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Page 1: Q1 media

Left and right thirds-

Text on left and right thirds with the main image placed in the centre third, breaks the rule of thirds rule that the image should be on the right. Includes information about copyright and CD.

Main cover line-

Biggest and boldest cover line out of all, stands out, capital letters, name and quote from musician, slanted

Masthead- short, biggest text on page, bold, white and comes off the page a little.

Banner- along the top of the page In a bright colour about more features in the magazine. Includes images for insight of what its about.

Puff- advertising something with the magazine, made to look like a sticker, bright colour and bold writing.

Slogan- on top of the Masthead to look like its been scribbled on.

Cover lines-Headings for cover lines in a different colour and bolderto the cover line it’s self to make it stand out.

Puff- Advertising something, bold writing, looks like a badge.

Cover line- A cover line placed in a shape to add interest and make stand out. The year is in a thicker font.

Main cover image- Image is in the centre, breaking the rule of thirds which is often used for rock magazines, black and white, serious face.

Barcode- Barcode ion a corner at the bottom so that it is not in the way of anything and doesn’t distract. Includes the date and price of the magazine.

Cover line- Placed in a shape to add interest and make stand out. The clearest word is the year to show importance.

Banner- Across the top, matches colour scheme, only had half text highlighted, includes image.

Masthead-Bold, white and looks as if its coming off the page, biggest text on the page.

Slogan- Goes across the masthead and looks like its been drawn on.

Cover lines-

Headings for cover line in a different colour and bolder to the cover line its self.

Main cover image- Placed right in the middle breaking the rule of thirds, black and white, serious face.

Info- Information about CD attached.

Main cover line- Quote from musician followed by their name, biggest cover line

Barcode-Placed in the bottom right corner, small, includes date and price of magazine.

Page 2: Q1 media

There are many similarities between my magazine cover and the Mojo magazine covers I have been looking at but there are also quite a few differences. I have used almost the same layout which is a common layout with in the Mojo magazines, but a lot of other music magazine often follow the rule of third which I haven't, which is challenging one of the conventions of magazines.

My masthead is quite similar to the Mojo masthead. I got it from translation the word beat and I got that idea when I found out Mojo was a word in a different language. Although they are similar I have used a different font as Mojo has used ‘lithos black’ and I just used ‘minion pro’.

I have also made my magazine different by placing the main cover line in the centre bottom of the page, where as on this Magazine example I have used, they have placed it on the left third.

I have used the same idea of advertising a free CD in a plug at the top left corner, although they have made it look like a sticker in the colour yellow to stand out where as I have edited it to look more like a badge and I put it in red to match my colour scheme.

I used the idea of having a banner at the top just like in this example but instead of placing all of the text in a box, I just placed the first part of the cover line. I also included an image just like they had, to add a bit more interest and show a little of what its about.

I made the slogan similar to how it is on the Mojo magazine with it going across the masthead, although I have used a different colour.

I have placed the cover lines in a similar way to how they are on the Mojo magazine with them going down either of the outside thirds. Often on magazines I had looked at they had the majority of the cover lines on the left third with the cover image on the right, so in a way I am challenging that particular convention of magazines by breaking the rule of thirds.

I also used the idea of having one of the cover lines in a box shape to add interest to the cover and draw in attention to that cover line with the list of artists. I then went on developed that idea and used it again but in a different way above by putting a cover line with a back ground colour behind the text to create this highlighting effect and I made the number larger to exaggerate it, which I believed worked really well.

I put the barcode in one of the bottom corners of the page with follows the convention and I also went on and added a part about the CD in a small front to explain what to do if the CD were missing, like I saw on the example.

Page 3: Q1 media

Title- Magazine name, bold, biggest text on page, includes a slogan, white, contrasting from background, capitals,

Background-Plain colour, grey, becomes lighter down the page, links to image.

Image- Of musician feature in magazine, standing in particular way, relates to genre of magazine, text fits around image, takes up half of page.

Page number-very small, in bottom outside corner, includes magazine name.

Quote- From musician on page, quote in different colour to explanation, different font to contents.

Contents- Fits around image, page numbers in different colour to text, title to articles in larger font to explanation, brief text to explain, sub headed features.

Date and issue number-towards the top under the title, in line with each other on opposite sides, connected using lines.

Title- Name of magazine and ‘contents’ in smaller writing, white, same font as masthead, contrasts from background colour.

Background- Plain colour, grey, becomes lighter down the page, background from image.

Date and issue number-Towards the top of the page, on either side of the page, linked together by a line, same colour

Subscription- at the bottom, a small image if the magazine, different colour font to anything, page number for info.

Image-Of musician featured in the magazine and cover, text fits around image, sunglasses and blazer to represent that rock look, takes up small amount of page.

