



« aeit-Dinas, coaaaa or ipboci aud rab*

jt*1"^**!* aPPOaiTB T.IBCl.THA'.t,0^\jiwatj ouSasrlker. for I.*) CenU a« a-aakiad**E*r**f. tbay r*a pay la advano* at thaDasaZm**lWT?r.t at U* sexu* rate. BincU aopUa,Zjl ***"¦ o8a»enbera, Piva Dollar* per annuia Uaa^a-haarlpcUai Uhea for *U luonth*. For three2a*. 'Tr^<fcm laoUan ia advano* reqoired to all *a-

*w^S«tCo«BU7 Newapapara Daily Paaexa raaalhredSaf^Jhcaa urati are higher CW tboa* »f Pb* !?>«-

Jw»y,|awad any dlabreaoa, WKKKI.YTRIBCNK,*?*r,.AaOE PAPER POB THE COUNTRY,r prloeo>r tweotyaaaj con-

i"«V uweri HaTUBDaT Moknino, at the low prloeola advano* Eight oopie* Ior B10, or tweoty

«*«aa tor $W. *nd the paper ln no aaaa eoa-

2 tbe na.* for which it la paid Advartt*era*DMCarlil ba cbanted 3>i e»6f par Bao aaob laaarrl na

A^v,.-- i rt..AVAnd Pbioaymorning. Prleail*^TW»'oc?ie* for >5 Taa for $30 AdvortU*t^mt* Iri* wr «ach (oasrtloa..**^ a

ffJE NEW-VOKK THIIir.Kroa bobopeab ciactH.ATi.'.i

_, M (Bf, (teparureol aacb Ma'l Steauier for fjveraP*TaaweaW»'»A eopv, ot %i per year, to any partoffjt JjgYt-^-$4 to the Continent, rXWtage iucldded

TIIK REWaVOKR TRIBUNE¦ia, o»n.,.x aaaj the sahowicb islands,th* departnra of each temi-Monthly Mal

Me*6ie*nt* per onpy"^ORKKLEY k McKLRATH, Pnbli*h«r».

Bprrial u a graat loxury

ipeod an hot.i under tba Big Ten',.aot ad^reaae* ana tli.t beaariful

r^wiiai tbe erowo* of ladle* aod gtnlleman niatifly\Zmhrt tn ihe f urpuea ol proinotm* tlie laudable objectSatwaynV VV ard of rum. THIS EVK1INO tbe ladiea!,»* AJiar ce bold a eraod iu**> uaetuiit. to tn ad<lre**edTRVANW AONER*ndK>v !!.<; PCTNEY.

' Ward Allii. ¦«.¦

Jfft aT.I.IAM.K r.f thia Ward w.lllnld apuhllr maat-

JSlB iKf.cay) EVENING, in tbe Zltb-at M K. Ohwrab,iaav. All Uvorabla tn the cauaa are inviied to be*JT JESSE VV. BENEDICT.Praa'L"B",,__ .-,

¦rHoaaii'b'H Addre»a for the benrfit of hii MotherJVateri atthe Tarxrnaci,.. M< 'M)AY, Jun*2i.tocot-i-i»at8P M Doorarptn at *». Tirketagl; to be b-tdJiVar. KRANI IS'.s. LOCRWOOIPB, 1 IMH'Kfd, or

r»A"8 k BK1TTAI.VS Book «t/.ret. or af tha Howard,LiHor. the Irali.g, and the New-kork Hotela, or attheL,. Bj order of ihe Comtr.ittee. ._OT* >atlce..'Ihe corner-ston* of the MARINER3*iSlh'i A.-VI-I -d, lacalad near tne Sea-nen'* Ratraat,aVr* U!Aid will b> Uld wilh appropnate c.eremoole* on

UlCRDAV I' M June I'i. M.-icbrr* and Ib.nori of 'heK. I Mocieiy. togather with all olhei* inlere*tadiu

aaaaal widuw* and o-phai.a of aeamen, ara lnvicd to

Lkad. Th* Htateri l.laod t.rry-hoat leare* foot of Whita-LUI!at ¦> o'rloi k, and will leove poaaeniera al ihe Retreat, .

AjObj in tii'-e t<, la*.- aarl in tle eEarti***._

"aa* ftaUrr lo Panaeogera Irom Paaaaia ta Cal-*i?Bb.T-Th*^PAt..I*-It: B1AII. dTEAMSHII'COMPA-II bai called upon to glve public notice Ibat ni. tickei* willUiauuuiiil hy their agsnt ai Panama which are ootiignedajojaacatuf thi. Company, aud that Ooket* thu* lignedaa Utaktaloed only At theii Agency, No 177 We«t-*t ; of CriimKTT Kiq., BoatornorofMewr*. ARM3TRONO.bABAJb k CO, New-Orleau*.New-York, Jan. *. tHW."iT^drr, VVM.11 DAVlDilK, Bocretary."ar l'eoplt '» VV nahlna nnd lialhina Katttbliab-ar*l,b" 14 Mutt-at., m-ar (Jrand-*t.-Tl.ue*Ubll*hmenl,aac>- .1 tn fi.n.iib tbe br.t ActoniuuMlati.Mia for cbeapffaOur m.d Hathing, i» n"w npen foruaa.WA^vi IN(»..('nnvenienrriitra protided for wocneaaUtluif own Waihiiig and wiib eaas and di*-¦aa. Kach wr.rnan'* are kent entirelr aeparataaaaothrra. uaderherown inunediAte charge.Aiidare rapid-L-aradaiid Aiied by a current ot fre*h air forc^d throughm k> Biachinery. Kvery thing neceaaary for VVaalimg

adlrob.g i» furniahed I'or three cent* per bour, with theBB*pti..t. of »>ap, which ia kept for *ale ln tbe hiiildn.gIA1HIM.. Nrat and convenient Bathmg rooma, with

W.t. Bkower, VVann and Colrt Batha, wiibclean towela,0»rro\.drd al*" twi, large Swiininiiig Batli*. one li.r'Oaleaadaae Ior leniale*. are luruisbed on the foiiowin* tenoa

fa* cl.a* Wana Balha. lu ceatl) ordinary dii, y> cent*;(kk) (*h. wrr, ft cent*; Vapoa*,SAcent*| Bwimrning, 3 ct*

lan*t Ha'h. will be admini«t«red by a medlcai attaudatit,*keaill alao glye advice graiia to baiher* who may deairetttUi they may receive the full heneht of thia baiui-giaiugtarr. CO. RKAD, dupennteadeut.'rjjr Aiotlcf. -Slup ADELA1DE, ^Aptain Cobb, fromB»L,h.i n aUehargiai at PUr No 14, K B. Coo*lgnet*aaaubntrd to a'irnd to tbe r> -ipt ..I ibeir Oood*.^POI KURD, Tl LES r(>N k CO , No. 48 oV.othat.

BP Wiutni.letl I'i ine I-Vi-.ii ii nil IC.-lial.l<DPIOS, CHEMICALM. ac

aakuWalr. on lllarral terma, at our eafabliahment, No. 83r*at« OREENLKAK k KINHLKYg*at POiE£riiriAr.| H.Kinilat

tt Kn.taraiil liitelliarnpe Oltiie nnd l.nliorlB*hai.*e,S.» 2A and 77 Canal-at., New-York..TUUlaa Wa.UAhtl.ed hy tha Comiuiaaionna of Ku-.iuia.tiona*** W wtakMlied hy lh« t;oiiiiiil*aioi«>i* Ol r,mi«iH..un,tbara tn aJaav. be found larga aamkara "f l.aborer* andlaranual v»r> low ratta ai »ip«, *«d paraona enn haveawrtvdt'i* liliid by wnuig tt. .haHupenntnidant and »ai,da. Or anuuDt iineaaai y to pav Uie paaaage ol tlie paxue*

No fee* cbarged to employere.J AK. P. r AtiAN. .SuperinUnnent.


amnoemtntf.Kii.t Oocert in Ametira.

MADAMK ALliONI respeotfully an-n'ii.iicri lhat »be will bave the honor ol uiakinf h*r

ba*f|a*rai.(-e ln tha Mt.d Mtatr* cn WEONESDAYlYlMM) NK.XT, .lurn-a, I8di, at

MKI KOIOI.ITAN HALLsBaaahlrh ocraait.n .he will be aided hv


BIONOR AROITI.laaier. Sig Aiditi. Pnce ol ti< keta, one dnllar. vblaiurd tor two doilara PAiticuUri ln pro-aaaa,r


CASTLK OARDKN..ROUSSETPAMII.Y, nndei tbe mauagemeut and direction of


Ptkt ol adutiatiou, .-«. ot-ntf. Ticketa to be had fromMr. Conv.aj at ihe Oardev. fiom 10 A. M. till 2 t\ M alm tae aUataal Muaic Stoir*. and at tbe door ia tbe evening.Ta* dotr* a111 he opeued ev»r> evening at7, aud the per-

ftaaaeca. will romuience at 8 o'clock.Orvat Tn.m.eb' Kitu-en Dance*: Beautifal bcenery,

BaiuC iu'lif Muving I'anoraoiA.yRlluY l.VENINtl. Juie 1«, will be performed

IB .otlit )y aew g.ai4 M j.ttc Ba'let, of Action. entitled»aVhaNI>1. ; Oi, TheTrinmphot theCroaa.


. h removed.DONETTPS highly respecUbU_fa tl TrAinad Animaia, coiniating of Munkeya, OoaaandwatU will aertorm THIS K\ EMNO. June IR, and everyBbykt af ta* VA'rek .Pei cmmence at 8 o'alock.BkaeOX KflTl KK Lt the To be folUwed byIH1 C01.I.AT10N DAKRIQI'E The Repa»t will beeo-

tdb.nji M.t.keya. 8LACK ROPE hy U Maant andMaudnile llofiTROPK The pantom unc acene of

tbl DESP.RTER. Com-luda wilbthe Aaceuaiouofthe Dog.

