4.3.3 Once academic staff arrived at the college, they are assisted in settling in quickly, and in

preparing themselves for the task in hand, by comprehensive processes of induction and

mentoring (see 9.3 and 9.4).

4.3.4 Appraisal procedures for academic staff (Appendix 6a) provide an opportunity for

feedback and reflection on professional practice for each academic staff member.

4.3.5 The College understands the importance of excellent teaching and actively encourages

all its departments to promote sharing of good ideas and best practices among staff.

4.4 Learning resources strategy

4.4.1 The college learning resources strategy is strongly based on the belief that an institution

whose prime focus is on teaching and learning in the field of technology can only be

successful when learning resources are adequate in number, and sufficiently up to date,

to prepare students for the national and international job market.

4.4.2 The college reviews the state of its learning resources on an ongoing basis, but upgrades

and replaces learning resources by permission of the MoMP.

4.4.3 The college’s learning resources strategy is based on the need to increase annually the

quality and number of learning resources available to students, in order to improve

learning opportunities and the quality of learning generally.

4.4.4 In practical terms this has the following implications:

The college seeks to maintain, and where possible increase, the PC to student ratio,

even as student numbers rise

The college seeks to maintain, and where possible increase, the ratio of library books,

CDs, DVDs and hard copy journals per student

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The college at all times endeavors to improve workshop and laboratory provisions in

line with increases in student numbers

The college endeavors to maintain and upgrade the level of all hi-tech equipment that

supports teaching and learning on a year-to-year basis

4.4.5 The college believes that it can only truly fulfill its mission when constantly the quality

of learning resources has improved.

4.4.6 The college further believes that educational quality can often be improved without

additional spending on resources. More efficient and imaginative use of existing

resources can also contribute.

4.5 Policy and procedures for On-Job Training (OJT)

4.5.1 The definition of On-Job Training (OJT) is any period of supervised and assessed work

carried out by students, with the approval of the college, in a company or other

employer setting.

4.5.2 The purpose of OJT is to provide students with appropriate opportunities to develop

work skills and put into practice their knowledge in an authentic setting, and to further

develop their understanding of the pressures and responsibilities associated with

employment in their chosen field of specialization.

4.5.3 Full objectives and procedures for OJT, including the requirements for both employers

and students, and the means of assessing student performance and the college OJT

programs are set out in the ACT On-Job Training Student hand-out (with Student

Affairs department).

4.6 The Structure of Academic Programs

4.6.1 For general information about the structure of college programs, see the Bylaws from

Article 40 onwards. Amendments to the Bylaws is attached as appendix 1.

4.6.2 The structure of each program will be made available to students in a student

handbook/brochure (Appendix 10).

4.6.3 The structure of all academic programs run by the college is available in Appendix 5.

This includes

Engineering, Business, and IT specializations

The structure all programs (Diploma 1, Diploma II, Advanced Diploma and B.Tech)

run by the college for each of these specializations

The structure of the General Foundation Program

4.7 Approval of courses and programs

The approval, monitoring and review of courses and programs is of vital importance in

maintaining and improving academic quality in the College.

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4.7.1 Program approval - |Academic programs that run in the college are approved by the

Ministry of Manpower and by the Ministry of Higher Education.

4.7.2 Course approval - Courses within academic programs are approved by the Ministry of


4.7.3 The Process of Curriculum Review and Update

Feedback from Stakeholders

Forwarded to the head of Department and discussed in Department staff meeting

Forwarded to the Dean and discussed in the College Council with relevant recommendations

Recommended to the Specialization committee of the ministry

Approved by the ministry

4.8 Monitoring of courses and programs

4.8.1 The term ‘monitoring’ refers to ongoing scrutiny of the quality of course and program

delivery. It is achieved in all institutions through a variety of formal and informal


4.8.2 At ACT, feedback is sought from students towards the end of each course, and at the

end of each year of program study. This feedback is collected through questionnaires

made available to students on paper and/or through the college intranet. Feedback is

given anonymously by students.

4.8.3 College questionnaires include both ‘closed’ and ‘open’ items. In other words, students

give their feedback via both items that require them to indicate a point on a scale of

satisfaction, and items that allow them to express their particular reactions in their own

words. Data from the questionnaires is collected and goes to department heads. It is

discussed in department staff meetings, where feedback from staff also contributes, and

all data contributes to the annual report submitted to the Dean (see college portal –

latest Annual Report).

4.8.4 Feedback from the private sector is collected by academic departments through OJT

assessment and also emerges from employers’ comments on graduate quality. (Appendix

3.29 Mechanism of Collection of Feedback from Industry on GAs, Los and Curriculum of

Colleges of Technology)

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4.8.5 To improve the quality of teaching, regular classroom observations to all teaching staff

are conducted by the HOD and HOS and also subject experts. In cases deemed

necessary, the Dean and the Assistant Deans may also observe classes to identify the

strengths and weaknesses of each lecturer. Feedback from students on teaching is also

gathered every semester to provide their opinions on the quality of teaching.

4.9 Review of courses and programs

Specialized program-area committees (representing all Colleges) exist in order to

review the content and assessment of individual courses and programs. Proposed

changes can be forwarded to the Ministry for comment and/or approval.

Curriculum Review and Development framework guides the department in reviewing

their respective courses. (Appendix 3.7)

4.10 Staff-Student Programs

4.10.1 Staff and students meet once per semester, when students are free to raise any issues

they have about courses and program delivery, course and program assessment, and

learning resources. This system plays an important role in both the monitoring and

review of the College’s programs.

Section Five - Assessment

5.1 The College’s responsibilities in relation to assessment

5.1.1 The College has a responsibility to ensure that;

Assessment practices are fair and accurate

Lecturers mark work promptly and, wherever possible, provide detailed feedback to

students on time

Grades are published on time and advice is given to students on any progression or

probation issues

Any instances of student malpractice in relation to assessment are fairly and fully


5.1.2 The College recognizes that its assessment practices and the processes through

which it awards grades are extremely important and must always be handled with

great care and professionalism.

