  • 8/4/2019 Puerto 80 v. United States - Appellant's Unopposed Emergency Motion for Expedited Review


    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUITThurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007 Telephone: 212-857-8500


    Docket Number(s): Caption [use short title]

    Motion for:

    et forth below precise, complete statement of relief sought:


    9 Plaintiff 9 Defendant

    9 Appellant/Petitioner 9 Appellee/Respondent


    [name of attorney, with firm, address, phone number and e-mail]

    Court-Judge/Agency appealed from:

    lease check appropriate boxes: FOR EMERGENCY MOTIONS, MOTIONS FOR STAYS AND


    Has movant notified opposing counsel (required by Local Rule 27.1): Has request for relief been made below? 9 Yes 9 N

    9 Yes 9 No (explain): Has this relief been previously sought in this Court? 9 Yes 9 N

    Requested return date and explanation of emergency:

    Opposing counsels position on motion:




    Dont KnowDoes opposing counsel intend to file a response:

    9 Yes 9 No 9 Dont Know

    s oral argument on motion requested? 9 Yes 9 No (requests for oral argument will not necessarily be granted)

    Has argumentdate of appeal been set? 9 Yes 9 No If yes, enter date:______________________________________________________

    ignature of Moving Attorney:

    __________________________________Date: ___________________ Has servicebeen effected? 9 Yes 9 No [Attach proof of service]





    Date: _____________________________________________ By: _____________________________________________

    Form T-1080


    Ex editedReview Puerto 80 Projects,S.L.U.v.UnitedStatesofAmerica

    Petitioner-A ellantPuerto 80 Pro ects,S.L.U.

    res ectfull submitsthisemer enc motiontoex edite

    tsa ealoftheDistrictCourtsOrderden in Puerto

    80s etitionfiled ursuantto18 U.S.C. 983(f .

    Puerto 80 Pro ects S.L.U. UnitedStatesofAmerica etal.

    Mark A. Lemley ChristopherDouglasFrey

    Durie Tan ri LLP217 Leidesdorff Street, San Francisco, CA 94111415-362-6666mlemle durietan

    U.S. Attorne s Office, Southern District of New York

    (212 637-2000 x2270OneSt.AndrewsPlaza,NewYork,NewYork10007

    christo her.fre usdo . ov

    U.S.D.C.SouthernDistrictofNewYork,Jud ePaulA.Crott ,USDJ

    See attached motion.

    /s/ Mark A. Lemle 08/26/2011

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    PUERTO 80 PROJECTS, S.L.U.,Petitioner-Appellant,


    United States of America andDepartment of Homeland Security,Immigration and Customs Enforcement,


    Docket No. 11-3390-cv



    Petitioner-Appellant Puerto 80 Projects, S.L.U. (Puerto 80 or Appellant)

    respectfully submits this emergency motion to expedite its appeal of the District

    Courts Order denying Puerto 80s petition filed pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 983(f)

    (the Order).1

    Appellant has satisfied the procedural requirements set forth in Local Rule

    27.1(d). At the earliest possible opportunity, on August 25, 2011, Appellant

    advised the Clerk of this Court and opposing counsel of its intent to file the instant

    emergency motion to expedite its appeal. The government has consented to

    expediting this appeal and to the following briefing schedule:

    1A copy of the August 4, 2011 Order is attached to the Affidavit of Mark Lemley,

    sworn to August 25, 2011 (Lemley Affidavit), as Exhibit A.

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    Appellees opposition brief to be filed sixty (60) days from the filing date of

    Appellants opening papers;

    Appellants reply brief to be filed twenty-one (21) days from the filing date

    of Appellees opposition brief.

    Appellant requests that oral argument be held on the appeal within forty-

    five (45) days once briefing is completed.