JSblo's uarden. .john SEF-\ TliN Managar-KRIDAY RVEN1NO, Jun* l«, wUlMrfofinrd tl eT'.m.edv. ln 3 acfa, of

THE KOl.llKS OE A HIOHT.*a*r ahich, hrat pa.i of tl.a

SKU |.|\ P.RTIBBMENT.bkr ft.llowed by THE Wl.NPMII.I.

i| wnlilhe Jd part ol the 1>1\ KRTISFMENT.isiiikaani. ff* aaat* Pitval* buxea, ff '¦ Ouors oaaa at

l»'*i<>«k u *un ni-oo* at 8 o aloeh._

DROADWAY THKATKR.E.A.MAR-n »hai i, oabj Uaw.,._THIri EV KNINO. JuaalS, willaTpeibii.ied Auhai'* tlpealio B*ii*l of

MASAN1KLLO.Btua.Mr* Seguio Pieiro .Mr. Segum

To t, ..r'ude « ub. tor tha Uat Ume,THK V\I/ARI> SKIKK,

Ckaat Bng*no«... Mt. Penao Alex*.M ne. Celeataboata au* Parauct, *0 oeeU, Kamily Cucle and I'ppai

.b*, 15cent*, Private Bootaa. $5and #f. Door*^paaat 7.

BURlX)aN't5 THE-\TER.CHAMBEao-.t THIB EVENINO, June 1 , wUl ka auyed Jm

baajskU Dianta in 3 acta, of_. 1'AIUS ANO LONOON.tevbBBBkt Vt lotii on a tour of plcasur*.Mr. PyotttVol*iil...7.;..Ml**We*too»*n*>nck Protli.Mr. tlolman

Baa. St Juutnueat.MtA PwkJ*ew Ctrw* aa* Parou**, 50 cenU i Saavad TXm, 25 aaat*PHvau Buxc^ ^ Bo,^, rMa «t 14 : lo aagto al 8 o>*ioak

LYCKUiM THEATER, Broadwav, nearBwaai it-CoaBYN k BCCKlJtND. liiwiis.

. L*at iight bat or* of Mr (1 V, tlROUKE.Tby»t.VPNlM. luoe 18. «H|t be r-rf..nita»d

-. TdE MKKfllAST OP S E.NICE..Brvoke Antonlo.Arncld

.1 id*n Bawanio.I.ynne

.Phillip*! Neri***.Mr* Sioplwc*Mra Viekery* H*U

J*W*Cirel» '.c r'aroaaA SSc r*a»llv CtrcU. l2\%.

BAKNl' M'JJ M USEUM. Admittancakvrrerything 2»cenu; Chlidrea aadar 10 yeara, BJS^v^Uaaav kc, t«t**nU*a,ia Ouantlc OsTR'CrC

*Jt.».AS(i oiTANtl, *toriiM>aa HKRPENTS, ju»t re-EU. alao laa Oorgeou* Oneatal Tableao ol CERKANT*J*PTfRr., rapratratiag Lord Bttob and th* Oreaka, ailS£lf. ». 1P ALIV K ln tba Lectttre Rotvm, THIS *.P-


-wn at fi, COMIC PIECES. kc THIS EVKN-». le-ehvk. PA»SI()N ANO REPKNTANCB. ThaajfiU* * o'ckxa, rA*2I"TtRIolS A0VI8ER. HAPPY PAMILY, baV, to ka^ .» All boura

QREAT^TTRA(rriONS.~Fr«5« Cona~. .?»* t ta* (>tto Cottaa*. Hobokea. by a oeiabrata"atlleiu.. B..a__. -_. UOaintV U'I.'I1NP>Z* .". M «*. Otto tottage, Hobt.kea. by a m

57*»f«Ult*B Perfornier*,*vBryMOf4DAY. VVEONR*i*{ kad ratlUY ArrERNOONtl, oommeuciag MOH-g*- J*»s IA dkoaJd ta* waathar b* aaUvorabU, tha^5^Mjak* pUo* the aeat falr day^_SATTLER*S COSMORAlVLA^S4»>.ia .^Lir^h»-BJ-brO*taad aaraar of ISth-at and BreaoV^OBaetremaA M. ttfllO e'ekxh P. M. AdaaUWoa »5tl*?^?* .«*. ofArt aaaaka af a aolUatiaa oa* VIEWB


Ncn. XJnbhcatioiu.(Joat p_k_ai_-d.)

ADISCOURSE »n the Lipb and Srr-viccs of PROP. MOSES STUART dabvemd la

tbe Ctty ot New York. Sahraatli Evening. Jaeoary _St_, l__2,By Rev. Um Adaioa. D.D., Paaiuro4 the Cwotral Preaera-t*rlan Cburth. JUHN ¥ llow, No. 49 Ann-ei.


l> Btcadwav. pol.liah r>n Safa'.Uj. NEW iTAUANAND KNOLI.-H DICTlON .RV. in two parta. I. I-aliaaar d E _¦*__-h. II. Ergliah and lu.ian.* io tliefn.t part al! tbr old wnrd., eoat. _ctiooa. and licenasa uaad bythe annent Itahao poeta and proaa wntera ; la tbe _-*oi__

part all tlie verioo. ui._r.iiip of KBgliah verba arith a oew.nd > naiie jrrumtnar, to render ea_ry the acj'iireinent ol lai.-oaye. i... By t. C Mead-iw. M. A. I Tolume,Ifnio over 7WI t-agee. A fac aumle ofthe thirt/.ritb »_--B0-!__-_ Ei fliab t_itn.i, of thia atandard manial.6 A. -Cc bave jaat pnbltebed 8EOAN.. « VKf'V. ...

ANI) BARETT1. by \efe_vie_. AProrH.__.c_-g Dictiooa-r- of tbe Bpaaiah and Eaaliah __an_n_*<..: Co_po__._ trontbe Dtctionaiiea ofthe Spau.b A cerlemv.,n Relva, upon the b__ia cf Saoane'e edition of Neuman andBaretti, aad from tba En4h.l1 Dictu.nanaa of Watmttt, Wor-eester, aad Welker, aith the addition of more tliai. eiritthooBBDO worria, ldioma, aod faniiliar*r>ri._»»«. the irreK-ian-tie. of all thi verba, and aynopeia of bnth leo-fuaar.. By Marian. V elaxuuez de la Ca-deoa, Profaa-_>r ofthe Spain.h I.acruace aod Literature l.. Colntnhia Colle««sNew-Yoik, ai d Corrt_coodina Meniber of tbe Nanooal fn-.titute, Waahir jfon. I vol. ro)ai Svo.. pt>. I.3H0. Prica RVIhe freat deaideratom of an arcora'-e, eurnpreheo-i ve, and

waU-d-acted Uu-'ionary ofthe Spaiiah and 1 nxliah lan|o__e« ia now ftf-t realizcd in thu. woik by ProC Velaanue-.

M^LTRIMONY AND THE SECRETOF LOVE AND BEACTY.SplendJdly liloatrated.ea bow to win tba devoted atfeetiona of theopp/aite

aea l Love, tk._n.hip, 4-c; alaohow to he handamoe. Srnjriabook, 25 cesta Pive copiea, $1. Addrea. Dr. Ml VALL. Ai-kaoy, N. Y~ poatpaid. Beot free b» return mall_

NEW JUVEN1LE SUMMER BOOKSAppropria-rly illn_tra,ed

HARPKB A. BROTHERri, No. S?" Pearl-at, Fra-klio-i.iuare. enhiiah thi. day.MARCO PAl LS VOYAOE8 and TRAVE 1.8 -1 Mar-

cc I'aul in New-York. By Jatv.b A.bor.. 16ino. taateful-ly bound aod beautifolly lliu-tr.ted. Pn.a SO ceota.

Order ofthe Volomee.MARCO PAtTv-1. In New-York. On the Erie Ca,

ral. S. In Maine. 4. lo Vermont 5. In Boeton. »>. Atthe SpnrRield Arrnnry.Tt,e |.e-i«n ol tlie aerieaid v,.|nme» entitMal.r.o P_ul a Adventnrea

>_ the oi KauatlB-Oa, ia aat ¦avaR tn 'tit.-rta.n Ra M tatanl. . Bariktiv. "i iaveaia adiaaa iraa, kaa ai~, M aaaBBBaaieata, ia

tfiBi_.tioB with tl." :. a. *It> naive ainl »arie,l inl._rm<t,"r, aa i><»«,tlein re-pen totlHteiarapliy. tl.e me_»ry, tlie cuato'^a, kud !»i»in-t tutii naollhii roimtry, aa tl.ey p..-«.-_t t..-ma^lv« to ltei.6.. I

iBtKiti of th« l.tlle trateler, wh< makra hueiriiraioni. ui. I. r tl.e ¦

nawe i.f.n mtelii(.-iit an.i BM-I JafaiBai B_e_fBBiB%ajaaMad '

ai.t li.n, ,i. Ihe ». .i'..-,ii<". "I _i-"- ladBa and ia ilir f_.nnl.ii,ai ter IheBalhar baaeadaaeee-. m anlm-n hia narraine. a-,1 t,.

n.luae inti. n el. .¦ ri.ta ol :, aalutar a,..l morml it.rluenre, by mean. ,.fp»r.onal ,r« :aco:» I* alliui tb. ai t-.ia iu _hf -'..ry. 1 U r--«der m.y

. ly uk_r.ii i.r.triii ai d <-iart trntb aad r.d.l.'j afatlla.ofplaiea, in.liMl .n'ai.d . rnea.wbuh are broutbr l.eiore__a imnd ia

ti t,.iir.. ,.l tbe anrrat.Ae.A lao, on tbe aame rlay.Part XXIV. of l'lCTORIAl. FIELO-BOOK of the

REVOLUTION ; or, Illo»trai.on_,by Penand i'.ual, oftheHuitory, Srerery, Biorr.phy Behca aod Traditiooa of theWarfor Independecce. hy Ban_on J. LoaB'na. E_q. Whbf.verCOO ?ri|raviti?t on Waod, fioia Oricirjal Sketchea bytheAuthor. Pubh.hinj tn Numbera. 8vo., Paptr, 0 aeataearh. \ ol. 1. now rtad>.-plendidly b.,iind. PriceB3 50.

