Page 1: Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Q5. How did you

attract/address your audience?

Page 2: Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?


For the image, I have used a model that fits in with the

age group of my target audience. I believe in doing this I

will attract the attention of my target audience more than if

I were to use an older adult, as it is more relatable to

them. Using a female model attracts both males and

females to the magazine. This is because males will like to

the look at the female, and females may look up to a

female as a role model or fashion icon.

The model in the image is looking straight into the lens of

the camera which will make the audience feel involved

with the magazine, which will attract the audience as this

creates an immediate relationship and invites them in. I

have used a plain white background, as I want the image

to stand out as much as possible. This is because I want

the audience’s attention to be purely on the image, and not on anything else that may divert their attention.

Page 3: Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I have used a quote from the model in the cover image, as I believe this will be a major factor that

will attract my target audience to my magazine. This is because as soon as they see the quote, they

will be desperate to read the included interview to try to find out as much as they can about the famous artist Rebecca G.

The masthead I have used is big, bold and clearly visible. The red used for the masthead allows the

name of the magazine to be easily seen, especially as it contrasts against the white background. The

masthead also stands out more because of the black and white image. The red of the masthead also

stands out from the black text near to it, and so it is clear for the audience to differentiate the cover lines

from the masthead. As already stated my target audience is 16-25 year olds from middle or upper class

backgrounds. Therefore the colours used, and the black and white image make the cover look

sophisticated and so attracts the target audience I am aiming for.

Page 4: Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I have used a san serif font for all text, except three

cover lines, which helps to make my cover look modern

and sleek, but also sophisticated. This type of font helps to

attract my target audience. The serif font I have chosen

also looks modern, not old fashioned so will still attract my

target audience.

The cover lines I have advertised all included stories

based on what the target audience will be interested in, as

they all involves music artists from the genre R&B/hip hop.

This will help attract the target audience I am aiming for.

I believe the name of my magazine attracts the

audience, as it obviously relates to music. I did a poll and

this title gained the most votes.

Page 5: Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?


All articles listed in the contents page are all relevant to

R&B/ hip hop and include artists from this genre. I believe

this will attract my target audience as they will obviously

want to read articles on artists who they like and listen to.

Some of the articles include artists who are sharing their

opinions on things such as their favourite songs and how

they handle being in the music industry. This will draw in

the audience as they will want to know as much as they

can about their favourite music artist.

I have tried to address my audience by including artists

that are up to date and recent. This will attract readers as

they will want to know the most latest news about their

favourite singer.

Underneath each article title I have wrote a sentence

about what the article includes. This will attract readers as

if they know what is included in the articles they are more

likely going to buy the magazine to find out more.

Page 6: Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Another way I have tried to attract my target audience is by offering my magazine on

subscription for a cheap price of £28 a year, which will be cheaper than buying an individual copy

of the magazine every month. I believe this will attract my target audience as people ages 16-25

are often still in school/university and so they will want to save as much money as possible.

I have added images on my contents page which will attract the audience as they will want to

read the article that matches with the artists in the images.

At the bottom of the contents page I have added a banner which offers the audience a free

Rihanna CD from the music store HMV, with the copy of the magazine. This will attract the

audience as they are paying £3.99 for my magazine, although they get a free CD with it. Rihanna

is also extremely popular in the music industry right now in the genre hip hop which will attract

readers to buy the magazine to get the CD.

Page 7: Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD I have tried to attract my target audience by

including a double page spread interview with the

famous R&B artist Rebecca G. Fans of Rebecca

G, or even just fans of R&B would be interested in

this article, and so this would attract them to buy

my magazine.

The mode of address I have used in this article is

casual and chatty but also sophisticated. This suits

my target audience well. The audience would be

attracted to buy the magazine because of this

article. This is because Rebecca G’s reply to each

question is friendly and casual, and so it will make

the audience feel she is connecting with them and

speaking to them personally.

The image I have used covers the whole left

hand page. I have done this to attract the

audience, as they may want the magazine to use

this image as a poster.