    In this motion, Appellant makes the required showing as to the nature of the

    emergency and the harm that Appellant will suffer if the motion to expedite is not

    granted. Specifically, as set forth in more detail below, the governments seizure

    of Appellants domain names is an unlawful prior restraint on speech which causes

    irreparable harm to Appellants users and readers First Amendment rights and the

    public interest. The damage increases each day that passes while the seizure of the

    domain names remains in effect. And delay in resolution of this appeal could

    render it moot, denying Appellant any relief on a meritorious claim. Consequently,

    expedited review of the Order denying Appellant relief is necessary to minimize

    the extent of such harm.


    Appellant Puerto 80 is a Sole Shareholder Limited Liability Company

    incorporated under the laws of Spain with its principal place of business in

    Arteixo, Spain. Puerto 80 owns the and domain

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    names (the subject domain names),2

    which are registered with,

    Inc., in Scottsdale, Arizona. Puerto 80 operates the Rojadirecta website under

    the subject domain names. See Declaration of Igor Seoane Min in Support of

    Petition for Release of Seized Property (Seoane Decl.) 2-3.3

    The Rojadirecta

    site is essentially an online discussion group that hosts forums in which users can

    post messages concerning sports, politics, and other topics. It also provides a

    forum in which users can discuss and post information about highlights from

    various sporting events, and indexes links to streams of sporting events that can

    already be found on the Internet. It does not host copyrighted videos or streams of

    sporting events. Id. 4, 6. Following a multi-year legal battle, two Spanish courts

    specifically held that the website was operating legally and did not infringe

    copyrights. Id. 7.

    The Rojadirecta site has been listed among the 100 most popular sites in

    Spain in terms of traffic. Id. 8. Prior to the seizure, the site had approximately

    865,000 registered users from around the world, including the United States, many

    of whom use their accounts to engage in discussions of sports, politics, and a

    variety of other subjects on Rojadirecta discussion boards. Id. 12.

    2A domain name is a unique string of characters or numbers that typically is used

    to designate and permit access to an Internet website. Mattel, Inc. v., 310 F.3d 293, 295 (2d Cir. 2002).3

    The Declaration of Igor Seoane Min, which was submitted to the DistrictCourt, is attached to the Lemley Affidavit as Exhibit B.

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    On January 31, 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the U.S.

    Department of Homeland Security (ICE) seized the subject domain names which

    pointed to the Rojadirecta website. The domain names were seized pursuant to

    warrants issued in the District Court for the Southern District of New York, and

    were based on an ICE agents assertion that probable cause existed to believe that

    the domain names were being used to commit criminal violations of copyright law.

    The government did not at that time file either a civil forfeiture complaint or a

    criminal complaint alleging the violation of any law.

    Counsel for Puerto 80 repeatedly tried to discuss the seizure with ICE agents

    and the Department of Justice, but was unable to engage with the government until

    it notified the U.S. Attorneys Office of its intent to seek a temporary restraining

    order and file a petition for immediate return of the seized domain names.4

    It was

    not until then that Puerto 80 was able to have a substantive conversation with the

    appropriate officials. Hoping to avoid burdening the court, Puerto 80 held off

    filing the petition now being appealed, pending the outcome of those negotiations.

    On May 26, 2011, the government informed counsel for Puerto 80 that the only

    4Puerto 80s experience appears typical of other website operators whose domain

    names have been seized by the government, see Mike Masnick, Why We HaventSeen Any Lawsuits Filed Against The Government Over Domain Seizures: Justice

    Department, TECHDIRT, May 24, 2011, available at

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    acceptable compromise would entail Puerto 80 prohibiting its users from linking

    to any U.S. content anywhere on its sites. Because this solution would prohibit

    Puerto 80 from engaging in lawful acts not prohibited by copyright law, Puerto 80

    chose instead to challenge the seizure in court.

    On June 13, 2011, Puerto 80 filed a petition in the District Court pursuant to

    18 U.S.C. 983(f) seeking the immediate return of the seized domain names.

    Among the grounds for its petition were that the Rojadirecta site is not violating

    copyright law, let alone criminal copyright law, and that Puerto 80 will continue to

    suffer substantial hardshipa reduction in traffic to the Rojadirecta site and

    inability of many of its users to access their accounts, and a deprivation of First

    Amendment rightsif the domain names are not immediately returned to Puerto

    80. Only after Puerto 80 filed its petition did the government finally bring a civil

    forfeiture claim directed at the domain names.