NEW (iL()I.ISa^Copley'aRa-rwl6-inchCeleetial aod TerreMral Globea A freah nipplr of

Uie*e beautifa] Giohaa, with the itara of U.e dilferetit maa-oitudee oolored, juat received and a>r _ale, wholeaale and r_-Ui! hy K - O W. BL.IJNT. No 170 Watar-at

THE MECHAN1C.The second num-l*r ia juat iaiii.-d, and will ba enntint.ed weehiy

I'ontenta.New and I'ractical Rulf-to Deiermir a the II w_e-

1'ower ot all alze Enpnea, l-iamtter ot Water-VVUeel-Juk, and Knylne Ciai k-Siialt*. Bfrenftli of Material;Menaaiatioo aod Mtchanical Arithmetic eontinued; Kuleaon tlnckn.M of W.ttr aad Stratn 1'ipea: Ooinrioaition oflliaaa foi Beahon. Ac.; Problrina lor Intreutor.; I'rruincti'inof Roa.e'B f<ip-Spinner i Brundred'a Thrrwtle; (laa? SawMilla ln Klorirla, kc.; Mi^ellaneoa. Seleciiou*. TaoaewiahiDB a ntuatiun la any of thi M.¦. iiaxii. al hranrhea, or

thoae rei|inrii g Merhanir. of any deacriptir.o, aa ill tind thi.Journal a (tood meiiiutn lor advertMing. Our advanUf¦. andcoiiiei t.oi.a are »urh aa to enahlc u. _j piopeilv decida up .n

tl,e ,|tiallliratton ot the appl'rant. Tern_.$.' per ye*r; |1in aetance. All cornintiuieatioiia adilreaied to C L Lt.ON-ARD, Eaitnr, No. 109 peail at.. N. Y.

WILL HE PUBLISHED SATUR-DAV-A Naw SeeTele, aapertor to Capt MarryaU'a

he_t.BEN BR ACE. By Capt Chatoier, autbor of ." Tha Lite

of a Sailot," eto IllvatraUd.AAado aot haaitate to r«i,k ¦ Beu Biara" arilk tha __at aauln-al

utlaa i.i ('.« i-r ai..l Marryatt. lt ,a, iDdeed, a nioat br.ll.ant psaaacaaf*Ibe aaa. lull ol tba moat .liitual lo. i.lrnta <.' im rar, l.l-. . < I.1.a. r l_-d. aad abo.u.ln^ witb a _B-_B_ea af aaikir diaiocne and adrw ,r ilfbn.alea in a maa.rrly n.annrr tbe parakant-Nl »faailor ibaraiter. Tbera ia . ( an.l a^iw ai-_nt tha _h_lea..ik tbat ,rrr-",.t,l.'> Uiarma tlr. rrader,-nd .auuol fail tt, ae. <ra K.r

it an eitrnat.e pc|iul.rTiy. [ -tl ena-um.

Ai'eu. .nd trutbli,! p-.iti-itiire of the aalor oa lha i-cean andot, tbe land, in bia artiona and bia "yarDa." We li.v* nerrr real a

iiu.r_ ,ntereatu-B an.1 apinted ook. The autbor ia perfe. -ly vanl in hia rlraicBt, and wub a peB of |f-___l BB___k_aB__k makaa tharaai ai alao deligl.llully at hoaae wilfc ti * aai-.r an.l lh_ «ea U'r ur1'ri.e .-' rei.t. H LONOA BKOTHKR. No. 4V_ Ann-at

(Danl (fmplaTgmjmt.ASCook, by a respectalile Wo-

tnan (iood nt) referenca. No ohiect_i.D to tna couatry.Applv at No. 108 Mulhiri) »t. for two daya

AS Cook. Chanibermaid, Ac by twore.peclalle Oirla, one a. Cook, Waaher and Imner, or

to no pi . ial hcuaework; tbe othei ad Chambermaid. UooAnty referecce. Apply at No. _M-t» \\ ert 21.t-ai. tor two daya

thS expcriencetl Cooks, and to Was

» _^ and Iron, by two very experieoced Wuinaa, wit_.... <i city rettrenre. Wotld to la the country. Call at No.4 tilh t.v in tba book-tore.


AS C-aUUfM.kmaip, or Waiter, by ayouna Oul. in a private fanuly. 8ha ia a Srat-rata

I lain _rart. would he wiihnu to aietat ln wa_-iia|t, or wo UdBe taaatal hooMWOtk ln a unall family. Thr be«t of reier-aajaa can h« fireo fiom ber laat place, where abe lived tha


ruvr call oar pifro h-ui o_. *.¦. ,.,¦_., _.._.w _¦._ ,..__ _.«

aat thrre yeaia. Can be _een for two day., lf not«i.f«c-i, atNo.tSt- \\ a-biagtoB-at, lirat door back roooa^_

AS ('iiamb. rmaid, Ac, bv two hi<rhlyreoacitiMe Protestaot Oirla, or aa f'haarier oaid and

V- aiirt-.., or tbe cars of thildren aod needlewerk, or wouldtake cha»e of an nahd laily. and do iiue waahtnt. The liertOl ntv irlerer re. xiren. C_B be aeen fox two daya at Na!4_-_.av., hetwt.n Mihand 1-ih-ata.

AS Chamiifrmaid and WaifresM. orplain aewer, by a r. -pecuh'e V. otnaa. Call at No. liai

loth-.t ,cor. Itt a\ for two daya.S Cpamrkkmaid, or as Nurse andplain BeBtn-trea-, hv a reapectable youna Otrl. Can

beaeea tor a -hort time al her la_t place, No. 14 tVaat .!.! at

AS Cbk_4 HMAN. by a steady. RCt-~_yo'ii t Man. who perfectly underBtand.b*_ buaineaa, the

i..» and inBDB.emrot ot horaea, and weit. weli at lah.e.lfrettuiied. Ha. no ohirction to towB or eoi.ntry Ha» tbei.--t ol reference Call or addrea at No. S.V l_t-av.. _e.oa_laee, frent rootn or for J. D Coachman, Tribuna OfBce.

AS general Housemaid. by a lajmcta-ble woman. Sbe ia a food plain cook, a firptrate

H.-l-er are i:_m* r. ara lt _riU__| t_ _u_ke Uereelf genenllynn tul. t.ood city referrnoe frcui hai old place. Apply at

Moit-at. loi twodaja

AS general Horsfmaio or ..hamber-tnaid. by a well'rvcotiimenr'ed tidy Oenuan l-l.l; la

a mad Cook, ni.Mat. v\ o_lirr acd Ir.rrr. foud of children,.idwiliii'i to make hrrtelf aactai Speaka EB|li_b wcil.Callat No. l-l. Bower>-


AS WlT NdRsi:, by a rcsp__table mar-ried youag Woman. with a treah brea-t of miik -her

ow n bshy tix weeka ola. Can he _eeq for two dayt at No.IHOAvenaaA. laetitre *x M'a O'NEILE. HaeBoo-j-.-b__B to »o a -i-rrt di.t_t.eein tbe co-ntiy._

N Industriocs Yooo Man. a(.erman,well aoatiamted with the Eefliah laojrua<e, ia de.ti._a

ot ohtainioy a re.. .'.iiaible .ituation ta awua reapectahle _aar>cartileeoBcern W oold |!va beat of i-.eran.-_aaad »-«'.rt-M' aecurity if deawed, aod would Hke to huy af-arwartl aa

_ctete»t if _»-th pamaa -hou-d have beea aaitad. AddreaaA. I. Tnbaae 0_Roa*__AH American Lai>t, Bf_d S8i 'e.irea

to obtain a .ituation aa Uooaekeeper. She i. wallquaiifi'd, aud oflera ber aeivict-.aa an euui%alant for a pleaa-ant and a|r_*abla Bottie. Addre*. Mra ¥ 11 at thu .,_ti.e.

AYotNo Lady of renpectability andrentrel ar1 dreaa, M deatroa. of obtain .re a Btaarton to at-

irrd -ii re or CA-Bfectiooanr; la active .nd {atelllfaat tn _.__-

lnree, uiiilt-rataod. .Ire__-iiiailn»: or woald take a uruaticn aab Private Tt arher In a Scbool or family. Would like toiraw ti.e city. oi ti.val for tha auruMi mootha C_a_B.ii-ntion iio object. t'4.____a__K__iat-i_-W-___ad to Irflaa BL'R-MTT, No. .7 V/illat-eL, for one week.


A-, Ladt who hRs had moch exp_rience/_L ui TeachlBf. and who o^taaaaUatae rta.aa.aB bariai(teat lhacfoaa of tbe S-mnaier Tena. ariaaaa to e_eja|_ aa

.'riutipa- or A_a_aUot in a SemiBary whara kaa-r-euoe ta

. i\eoln t__.hi4f_r_ewa_laae_o_B_B---_--_Bi-ra-la-a-___.Tbe isdividual haa beea very biumbM ia taae-laB Pa-uaan-alup, eaa wnte anth etpaal fkat-ty a _____aa_le ar a lady-.6aea___d; aad a___d _. wilbini foaot|a|eaa a Cofyiat, aro-w__adaa-»aaBa-a-aBaaBaiBti ia waaaiaaa. A Baa a-Vdraaaadl« A Z. C Ufajat tha Tribane ofcae, arUl aaaat withP'i mpt attaatkoa

WANTED.A nitnation by a reapaxt-abla yoeni Womaii aa Dreaa Maker aad Seaiaanaaa,

ar te taka cara of a Baby Wc_: _*-«_._ oa-m.-taloI© to tbe eo-atrj. Addraaa ?o M M t- -W -». *>_B-_MbbV__MB|


WANTED.Place* f.r three children ofa Widow-her b_a'd_od be___ jaat dtcpaaad TVy

are a f.irl of ten. a Bny of eigrr, aad a Soo of tbr-syeara.Th* Moiber would aot be wulir.g to |et Ute ya____aat a- outof her ',wn rearh S.,e t. »llltng ta birvd eaeh ot tha n f>rtbe term of their minonty. Irvrnire of Mr. IL STOKES,No. 42 Slanton-at.