5.2 Assessment strategy

5.2.1 The college’s assessment strategy is fully integrated with methods of delivering the

curriculum. As has been seen in 4.1 above, the college’s teaching and learning strategy

puts the emphasis on interactive learning, practical tasks and the nurturing of critical

thinking and independent study. This emphasis is reflected in the College’s assessment


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5.2.2 The college seeks to use a varied suite of assessment methods, tailoring these to suit the

needs of particular courses. It also seeks to train all academic staff in the principles of

assessment design so that they can make effective decisions when assessing students.

5.2.3 The main modes of student assessment used by the college are final examinations, mid-

term examinations, assignments, oral presentations, practical tests, forms of continuous

assessment, and project work. In addition, the college uses the following assessment


Monitoring and evaluation of student attendance (see also Attendance Policy)

Monitoring and evaluation of student participation in class

Case studies, role-playing and other classroom activities and micro-research

work to assist student creativity

5.2.4 Examinations remain essential in higher education. They test the student’s ability to

think carefully and express him or herself clearly under time pressure, a situation that is

likely to be replicated later in the individual’s working life.

5.2.5 Carefully designed assignments offer students the opportunity to work on their own

outside class-time to answer questions or discuss issues of relevance to the course’s

learning outcomes. Tasks for assignments are designed in such a way as to maximize

the possibility for students to display their individuality and creative thinking.

Assignments can also be given and answered by the students using e-learning.

5.2.6 Oral presentations constitute an important assessment method in an environment where

students are operating in a second language. Many students may be more confident in

their spoken English than in their written English. Offering them the chance to

demonstrate their achievement of course learning outcomes orally, therefore, is wholly

positive. Furthermore, oral presentations sharpen interpersonal skills and allow students

to consolidate and extend their skills with overhead projectors and the use of


5.2.7 Practical tests are an essential component of assessment in courses where students learn

practical skills in such areas as IT, science and engineering. Knowledge may be tested

by other means, but performance is best tested through practical assessment.

5.2.8 Normally assessment for a course consists of several complementary elements. For

example, there might be an assignment, an in-class test and an examination for a largely

theory-based course, or a practical test and an examination for a more hands-on course.

These assessments are supplemented by quizzes which provide the opportunity to check

student progress. Marks are assigned as per Bylaws, Articles 60 - 63.

5.2.9 At all times, the college sees the assessment process as having a formative as well as a

summative function. For this reason student work is returned promptly and with clear

and full feedback. Furthermore the tutorial system offers another avenue for students to

learn from completed assessments.

5.2.10 ACT courses have standard course descriptions which stipulate course content, learning

outcomes and the assessment pattern. The assessment pattern is closely linked to the

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learning outcomes. Assessment must offer the student the opportunity to demonstrate

that he or she has achieved the learning outcomes.

5.2.11 Learning outcomes are set out explicitly so as to leave no doubt as to what learning

must be achieved and to what level. They also reflect student progression from

introductory courses to courses whose content requires mature thinking, reflection,

analysis and evaluation.

5.2.12 To achieve quality of assessment, the final examination question paper shall be framed

considering the delivery plan of the prescribed outcomes for each course. The question

papers are reviewed by the course coordinator, the HoS, and the department

examination committee (see 7.1.3).

5.3 Moderation procedures

5.3.1 Wherever possible student work is marked and then moderated. If the moderator finds

inconsistency in the marking, the two markers will discuss and reach a final decision.

5.3.2 In cases where there is disagreement about final grades to be awarded, the Head of

Section will adjudicate. The judgment of the Head of Department will be final in such


5.4 Physical Security of Question Papers

5.4.1 Each department has sufficient facilities to assure the security of question papers,

answer scripts and other tools used for assessment. The answer scripts are kept for a

period of two semesters for any re-evaluation.

Section Six: Academic Standards

6.1 A definition of academic standards

The term ‘academic standards’ is used here to mean the specification of knowledge and skills

required by a student in order to pass a course, complete a program or be granted a particular

academic award (Diploma I, Diploma II, Advanced Diploma ad B.Tech).

The main elements that contribute to the maintenance of appropriate academic standards are:

The stipulation of course and program content so that this generally conforms with

similar courses and programs nationally, regionally and internationally

The explicit specification of appropriate aims and learning outcomes for courses and


Methods of assigning grades based on assessment criteria that are consistent across the


Forms of cross-checking (such as double-marking or the use of External Examiners) to

ensure fairness, consistency and inter-institutional comparability in marking and


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In setting and maintaining academic standards for all subject areas in the curriculum, the

Colleges will pay particular attention to the definition of ‘levels’, so that Diploma I, Diploma

II, Advanced Diploma and B.Tech courses and programs show a definite step up in levels of

achievement from one to the next, and are linked coherently so that each level’s study builds on

the level below.

6.2 The importance of academic standards

The Colleges of Technology aim to produce graduates who meet the needs of the labor market

and are fully capable of entering employment in Oman or elsewhere. If this is to be achieved,

employers must be confident that such graduates have achieved a standard in technological

understanding and skills that is guaranteed by the certificate they have been awarded.

Wide variation in knowledge and skills by holders of the same College award will lead

employers to doubt the credibility of such awards. They will in future treat College awards such

as Diploma I, Diploma II, Advanced Diploma and B. Tech with skepticism, as untrustworthy

indicators of an individual’s professional worth.

In addition, if academic standards are not carefully maintained, the college’s wider reputation

will suffer. It will not take long for stakeholders and the public at large to revise their opinions

and to talk about the college in negative terms.

It is therefore extremely important, both for the college itself, and for the community it serves,

that courses and programs should be designed and delivered according to high standards, and

that those students who are certificated as having passed them should genuinely have achieved

the relevant learning outcomes.