    After briefing (including an amicus brief filed by the Electronic Frontier

    Foundation as to the First Amendment issues) and oral argument, the Court denied

    Puerto 80s petition on the sole ground that Puerto 80 was unable to make a

    sufficient showing of substantial hardship. Notably, the Court did not conclude

    that the domain names were being used to violate any law.

    In denying Puerto 80s petition, the District Court rejected Puerto 80s First

    Amendment concerns on the following grounds:

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    Puerto 80s First Amendment argument fails at this juncture as well.

    Puerto 80 alleges that, in seizing the domain names, the Government

    has suppressed the content in the forums on its websites, which may

    be accessed by clicking a link in the upper left of the home page. (Pl.

    Mem. 10.) The main purpose of the Rojadirecta websites, however, is

    to catalog links to the copyrighted athletic events - any argument to

    the contrary is clearly disingenuous. Although some discussion may

    take place in the forums, the fact that visitors must now go to other

    websites to partake in the same discussions is clearly not the kind of

    substantial hardship that Congress intended to ameliorate in enacting

    983. See 145 Cong. Rec. H4854-02 (daily ed. June 24, 1999)

    (statement of Rep. Hyde) (Individuals lives and livelihoods should

    not be in peril during the course of a legal challenge to a seizure.).

    Puerto 80 may certainly argue this First Amendment issue in its

    upcoming motion to dismiss, but the First Amendment considerationsdiscussed here certainly do not establish the kind of substantial

    hardship required to prevail on this petition.

    Lemley Affidavit, Ex. A, August 4, 2011 Order at 4.


    Puerto 80s appeal should be expedited because the governments seizure of

    the subject domain names violates the Constitutional rights to Puerto 80s users

    and readers. 28 U.S.C. 1657(a) provides that the fact that a Constitutional right

    is at stake shall constitute good cause to expedite an appeal if the factual context

    shows that the claim has merit. That is true here.

    The basis of Puerto 80s brief on appeal will be that governments seizure of

    the subject domain names constitutes an unlawful prior restraint on speech and

    suppresses Puerto 80s users and readers protected First Amendment activities.

    See Fort Wayne Books, Inc. v. Indiana, 489 U.S. 46, 63 (1989) ([W]hile the

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    general rule under the Fourth Amendment is that any and all contraband,

    instrumentalities, and evidence of crimes may be seized on probable cause . . . ., it

    is otherwise when materials presumptively protected by the First Amendment are

    involved.). See also Maryland v. Macon, 472 U.S. 463, 468 (1985)(The First

    Amendment imposes special constraints on searches for and seizures of

    presumptively protected material, and requires that the Fourth Amendment be

    applied with scrupulous exactitude in such circumstances.) (internal citation

    omitted);Lo-Ji Sales, Inc. v. New York, 442 U.S. 319, 326 n.5 (1979) (noting that

    the First Amendment imposes special constraints on searches for, and seizures of,

    presumptively protected materials).

    Registered users of Rojadirecta cannot access their accounts or participate in

    forum discussions as a result of the seizure. Nor can they post or follow links to

    other web sites. This speech restriction extends not just to registered users of

    Rojadirecta, but also to anyone wishing to visit the website. See, e.g., Va. State Bd.

    of Pharmacy v. Va. Citizens Consumer Council, Inc., 425 U.S. 748, 756 (1976)

    ([T]he protection afforded is to the communication, to its source and to its

    recipients both.);Red Lion Broad. Co. v. FCC, 395 U.S. 367, 390 (1969) (It is

    the right of the public to receive suitable access to social, political, esthetic, moral,

    and other ideas and experiences . . . . That right may not constitutionally be

    abridged . . . .).