WANTED.At No. 114 NajMRtt-Bti,Waitera, Men »n Railrnad. aad Steeflaere, Boja to

Iretn tia^ea, plare. for Oi.-I. readv. Ap;'i *__« ib; ang$1. free of poetag' will ba aoitrd. THOM .8 SP.Nf.

WANTED.A sitaation by a youn*,. in potna atore or offlce. If

in a atore, wbol_#_Je pref-rnd. It a graxl writar, aod aaabriar tfe baat cf recon>m»r.,!__ioo« aa to baaineaa eapa.itr.and ha. been in d'Serent kiada of b__r_ne__. Pleaaa addreaaW D H at thia oBtce.


A^GENTLEMAN. fifty years af a*e. ofan afleetionat* diapoeitioo ar.d rlomertic bahita, wooli

be pleaaed to wed a lady who, (Baa him.) haa eorne property,anewbowoa'd eatetm liapltaaa-t duty u> ailif wtbbim in erl_c_tinf tonr beaithyand pro__a.Pi eh'ldren, (tbayotmreat riearly »e-en yeer. old.) for t-peralrw-a be e andL.<t B_ne_B bereafter. Addreaa A. T . eare of U.e Edi'or ofTi e .i.hin.e, wbo baa the advartlaer'. addreaa, and knoantbat thi. ad.ertl-enjent i. in good fairh._

APARTNER. either epecial or active,with about |ln,ann ia wanted in a eeneem now drtng

a 'B-g* and pr».-*iuble <__h. bn_^ne_e in floor, graln. fcc. Oneofthe pertner. rettring cauaep thia opening. PartWs hevfogan Idea and the mean. aa above, can have bb interview byaddreaung CORN, with real same, at tn-tolBoe._BOY"WANTED.To leRin the Drng

bnaineaB. One about IS yea/a of age, and of goodeh_ra«er. aay apply at C. H. RINU'8, No M Broadway,eor. Jobn-et.


OY WANTED.ln a_Tf7ff.ce.rno.ta_^i arrite a falr hend and eome well reoommerded; ona

livii-g in the city with hia partnt. preferred. Salary II0 permo_ih. AddrewX Y /...Tnbtiae Office, _B_a_BJ where aa

Uitrrviiw can be bad.

G<ERMAN J-KRVANTS WANTED.r An expenenced Laulidreaa. an excellent Cook, Chaiu-

bernaid and Waitreu. ApplyatNo. 14* Urand-rt. Also,an experienc-d Lailj'i M.'.if.

IF MR. JOHN HUNTERwill write tohia friende in Clifcrnie, they will aend bim totxte va_-

nahle newa. J A. SWAN k MACK. Monterey, Cal

"Ul AP LITHOCJRAPHER W ANTED.J..T.JI. A .1 illful joarneyman Mthngrapher, who eaa letterwell aod .xecute aiap. aad mecbau'.-l drawni(tB with nett-nea. .nd dl.patch, la wanted. 8ead apenmen. aiid loweattenn. per mail, paatfaid, to H. T. WALLI NO, Boeton._

M EN WANTED..Twenty men to sellan article wanted in every family Agen, _ for Boeton,

1'biladelplua, New-Eaglaud, the \\ eatern aud BoulhernSiat. a, ar« wanted. They can make $l,«a-' oer anoum witha auiall capital. Call or addreaa. (poatpaid,; No. 3l7 Bowery.

WlLLINERS anci CAP-MAKE RS\\'ANTED.- One or two young ladl'B arcnetomed to

work on mill u.ry ud drt-M eapa, are wanted Immadiatelyat No. 6.-1 Bicadway, up atoira

TVTURSE WANTED.To take can- of an

J. 1 Invalid. An and a Protaatant pralerr-d.Apply at No. 165 WaJker-ei. -^_a_

PROTESTANTSERVANTS WANT-i I) Expenemed Cook.. Two L-dywnairla. a Noraa

ai d Seani.treaa, Laundreaaea, Waitreoea. and a Cboachuitun.Apply al No. 14_ Oran.i-__, where the aaoat reapactablaait-.tioii. can he ohtained.

PRINTINi;-PRESS WANTED.Anyorn Iibv.i l BBBBBal hard N.pler or Ad&ma Pre-a, in

jm A order. to di.(«._e nl inav tir.rl apnrchtaerhy In.iuirlnnat !i.e otlice ol the Ameikan HoUl, to-day, (Priday )

4JITUAT10NS WANTED.For thek3 !*et of gervanta. a« Conka, Honaework Oirla. Lann-dre-at.., Scaju-treBeea Nar-ee hc in rily of rountry. Prote.'ant or Catholic <-irl. Beat o_5ce for jnod Senanta N. >. Empl.y-ment Oftice, No. 478 Broadaray. T. P. SALTNDEIl_l.

TO FARMKRS and COUNTRY OKN-TI.KMKN.A youna Man of »ood edacation daairea

eiiit'loynieut aa a Kaim ; i. artlhna to teach tlie children andruake hini-elf ua. (ul. in rerurn for hia board and a .tuall ___.

ary. The advertiaer having been eecu-tomed to a aedenraryocmpation. deairea to chante. Salarv not _o maeh of aa

ahjecl aa a bome. Aadreaa k\ No. Ul Broadway. rawaa 4.

T~^TCAPrf__LISTS..Wanted, a Part-ney. either .ilent or active, with a ce_*i eapital of fS.Urti

to $l-,< < 0, to enrwie in a profilahle mercaatile and im lufae-turing tuai.epa. \> bich ha. been eetabltahed I yeara. Theprearnt cai.,iai'.at rettre. to the country on account ot lllne.Ub. Addier. O. X., thu efltce, Maliuj where an intar-yiew eaa he had.

TO JOURNEVMENPRINTERS.UM advertiaer 1. in want of a Prlnter competent fo

take rhaiae ofthe mechanicaU department of ac oftic- (oewaaaawi adJ-M-Bf) where ten oradi._euhu.da are laaMPyAalA B-od Tre-aman aba wanted. lnquire to-day (Pndaj) atUic oflite ol tho Amerlaau ilotel.

US. BCHOOL AUENCY.By E.H.a WII.COX. No. 2E0 Broadway -Netotiationa daily,

hy the beat inatitutiona, tamihea, tea_ber. and matrona(Jne per cent. in advance caocelt advance expenaea, and pro-cure. the rrquired compenwtion in one or more eog&fementa.Apply rail; with tba tuoney and full particulart, pjatpaid.

WANTED in a LAW OFFICE-ABoy about 16 yeara of aae, who writea a good hand.

Addreaa ____-, at thi."offiea._fcWANTED.A Lady to attend the

Ba_ary Store, No. _2C Bowery. Batufactory refer-fnce aa to cbaracUr aie aliltty ra.iulreil. IK'MBKRr.

"ITI/ANTED.At ono of the first cstab-W bahinetita ia the City, a young Man from 16 to 18

yeara of age. wuh undoubta.i r. ferenrea a. to charaf ter andahiiitiea to learn the Daguerreian Bu.ina-.. Kur a amtablepetton thia UagiH_dopp_rtunit\ to obtain a p<rmanriit WOBtun in a good kaa-Baaa. Addreaa, with full pai-culara, B. B.M.. Tnb-Lt Uthce.

_ _

WANTED.A French Woman, uNuree. Seeiii-trea. and Laundre_a, well recomiuend-

ed. Apj.l. at No. 41 Tilut, heiora 1- M._TT/ANTED.Two prRctical Brickmak-\ \ era, aceuatomed to making kiln-drled brlck. auitable

for hjdraulic c< merL Tbe _____¦ are for a large tunnel onthe Peannlvania Railruad. in Blair Co, Penn. Porall otherlt.kriratio'r lu.juiie ol JOHN KfTTKR, HUth-at and Ut-av., Vorkville. North River Bnckmaker. prefarrad._

W~ANT-lDT-IThe~writfr of this is de-.iro.f ofa ituation aaEditoror aaanatant Erlitorof

eith.r a polirica" or hterary paper TI.e moat anexeepti.nable refrrerwea eaa he given All corrmo nication. afterJuly 1. Bd.ire»_wdto l.V. A-New Brunewick, New-Jaraey,during one niorith, will maet with protnpt atteoti_a.

WANTED.A number of expariemed.geota to tet Bnbsrriber* for and aall wvaral larga,

»p'ei.i!id lithog-aphie prinU :n thi. city and country and Cain-ti. b. Thrae ptitit. bave not been before the publle. and willa,eet with a rapld aale, aa they are appropnate for ofneaaand place. of buaiuea, and each active agent can $3 to $10 per day. Apply to


_t_*-_ nOll .THE WRITER ha^ from^f t_a#aP\l\/w |_,iAiito Bl.fOO wbich hatodeat-ooa,.( m \-iiiog _. »n bi ir in _ume lucrariye, _*te andre-rwctat-le bnaineaB alrrady eatahtiaheil. The Bo»k tra-e

'. or he » onld loan it to aa employer for a bberal..Jarv and good wennty. Addreaa P PA.NE, BroadwayPiat'Ofriee. poat paid, or Trihutie UlEce, with real &___-_-Hral g.\rn ai.d re juired.

(Ttianrts for Oa-itus. H.rn.

CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE..Araa-ctina for Beourug Knlvea and Potka 1- ia a minuta.

Cheap. aimple. tSiclent, darahle ; ta a/eat dr-tnand, of readr_aJe, with oc competitton. May be «**-? _a_.y, ii pracacaJoperation. al Dun__p°a HoteL, No. 1 _3 Kul____a_ _U_-__I ht.aJa l'i>r_a " bay and arli aad get fala '

FOR SALE.A small Tannery aitaatedwitlin U milea of Narroarahurgb, oa tba Naw-York

aed Erie Railroad, eoarainiof m acrea af h_od with a goodyoaag orchaxd af cbo-ca fruit; tbe hutldtng. are all oew andta food coodiOoBL A peraoo «r_ah_a_ to entar lato tha b_a_-aeas w the ut delav wifi find this _a opportaaity aaldacn to becoel wiib. For furtber pardcnlan _B4|_-re at ML'LPORD kC ARY. Leatber and Pi-diag Store, No.303 faari-at.