6.3 Responsibility for academic standards

At the college level, the responsibility for academic standards rests finally with the Dean.

However, the Dean relies heavily on the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, who has an

obligation to ensure that all courses and programs are properly designed and assessed, and that

diploma 1, diploma II, advanced diploma and B.Tech are awarded only to those who have

unquestionably met the relevant learning outcomes.

For the Colleges of Technology as a whole, the Specialized Committees have a responsibility

to ensure that within specific discipline areas programs and courses are well designed, meet

national and international standards and expectations, and are in line with the needs of the labor


6.4 Underpinning academic standards

Academic standards in the Colleges of Technology are assured through a coherent set of

processes and procedures which cover program and course design, program and course review,

marking and grading procedures, and approval of grades. The recruitment and retention of

excellent academic and administrative staff ensures that these processes and procedures run

smoothly and are carried out professionally and with accuracy and fairness.

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These matters are dealt with elsewhere in the Quality Assurance Manual and in the Bylaws

(including its amendments):

Program, course design, Course Review See QAM 4.6 to 4.9

Marking and grading procedures See Bylaws, Article 48 onwards

Approval of grades See Bylaws, Part Seven

Recruitment of staff See QAM 9.1

Section Seven – Assessment & Examination Standards

7.1 Examinations

7.1.1 The role and responsibilities of invigilators

Invigilators for all examinations are appointed by the respective heads of departments.

(related article - Article 26A of the Bylaws) and invigilation guidelines is posted in the

college portal.

The responsibilities of invigilators are

to ensure that examinations are conducted properly, without undue noise or other


to ensure that no cheating of any kind takes place in the examination;

to ensure that students receive all appropriate support during the examination;

to ensure that all answer scripts and any other paperwork or examination artifacts are

properly and securely collected and stored as necessary at the end of the exam.

7.1.2 Examination procedures (available in the college portal)

The College Council nominates academic departments on a rotational basis to carry out

the following activities:

Creation of final examination timetable

Preparation of invigilation schedule

Issuance of instructions to invigilators and students

A set of regulations for the conduct of examinations is issued, and updated regularly.

This will be carried out by staff reporting to the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs. It


the role and responsibilities of invigilators

a list of invigilators and examinations

the contents and layout of examination halls

special procedures for exams held in computer laboratories or workshops

rules for student behavior in examinations (including entering and leaving the

examination room, cell phones, use of calculators and other electronic aids)

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7.1.3 Role and responsibility of examination committee

Students have the right to appeal the marks received in their examinations. Each

department has its own examination committee with responsibility for reviewing and

evaluating the accuracy of marks given on any examination paper which has been

appealed by a student. The marks must be reviewed and a report submitted to the Head

of Department within one week of receiving the appeal.

7.1.4 Action by invigilators on discovery of malpractice

When an invigilator discovers malpractice of any kind by a student in an examination,

he or she will deal with the matter according to Articles 80 and 81 of the Bylaws or as

written in the Examination policy and guidelines for invigilators.

7.1.5 Action by invigilators in the event of illness

When a student in an examination complains of illness, he or she should be escorted

from the room by one of the invigilators and taken to the clinic. The time the student

stop in writing the exam is noted. The illness of the student will be reported in writing

to the academic staff responsible for the exam and to the respective Head of

Department. The student will be notified that a doctor’s note with signature will be

required in order for them to re-take the exam at a later date.

7.1.6 Action by invigilators in the event of emergency

In the event of an emergency, such as a fire, or in the event of unsatisfactory

circumstances, such as a failure of lighting or air-conditioning, the invigilator may

terminate the examination and ask all students to leave. If this is done part-way through

the exam, the invigilators will (if possible) collect all student answer papers.

The invigilators will report the emergency or unsatisfactory circumstances to the Dean,

who is authorized to take whatever action he considers to be appropriate, including a re-

sit with a new examination paper at a later date, or the marking of the partially

completed papers from the original, disrupted examination.

7.2 Extenuating circumstances

7.2.1 When a student wishes to claim extenuating circumstances (such as personal illness or a

death in the family) in relation to an examination or other assessment, he or she does so

in writing to the College Council (See Bylaws, Article 70).

7.3 Coursework

7.3.1 The college is committed to consistency of academic standards. Therefore,

the late submission of coursework is covered by a standard set of procedures,

understood and implemented by all staff

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cases of plagiarism (Plagiarism policy) are also dealt with according to a standard set of


7.3.2 When submitting coursework (such as assignments, homework and projects) students

will be required to meet the declared deadlines.

7.3.3 The ‘weighting’ of coursework for each course is indicated in course documentation or

delivery plan and is made clear to students.

7.3.4 If the deadlines are not met and there are no extenuating circumstances (see 7.2)

coursework will only be eligible to receive (as a maximum) a bare pass grade.

7.3.5 All coursework which is handed in to the lecturer must have a standard cover sheet on

which is recorded the student’s name and the title of the course. The student will also

sign a standard statement, provided by the college, to indicate that s/he has not

committed any act of plagiarism.

7.4 Examination meetings

7.4.1 Examination meetings will normally be chaired by the Head of Department.

7.4.2 The purpose of the examination meeting will be to finalize and approve all grades for

the semester.

7.4.3 Examination meetings will normally take place at the end of each semester.

7.4.4 The examination meeting must produce minutes, noting all cases where

the pass rate in a course is unusually high or unusually low

the spread of grades shows ‘bunching’ (low standard deviation)

the spread of grades is very wide (very high standard deviation)

a large number of students perform poorly in a particular course, despite performing

well in most other courses

and other related cases

7.4.5 All the above matters should be reported in writing to the College Council.

7.5 The reporting of results

7.5.1 It is the responsibility of the College to report all examination results and the results of

other assessments, promptly, accurately, and in writing.

