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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Purity Growth Renewal

Light Earth

Awakening New Births Lambing

Festival of Lights and a welcom-ing to the increasing power of the sun. Now is the time for prepar-ing for new births, cleaning home in preparation, releasing the past, blessing your garden seeds and tools as you plan your garden.

Mighty Brighid, keeper of the flame, blazing in the darkness of winter. O Goddess, we honor you, bringer of light, healer, exalted one. Bless us now, hearth mother, that we may be as fruitful as the soil itself, and our lives abundant and fertile.

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Imbolc Imbolc marks the half way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. We are still in the cold of winter, often February is the worst of the winter months weather wise, but yet we have a hope of the spring to come. It is like Mother Nature, the Goddess herself stirs in her sleep like we sometimes do very early in the morn- ings -not quite awake yet, but the majority of sleep behind us. We often enter into a bit of a dream like state now as we begin wishing for spring weather, flowers and new growth. The beginning stirrings of Spring is indi-cated by the brightening of the sun, the earth begins to warm deep down in the soil. Imbolc can be roughly translated in the Gaelic tradition as “ewes milk” as the ewes are beginning to nurse their newly born calves. The end of Winter is near. Purification is a focus. When the Christian influence spread among pagans and those of like kind, they pushed their own take on the day and deemed Goddess Brighid (a celtic triple goddess) as a saint. Many churches today devoted to Saint Brighid are still standing. The day became known as Candlemas or in other words Candle Mass. A time when the candles to be used for the coming year were blessed and sanctified in ceremony, lasting for several hours or all day. A more modern day tradition is Groundhog Day. Will he see his shad-ow? Will we have 6 more weeks of winter or an early spring? I like the idea of going around the house on Imbolc, blessing all my candles that will be used in ceremony and spells in the coming year. It is also a good time of year to detox your body, and clear excess clutter from your homes. Clean your sacred spaces, cleanse your body and your mind and then dream a little dream of warmer days, plan your garden, learn more about Goddess Brighid, work on your psychic gifts, order your seeds, journal, curl up with a lovely book and let yourself be held in this in between time —light a candle. Light them all around your house on this glorious Sabbat day. “Let us Love winter, for it is the spring of genius.” Pietro Aretino

“No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn.” Hal Borland

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Imbolc Ritual Items needed, white candles, seeds, plant pot and soil, a bowl or pitcher with snow or ice, greenery, lambs, lights, candles, milk, Goddess Brighid picture/statue or other items to represent, birdseed or bread crusts, usual altar items. Set up altar with candles. Clear the sacred space with besom (witch’s broom) or sage and set a candle at each direc-tion (place in safe container). Light a center candle on the altar. Ring bell 3 times saying “The circle is about to be cast and I stand freely within to greet God and Goddess.” Take center candle and go to each directional candle to light it. East – I call upon light and air at the East to illuminate and enliven the circle. South – I call upon light and fire at the South to illuminate and warm the circle. West – I call upon light and water at the West to illuminate and cleanse the circle. North – I call upon light and earth at the North to illuminate and strengthen the circle. Take athame in hand upraised, beginning in the East, walk Deosil (clockwise) once around the circle saying “I draw this circle in the presence of Goddess and God, that they may come and bless their children.” At the East, walk Deosil again with athame pointing down and out, envision a blue flame of energy emanating from it and say “This is the boundary of the circle, only love shall enter and leave. I call upon Goddess Brighid now and ask that she join me in my Imbolc celebration.” Feel her presence enter the circle. Meditation to meet Goddess Brighid. “The month of February is upon us and we now reflect on this time between time, season between seasons. The winter’s darkness loses its grip. The light returns. This is a time for rebirth and beginnings. It is a fire festival halfway between winter and spring. Light the remainder of the candles on the altar and say goodbye darkness, hello light. Goodbye sleep, hello life. Set your intentions for the time of spring ahead, what do you wish to bring into your life? Now is a good time to do the Seed Blessing Ritual and then plant your seed in the pot and say “Goddess Brighid I ask for your blessing on this seed that it may grow big and bright, nurtured in Gaia’s soil and fed with Sun’s light. Please bless my home and my life, bring-ing in peace, love, prosperity and good health. So be it and So it is!” Pour some of the melted snow/ice into the pot to water your seed. *perform the Imbolc Candle ritual. Place yourself or others names into the circle of flames for healing by simply saying “I place myself into the circle of flames and ask for healing of/for ________” or insert another’s name. Take the time to do a bit of reading on the Sabbat, or maybe on Goddess Brighid, or per-haps journal a little bit about your meditation or seed blessing ritual.