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    In Fort Wayne, state and local officials (respondents) filed a civil action

    pursuant to Indianas RICO laws, alleging that the defendant bookstores had

    engaged in a pattern of racketeering activity by repeatedly violating Indianas

    obscenity laws. 489 U.S. at 50-51. Prior to trial, respondents petitioned for, and

    the trial court granted, immediate seizure of the bookstores pursuant to a state law

    that permitted courts to issue seizure orders upon a showing of probable cause to

    believe that a violation of [the States RICO law] involving the property in

    question has occurred. Id. at 51. On appeal, the Supreme Court held that the

    pretrial seizure order was unconstitutional, stating that mere probable cause to

    believe a legal violation has transpired is not adequate to remove books or films

    from circulation. Id. at 66. As in Fort Wayne, the government here has seized an

    entire business and effectively suppressed all of the expressive content hosted on it,

    including political discussions, commentary, and criticism by the sites users

    without it being determined whether the seizure was actually warranted under

    the relevant statutes. Id. at 67.

    The prior restraint on Puerto 80 users and readers First Amendment rights

    constitutes irreparable harm of the highest order. The Supreme Court has held that

    [t]he loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time,

    unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury. Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347, 373

    (1976); see also Bery v. City of New York, 97 F.3d 689, 693 (2d Cir. 1996)

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    (Violations of First Amendment rights are commonly considered irreparable

    injuries for the purposes of a preliminary injunction.). In CBS, Inc. v. Davis, the

    Supreme Court stayed the lower court injunction that prohibited CBS from

    broadcasting video footage documenting unsanitary practices in the meat industry,

    finding that such prior restraint caused irreparable harm to the news media that is

    intolerable under the First Amendment. 510 U.S. 1315, 1315-16, 1318 (1994)

    (emphasis added). The deprivation of Constitutional rights is, therefore, ipso facto

    irreparable injury and subject to expedited review.

    In the instant case, the government effectively shut down an entire website,

    suppressing all of the speech hosted on it, based on an assertion that there was

    probable cause to believe that some of the material linked to by the website (though

    not found on the website itself) might be infringing. Puerto 80 was not provided

    any advance notice, nor was it provided the opportunity to contest the seizure

    before (or, for that matter, shortly after) the government shut down the site. Nor

    were the sites users afforded any notice or opportunity to contest the seizure. That

    procedural failing itself indicates that the governments action was an unlawful

    prior restraint. [T]he lack of notice or opportunity to be heard normally renders a

    prior restraint invalid. United States v. Quattrone, 402 F.3d 304, 312 (2d Cir.

    2005) (citing Carroll v. President & Comm'rs of Princess Anne, 393 U.S. 175, 180


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    The special vice of a prior restraint is that it stifles speech in advance of any

    finding as to whether or not that speech is legal. In this case, expedited review is

    necessary because without it the appeal may well be overtaken by events. Puerto

    80 is vigorously contesting the seizure of its domain names on the merits, and is

    confident that it will eventually prevail. But for this Court to wait so long in

    deciding this appeal that the underlying merits are already determined would defeat

    the purpose of the rule against prior restraints. The restraint pre-trial is itself the

    evil against which the First Amendment guards; the only way to prevent that evil

    in this case is to order the return of the Rojadirecta domain names pending the

    ultimate resolution of the forfeiture proceeding.5

    5Because the government seized the domain name without any sort of notice or

    opportunity to be heard by Puerto 80, the normal process by which Puerto 80 couldobtain immediate reliefa stay of the court order authorizing the seizureis notavailable. Simply put, there was never any court order authorizing this seizure; thegovernment simply seized the web sites without normal judicial process.

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    For the reasons set forth above, it is respectfully requested that Appellants

    emergency motion for expedited review be granted.

    Dated: Au ust 26 2011 B :

    Respectfully submitted,


    /s/ Mark A. LemleMark A. Lemley

    Mark A. LemleyRagesh K. Tangri (Admissionpending)Johanna Calabria (Admission

    pending)Genevieve P. Rosloff (Admission

    pending)217 Leidesdorff StreetSan Francisco, CA 94111Tel. (415) 362-6666

    Attorneys for Petitioner-AppellantPUERTO 80 PROJECTS S.L.U.