7.5.2 When results are given to students orally (for example, by telephone) it will be made

clear that only the written form of results is fully accurate and valid.

7.5.3 It will be the responsibility of the student to see his or her results in a written form (on

the notice-boards) and college websites and not of the college to check that the student

has seen the results.

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7.6 Progression regulations

The regulations governing progression of students from one level to the next (Diploma I

to Diploma II to Advanced Diploma to B. Tech) are stated in the Bylaws, Article 41.

7.7 Regulations governing repeat of a course and academic probation

The regulations governing repeat of a course and academic probation are stated in the

Bylaws, Articles 51, 52 and 53 (Amendments see appendix 1).

7.8 Exclusion of a student on academic grounds

The regulations on excluding a student from the college on academic grounds are stated

in the Bylaws, Article 72.

7.9 Assessment offences

7.9.1 Cheating and plagiarism (Appendix 3.4 Plagiarism Policy)

Please refer to Article 77 of the Bylaws.

The general term ‘cheating’ is used to mean an attempt to complete any form of

assessment by a means that the College considers to be unfair. The specific term

‘plagiarism’ is used by the College to mean the act of claiming that academic work is

one’s own , when in fact it is taken directly from other sources (published work or

another person’s work) without this fact being stated.

7.9.2 Steps to be taken

Please refer to the Bylaws, Articles 80, 82, 83 and 84.

7.9.3 Student appeals

Student appeals in regard to examination results are dealt with in the Bylaws, Article

68. Appeals in relation to decisions of the Student Discipline Committee are dealt with

according to Article 87 of the Bylaws.

Section Eight – Student Guidance & Support

8.1 Student recruitment

Student recruitment will normally be carried out according to the wishes of the Ministry of

Manpower, and within agreed quotas. See Bylaws, Article 28. A new system of admission by

Ministry of Higher Education is now in use since its implementation 2006 – 2007. The Higher

Education Admission Center was established to carry out online registration for higher

education. This center will provide all the requirements for all the Higher Education Institutes,

including the Colleges of Technology, according to their conditions, requirements and needs.

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The applicant’s right to admission will expire one week after the date of announcement of

results. If a student fails to provide the college with an acceptable reason for their lateness,

they will not be entitled to claim the restoration of that right after the elapse of one week.

However, their name may be included on the waiting list for any prospective vacancies.

After completing the Foundation Program, students will join the specialized departments where

they begin a new era of their studies. Policies, rules and regulations will be made known to

them during the department’s orientation day.

8.2 Student admissions

The Ministry of Manpower, in cooperation with the Central Admission Center, determines the

number of students to be admitted in each college and minimum marks that qualify a student

for acceptance.

The Colleges of Technology Bylaws, Article 29, stipulates that prior to enrollment in the

college, the student has to spend a year in the Foundation Program (FP) where they will study

the English language, mathematics, and information technology, for the purpose of providing

the student with the basic knowledge, developing basic skills and preparing them to follow the

college program(s).

8.2.1 Students are admitted into the Foundation Program according to the Bylaws, Articles 29

and 30. At this stage a personal file is opened for each student. The student is also issued a

College ID card and user account.

8.2.2 Students who are eligible to be admitted directly to diploma 1 level are advised of the

range of academic programs available to them (See Bylaws, Article 31).

8.2.3 Once a student has reached an informed decision about the program of study he or she

wishes to pursue, the student is registered according to standard procedures.

8.2.4 Students transferring from another college or university will be dealt with according to

Bylaws, Article 32.

8.2.5 For policy and procedures on admitting students with disabilities and special

educational needs, see 8.4.

8.3 Student guidance

8.3.1 Academic advice

The College believes that it is imperative that all students have ready access to full and helpful

academic advice at all times. It therefore operates a system under which academic advisors

guide students in the courses that they should follow in any given semester. (Bylaws, Article

25A for further details).

Students will also be advised about terms such as ‘probation’, ‘transfer’, ‘dismissal’,

‘withdrawal’ and ‘postponement’ and their meaning in practice. (Bylaws, Article 51 and the


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8.3.2 Student handbooks / Brochures

It is the policy of the College to issue handbooks or brochures to all students, containing

information essential to successful study. All programs will issue handbooks / brochures to

students at the beginning of their first semester of study. These will normally contain;

A guide to learning resources in the College

Guidance to students on behavior in the College

A clear statement of program goals and objectives

Information on the structure of the program

Guidance on the types of assessment used in the program

A definition of plagiarism, guidance on how to avoid plagiarism, and details of penalties

for those committing plagiarism

Information on employment prospects after completing the program

Brochures are normally be made available in English, but where possible a single volume will

contain both English and Arabic versions of the same information.

8.3.3 Student counseling

The term ‘student counseling’ refers to advice and support given to students on non-academic

matters. This would include advice given on personal or family difficulties, and all advice and

information about College life that does not relate to study. (See Bylaws, Article 26C).

The Head of Counseling and Graduate Follow-Up will be responsible for offering support and

advice to students during induction. It is essential that a dependable and resourceful person is

available to students who may feel disorientated, homesick or at a loss (Bylaws, Article 26C).

The Head of Counseling and Graduate Follow-Up will make him/herself known to students

during the induction period and ensure that all students know how he or she can be contacted at

any time during the student’s stay in the college.

There will always be trained members of staff of both genders available to offer counseling at

any time.

8.3.4 Career Guidance

Career guidance is offered by Student Affairs through the Career Guidance Office (Bylaws,

Article 26C).

The college understands the importance of providing excellent career guidance to its students

and regards the employment rate of its graduates as an important measure of institutional


Career guidance will also be given with the help of academic staff of the college, and through

special events in the college using outside speakers.

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The Office of Career Guidance in collaboration with Department of Business Studies organizes

workshops and seminars that help ACT students develop positive attitudes towards work and

advise them on how to start their own business.