FOR SALE \ KRV LOW.Theownerbav.ri ctber buatneaa.a Steaai Mahogany 8aw Mii,

roaiplrU n_t_otng oider. ia tbe i:.__.t of tbe _Ba__afaB7landicga. pr aae»_ing aa exteo« .-e w»_er rig.'it. Part of lha

t eaa he rented antnout intarferiug with tbe tutll, for:h a good ran of pteady c_a___oara. A rara oppor-oe :u _earch of taaflr, aata and prohtaWe baak-

tea. 1 ¦.- fu.ther paitW-Jara. ln-i-ire oa tbepra-uiaea, No.S3B F-ont-.t.


TO PL RLISHERS..For srIc the GoodWil! and Sntecnpooa Lkat ofa well e-_ahl-_!,ed and

pvpnlar Literary \\ ork.tha ptaaaat proprte'-n _r__ti_i_| to

tetue. La caaaeoaence of other engafe_uenta. lt will ba aojdoaa_r-_B__odaiiBgteri___. Addraai, p_-_a_e paid, A. H- __-

Po»t 0_5_», New-York City._

VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTYia BRO<)KLYN.-W__it--,aB-_tt_Bf--___k|R,eee-a

110,-00, lo unpnu oaa of -ha _-__« valaa-le ____-.___. aearPulton Penry. aad to take a abj-re tha kaimia. » aa

___________td __--'_ la aaaaa-ar. rtaarb ~a irfIhaaali-" i-r1"- .»

.raaatW rKr. .


I/OR BALg A 01001 Bar-ain..Th-.JL Patent iiaht of aa* of the mo*t saatai laveenon.. ftbe 1'ay The Stale of New> ork, and three of"taa EaaUraMatea. for ajaa. Por faitker un'onaattoa, addraaa L. 'I,T.ihcua* OftVe under proptr SigaAtare, aUting wh* aa in-terviewcAB be bai

WANTED.Some p-r«un with a smaJJeapitaLto gar-haae a valaakU Peteat Blaht for tba

Soathera and VVerern Otataa BaaeimaB arUcU. o n.

tovaarJafi fwitk whieb * man eavy travaj witboat tbe aaafaaOaevaaUne*) artll h* fanitebed ia proportJaa to th* *a -at

of tamtory aarebawd To paraoo* wUkiag ta ataka oaaaay,thb ia aa rmm***~nUf ¦eldoai errered. 1 aaotre of

_N C THAV-.R, No. 11-1 Charaaar* *.. np atair*.

Snmmcr Eetreatt.

Bl »ARD in ihe COUNTRY.-Severalfamiue* may obiain koaid for Uw aunuaar *a**>.i at

Mradew bice, diea Cuve. Tbe boaae U aaarlv n»w, withlarae airy room*, pleaaanth utoe'ed by the aalc water. and.DrrcBcded by Wanutui waik* and ridea Por I'irthar pv-ticulan icquire of HKNRY VALENIIVE, pmpr etor ofihe Mradow Stde atag* line, orof ALBKRT II. COCriB, No.1*>1 Bowery, N. Y.

BOA RD in^OROKEN.-^A Gt¦ntlemanand hia V\ ife or two etnsle Oentleoian may bara a hand-

m ii.e large room, with full or panial Board. *( No. 17Praiiklin-tenraca, Hi.deoa-et. H.ibokrii H»l aud c>U wa-ter fcetba And earry c »uifwrt wbich A bume can ailord. Ad-dr*** O. O. Tnbttae OaV*._

B0ARD1NG in YONKERS.Three orfr*r Oantlrrren can be acrnmmodated with B«akf**t

ai.d Te*. in A pnvate faaily, in tbe plrataul village ofYonkeia, for the Surnmer aaaaoa. Aopiy at tha Etpra*. OfBce, No. 41 Barclay-*'-, or at No. 10 Maaar-pl i.-e. Youkcr.

BOABDING at a FARM-HOUSE..Citixena wialnng Board in th* Coai.rry eaa And exael-

lent accom:nodalioca at th* aew Paraily Manaioo of therabecriher, aheut two mile* from tilen t'ove village. (ta ait-uatlcn l* beallhy And retired ; tba room* ar* ot ainple nie.Tl e ¦t.-ambnat Nt rwalk Irava* Puiton aarket-alip every dayat B o*clork A M , tba Crnrno at SJ P.M.Rejtrmett- Re». Ji.o Phayre, No. 2 Or*eo-*t. N. Y.; Rev.

F. H Canfi-ld. No 228 Weit 20ih at.; Tno*. F Oreen, B*q,No. I Liberty ..*.; 0. VV. Oerard, No M Pine*t.CHARLESUNDERHILL

CAPE MA Y.SEA BATHING..CONGRF.S8 HALL. will be opea on the |.«th of Jan*

aext The locatlun of Un* houaa and "he high and beeutifu!ground* in front render it the oioat deaiiahle of any ou th*Taland. The proprietor hopea to ment a coutirraaaoe of th*very liberaJ Bitrooag* heretofore rec*lved.

VV B. MILLP.R, Proprietot

COUOTRY BOARD WXNTED-In. tuiall vi .axe or on th* aaa ilmre, by a l.»dy with

two Chtldrep under thrae yvari of age, and (ervAnt. withpanml B.ard kw a Oanllaillin Roomi mu»t he neat andceUifortatle Pnce $12 to |l8. Add.eaa, arith full u-lata ard itrwripticn. of the pla^e, with refeieuce, JAMESORAHAM, New-York._(COUNTRY BOARDINl... Knur OenJ Ueni-u and their wlree eaa be aoconimodated wtu

Board in th* village of llnntiugton. l*ong l.iAud Th* houarUpleaaTJitly rJtBaUd on » ground, half way betwee*the barbor and th* village. which for healtb. acenary, runntng aad 1*hitig aannot ba .urpaasad Apply oa the premiaat


D^orijLAS HOTEL.Mrs. 1)T)l f(.LA8 tak-» thu oppirtunity of tbankinj the nitny

tautlira fiom America who l.ave vunted ber houl, fi.r theirkiod nippeit, a' d bega at ihe aame time to aaaure them andtheir Innid* vldting, that eatabhaiunant c«n-

tUaPBk»baaaaaaaOtd with tbe ta-nereaard tooouifrta*'l.rrt., 34 and 35 St Andrewa-ajnara, Edinburgh, N. B.

AYS'S HOL'LSE, DaJhoanie-aquare,Montreal. O. P. POPE.

OCEAN HOUSE, NANTL'CKET,KASS.The priiprirtor reapactfull, informi tlie pub¬

lic tbat thia Hen-e, liating been th .rounlily renuvated andpnt in ci.u.plrta- ..rier, ia now open I >r tlie receptloo of per-ii a. ect or tranalei.t Bt>arder*, and lie i« d, tenmned "O etfort.ball be wantug on bi* part to render it a pleaaant home fortbe travrlar.Prraom wwhing to retire ftom the huatle And .tiflad it-

aioaphere of a crowded. heated ,-icv, and to enjoy the bene-l,in I a » au, niaguificei.t ocnan areutry. aea bathing, andtaa falimg, willtind tluia beautitul and deairable auiainer

Tlie line sfeamer Maaaachnartl*, Capt la.n^. H. Barkar,n akea tl...-e tnp* . ttcek Uttteen NautucketaudNew-Bed-foid. aa I..IU ».LeateaNai.tuckrt-Monday, Wedneaday, and riiday, at

10 A. M.Uavea New-Bedford.Tueadav, Tbnraday. and Saturday,

«u the arntal ot Ihe mornirg tram t ( cara fruin BaaUaThe time ompla* t. tuaAina tba paaaagea ketareen Van-

ttn krt and New-Oadtord. laeludlng taa laiidlna* at Uoliue**llule and V\ aaaTl H> le, i* otlv araajt 44 huur*.N. B .The fare baa l*en reductd to $1.Theae paawg.* arr deiighttully pleaaant in rommer, th*

paaatngera ia alglil of laad the whole di»tan, - Na...tucket, May 24,l«4t_i. BOOIMOUM.

1>AVILIOH, NEW R4KIIKLLK.-Tht. flrst-olaa* anddelightful Surnmer Boarling Hi.uta.

replate wllb facilitleafor enjoying the, rid-ing. a*lllngat.d otber recreatloii* of tbi* faaii ouahle V\'ater-Ing Place, i* r...w open for th* receptioD of gue,ra, aad the.ecunng of Rotmi*. M. A. PORMAN.hrjcrmct.Hunue! E. Prink. E*q No. IV Park-pUce.

RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. (SiotoaUlai.d, N. Y., late the Richmond Serainary ) -J P.

KM.I.ETTbegato laform the pi.blic that all tbe improv*-menta are compleU, and the H'.lel will opea for the aeaadnrn T liurada*. June 24, 1852. The ajaauaa are, for the aeat-jn.

OJ [»r ttrrk; an> thirter (asnod. *7. Children half price.servant*, 04. Horw-a. $l.V per n.auth. The Richinond ata^irun* ftom Vnndrrbilt'* Lanomg ti.ur time* a day. Carruge*can be had from th*m to com* and vlaw ihe pUce.

SELECT COUNTRY BOARD.Oneamail Pamily can have fine Bjaaaj in smod healthy aud

omratile loea'ton on the Sound, »n the New-Haven Rail-rood For de*crtpti<m of the village, *ee adva'tiBtinent ofVlAiine Hoteh At l-aiilield. Addxe** K^ Box No. 2,158Poat Office^_m~HE MARINE HOTEL, at Fairfield,

) Connaetlant, will ba opened by Its aroprletor, J. BMONNOT, on tte l*t day of Joue next, ** a aummer brane*A tbe New-York Hot«l. The Marln* Hotal ta euoated ln a

-aaautifil village on L«ng laland Sound, atfordlng all tbe talucement*of exeellent *e* bathing and roinautJc drlve*Uti.e adiacent eaaatry Every endeavor will be exerted to tarure tor the Hotel the diitlngulahad patronaf* of previoa*«ra*> na PUn* eaa be *een and room* engaged at th* abov*iotel at Palrtleld, or at tbe New-York Hotel. ThadwUaa*

fr,.m kew-York i*A3 mile*. and traln* by th* New Y.irk andNewHavan Ral Imad atoo at Pairfialdaavaral tlmaaaaahday

jBoaro and lioomB.

