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Primary Audience

Young men like Jeff would fit into our primary target audience because they watch similar films to The Axe man, one example of this is Cabin In the Woods, this is because Cabin in the Woods primary audience is males also the film a Cabin in the Woods relies on the audiences previous knowledge of horror Slasher films therefore this principle could appeal to our audience as JLLN productions is an unknown production company.

This is Jeff.

Secondary audience Young females such as: Jennifer fits into our secondary audience due to the fact she could be the girl friend of a member of our primary audience. this is because males that fit in our target audience may decide take their girlfriends to the cinema with them. She also fits into our target audiences age range as well, in addition the girlfriend could enjoy watching horror films, even though females of Jennifer’s age would be more inclined to watch a film of the ghost story genre . The boyfriends taking their girlfriend to the cinema links to the uses and gratification theory – Social interaction. This is as the couple will talk about the film afterwards they could then tell their friends this or share it on social media which will encourage more people to watch our film.

This is Jennifer

Other films related to ours Before deciding on whom are target audience would be we decided to explore similar films to ours that target the same target audience. The films we explored were Cabin in the Woods and Halloween.

Cabin In The Woods

From the IMDB statistics we can see that Males under 18 where the biggest group that viewed Cabin in the Woods, and as it relates to our film this is a age range and gender type we would want to target.

Cabin in the woods is similar to our film the main protagonists are in the similar age bracket to our main protagonists and the film targets mainstreamers.