To encourage students, CoTs included a specific college goal (goal # 3) on entrepreneurship by

offering quality programs that promote entrepreneurial skills and respond to the changing

market needs and developments in technology. Entrepreneurship course is taught by the BS

lecturers to all students in the specialization departments.

8.3.5 Student Finance

The college takes necessary steps with the MoMP for the allotment of financial allowances to

all the enrolled students according to their region of residence. The MoMP allocates two types

of allowances to the students:

Accommodation allowance

Transport allowance

The Department of Student Affairs takes care of the student allowances for the enrolled

students. Every month after the registration process, the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

consolidates the number of eligible students and forwards it to ADAF. The ADAF in turn sends

the list to MoMP for allotment of allowances.

8.3.6 Medical Services

The college has two on-campus clinics with nurses (male and female). First-aid medical

facilities are provided for students and staff. Those who need further treatment and/or

consultation by a specialist are transferred to the nearest Ministry of Health hospital by college

transport. First aid kits are available in each college building and floors.

8.4 Policy on students with disabilities

8.4.1 The college is committed to offering educational opportunities to all students who meet

its entrance requirements, regardless of disability or special educational needs. This is in

keeping with the Sultanate’s policy of widening participation in further and higher education.

8.4.2 Wherever possible, the college will identify the special learning needs of students

during the admissions process. For example, students will have the opportunity to declare

specific physical or cognitive problems on admission forms, including partial sightedness,

hearing deficiencies, mobility problems and so on.

8.4.3 In cases approved by the Dean, examination papers will be read aloud to the student and

the student’s attention will be drawn to any options in the questions to be answered and to parts

of questions.

8.4.4 Finally, an amanuensis (a writing assistant) can be appointed for students who have

severe difficulties with writing, perhaps due to medical conditions which cause involuntary

shaking of the limbs. The amanuensis will write faithfully to the student’s dictation and will

also amend the draft at his/her instruction if time allows.

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8.4.5 The amanuensis must be an individual who has no prior relationship with the student

concerned, and he or she must be approved as an amanuensis by the College Dean.

8.4.6 Where students have substantial deficits in hearing or sight, special arrangements will

be made for their learning and assessment, as suggested by academic staff and agreed by the


8.4.7 As the college expands all new buildings, it will have wheelchair access and lifts.

Classes with wheel-chair users enrolled will, whenever possible, be allocated to ground-floor


8.4.8 Specific procedures for identifying and assisting students with special educational needs

will be written.

8.5 Student discipline procedures

8.5.1 See 2.7.2 above.

8.6 Student complaints procedures (see Student Grievance Policy)

The objective of the students complaints procedure is to ensure that satisfaction is enhanced

through the provision of an effective complaint management system, enabling all parties to a

complaint have the right to be heard.

It is recognized that if problems arise of a teaching-related or academic nature, those problems

is firstly addressed to the Head of Section. Students are encouraged therefore to raise any issues

of dissatisfaction, at an early stage, so that they can be dealt with effectively. It is the student’s

responsibility to bring forward issues at the time they arise, and to try and resolve them through

agreement with the concerned college staff.

ACT undertakes all issues that are raised and deals with them through processes that are timely,

fair, consistent and easy to follow.

When a student complaint is not academic in nature, he or she can speak to the Student Affairs


If a student is dissatisfied with the response to a complaint that has been formally raised, he or

she may seek an interview with the Dean as a final resort.

The responsibilities of the College are to ensure that

the process for responding to issues of concern or dissatisfaction raised by students is

clear. A written statement should be available in the department stating the procedures

in place for resolving issues informally;

staff are accessible and approachable if students wish to raise concerns;

student concerns are dealt with promptly, sympathetically and with respect for privacy

and confidentiality.

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Every effort should be made by students and staff to use the various informal mechanisms

available to resolve issues of student dissatisfaction. For these cases, there is a formal

procedure that may be followed. The formal procedure may be appealed for problems that are

too serious to be dealt with informally such as;

problems with staff/student relations, such as harassment, inconsistent treatment of

students, bad remarks or comments against one another;

problems with the provision of resources such as overcrowding in teaching rooms;

problems with the delivery of teaching which includes inadequate teaching or research

supervision, undue delay in the return of coursework, unhelpful feedback or

cancellation of classes without good cause;

abusive behavior;

any action likely to cause injury to, or impair the safety of, students;

problems with service delivery which includes failure to meet service levels such as

catering, heating or computing.

Stage one - Head of Section or Head of Department

The student should complete a complaint form, together with any relevant evidence, to the

Head of Section or Head of Department in the case of teaching-related complaints or student-

teacher misunderstandings.

In the case of service or resource-related complaints, advice as to the appropriate person may

be sought from the Student Affairs Department.

Stage two – Student Affairs Department

All meetings held in connection with the complaint will be recorded in writing. The student or

the person making the complaint will be informed of progress or delay.

All information submitted in relation to complaints will be dealt with confidentially and will

only be disclosed to those parties involved in the investigation.

Stage three – ACT Dean

Once a conclusion has been reached, the Dean of ACT will communicate the outcome in

writing to the student. The reason for the decision will include whether or not the complaint

procedure was appropriate. It also will include the explanation if it is deemed inappropriate.

Student Affairs receives complaints and comments by students through a suggestion box,

which is located at the reception desk of the Student Affairs department and accessible to

everyone in the college. Each department has its own suggestion box as well. E-mail messages

of students' comments are also arranged for this purpose. Student Affairs will collect data and

feedback from students and analyze to address the issues.

8.6.1 For student academic appeals, see Article 68 of the Bylaws.

8.6.2 When a student has a complaint about matters such as the structure of a program or

course, the way a program or course is assessed, or the learning resources for a particular

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program or course, it can be raised (through student representatives) with the Staff-Student

Program Committee.