AFEW PERSONS can be accommo-datrd with PUun Bravd, and the pntilege of Baining,

al th* VV ater Care E*l*bli*hm«ut, 137 K*at Braadway.

A~FEW^S1NGLE UENTLEMEN maybave ple*»a..t Rooti* in the foar'h atory of A gen'eel

oa** No. 6u W hite-«t, a fow door* wo*t of Bro** Oioderata. Referenc* retjLuod._

ABU1TE of ROOMS on 8ectin<l-Il<M)r,four citael* and bath room attached. fun.i*had or un-

» uh boaxd. Al*o single ro..n^ for geutitMnen, alNo. 37 lioaard-at, 3 door* frcut Broadway.

ACiE-NTLEMAN and his Wife, al^oafewaingle OntlemeD. can be .ecomraodated with pleaa-

, i Ror n . aod full or partial Boa/d, U * amall Uai«ly, wher*there Aie tut few boaider*. Apply at N*. 1*5 H.«i*oo-*f_ctrnerot l>eabro**e» Refereace* exchaiaad._

AFURNISHED ROOM to LET.With or withoat Board, to a OentUmaa and iady, o*

twostngUOeotlem*n,atNo.8»o CbambervM.

A (.KNTLEMAN and his WIFE, and- two or Uirr* single Oentlemen. can ba accommoo ttad

with Bt^d al No. 124 Henrj-*t- Re.'eranee* «xcn*i.*ed.

BOARD in BROOKLYN.Toro han.1-.MneB*rW.r*rait*aUfor * 0*ntleo»n aod hl»VVita.

alao alraaanlTrooaai for *ipgl* OaotlemeB^imay beobr-auadal>o " rnltoa-t-, brtwecn Orange aad Plae AapU-aU.

BOARD1NG..Large and amall roora»,fumiahed or aafuniuhed, with Board. p|a***ntly *ca>

aied :r a tiratcU- botua, Na 231 W*U I4th-at. RafatlBBB..xchanged._

BOARDING in WILLIAMSBURGH..Pleaaant and airy furaiaoad Anartmeut*. wi«h or

ntbaal Btaud, can b* qrocured by »pp'ytng eor Pourth-*Caad Divi*ioa-av^ Wi:iiaui*bur*Ji Eor raLrncalaia, karma, kc,gaaayaaabaaaaB aaidrea. B vv. K&AN


BOARD..Two or three aingle Rxirnaare vacant at th* Tamporane* Hooaa, No «S B*rr;Uy.

also oa* Urga reora. aaitaole fof a pacry of tiir*a. c» aaat

atlfmea or a Oaotlemaa and ha Wifc- Alhrarder. can ba aceornmooared

VD)OARD..Traruient and permanent^> Boanler* ^ be aec«mmod*ted « No 3?n Broadway,o*twe«B PraakhB aad Whtte-*t*. _Mra K. A OAaUNEt.

OOARD.Families and sinele Gentle-D awa eaa ba amiaamrf.' wia dadghtfal astu and

±L.M^7£Z£%*<>. »7 W**aOAat, aaa. Sttvay.Refrrance raquired_

BOARD^aTNo. 147 Hailaon-sta, oppo-atta 81 Joka'a Park. efraat aatlov oa fa*J floor,jwufcr^try*tt»*datd,,aatabU for a am^ll ramU^or twoataaU

gaatleaaea: alao a raoaa fcc * atngU |«tj*maa- Hot >adoold bath* la tba koo**,_

OARD WANTE D.F(ir a singVo"r^ 0«af»-a»*a. rn T*r>fcr- n aad.a * '. r.



BOARD.Oae or taro*in_!e (..'ntlemen. an obtaia a pleaaaat roora. with hraak-aat ard taa.

ard diuaer ou S-nday, n a pn«_te family, with prtnJage ofbath Ac. Apply at No -» Eaet !«*_.«.

BOARD in BOUTH BROOKLYN..ntlrman and hia Wifa, or tw. or three nogle

I aetBtiaaaeii. can ohtain a [>)¦«-.»¦ room with board hy apply.!n_ at No. !I7 AtJ.otR at. Brooklyw.

B( > \KD.A (ieotleman and hia Wife,or a Iaw »mgle Ontlemen. can oh'tia daarirahle

Kn'ini :o a tuodeTi buit 1 !.->__*. in tha immediaaa viciaityot t'nionanuare, hy appheanoo at No. 41 Eaet tJtkeet. Let with Board, apleaaant fun.Uoed ftvnt room, with paotry pttached,B

an tbe aecood rlo*ir. .aita*!* for a gentleaaan anl wia*. jy twoatiiflegeath. a.en. who aaa bave roll or partid Board. withtbe free nae af 'ha Bath. lequire at No 2.4 Orea___at_ _a_tw.en Amityaed 4th ats. Refereooee required.teirua raa>acnable.

RD in JEI.SEV CITY..At No.atd at, peverat deairable Iloooa. Dmuer at 6.BOAR41 Oi

BOARD. in a Pnvate Family.A hand-p'ttie tniie of rooma, puitehle for a (rentlemen and hia

Family. or Oentlemen, with every enoafbrt de-irahle to makean a_ eeahle h_ma. The houae haa all tha moeVra cooven-ieucee. Apply at No. 15 Warree place, Charlr.-et, aaarCrevnwkb-av. T-e line of at~_sa.

BOARD in CllAMl.KRS-ST..A On-Uen.aii and Wilk eaa ohtain pleaaant epartirlenta,.

with boaid ; bubj, two ahial* Uentlatuen can be a__o__-modattd at No. l_rt Cbaaabera-at.

BOARDINO..A pleasant front room.with coevenlent pantry. rnr.Lle fbr a geotlemau aod

wi<e may be bad with board at Na IM Chanihore-at. Alaoa pleaMnt room fbr two gentlemen. .Hot aud cold bath iatf e honae.

BOARD..Oeptlemen can he arcommivdated with pleaaant Rooma and Board, or board cnly. at

No 4.' e_ev-.t. Dinner at Jo'clock

BO A R D I N (» DOWN TOWN.AtChamherliD a North River Houae, No. .'I? Waahiug

t< n af. A few permaneot hoardera can be aocomraodated al$3 50 per week. Alao t'urnuiied Ruoina to let with or with-out Board.

BOARD oa BROOKLYN HIOHTST^ Rooma and i artiel Board for two or thmedw-

gle L..nti-r.ien, taithtti tbree mi utee' wa'k from KuitoaF'erry. iu a rtnall family. luqujm at No. 46 WJloar-lt, between aiid 5 P. BI._BOARD.At No. 173 Ea*, Broadway.

Two Oentlemen and their Wivea, or aingle Oentlaaien. cau he pleaaautly accommodated with Rooma andBoard Ref'erencaw exchaoged.

BOARDINi-. .Rihiiiib to let with Board|__i 'or a Oentleman and Wife; alao. Rooma for ttagltientlemen, at Noe. 4.. and I. Kaat Broadway. Cee of bath(nquire a: No 45 Eaat Broadway.

BOARD at WlLUAMSBUROH.No.iDunha-n-pla-a, betweea t .nd -d-ata. aaar Peek-.ll)

ferry- a very pleaaant aituatloa Tarma taodarala. Rafcr-?new reqnired and givaa.

BOARDINU..Familiea or Single (Jen-tl» men may ohtain nestly turaiahed Riaima, with full ot

partial Roard, m tbe large new II >u_e No *H 4th at.- havtngBath. .nd 'ia. in every Riaira. Krench aad Italiaa .pokeaIb the houae. Oinuer at paat 5.

Fl'RNISHED APARTMENTS, withfull or paitial Board, at No. -, \ eatry-at

IjU'RNISHED ROOMS to LET inBROOKL. N. f om-to lOnii-utee' walk from Kulton

Kerry .'I lie tlaa-ma constat of a earlor, l wo l_rg_ B-rdiH.-na,ane a large Wa_hnami, pleaeantlv .unated ia a fme netg.._a__aad Thry will be t«t oaaiueble t" twe wngla lieni'e-mea that eaa give g'*ii r-terence. Por furtlier, addrtaaCHAI'KN Brookl-ii fiwt-Otrice, (poetpaid.) ataUng woere.i, in.emrw may he bad.

FL'RNISHED RO<>M$-WithoutBoard io a hrrt-elaaa houae, wtth aprivata family .

1 he raaaaa aie pleaaant aad well furnlalir-d, aud IJMdeana'.le. Apply oo the preiuia*-, No. 142 Chambera-et.

FTJRNISHED ROOMS. nea/ Waah>iiiku,c*iuare- A Oentleman and Wife. or -iuala ()«n-

tlntirn. (aa ohtain eiejant furni.hed pailora on nr_t and-e.oDd rlooi*. with berfro-iiiB, with .r with ut Hoard, iu alu.l.'aaa p.vate houae. l_j_e |,l.a_uil jard lii.|iiue atNo II Bt, Clemeni'.-plate, in Ma«-doiigal-t, betweau Wa-verly-place and C intou place. lt. fereueae required._tMiKNCH BOARD.Pleaaant RoomaJ to let, furn!»hed or anfuiniahed, with ftillor parttalBoard, ln a houee wllh all modern Improvementa, occupiedby a Krerch family, where the Krench langnaga I. only «poketi, and tbe Engllih but little Krein-h __¦__» given in theeventng. Refereucee axebanged. Ad-reae No. 4tt Waat-1th -t._|

FU R N I S H E D ROOMS.No. 558Broedway.between Princa and 8pr1ng--t., arlth ot

wtthout Board. Tbe atteniion of Oentlemen aeeking Roomala eapeciaiiy invited to theae, a. it la heheved they ara mutathu ordinenly deairable. Refereacaaexebanged.

