  • 9 CD Series Created By Patricia Sheehan

    The Earth Shines Brighter when You Do!

    Be Free, Be Joy, Be Light. Fly High!

    Tap into the Genius Within.

    To Order Pure Light Activations CDs: see website

    Phone: +353 (0)863576142

    Email: [email protected]

    By Patricia Sheehan, Castleknock, Dublin

  • Welcome to an entirely new, invigorating, exciting and fun universe of Pure Light!

    Are you a fun light hearted person on the inside, just waiting

    to get out?

    You want to live your Joy every day?

    You want to be a catalyst for a Heart Centred

    Successful World?

    You cannot always stay balanced, focussed and

    manage your thoughts to remain empowering and


    You want to Live in Expanded States of Being and

    Awareness and Connect to Source Light and achieve

    and have success.

    Why use these Activations?

    Infuse High Frequency energy to strengthen your connection to Source Energy and Light for a Joyful, Free, Happy and Successful Life.

    Life is much easier when your body is lighter.

    Enjoy having a clear inspired mind.

    Have Fun achieve more with less effort.

    How do you clear and clean your energy to be magnetic and light?

    Refresh and recalibrate your energy field.

    Be more centred in the aspects of your higher Divine Heart and feel powerful to make some life changes to reflect your Higher Heart.

  • Feel more connected to higher states of consciousness for clear guidance and direction. You can continue doing this daily for a brighter lighter life.

    Use Pure Light Activations to Create a Powerful Loving Life with Amazement and Ease

    This is a new chapter of your life. Become your own Director.

    These Light Activation CDs will activate and recalibrate your energy field to higher levels of consciousness and higher vibrational frequencies that bring Inspiration and Inspired Action with Ease.

    Your Vibrant field alters the vibration and frequency around you. Your Aura is bright and gives off a frequency that is transformative. Your Higher Heart is ever expanding.

    Ego, mind cant transcend itself. It requires the presence of the Divine Spirit. Pure Light Activations create an energetic field that allows you experience the Divine essence and energy that is within you. When you experience divine and joy it is imprinted in your field. The struggles of the world fade away when you have a Divine view.

    What is Pure Light Activations?

    Very simply, Light is electromagnetic. It is a luminous energy or radiant energy. Light is something that makes things visible or is a source of illumination.

    We have all come from the one Source Light. As we have journeyed as Human Beings since the beginning of time we have been evolving. Sometimes we have evolved in line with the beauty and joy of our Source Light. Other times we have evolved apart from that joy and light.

    Our natural state as human beings is to be Love, Joy and Light. We are not always that. However the closer we get to

  • our Source the easier it is for us to remember our perfect creation.

    Creating With Pure Light Activations.

    When you tap into Pure Light, you are tapping into the Power of Creation, Power of Self and Power of Source through your Divine Energy within.

    When you activate Pure Light, every thought, feeling, word, action becomes an expression of the creative power of Source Light. This creates a gateway to new awareness, new expanded possibilities, new forms of creation.

    Where did these Pure Light Activations come from?

    These powerful Pure Light Activations Meditations were created by Patricia Sheehan, by connecting to her Source Light daily and opening up to universal consciousness. Universal Light consciousness is within us all waiting to be activated, to support us to live a new level of Joy, Happiness, Health and Success.

    You will connect with this wonderful Pure Light that was channelled during the creation of these Activation Meditations. You will experience the connection and presence of Source Light deep within yourself and your life. You can access the Immense, Expanded, Loving Joyful, Light part of yourself. Experience Light, Joy and Being Free and Living an Expanded Loving Life, contributing to all those around you.

  • Ways you can Use Source Light Activation Meditation CDs

    Listen to these Activations in the morning and have a powerful energetic field for the day.

    Listen to these Activations as you sleep and your energy will be refreshed and clear as you awake.

    Listen to connect to higher states of consciousness for clear guidance and direction.

    These Activations are a series that bring you through 9 CDs with 18 Activations. They are designed to start at the beginning with CD 1 and go up to CD 9. However you can use these Activations anyway you wish, as they are developed to bring you to your own awareness, your own source and truth.

    It is a journey. Starting in the middle or at the end will provide you with light and energy for that aspect. However its like reading the last chapter of a book. You'll get something, however its worth getting the richness, fun and depth of the journey,

    Start at CD 1 Activation 1& 2 and listen to the two tracks and integrate these Activations for one week or one month or as guided. Then move on to CD 2 Activation 3 & 4 and listen to these two tracks and integrate those for one week, one month or as guided. Continue all the way to CD 9 Activation 17 & 18 on the 9

    th week or 9th month. Over the 9

    weeks/months you will have developed your Higher Consciousness and awareness and activated your body to integrate, anchor and embody new levels of Pure Light. The journey with Pure Light Activations will change your life. It will improve your ability to access and achieve your highest potential. Regular use will bring richness, fun and lightness to your everyday life, where you will experience your human potential at a whole new level.

    You can create an intention of finding guidance for something prior to listening to all Activations, so that

  • intention is present in your sub consciousness. This will increase the power of focus and outcome of the Activation. It is likely that you will receive guidance during the Activation that you can integrate into your life.

    You can listen with no intention. Just be guided as you go along.

    If you drift during the Activations, they still work. So let your body and mind relax. These Activations can be absorbed through the cells and senses of your body. Remember you always embody the Activation.

    If you want to release physical pain or a physical imbalance, ask for guidance around the source of this imbalance and be open to all dimensions working with you.

    From your Activation, you can choose to integrate the wisdom into your life and bring a new wisdom to your world.

    The world would love you to Activate and Enlighten your Life, as you also enlighten the Vibration of all those around you.

    Honour the journey you have taken, with your desire to Activate, Anchor and Embody Pure Light and honour yourself as a Multi-Dimensional Being.

  • Full Series: The Pure Light Journey

    CDs 1 to 3: Be Free!

    Activate and deepen your connections to Pure Light, your Purpose and Desires. Connect with your Purpose. Clarify Your Desires and Enhance your Goals with Joy, Creation and Light.

    CDs 4 to 6: Be Joy!

    Activate Your Heart, Activate Your Higher Chakras and Connect to Your Soul Essence to work with

    magic, mystery and your Divine qualities.

    CDs 7 to 9: Be Light!

    Awaken your Higher Consciousness to Unlimited Potential of Pure Light, as a Multidimensional Being. Live a Light Activated and Expanded Life. Raise your consciousness and awareness by ascending from Indigo Consciousness to Crystal Consciousness to Rainbow Consciousness and to Diamond Consciousness. Fly High. Tap into the genius within.

    The electromagnetic energy of your heart not only envelops every cell in your body, but also extends

    out in all directions in the space around us

    Access Your Pure Higher Consciousness to awaken your Heart & Harness Your Brilliant Life

    Fly High!

  • 9 CD Series Created By Patricia Sheehan

    Be Free, Be Joy, Be Light. Fly High!

    Harness Your Brilliant Life

    To Order

    Email: [email protected]

    Patricia Sheehan, Castleknock, Dublin.

    Mobile 086 3576142