8.6.3 Complaints about individual lecturers are addressed to the Head of Department or


8.6.4 Where a student complaint is not academic in nature, he or she should seek advice from

the Head of Guidance, Counseling and Graduate Follow-Up about the most appropriate means

to raise the complaint.

8.6.5 If at any time a student is dissatisfied with the response to a complaint that has been

formally raised, he or she may seek an interview with the Dean as a final resort.

8.7 Student feedback on teaching

8.7.1 The college recognizes that formal means of collecting student feedback are essential in

a quality culture.

8.7.2 Consequently, the college collects feedback from students on all aspects of college

teaching activity and to see to it that that result is formally discussed and acted by the heads of


8.7.3 On line feedback is collected from students and to ensure reliability of results, regular

questionnaires (see college portal) are also deployed. Focus group interviews where possible is

also conducted by academic QA coordinators and assigned staff. The results is formally

discussed to teachers by the heads of departments, provide guidance to teachers who are in

need for their own improvement.

8.8 Graduate follow-up

8.8.1 The College recognizes the importance of its graduates as a source of information and

support. Thus,

The College tracks its graduates so that it has information on employment rates, and on

the types of employment secured by its graduates.

Graduates are requested to provide information on the extent to which their College

education prepared them for the world of work.

Graduates are asked to identify skills which were not developed sufficiently in College.

Graduates are invited to return to College events, including subsequent graduation


Graduates serve as role models for students still in the College and are invited to give

presentations and/or to meet groups of students informally.

8.8.2 In these ways, College graduates have an important contribution to make to the quality

of education and training offered by the College. The College maintains an extensive

database of College alumni. Alumni Charter is also formed.

8.8.3 In maintaining contact with its graduates, the College also keeps contact with their


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the College can get employer feedback on the quality of its graduates, (Graduate


the College can adjust its course and programs in response to employer feedback,

continuous improvements can be made to College processes and procedures

Section Nine – Human Resources Development

9.1 Policy and procedures for recruitment of academic staff (Appendix 10. Admin

order 4/23)

9.1.1 The Ministry of Manpower and any agencies with which it enters into contractual

arrangements take responsibility for recruiting new academic staff for the Colleges.

9.1.2 The College identifies academic staff shortages and reports these in writing to the


9.1.3 Staff are then recruited by the Ministry or through its appointed agents by

placing advertisements in appropriate national or international newspapers, or by

advertising on web sites;

scrutinizing application forms and/or curricula vitae;

conducting interviews in the college for replacement and in visit to other countries.

9.1.4 The college selects Heads of Department according to the criteria and procedures set

out below.


Academic achievement such as degrees earned, employment record and experience in


Administrative and managerial capacity and experience.

Industrial links and experience.

Personality, character, conduct and other personal factors.


Procedure 1:

Head of Department position can nominate a staff for the position, usually his/her

deputy. This process is to take place whenever it is necessary (resignation, end of

service, PhD study etc). The dean and assistant deans conduct interviews and decide.

Procedure 2:

Head of the Department can be nominated by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.

Regardless of the procedure, the nomination must get the approval of the College

Council and the authorities at the Ministry.

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9.2 Policy and procedures for recruitment of administrative staff

9.2.1 At present the responsibility for recruiting administrative staff for the College rests

largely with the Ministry of Manpower and any agencies with which it enters into

contractual arrangements.

9.2.2 The College contributes to the recruitment process by identifying administrative staff

shortages and reporting these in writing to the Ministry.

9.2.3 The Ministry or its appointed agents then recruit staff by

placing advertisements in appropriate national or international newspapers, or by

advertising on web sites,

scrutinizing application forms and/or curricula vitae,

conducting interviews.

9.3 Policy on induction, mentoring and development of College staff

9.3.1 The induction, mentoring and development of staff are all vital elements in the

assurance and enhancement of quality in a College.

9.3.2 Induction is used here to mean the process through which a new staff member is

welcomed and quickly assimilated into the College organization. Mentoring is the

process through which the staff member can seek information and advice over the first

three months of work from his/her head of unit. Development is the process through

which a staff member expands his/her professional skills, knowledge, and awareness

through internal and external training sessions, conferences, workshops and courses.

9.3.3 The College places great emphasis on the effective induction, mentoring and

development of all staff. All three processes play a critical role in supporting the quality

of College staff performance.

9.3.4 Effective staff induction, mentoring and development procedures help to support staff

morale and job satisfaction. They encourage individuals to stay in post longer, and grow

in competence and efficiency year by year.

9.3.5 A quality organization is one in which all staff know their roles and can perform them

to a high level. Staff induction, mentoring and development play an important role in

creating a high quality organization.

9.3.6 The College will therefore endeavor at all times to follow its procedures for staff

induction, mentoring and development meticulously and with enthusiasm.

9.4 Induction of College staff

9.4.1 The term ‘induction’ is used to mean the process of welcoming and briefing new staff

so that they immediately feel at home in the work environment, and begin to operate in

their role with effectiveness from an early stage. (Appendix 11)

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The induction of a new staff member normally includes:

Introduction to the College Dean and Assistant Deans

A guided tour of the college and its facilities

Briefing about the duties, college work practices and work priorities

Briefing from a colleague about day-to-day operations

Briefing on the College’s Bylaws, Quality Assurance Manual (QAM), Policies and


Briefing on the College Strategic Plan, departments operational and activity plan and

the college calendar

Briefing on student advisements, staff rights, staff code of conduct.

9.5 Procedures for the mentoring of College staff

9.5.1 The term ‘mentoring’ is used to mean the ongoing counseling and guidance provided by

head of department, head of section or senior staff is assigned to assist the newly-

arrived staff member. Mentoring is a widely accepted practice internationally, and is

held to be of benefit to both mentor and mentee.

9.5.2 Mentoring will be available to a newly arrived member of staff for the first three

months of service.