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    PUERTO 80 PROJECTS, S.L.U.,Petitioner-Appellant,


    United States of America andDepartment of Homeland Security,Immigration and Customs Enforcement,


    Docket No. 11-3390-cv




    I, Mark A. Lemley, declare as follows:

    1. I am a partner with the law firm of Durie Tangri LLP, counsel forPlaintiff-Appellant Puerto 80 Projects, S.L.U.

    2. Attached as Exhibit A is a true and accurate copy of the August 4,2011 District Courts Order denying Puerto 80s petition filed pursuant to 18

    U.S.C. 983(f), filed as ECF No. 23 in the lower court docket.





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    3. Attached as Exhibit B is a true and accurate copy of the Declarationof Igor Seoane Min in Support of Petition for Release of Seized Property, which

    was filed with the District Court on June 13, 2011 as ECF No. 2.



    /s/ Mark A. Lemle

    Mark A. LemleyDURIE TANGRI LLP217 Leidesdorff StreetSan Francisco, CA 94111Tel. (415) 362-6666

    Attorneys for Petitioner-AppellantPUERTO 80 PROJECTS S.L.U.

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    SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK------------------------------------------------------------------X



    Petitioner, ::

    - against - : 11 Civ. 3983 (PAC):

    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND, : This Order also pertains to:



    : ORDER

    Respondents. :------------------------------------------------------------------X

    HONORABLE PAUL A. CROTTY, United States District Judge:

    On or about February 1, 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents

    enforced a warrant signed by Magistrate Judge Frank Maas authorizing the seizure of two

    domain names: and (the domain names). In signing the

    warrant, Magistrate Judge Maas found probable cause to believe that the domain names were

    subject to forfeiture because they had been used to commit criminal violations of copyright law.

    On June 13, 2011, Plaintiff Puerto 80 Projects, S.L.U. (Puerto 80) filed the instant petition for

    the release of the domain names pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 983(f). On June 17, 2011, the

    Government filed its Verified Complaint. On August 2, 2011, the Court conducted a conference

    and heard oral argument on the instant petition. The Court also set a briefing schedule for Puerto

    80s motion to dismiss the Verified Complaint.

    For the following reasons, Puerto 80s petition for release of the domain names under

    983 is DENIED.



    ELECTRONICALLY FILEDDOC #: _________________

    DATE FILED: August 4, 2011

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    Under 18 U.S.C. 983(f)(1), an individual whose property has been seized is entitled to

    immediate release of the seized property where:

    (A) the claimant has a possessory interest in the property;

    (B) the claimant has sufficient ties to the community to provide assurance that the

    property will be available at the time of trial;

    (C) the continued possession by the Government pending the final disposition of

    forfeiture proceedings will cause substantial hardship to the claimant, such as

    preventing the functioning of the business, preventing an individual from working, orleaving an individual homeless;

    (D) the claimants likely hardship from the continued possession by the Government ofthe seized property outweighs the risk that the property will be destroyed, damaged,

    lost, concealed, or transferred if it is returned to the claimant during the pendency of

    the proceeding; and

    (E) none of the conditions set forth in paragraph (8) applies.

    Under 983(f)(8):

    This subsection shall not apply if the seized property

    (A) is contraband, currency or other monetary instrument, or electronic funds unless such

    currency or other monetary instrument or electronic funds constitutes the assets of a

    legitimate business which has been seized;

    (B) is to be used as evidence of a violation of the law;

    (C) by reason of design or other characteristic, is particularly suited for use in illegalactivities; or

    (D) is likely to be used to commit additional criminal acts if returned to the claimant.

    DISCUSSION and were websites that collected and organized links to

    third-party websites which directed visitors to live athletic events and other pay-per-view

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    presentations which were subject to copyright law. (Govt Mem. 4.) The websites displayed three

    categories of links including Today on Internet TV, Download last full matches, and Last

    video highlights. (Id.) The website also contained several other links, including one labeled

    Forums. (Id.)