ROOMS to LET.Furni.hed or Unfur-aiahed. without Board, at|No. 9. iVVarren Bt., with

free uae ol Batb^___________ROOMS toLET.To two aingle (Jen-

li.-men. or Genllaroan and Wifo-inahandaome threa-au.iy houae, 2nd tloor ; ueighhorhood. 2d-av aud St. alark'a-placa. nccupied l.v a reepectalile auiall private family Ap¬ply ta Mr. DAVlDhON, No. 64 Broadway, tUwm Na. 48, apMaira.

R( K)M_-^VTNTED.--The firat orserondftxir, onftimi.hfd, in a houae of modern troprove-

u.ei.ta, alrei-dy oceupied hy a gentetl and reapertahle ta uiiy,wtlllng to bnard two perww. hoeatlou betwean 4th aad6th-av... lltb and 2__t-aU. Reot not to exceeij |l'ai ta $M>a year for the pgaaaa P_a_._.ioii regaired ab iut tha _l)_h ofJaly. L'i.|ue_tiobahle referen.e. given and reiioirad. Ad-dieaa, poetpaid. S. (J, ru__n-eo,oere PoB^Otfioe.

ROOMS and BOARD..Plewant for-oUhed Rooma, with or without breek___t aad taa, at

No _.'* < 1 reeoe-at.. near 8Ut-at. All tha modara lmprovameoaalatbe-K-aaa._

THREE or foar single Oentlemen, or(ientlenien and their va lve*. can ba acoo-im'da-ed

.i lha n.dem-built houae, No 17ti_l_d_oa-t. Referanceat^changed._

IX) LET or LEASE.Third, fourth ar,dfiflh ptoneeover ALKRKI) MCNROE k CO'8. Na.

MrBroadway, all hard hniabad. Oaa and Crotoa waurtatll. Pront ii feet by 58 deep._

TiOLET wUhBOARI) -AweU___________i_iRiKitn to single gentlemen or family, with bath n~.n»,

tt 14.Mludaon-atopp_aite St. John'B Park. Referencea aa-


THEOIRAMERCY HOUSE, coniar of_Dth-a_. and Broadway, New-York, will ba aaaaad te

ha publie on Monday May M, Wfl lt eoBtaiaa IV» rooma,.rniaheu in tha moat alegant _tyia with every cou-

reolnce lt will be oa tha Americ-u. and Eurupeeaplaaa eoD>idaad, and the proprietora are detennined t_u_t B__ail raak among tba beat _amily laKata la^ ararld


TWOor THREE GENTLEMEN canha accc-omodated with full or partial Board at Na

n Vanck-et. Bafereaoe ra<iulred_WANTED.By a Frenrh gentlenmn,

who 1. engaged u profeaBor in oaa ofthe ftrat educvkl erta^iut.meBt* tn New-Vork, afurniahed Rooui iu a

ger.teel famliy, wbera tBBtruetion in Preoch or Matt-Prnarteawill be received aa compeoaaitoo for tha rant and eare of tbarootn. Addr-aaH.V.att-iaoBlea._W1LL1AMS1.0R(iH.. Two Oentle¬

men and tbetr W lvea, and oaa or two angle __aa__e-k can ba Bf-»mm<_l--<d with board and atry _o°rn«- in a

Sklet _nd pleaaant toeation, a Iaw S-iautea' walk froai PeeB.ipPerry Apply at No. 11 M-*.

_5oiisef to Ctt.a BEAITIFUL COUNTRY RKSL_f_ IiKNCE TO LET-Ready farnuhed, oa I_o_a l__ai_d,.verytbtog m perfeet order ior a tenteel faculy. To a ra-

apectahle peraoa it will baj let on re__-_aa_4e terma. Addreaa,b> Bame aod namber, CULN1-.Y R__.lD_.NC-_,Lower Poat-OH-ce.


ANEATLY FL'RNISHED FRONTR(X. M to Let on the firat tfoor in a centraJ iucalny. at

n.oeerare terma. Everr a__xic_-n'a--_~--ri to makeil adealrablabctue will be givea'to a attigle Lady. In.'-ira at No J_13t_-_t_ batweaa-Uai-d-i-Mffa_

OFFICES TOLET..A handaome saiteof R-rme to let ln Chambera Hall, No. 66Ct_-.-__a.--t_,

ceoLral and deaira-le lo-aooe, for a Lawyer; reot __oda-rate. Inq.tra ol A. MORAND, on tbe

PIANO-FORTE ROOM to LET.--A_p>ndid __oo_n. admirBbly a-ap- d far ahowlnB tggtat_aZ_a>e.t __<atioB in Broadway, «,_____**_*" " '

at tk-aw yaoc,J^^^^WtcHiIKSO^Tn nnF*A_S!W*.KERS. MILLINERS,

No 1 Pr->_a>_t.__-..-.

raif) LET.Part of houae No. 30 Delaa-I .1._..r R-a_i.l _ar foux to aix r_ca___. te a haaaly.«l^__i_3_-_s--S- '-tt i*

gt, aaccad dotr aaat Roaa Ma. J*. BiaaBwaj.

MORBISANIA. -TO LET-A nratlyaVkward tw,.t«» Hoaaa. witk w*k**d '»'¦»"¦* aad

aaMiavigreaad Ar-ply'»H RBirBNET.N* 4a»p»r*t.TO LET.A ploaiant Country HiMWtN

atcet ihre* eaiie* !»-aa VVVbaiaaUinck forry, aa taar*> d t© New*©*,., arRk bara, »t*k *, rarriao* bpaa*. A*V.Cherry aud other <rea. <a .haadiana PaainBBii liafl**-diateiy Apply t» WATKINi k 11INK. «;jro*r ol Broad-»a> aad Oraad-**.

nPO LET, at TA RR YTi >\VN-A houso,X kara, garavn. aae aere rt orckardiag aad Bwaaf y rt

frait. r»rd watar aad pUasaat foc*Av*i, Two at ttra* aata-at. >' walk froaa raitriaad «*a6l li <ia«r* rt Dl. PlEBSOM,aeaf th* pteaul.**.

TO LET.Tbe Sactatd Swy of gjea-t.el How, wllk hed'Ouw* ¦¦ tkud etery. at N* IU

P**t 2iai-.t Will ba Ul to a gvatoal fcumfy aeraaj a*.Biallainkirta. laaau* oa araauar*._

H> LET.A House auitable for aOco-li.aaVoa.Two Bi.U flror* if daaira*. at fr>*u bS 'o B* per aaoatH. Aavlv t.»

A P SVITH,conwrofS4thal*Ard*thay,tT«a«Tuia*(idfroaa 4 to 7._To LET.A faxreiahed Cottoaa on

Statr-a lalaad, for four ar s»» moatk*. kaaaafaty *tta-alett iigtHi htga g-.-oud, coaBCBend-ng a trtarw ol ta* Oa*, aadwitt.ln aevrn miiiutr*' wala at \ audetbiit'*- Laadtaf, rleogarden and >awa, wtth frait ir-e* aad karry kwaaaa. Ad-o.-t»* B. B *t taa onUe o4 tfcd*

HHO LET.A few amall Oatta^ao, oaehX kaVoat |farry Laitroedandaauge roata Tbey ataad m aa lAuytaaagtoraotaa, aad ar* aarroaoded hy txaaaaa Reotaw> aar i

a will k* aoU for itSM, oa v«ry taotaaiwaUrrn* Uigly to J PaXABE, We kaW R

nrxTLET.A SiorajT^aJaA, a WorlVwikop,X *a *r*» Beur. aad thr** or fc>ar LoA*. »«U kwMaat oaaVre* ad**. abotii M by BB aaat, with or witfcoa. *****aa«ww*>(aauira nn th* arernwae. No 47 Aaa at.. aaar raaaan*.

1X> LKT.Well-ughted KOOMS, anlhor without Btaam Power. of any*a>* Inquir* of

C M 81 MONSON, Na 1*1 L*ww«t

(Jonero (DanteiyVRTISTS' 8TU1HO WANTED../l VV.oitd in a pnvat* dwelling. aiiaat* *a ar aaarBroadwat, aud oetween Oraud and lAh-ata., * Roou* *>lt-kble for th* abov* occupaiioa. witn bigo uorOi ar waeiaraliabl. Addreaa. (Uting erruaajid locaimn, WM. MOROAN,N. 1*. \\ ar'.n place, t iinl.a .t


WANTED to HIRE-The whmjikIRUur. with kack Baaeaaent, in * pkaaaant UeeOoa,

wit>Mi flllren n.ii.ute*' walk of Hlaeck-rat. and Breadway.Kaiei.t aaaabai af DaDtlaman »«¦. Wbta A ii»« **«to THUMPatVN, i,it .i th* ,.tno* of tks* aaaar,terma, Ao., will meel will. aitrotio.i.

Rrol e-taie fot 0alc.

A."RARE OPPORTUNITY.-For aale,_an .leganl City or t'oumr) Rattdenoe In N*arapk, N.J.

ntualadraNrwark Hlghta at the he«J ..f -Varraa-at .bavMuractnui anrl'.ng new ot N*warl, N*w*rk Bav, Xcaiea lalaad,and New-* or* CBj. The property cooaiata of ab.u'. an acr*of 'and; al*". an intereat lu an e egant pnva-e P*rk ia trook,The houae ia new, with el^vau r-oin* all fii.iehad U aU-gpait ntode.n Wyle, every d> airabl* eonvenlanc* for*

Senteal re*icYrit-e Otiihic kw n. I..,'. r t. ml and *k>ade t-a-a,c. Por pamealara, li qoir* at Nu HH Howeiv. New-

York, or ofthe uad.-riigi.ed (Hi ihe pienil*** Piw*»»aiaagitt-n lmm.diatel). lt re.|uiied iBRAEL PIERBOM.


inder hi|.i raitlvaiion, half a n.ila frooi rvlruad, 17 aailaa.rom New-Yoik can go hv* time* * day froru thi* dlty Oa'Jie pr.-n.iaea I. . two-*tory nouee, bain and carrlaaa-htM***,uid utbuildioga, all tn good aaaar, with ao urchard vf eno***, and with aatrram af wsb-tthruitgb Ua fana. lt wkklVavld low Apply lo J PKCARR, No l«d Heater-H.