9.6 The development of college staff

9.6.1 Staff development is the responsibility of the Dean, Assistant Deans and Heads of


9.6.2 General staff development opportunities will be available through;

Workshops, training sessions and seminars in the college involving outside speakers or


Workshops, training sessions and seminars in the college led by college staff

College-organized visits to conferences, workshops, training sessions or seminars

elsewhere in the Sultanate

9.6.3 Staff development opportunities may be initiated either by the head of department in

order to address a weakness noted in staff appraisal feedback or by the individual staff


9.6.4 Staff development is a key issue to be addressed in department operational Plans. A

section of the plan is to address the training needs of staff and indicate ways in which

these will be met. Progress on implementing this section of the plan will be investigated

by the Quality Assurance Committee.

9.6.5 Provision for administrative staff development may be less extensive than that for

academic staff development, reflecting the college’s commitment to excellence in

teaching and learning. In addition, the development of administrative staff can often be

achieved in-house.

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9.6.6 Specifically, in order to promote the professional development of administrative staff,

the college;

Maintains links with other institutions and professional associations so as to have access

to training specialists in areas such as librarianship, record-keeping, book-keeping,

accountancy, financial management, word-processing and spreadsheet work, software

design and other administrative areas

Maintains awareness of visits to Oman of ‘experts’ in various fields, so as to invite them

to visit the College

Maintains contact with colleagues in neighboring countries so as to be aware of regional

conferences and other professional gatherings

9.6.7 When a member of academic staff is nominated to attend a conference or other event (in

Oman or outside) he or she is required to give a presentation to colleagues on return to

the College. If possible, printed materials or other information from the event should be

disseminated to staff concerned.

9.6.8 The college will seek at all times to encourage its academic staff, and particularly young

Omanis, to pursue further studies (such as a master’s degree or doctorate) and to make

use of available support from the Ministry.

9.7 Staff profile

All the departments of ACT maintain a staff profile of its faculty members in a format

prepared by the departments and updated periodically. The staff profile includes

nationality, date joined, educational qualifications, industry experience, contractor and

other details related to research, papers published and presented in conferences etc.

9.8 Staff appraisal

9.8.1 The college believes that rigorous procedures for staff appraisal are an important

component of an effective system of quality assurance and improvement in a college.

Staff appraisal should be linked to staff development, with any comparative weaknesses

in a staff member’s performance indicating a staff training need. Staff appraisal should

not therefore be seen by the individual as threatening, rather it should be seen as a

means of assessing how skills can be improved.

9.8.2 The appraisal systems for the various categories of staff are different, reflecting the

differing characteristics of the roles.

The overall aim of appraisal is to help maintain and improve individual job

performance, realize potential and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the

college. More specifically, the purposes of the college appraisal scheme are to assess

past performance, establish current performance, and set objectives to maintain and

improve future performance in line with college objectives. It is an opportunity to

identify organizational or operational changes which will enable individuals to maintain

and improve their performance and improve the effectiveness and efficiency with which

the college is managed. In order to achieve these aims, it is important that appraisal

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takes place in a positive and supportive spirit which recognizes good practice and

acknowledges contributions individuals have made in the course of their work.

Important factors in appraisal are assessment of staff performance and competence in

teaching and administration. To quantify staff performance and competence in teaching

and administration, staff evaluation is done by the use of appraisal forms. These

appraisal forms have been developed and for over a period of use and experience, are

regularly reviewed and updated with feedback received from heads of units.

The appraisal forms represent three separate staff appraisal systems according to staff

category: teaching, technicians support and administration. The student’s evaluation on

teaching and learning is conducted once in a semester (semester 1 and 2).

. Lecturer’s annual appraisal is given by the head of the Department, head of Section, and

peers. Feedback is gathered on student’s evaluation, peer feedback, advisement and

administrative abilities. A summary of staff performance is submitted by the head of

centers and departments to QAO and ADAA and a copy is sent to HR before the

academic year-ends.

Similarly, the support and administrative staff feedback is carried out during the

academic year and staff performance is submitted to QAO and HR.

9.8.3 Staff appraisal system: academic staff – see college portal under forms

9.8.4 Staff appraisal system: administrative staff – see college portal under forms

9.8.5 Staff appraisal system: Technicians – see college portal under forms

9.9 Staff Grievance. A policy will be drafted by the QA office. There is an existing

procedure that is being followed by the staff. Staff grievance is brought to the attention

of the heads of department or section. If not dealt with, grievance is addressed to

Dean and Asst. Deans, depending on the issue.

9.10 Staff handover refers to: a) staff leaving the college b) staff leaving a position (job

rotation) c) staff short leave. Staff handover ensures;

operations and services are not affected and interrupted when any staff leaves

the college.

successors are aware of the new duties and responsibilities delegated to them

a proper handing over of files and documents.

Key position handing over is endorsed to the position in rank. (HoC/HoD to HoS). The

Teaching position handing over should be endorsed to teachers of the same

specialization while technicians handing over should be endorsed to technicians with

the same field and skills. When admin staff leaves or changes the position, the Head of

Department shall appoint another staff for the position. (Appendix 3.26 Policy for

Succession Planning in Colleges of Technology)

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1. A handing over checklist shall be prepared including (course files, advisement files,

reports, minutes of meeting, electronic documents, passwords, tools and equipment,


2. An orientation meeting shall take place to discuss the duties and responsibilities.

3. In case of HoD / HoC short leave, an HoS shall be appointed to run the C and D

during the leave period. Staff in the C/D shall be informed to direct their concerns to

the staff in charge.

9.11 Exit Interview – Exit interview is done for staff leaving the college. After the

resignation has tendered, the QA office asks the staff for the schedule interview. Interviews are

conducted with QAO, ADAF or HR Head. All staff interview report is forwarded to the

concerned department/center head for their information and action. A consolidated summary

report is then prepared before the academic year ends and submitted to the |Dean.

