Page 1: Puppets and Marionettes are Incredible Pieces of Educational Value to Your Kids

Puppets and Marionettes are Incredible Pieces of Educational Value to Your Kids

Puppet is a general term for the likes of characters designed in cloth, paper or wood or even plastic that

is operated by means of either strings or hand or fingers to enact a given story in a highly creative and

artistic fashion. It is not an easy task to get hold of the coordination between different movements done

on the puppet according to the sound of the music or the voices played during the activity. Marionette

puppets and especially the traditional wooden marionettes are puppets that are attached to a couple of

strings or many strings altogether where the strings attached at the neck, arms, legs and even eyeballs in

complex marionettes. Did you know that the name marionette was derived from Virgin "Mary" in the

1600's while being associated with Mary Doll and in ancient Egypt remains of puppets were found in the

tombs of kings of the past.

Puppets and marionettes are not only limited to theater, plays or TV shows but can actually prove to be

incredible pieces of educational value to your kids as some of the very few retained traditions and also

as an amazing source of entertainment and motor skill development means for a kid. Children tend to

get immensely involved in the character role play when they get the hang of playing with puppets. Hand

puppets are the easiest to handle and coordinate but when it comes to wooden marionettes or string

puppets it needs a lot of practice and thus improves your child's motor skills in the process.

Animal plush marionettes are yet another kind of puppets that fascinate toddlers since they find the

shape, structure and different sounds of the animals rather amusing and rare. This is why cartoon

movies are majorly based on animal characters in the first place. With human-like string puppets you

could make use of famous names to the male and female characters that are of historic significance thus

helping your child to better understand instances from American history.

Children tend to be like sponges that absorb liquid paint but the ability to help the sponge full of paint

be used to create beautiful paintings on canvas depends on how well you expose your child to fun-filled

yet educational activities. Children of today are inspired by adults at home who play with adult gadgets

like laptops and gaming consoles but it is traditional toys like these that are a good foundation to the

basic growth and development of a child. String puppets and marionettes perform this duty of

entertainment plus effective learning in a much creative manner and they are and have been amongst

the most preferred toys for people of all ages, especially children.

Page 2: Puppets and Marionettes are Incredible Pieces of Educational Value to Your Kids

Marina Neiman, author and mother of two, writes for – Educational Toys Store, features

string puppets, classic wooden marionettes and Animal plush marionettes and many more toys for safe

and fun play.
