Page 1: |Python| A Brief Introduction|

Python Language

Session 1Getting Started

Page 2: |Python| A Brief Introduction|


Course Preview Introduction to Python Installation Data Types Examples/Practical Q&A

Page 3: |Python| A Brief Introduction|

1. Course Preview

Module 1 : Introduction + Installation

Module 2 : Building Elements( Data types)

Module 3 : Control statements + Iterators

Module 4 : Logical statements + Application (1-4)

Module 5 : Functions

Module 6 : Collections ( list + tuples)

Module 7 : Collections continued(Maps,sets,enum)

Module 8 : Applications (5-7)

Module 9 : OOPS Concepts

Module 10 : Sharing code (modules)

Module 11 : File Operations

Module 12 : Exception Handling

Module 13 : Unit testing – Introduction to Robot Framework

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2. Introduction to Python

Open Source Language Object Oriented, HLL,Interpreted etc Implemented in C Cross platform (Windows,Unix,Macintosh) Works on PC, Phones and Web Statement grouping by indentation Latest version 3.4.3 and 2.7.9

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2. Introduction to Python (cont)

Extensive libraries are packaged together Memory Management – Garbage collection Integrates with C,C++ and Java. Implementation (Cpython, IronPython and


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3. Installation

Installation method are different depending on Operating system.

3.1 Unix Based System

a) Download source code from

b) Unzip; ./configure

c) make ; make install

Python is mostly pre-installed on most unix based systems. Generally binary are be found at /usr/bin/python and

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3. Installation (cont)

3.2 Window Based system

a) Download the installer from

b) Execute the binary file ,you need to administrator to execute the binary.

c) Now selection the installation path ; then do next and select components .

d) Set Environment variable.

My Computer Properties Advanced Environment ‣ ‣ ‣Variables . (Change it according to your installation path).

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3. Installation (cont)

3.3 Mac

Python is part of Mac OS environment. Tiger (Mac OS 10.4) includes Python 2.3.5 and IDLE (Integrated Development Environment). Leopard (Mac OS 10.5) includes Python 2.5.1 ..

Python files can be found at /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions

Open terminal and type python.

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4. Data Types

1. Integers : 32 Bit long ; range -2^32 to -2^32

2. Long Int :

3. Float Point (Double precision no) 64 bit

4. Boolean

5. Complex Number

6. Strings : Sequence of Unicode characters

7. Lists : Ordered Sequence of Values

8. Tuples : Ordered, immutable sequence of values

9. Sets : Unordered collections of values.

10. Dictionaries : Unordered collections of key-value pairs.

Note: Unicode is standard that uses 16 bit characters to represent characters on computer. ASCII (American Standard code of information Interchange) uses 8 bit.

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Before we start coding..

1. Comments : Single line or multi lines

Single line – Begin with “#”

Multi line – Begin with triple quoted strings

'''this is comments


2. Printing : We use print function.

Print(“Hello World”) ## string

Print (20) ## integer

Print(g) ## literal value

print(“Length is:”,l) # string + liternal ;

Print (“first” + “second”) ## concatenate

print(“first value is %d and second value is %d” %(f,s)) ## using format code % for substituting values in the variables at desired places. f and s are of integer type. Similarly %s for string,%e for exponential , %f for floating point, %o octal base 8, %x hexadecimal and %c for ASCII code.

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5. Examples

1. Hello world

2. Addition of Numbers

3. Few more examples .

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6. Q&A

Forum is open