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Close the Circle – North – snuff out candle and say “Depart in peace, elemental Earth. My blessings take with you!” West – snuff out candle and say “Depart in peace, elemental Water. My blessings take with you!” South – snuff out candle and say “Depart in peace, elemental Fire. My blessings take with you!” East – snuff out candle and say “Depart in peace, elemental Air. My blessings take with you!” Take Athame and walk widdershins around the circle “Beings and powers of the visi-ble and invisible, depart in peace. You aid in my work, whisper in my mind, and bless me from the other world. There is harmony between us. Again go around with the Athame “Love is the law and love is the bond. Thank you Goddess Brighid for joining me in my Imbolc celebration. Merry did we meet, Mer-ry do we part, and Merry meet again. So Mote it Be! As you snuff out the candles on the altar reflect …blessings have been given and blessings have been received and may the peace of the Goddess and God remain in your heart. Pour melted snow on ground and toss out seed and bread for the birds. ~Morrighan Moon Raven

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Gather a white candle and your Imbolc candle purification oil and a repre-sentation of the season such as a cut out of a snowflake, or if you have it, real snow. Place these items on the table that you plan to use as the altar. With a sharp object, scratch you’re your wishes for the new season into the

candle wax. Anoint the candle with three drops of the oil by massaging them into the writing on the candle and recite these words:

“This is the time of the feast of torches,

when every lamp blazes and shines to welcome the rebirth of the God.

I celebrate the Goddess, I celebrate the God; all Earth celebrates

Beneath its mantle of sleep.”

Light the candle and recite these words:

”All the land is wrapped in winter. The air is chilled and frost envelops the Earth.

But Lord of the Sun, Horned One of animals and wild places,

unseen you have been reborn of the gracious Mother Goddess, Lady of all fertility. Hail Great God!

Hail and welcome!

Stand before the altar, holding aloft the candle. Gaze at its flame. Visualize your life blossoming with creativity, with renewed energy and strength. Your

ritual is now complete. Celebrate with a simple feast with friends and family.

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

From Gypsy Witch Diaries February Eve Bathing Ritual *good for anytime of year

In this cleansing ritual, we’ll explore the way we can use conscious thought (air) and the element of water to set the stage for our year to come with a relaxing bath!

For this Spell, You Will Need:

• Candles in your choice of white, purple, and/or blue.

• Your choice of cleansing herbs (lavender, sage, thyme etc.)

• Sea salt, epsom salt, or bath salt (optional).

• Incense in a light, airy scent of your choice (optional).

• Your choice of natural soap and moisturizer. Preferably a bath tub, but this can be done in the shower if that’s all you have access to.

Step 1: Prepare Your Herbs

To be honest, most of the ingredients in this spell are optional. The most important elements in this ritual are the water and YOU.

For the sake of this tutorial, I’ve chosen to share a few of my favorite tools and ingredients which help me to relax into the meditative state. Feel free to tweak this practice to your needs and to your liking!

Essentially, we’ll be creating a “tea” or “spiritual bath” to energetically purify ourselves with. Use your intuition to select accessible herbs which resonate with water, air, cleansing, and relaxation. If you’re not

sure if an herb is safe to use in the bath, please do your research!

There are a couple of ways of incorporating herbs into your bath. If you’re using the preferred method with a bath tub, you can brew the tea right in the hot water of the bath. You can simply toss the herbs right

into the tub, or to avoid clogging the drain, use a cloth or sachet as a sort of tea bag.

Additionally, there’s another method that works well for both a bath and a shower. Prepare a pot of tea on the stove as if you were going to drink it. Strain the herbs out of it and pour it into your bath, or allow it to

cool and set it aside to pour over yourself in the shower.

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Step 2: Create Sacred Space

What sets this experience apart from your everyday bathing routine is the tone we set, and the intention we hold during the practice. Rather than quickly washing the body as a chore, this is meant to be a

mini-vacation from the outside world of responsibilities. Take the time to transform your bathroom into a haven for relaxation.

Start by making sure the room is clean. Part of evoking the vibe of cleansing and a fresh start includes having an environment that matches your inner intention. You don’t want to be distracted by a dirty

ring around the tub, or an overflowing waste basket!

Next, bring in elements that help you to feel relaxed and peaceful. Playing soft music, burning a fresh scent of incense, and exchanging the lamp light for candlelight are all great ways to change up the vibe

in your bathroom.

I like to include each of the elements in my calming ritual: Candles for fire, incense for air, bath salts for earth, gentle music for spirit, and obviously the bath for water.