9.12 Staff Clearance Policy, developed by QAO was approved in the College Council.

9.13 Human Resources (HR) Planning and Development Policy is developed to serve as a

guide in the day to day operations of the college which includes the above points. An internal

Human Resources and Development Committee was formed to oversee the HR functions

mentioned in the policy.

Section Ten – Research and Consultancy

10.1 Research and Consultancy

10.1.1 The college is an institution whose primary focus is on teaching and learning. Effective

teaching depends to a large extent on lecturers who keep up-to-date with developments

in their field of specialization. It is also essential for lecturers in the college to maintain

contacts with relevant sectors of commerce and industry. For these reasons, the college

supports, within limits, academic staff who wish to pursue research and consultancy.

10.1.2 The term ‘research’ is used to mean any individual or collective endeavor that results in

a measurable academic outcome such as a conference presentation, or a published book

or article of clear benefit to the college’s profile and reputation.

10.1.3 In the context of the college’s mission and goals, applied research, focusing squarely on

the needs and concerns of commerce and industry, is seen by the college as an activity

which contributes to the College’s reputation, the professional skills of staff, and the

good of the nation. (Goal # 6, SP 2013-2018)

10.1.4 The term ‘consultancy’ refers to any work, carried out with the Dean’s written approval,

that involves liaison with, and advice to, a company or other commercial or government

organization. An example would be where a local company requests a marketing

lecturer to advise it on its marketing strategy.

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10.2 Support for Research

10.2.1 In many cases, research will be carried out by an individual staff member in his or her

own time, using personal resources, and driven by the staff member’s own motivation

and professional ambition.

10.2.2 In other cases a staff member or a group of staff may identify a research project with

potential benefit for the College’s reputation and the wider community.

10.2.3 The College and the Ministry will endeavor to provide support for students and staff

who can demonstrate, in writing, that the proposed research project. The college can

also coordinate with the Research Council for support as long as the project;

is of benefit to the people of Oman,

can feasibly be completed in a time period no longer than one year,

will lead to publications in refereed academic journals, or presentations at

internationally recognized conferences,

can be completed within an affordably small budget.

10.2.4 The academic staff should first approach ADAA.

10.2.5 ADAA will then raise the matter with the Dean, who will decide, on the basis of the

criteria listed in 9.2.3 above

whether the College is in a position to offer any support

whether the Ministry should be approached as a potential source of support

Whether the College gets funding support from Research Council - FURAP

10.2.6 In this context the term ‘support’ can mean

A monetary grant given by The Research Council – FURAP for students for approved

project proposals.

a small monetary grant, to be held by the College Dean and used for research project

expenses with his written permission;

written permission from the Ministry for a lecturer or lecturers to be given teaching

remission (that is to teach 25%, 50% or 75% of the normal teaching load) for a

specified period of time;

written permission from the Ministry for a lecturer or lecturers to take either paid or

unpaid leave from the College for a specified period of time;

the provision of academic books, stationery, or other paper-based resources needed by

the researcher or research team.

10.3 Support for consultancy

10.3.1 The College actively supports staff who wants to engage in consultancy, as long as

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the consultancy project will help to update professional knowledge and thus enhance


consultancy can be carried out in the staff member’s spare time or in holiday periods.

10.3.2 When an opportunity arises for a staff member or members to engage in consultancy,

details must first go to ADAA.

10.3.3 Once this body has provisionally approved the consultancy proposal according to the

criteria in 10.3.1 above, the proposal goes to the Dean, who has the right to approve or

reject it.

10.3.4 If consultancy work attracts payment, the member of staff is required to declare this to

the Dean.

Section Eleven: Quality Audit

11.1 Procedures for internal quality audits

11.1.1 The College Dean and Assistant Deans will ensure internally that college processes and

procedures comply fully with the Bylaws, the QAM and Ministry decrees. The college’s

Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) will be the main forum for discussion of any non-

compliance issues.

11.1.2 The QAO, in consultation with other Assistant Deans, will from time to time identify a

particular College department for a ‘spot audit.’ This will be carried out without

notification and will involve a small team of two or three senior staff checking that

documents and work practices accurately reflect the Bylaws, QAM, College Strategic

Plan, and departmental Operational Plans. The mechanism for internal audit will be as


- QAO will identify the scope of audit for a particular C and D.

- A checklist within the scope of audit will be prepared including the selected

audit team members and the schedule for the visit.

- The Audit team includes a QA officer, a QA coordinator and a senior staff who

will audit a different department. ( etc.. QA Officer, ETC QA Coordinator and a

senior staff from Eng will audit ELC…)

- The Audit team will meet the HoDs / HoSs, staff and students.

- The audit visit is unannounced.

- The audit team writes a report which includes the findings and actions to be

taken and will be sent to the concerned C and D and ADAA.

- Within a month, the concerned C and D submits a report with evidence

addressing the findings and actions taken to ADAA and QAO.

11.2 Procedures for external quality audits

11.2.1 The college will make itself available for quality audits by the Ministry Quality

Department (QD) at regular intervals. It will be the responsibility of the Dean and the

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College Quality Assurance Committee to make sure that the college is properly

prepared for such visits.

11.2.2 QD’s audits will cover the following main areas:

Compliance with the Bylaws, the QAM and Ministry Decree No. 14/2006

Progress in implementing the Strategic Plan

Progress in self-assessment

Implementation of internal quality audits

Graduate follow-up and

Staff appraisal systems

College Strategic Plan, Departmental Operational Plan and Activity Plan

Progress in OAAA recommendations and Affirmations


11.2.3 A report, addressed to the Dean, will contain ‘commendations’ (in relation to college

activities which are being carried out with particular efficiency) and ‘areas for attention’

(citing aspects of College performance which appear to need further improvement).
