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What have you learnt through the use of Google?

Especially during the research part of my coursework I found the use of google extremely helpful but I also developed my use of google by typing in more specific searches to find what I was really looking for and I learnt that by adding speech marks (“”) I could find specific words within each search.

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What have I learnt by using FindYourTribe?

I have used FindYourTribe to create a greater understanding of my target audience and therefore be more conventional within my product as I have created a greater understanding of my audiences hobbies and needs and therefore include this in my product. For example FindYourTribe informed me that clubbing was popular within my target audience and therefore I could reflect this in plugs on my front cover and on my DPS.

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What have I learnt through the use of Microsoft PowerPoint?

PowerPoint also helped me be creative within my work and set it out clearly which helped within planning and research especially because I was able to clearly identify things I had found out through the organisation of my PowerPoint's.

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What have I learnt through the use of Facebook?

I developed my skills in Facebook by learning how to create events with multiple people within the events. This was extremely helpful when planning to meet up with people I wanted to photograph for my magazine it meant I could send out one email to everyone in concern through a site which is popular to my target audience and heavily used by them meaning that I knew my models would see this email quickly.

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What have I learnt by using Microsoft Excel?

I used Excel within the planning of my coursework and found it useful in that I could be more organised and plan what I was going to do when and set myself big targets in order to be more creative within my work.

I realised that Excel isn’t just about numbers and maths but can also be used for time schedules and planning.

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What have I learnt using a Digital Camera

Throughout all of the images I have used for my products I have used this Sony camera. I learnt a lot from using it by understanding different shot types better for example close up shots and how you can create different connotations to the audience by having the model in the middle of the image or slightly off centre. Therefore the use of this camera helped me develop my skills in camera work and I feel my product even gets better as the images go through from front cover to DPS. I found that I was more creative in the use of my camera throughout the production of my products however this is partly due to front covers and contents pages which have more restricted typical conventions especially in camera shots compared to DPS where there is more creativity within the shot type.

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What have I learnt using Adobe Photoshop?I used Adobe Photoshop for my front cover more than any of my other products. I found it particularly helpful when editing my main/background image. I used lots of different tools to become more creative and look at different ways of making my image look more professional and attractive compared to competitors and my target audience. I used the lighting tool to try and draw attention to my artist on the front cover however I decided that a plain background was more effective.

I also learnt how to use the cutting tool around hair more effectively although in my final product i didn't choose to use it as I found it made my particular image look flat and after re-looking at my research I noticed it wasn’t conventional to include this effect and therefore I chose to keep my front cover more simple as the effect wasn't as eye-catching as I hoped.

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What have I learnt using Adobe InDesign?

I had never used Adobe InDesign before the production of my products and I found it mostly useful when inserting text into my products. The things I learnt was the full extent to which you can change a text for example changing the skew, width, shadows, spacing between letters and lines, borders around letters etc. I found this was very interesting when then going back and analysing existing media texts and understanding how they really make their product look professional by adding these special detailed effects.

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What have I learnt through the use of Mindmeister and Prezi?

Mindmeister and Prezi helped me during my Evaluation process. I learnt that the process of being able to represent work like this suggests how far technology is progressing in time. It has made me understand a wider range of technologies I can use for different things and how to represent my work in a clear way in order to get ideas across easily through images and text. I was able to evaluate my work logically using these sites.

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What have I learnt through the use of Glogster?

This piece of technology improved my production as I was able to show the style of my magazine through the use of a handmade poster. This also helped show a better understanding of who my target audience were and therefore building myself almost a mood board of the types of people targeted at my magazine.

I have learnt how to make posters have a new element to them the more 3D effect of sound which is useful because if I were to go on and make a website for my magazine then this tool would come in handy for a different angle of advertising, which would also make me money.

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What have I learnt through the use of Voki?

Voki helped my work become more enjoyable so I could show different ways of presenting my work but again I was able to understand some new technologies to consider using if I were to make a website for my magazine. Voki would be particularly useful because it makes the website unique and creates a personality within it.

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What have I learnt through the use of Mixpod?

Mixpod creates an understanding for my audience of what kind of music is involved in my magazine as well as making my blog look more fun and interactive for my audience. I learnt that there are many different ways to be creative within media now compared to what I knew at the start of my coursework.

This greater understanding of creativity within technology makes my products more fun and attractive to my target audience.

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What have I learnt through the use of Pixton?

Pixton was another website used to make the presentation of my work more entertaining to look through. It added another dimension to my work making it more creative and exciting to read through.

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What have I learnt through the use of GoAnimate?

Go Animate made characters and scenes so the situation seemed more realistic and interesting to watch rather than reading texts all the time. I found that it was difficult to make the text fit into the characters slots as their was a maximum word count which made the job slightly more challenging however it meant that their weren't long bits of text that was difficult to understand for the audience.

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What have I learnt by using Blogger?Throughout the use of blogger I have been able to present my work in a more creative way and therefore express the genre of my music through this. It has enabled me to show off my skills within media and reflect the style of my magazine.