COUNTRY REvSIDENCE Ior SALE.On tha line ..f th* l e.itral Railroad of New lepjay,

Irawst an h.-or'a rlde from thia city, a iwu atnry atrte ll.auaa,witli wiiil and half au aora uf lai.d. *ligl'>ly Mid bnauiihillyrit.iatedafrw rodafnn. ('ra..aMlle»t*Mt«i Th*IVHiaa¦enllra-!y rew, llinahed ln uiodern atyle. and cnlaln* ntne room*.

Ceinniiinlcitvon wilh th* euy *evarul Uiuaa dtily by rail¬road and .ia*mhi*t,.Oinimutaium, $45 per anaom. Por

Urtra.r^l.culara.^P.^^ ^ ^ ^^

COUNTRY RESTDENCIa.The un-,ieia;gn< d wuhiwto dlapow of ht* plae* aaar Oooaar*-

kowa. ou thebanka of the Otaego Latk* Th* aitaaiuta l*rornanlirand he*lthy, tbe Houa* very ftad, and admlrablyaalcnlaled a* a retrrat for a man nf baalnea*. Tlta farrn BBB*»lat* ol 40 **re*, ln high culnvatnm Pri. *#»»»*». Addreaa,

lt L. DAN1KLL. CtHjearatown, Ot**ao Co.

DUNKIRk BUILDING LO'l^aiPRI-V Al K KAI.E- Elaht chnica loU of llroa.t.l. *it,iai-d

oa OVaal >¦¦ I. .t between Mull.-t and Ha*a»u., la i» :. «nit-tul \illagenl Ounkiik. Laka Eil-, being '.ha VVaaWrn t*» of ihe New \ < rk and Kne Kaili.aad. T*rm* hheralttr price and furlher partirulaia APpiy to ANTriONY J.BI.EFCKER, Auetkmaer, Nu 7 Rr.av.-at.

F^AST JVIORRLSANIA VILLAGE..i AU.ut ¦»..' faot*, varyiog la *U* from aa elghlh rt aa

icra to ¦.« acr**, Are aow ellerad for aale ua tha ovw. fovtira-bla ta.fin T*n aar cent *owo, and baiaaa* oa or bafuraM't/.-b. IBbi Tlieaa l,it*Aar<-..»>» a very baalthy aad naauiirallocatlou, near aud iu luil viaw of taa Kaat Btfvar, aod la tha'mmediate vicinltt of tha giound* and maldeucaaof aeveral

t th* weallby and reapactarHe cinaana af VVgatahewta*County Thi* village ls *ounrr.lad wilh th* Haflam Rail¬road hy . br*/ rh Kallreed Per iiiap* and other iiiformaikaa,tpply to I) B iVINTON. N... 5 Tryoe-row, aaat HarUaatailroad tiflice, oppoaiu th* City llall.

I.MRM WANTEli..To7o~ho"ua4j7 andl.t», i.iiierumhertd, e**h value |rt,<1»e, ranU OVaO, wiU

ia exi kai.g.-d tor a faim wilh gr. ,1 hinl.nagt near tbacity, ln Nr w-Jer*ey. of that ealna or lee* Apply t >

BEEBE k HALLETr, No m BroadwAy.

FAKM at YONkERiS for SALE.VVithLo 2* mllea of Hudaon Rivar Railroad Oepnt, aad

Uml!e«of Rmaxvllle DApnt, Harlein Railroad Contalnaln acrra, af which 211 acre* ara to wiaal* Moll aaperlo*;

and frult abundaiit.ia.ui Rivar Tha

.laca i* under g«»d er... ai.d linprovemeat. Koin* rock*.Hitoatann vary high ; pric* v*ry low. Apply gt N*. 11 PI*U-¦traat. op euir*.

F^LAM^i^rlSBURGH.-Thia now ril-lage, accewlble wveral tiuawa day by etage* and aUam-

>,«.». ia .t'.at.d wl htnctght m.lea nf th* City llaii. oypo-rlte Hsrlem, onColleg* Potnt and Kluw.lng 8*y aaar thatK-autllul u,» ii ol Ploahmg, »nA i.nug th* villag*Cf rltiartonport, which auld *o raadlly laat aprliig, aad Ulaid out on li..- aoM . ale- th* atreat* of hoth place* Intar-.erting each otlier.and will foru, ua eommandlng atuaUwn,And ai no dl-tant \<*rit*i. be one of'ha prlnctpal *aaatart* totfle vldulty of New-York The bat* vary in aaa froaa I, i toI »ily U.U ia prtcefrom*l"b'A> |lw Tualer.n* *r* A**.A..WB, and tbe re*t U monthly Ijuatalhnent* of I11', whlrkenahlea every prra.n. nt>Wai«er iircuuMUncad. to b«*u rta hUiwu landlnrd. Being axeeadiegly haalMy, aad evruiuwUd>ty acenrry whichcaonul be aurpiaad «u.t/ra>lu* Vl*w* ofgiuahii.f. Newtown, Rn-rt taland, Morrlaania, ka. Aayperaofi* wutung to porchaar al tha ahove, ara rauaaat* I to, , .. ^.a aaaai ¦aaaaad aaar] kaaopaMaa wtujbr.rlully b*glve* JOHNA PLAMM* B, Na. I*» W*«»lr'lh-*t between 7tk and kih-*** Odlc* ii'.ar* fruru 4to B/cltek PM., andm*p*ian ha <**a *t JOHN . PI.AM-M ER'«, No 31 Mott-at Th* onl* .aila.naed aaeaUlo nd.avU* aie, Jackane Nirbola and loun < »#lvy. oa ta* groaod.Mr. »i*ii,m*i will ka oa board 'Oa boat every anuruia*.

FOR SALE..Tho foifowlBO <|p»<:rir»edaaJawM* proaarty for safo at th* low arieee aaaaed, for

caah, if apvlied fj« immrdlateiy. a* .. wl«h i* apply a l*r<*aawanri »f n.»oe) ino.r baataeaa, eonoactad wlik heata, kc.A baai.tiful rtnai'l 114) aere* UOrai.aaCo.iu* high

¦ al* of cBltivaiiori.Prtca. .|IB,On»Alao, oa* of th* baat hooae* in Poughkea^aaat. bajlll

atout Syeai* *ine*.Prtoe.. 14^00Alao a inocern bollt krown atoa* Iwaa*oa Btk-at,

New Vork.BBjBk* l«,3*A ao. two handaiwtB S-wory on. k houaa* oa lUgraw-

at., BrockliB,a«arHick*»t. Eack raat ior 09Mperainaa».Prto*.. 7,100

Alao. tao :i-«iory knck h<m»*« and krti oa aaabatt-at-,Bro<,kljn. near Cauluuik.*.*!. Pric* of *achhoua- Il '*¦".». ..40*

Alao. om* 3 (tory oeuvaa front boaw* oa Oagraw at,Bruosiya n**r Coart-*t.**r'"*.. *,.*.

Al*o a Parra ol 75 acre* a«*r MorrUtown, N*w-j*n*y.Prtoa- 'cW

A:*o, a Karmof 140*rr**ln VVindhatu Ca.. Coun . 1*_

mile* from Norwich.Prloa.. Sr***Ako a f.rat utortgag* aa * Parm u*ar Nawark, for th*aumof....AaOf

Alao- . 7 per eent. Ir.t iiaortgage oa a good piea* WBro kl)npropa ty, tor.WW *>mo

AUt>. a tral mor-g*ge oa * boaa* aad Ut to Braofclyafor.. . . *i***

Ai»o. for *a!e at a tlbaral di»eoant. the folU^wiog **¦.cril-ed *rci/bd murtgage, well trcnrri <'*l""»produ, tne aropfrty In Bronkyo, tosorcd for th*wbole aaaoaatof the aaortgaor*. ...

Oa* Bortgag* for. ,.*One BJOitg***, daeinoaa year, for..... '.*"

'.uiidii.g* new and pleiify; water giaat atxV iew vary fine, bul.nut in *tght ofthr Hiid

Two mort.axr. ».r BV» **eh, on two .efavaeaOEach renfd for gliOperaouuni. Ouam****-.bolr . a mortgage oa aach boaia* for.. . *..""

Aa*TWv«.raer -^M'^v"rar«uk^vya aSaeeured on p.operty U New Yotk, Brooklyn. aad

Oo^i.'tki' »aBre'fcaai''»*"l'*j** .*""' .T9m"LZTrrri«B aa br «d a. * mortgag- for «v. yaar, al Bp.! c-aat.

or o *ar wat. will be aaauetrd fftaa ta* *<»?. arkaa, if tka

whattoaarch*** naonay ke paid in '**k.kor furthAr aarticafers. appl r unmadt*l*r* U

No* 914 aad SM Broadway, N«w-V ork.

FOR SALEtt GREAT BARXiALSS.Parm* and V .Haa* I/-t* *t Laa* l-ad, I»^\*W*.

and be«.t.fui d>*eripa«B ot thi* ««. aad Brodacftr* Uadanav ka aad by aaalyiag ot '«. cme*, No 9m ttraaaiway.

.' I a7** V7.fl- -na- ara sold m SbaM -* fo* *"*«*.

onry r*iaU t* b. aotd-lo pnrchaa* tka**- B«y . *h*fa i»-

roeiZZsjor taa wll be tu> Uta A Bhar. I* only .->>, B*»

^rahaa*la*aUaadtfctaar«aTM^ UM. kojl,t'c. VVOOU.B0.M Broadway, wbw* WAvpa aaa ». kad

grati*._^-.tK)R 8ALE..A very deairabla piee«J_of£r^-«rsra^-a^.w-3rSSuvrtouJ*. frratttog oa Prrawaa»-aa, aad mmmj .fytm\tftoo^ofWaUat ^^^^T^Jra^klMREK. a**nt, betwaeo^t^diatkav* ^ J*"^ *Ttwaaa llih aad lathav*. fcUw-Y*rk, or P. llAtaaKm*),VV eatehc'Ur tloiaa, Marrtaaaka.