Contents- Fits around the image, page number and title of article in bigger font and different colour than explanation, has brief intro to the article, sub headed in sections for features, regular and one the cover, matches colour scheme on cover.

Quote- Quote from band feature in the magazine, quote in different colour to explanation, italics.

Page 4: Q1 media

My contents page is quite similar to the one I used. The similarities are the colour of the back ground being this grey and slowly turning lighter down the page, the title of the page be the masthead of the magazine, the different colours for the page numbers and text and having the date and issue number presented in a similar way. This shows that I have followed some of the conventions in the real media product but I have also developed some.

Firstly as well as having the masthead as the title of the page, I have also included the word contents so that it is clear to the viewer what the page actually is and many other magazines name their contents page contents, so I thought I would include a bit of both.

Secondly I have positioned my main image in a totally different way, instead of having them on the right hand side of the page with the contents along the left, I thought to place it at the bottom of the page to be a little different and have the text fit around the image on either side of it. The image itself is also different with the model facing directly at the camera instead of side ways and I also got them to wear these retro sunglasses to bring in that rock element to the image.

The whole contents on my contents page is a lot different to the example. Instead of just writing the featured contents I thought I would try and include a few sections of contents on one page. I have include a feature section, a regular and also an on the cover section, although this was hard to fit on one page.

As well as including a few section the Mojo magazine hadn’t, I also included a little part about subscribing to the magazine. I did this because I have seen it appear on a lot of the magazines I have seen and I thought it was quite an important, so I am in a way still following the convention although it didn’t appear on this example.

Instead of making the page number a different colour to the title of the article and then the title and information the same colour, I have made the title and the page number the same colour as I believed they were as important as each other so I thought they should be in the same style. I then made the description for the article in a different colour and in a smaller text, I believe this worked well.

The quote on the example I am looking at was from the musician featured on the page, where as in included a quote about another musician that features later one. So I challenged the convention a little there but I did follow it by putting the text in a different way, but instead of using a different font I put it in italic.

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Title- Goes across both pages, at the top, bold, capital letters, in a bright colour, different colours.

Main image- Of musicians in article, takes up the whole two pages, made to be a background, black and white, relaxed look, arms folded, relaxed clothing with sunglasses hung on top.

Background- Links to main image, black and white, brick wall, street look.

Credits- Smaller font than title, bigger font than text, persons names in different colour to their role, bottom corner, links to colour theme.

Text- In columns, included drop down capital, links to colour scheme, contrasting colour top background.

Introduction- Larger font to text, smaller font to title, bold, short amount of writing.

Title- On one page, quote, different sized fonts, different colours, black and white.

Credits- Top corner, persons names in different font to the role, links to colour scheme, bigger font than article text, smaller than title.

Text- In three columns, matched colour scheme, contrasting colour to background, drop down capital.

Main Image-Used as background, of musician in article, takes up the two pages, bright colour, relaxed look, against street like background, leather jacket, sunglasses.

Page number- In the bottom corners, linked to border line, includes name of magazine.

Border- Lines at bottom and top of page, linked to page numbers, white, links with colour scheme

Pull quote- With in the text, text fits around, bigger font, quotes from musician, different colour to text.

Background- Linked to main image, bright, street look, wood doors.

Page 6: Q1 media

Again there are many aspects about my double page spread that are similar to the example I used. For example the main image being the background to the whole two pages and the style of the musicians, the credits and the text being in columns.

The style of text they have used is also similar to mine, they have wrote an article about what the band member are doing at the moment in a story form, and I have wrote about my musicians past and how she became where she is in a story frorm, both of these use quotes.

As well as there being similarities there is also a few differences. To begin with the title of the article of mine is only on the one page, and I don’t use any colour in my title just black and white. I also use different sized font to add some different.

Also although I have used the same idea to have the main image on the page be the background too the two images are very different. Firstly the colours, the real magazine double page spread as the image in black and white which I was planning where as mine is a bright blue, mines against some wood doors instead of a brick wall and the musicians styles are quite different with my model wearing a leather jacket and fishnet tights with sunglasses to try and show that rock look. Also because they have two people in the double page spread they have included one on each page with the text in the middle whereas because I only have one musician, I placed them just on one of the pages and then the text on the other.

The example I used had some sort of introduction to their article, but I did not include one, instead I included some pull quotes with in the text, which they hadn’t. Another few things that I have included in mine which isn't in the example is page numbers, and a border. I thought to include these to firstly make it easier for the reader to find and look more professional and secondly the border makes the opage look neater and gives it a frame. With the page numbers on my double page spread I have included the name of the magazine beside it as I saw this done in Q magazine, so there I am in a way following the conventions of a magazine although its not seen on this example.