
Python Boot CampDay 5


Office hours Friday 9AM - 12 PM

Please email me if you want to meet

Will find a place

New syllabus on the boot camp website



#! usr/bin/env python

Tells the program loader unambiguously which interpreter to use

Sort of like the document type declaration at the top of HTML pages

Please start including this statement at the top of your Python scripts


Review Day 4 Exercises

What we’ve learned so far

Today’s labs posted to the course website

Conditions, recursion, and loops

Day 4 Exercises

Think Python Ch. 7

Day 4 ExercisesThink Python Exercise 7.3

Day 4 Exercises

Think Python Exercise 7.4

Day 4 ExercisesHow do you start?

for or while

no do-while in Python

while True = always execute, need your exit condition

Why couldn’t we write return eval(line) and then callprint eval_loop2()?

What happens inside the while loop?

Day 4 ExercisesBut now if the user enters ‘done’ we need to print out the value of the last expression *groan!*

Which instructions are inside the while loop? And which are outside?

Second print return_value is outside the while loop

Day 4 Exercises

Did anyone do exercise 7.5?

Day 4 Exercises

Think Python Ch. 8

Day 4 Exercises

Think Python 8.9

Day 4 Exercises

Think Python 8.10

How do we invoke string methods?

Day 4 ExercisesThink Python 8.11

any_lowercase1 only checks if the first character in the string is lowercase

any_lowercase2 checks to see if the string ‘c’ is lowercase, which is always True

any_lowercase3 only checks the last character. The variable ‘flag’ is reset to the next character each time the loop executes

any_lowercase4 is correct!

any_lowercase5 returns False if there are any upper case letters in the string

Day 4 ExercisesThink Python Exercise 8.12

1. Start from the zero-eth index

2. Change the first letter to a numeric code,

3. add an integer,

4. Convert back to a character

Week 1 RecapFormal vs. natural languages

Python syntax

Data Types


Statements, Expressions

Variable assignment

Math operators

Functions, function definitions, function calls

Getting input from the user,

Casting (to integers, floats, strings)

Importing modules

Week 1 RecapEncapsulation




Scopes and Namespaces

Boolean Logic and Operators

Iteration (Loops)

Data Validation


Formatted Strings


Indexing, Slicing

String Methods


Day 5 on the course website lists the labs

Go to it!

Use your neighbors for help

Let me know if you have questions


Finish the lab exercises and be prepared to share them in class
