
QUALITIES of an IDEAL TOUR GUIDE Inner Assets Confidence in handling people Capability to act as a leader-command respect from tour participants and inspire leadership. Problem solving and decision-making abilities-ability to analyze problem situations and make spot decisions. Ability to tackle important responsibilities-psychologically mature and emotionally balanced and able to be responsible for a group of individuals. Manifestations of Inners Assets A pleasing personality with proper grooming and consciousness-neither timid nor aggressive, with proper grooming Wit and good communication skills-a good and active sense of humor, able to see the funny side of unforeseen situations. Analytical mindset with above-normal human perception-able to see the other persons point of view. Dedicated and sensible-with a strong sense of duty and lots of common sense. Qualities 1. Enthusiasm-keen interest for the subject matter and the travellers. - will enable the guide to withstand mentally and physically exhausting experiences. - accompanied by friendliness and generosity. 2. An outgoing and approachable nature - should be open in many types of situations and encourage others to do the same. 3. Self-confidence-requires self-esteem combined with experience. -enables guides to carry on their duties effectively, to put people at ease, and to help create enjoyable experiences. 4. A proactive nature-initiating change and the willingness to assume responsibility for such change. - accompanied by a high sense of optimism. 5. Sensitivity-needs of others. 6. Flexibility-ability to be adaptable and patient. 7. Authenticity-genuineness and honesty 8. A pleasant, professional appearance - where first impressions are based 9. Sense of humor-since most people like to laugh, they usually appreciate guides who have a sense of humor. 10. Knowledge-well rounded knowledge about different topics. 11. Good communication skills-articulation, eye contact, gestures, and a clear pleasant speaking voice. 12. Organization-time management -planning -precise attention to details -sticking to a schedule -meeting appointments -interacting with guests

13. Decisiveness-quick decision 14. Good health-entails good deal of walking, long and irregular hours, different diets and eating schedules. -requires plenty of energy and flexibility. 15. Personal integrity-a strong sense of ethics -moral responsibility to themselves, employers, colleagues, travellers, region 16. Charisma-personal magic of leadership arousing popular loyalty or enthusiasm.