Step 3: Run the Water and let the Magick Begin

Without further adieu, climb into that bath and just relax! Wash your body with your choice of natural soap and then sit back and allow any worries or concerns of the day to absorb out of you and into the bathwater as you soak. One reason I use salt in this ritual bath is because salt cleanses by sucking out

impurities from the skin, both physically and energetically.

Feel the warm water on your skin, allowing you to become present with your senses. This is especially wonderful if your house is chilly this time of year. It allows you to leave your cares at the door and tru-ly relax. If you like to use mantras to keep your mind focused during meditation, you may want to try

this one of mine:

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Cleanse the body Cleanse the mind

Leave stale energies behind

Sit in this meditative space for as long as you like, and then allow the water, which has caught all of your old, stale energy, to drain away. You can get out of the tub and watch the water go down the drain, or you can remain in the tub and physically feel the old energy being sucked

out with the draining water.

Step 4: Nourish the Skin

Now that you’ve drained all that old energy out of yourself, its time to replace it with something good! Even without salt, a bath can really dry out the skin, so I always like to take a moment to replenish my skin with a natural moisturizer. Use any product you like, but I have very sensitive

skin, so I like to use products that come directly from nature like olive or coconut oil. It feels more magickal to me when I feed my body the gifts of Mother Earth. If you liked my cleansing

mantra, you may also want to try this one as you give back to your skin:

Now that I’m clean Now that I’m fresh

I oil the body to nourish the flesh

The cleansing spell is now complete, and you should be left feeling fresh and new!

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

Imbolc Candle Ritual for Group or Solitary

*Seven candles, in red and/or white *A large bowl or cauldron big enough to hold the candles *Sand or salt to fill the bottom of the bowl/cauldron Cast a circle Pour the sand or salt into the bowl or cauldron. Place the seven candles into the sand so they won't slide around and then light them one by one, saying the blessing.

1st candle “Although it is now dark, we come seeking light. In the chill of winter we come seeking Life.” 2nd candle “We call upon fire that melts the snow and warms the hearth. We call up-on fire that brings the light and makes new life. We call upon fire to purify us with your flames.” 3rd candle “This light is a boundary, between positive and negative. That which is outside, shall stay without. That which is inside, shall stay within.” 4th candle “We call upon fire that melts the snow and warms the hearth. We call upon fire that brings the light and makes new life.” 5th candle “Like fire, light and love will always grow. Like fire, wisdom and inspira-tion will always grow.” 6th candle “We call upon fire to purify us with your flames. To transform what is no longer truth for us into authentic expression.” 7th candle “Fire of the hearth, blaze of the sun, cover us in your shining light. We are awash in your glow and tonight we are made pure.” Take a few moments and meditate on the light of your candles and visualize the 7 flames coming together as one, building the energy in a purifying glow. Think about this Sabbat, a time of healing and inspiration and purification. Do you have something damaged that needs to be healed? Are you feeling stagnant, for lack of inspiration? Is there some part of your life that feels toxic or tainted? Visualize the light as a warm, enveloping energy that wraps itself around you, healing your ailments, igniting the spark of creativity, and purifying that which is damaged.

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

A tonic for the body from

Fire Cider 1/2 cup fresh grated organic ginger root

1/2 cup fresh grated organic horseradish root 1 medium organic onion, chopped

10 cloves of organic garlic, crushed or chopped 2 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped Zest and juice from 1 organic lemon

Several sprigs of fresh organic rosemary or 2 tbsp of dried rosemary leaves 1 tbsp organic turmeric powder 1/4 tsp organic cayenne powder

organic apple cider vinegar raw local honey to taste

Prepare all of your roots, fruits, and herbs and place them in a quart-sized jar. If you've never grated fresh horseradish, be prepared for a powerful sinus opening experience! Use a piece of natural parchment paper

under the lid to keep the vinegar from touching the metal, or a plastic lid if you have one. Shake well. Store in a dark, cool place for a month and remember to shake daily.

I also throw in echinacea, thyme, beets, lime peels, peppercorns….whatever your taste is…Have fun playing around with it…. Just take a tablespoon or two a day helps boost your immune system & ward off colds & flu

viruses, bronchial congestion …. I am making a new batch this weekend.. I hope you try this you will love it...

Please share this freely with everyone!!!

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

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©2019 Morrighan Moon Raven

May all your blessings come with ease and grace. Purify your thoughts and body and honor yourself during this time. Call in Brigit! May her fire inspire your own. Blessed Be.