    The Government argues that the domain names should not be released because (i) Puerto

    80 has failed to demonstrate a substantial hardship under 983(f)(1)(C); and (ii) because, under

    983(f)(8)(D), the domain names would afford Puerto 80 the ability to commit additional criminal

    acts. The Government does not discuss the other elements of 983(f)(1), and so the Court

    assumes that the Government agrees that Puerto 80 meets these criteria.

    I. Substantial Hardship Under 938(f)(1)(C)

    Puerto 80 argues that if the Government does not immediately release the domain names,

    Puerto 80 will be caused substantial hardship, including but not limited to, depriving it of lawful

    business in the United States and throughout a substantial part of the world. (Pl. Mem. 9.) In

    addition, continued seizure of the domain names infringes on Puerto 80s users and readers

    First Amendment rights, thus imposing further hardship. (Id.) In support of their substantial

    hardship assertion, Puerto 80 notes that Rojadirecta has experienced a 32% reduction in traffic

    since the seizure and that continued seizure will cause further erosion of goodwill and reduction

    in visitors. (Id.)

    As the Government points out (and as Puerto 80 admits), however, Puerto 80 has, since

    the seizure, transferred its website to alternative domains which are beyond the jurisdiction of the

    Government, including,, and

    (Govt Mem. 11, Pl. Mem. 10 n.5.) The United States Government cannot seize these foreign

    domain names, but United States residents can access them without restriction. Rojadirecta

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    argues that, because there is no way to communicate the availability of these alternative sites on

    the .org or .com domains . . . the vast majority of users will simply stop visiting the sites

    altogether. (Pl. Mem. 10 n.5.) This argument is unfounded Rojadirecta has a large internet

    presence and can simply distribute information about the seizure and its new domain names to its

    customers. In addition, Puerto 80 does not explain how it generates profit or argue that it is

    losing a significant amount of revenue as a result of the seizure. Specifically, Puerto 80 states

    that it does not generate revenue from the content to which it links, and it does not claim to

    generate revenue from advertising displayed while such content is playing. (Seoane Decl. 5,

    10.) Accordingly, the claimed reduction in visitor traffic does not establish a substantial hardship

    for the purposes of 983(f)(1)(C).

    Puerto 80s First Amendment argument fails at this juncture as well. Puerto 80 alleges

    that, in seizing the domain names, the Government has suppressed the content in the forums on

    its websites, which may be accessed by clicking a link in the upper left of the home page. (Pl.

    Mem. 10.) The main purpose of the Rojadirecta websites, however, is to catalog links to the

    copyrighted athletic events any argument to the contrary is clearly disingenuous. Although

    some discussion may take place in the forums, the fact that visitors must now go to other

    websites to partake in the same discussions is clearly not the kind of substantial hardship that

    Congress intended to ameliorate in enacting 983. See 145 Cong. Rec. H4854-02 (daily ed. June

    24, 1999) (statement of Rep. Hyde) (Individuals lives and livelihoods should not be in peril

    during the course of a legal challenge to a seizure.). Puerto 80 may certainly argue this First

    Amendment issue in its upcoming motion to dismiss, but the First Amendment considerations

    discussed here certainly do not establish the kind of substantial hardship required to prevail on

    this petition.

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    Case 1:11-cv-03983-PAC Document 23 Filed 08/04/11 Page 5 of 5

    Accordingy, it is cer that Purto 80 does not satisfy the substantia hardhip

    requiremt of 983((1C. Indeed he seize cerany does not revent[] the nctioning

    o e business prevt[] individua om working [] ea[ela individua homess" o

    ceate y other simar substatia hdship. 18 USC 983()C); see td States v

    $6,786 in US. Currency No 06-cv 209 2007 \ 496747 at *2 .D. Ga Feb 132007 AsPueto 80 has faied to demonstrate hdship the baancing test discussed in 983(((D does

    not appy

    II. Additional Crmial Acts Uder 983(1(8)(D)

    A discussion regding wheher Puero 80 woud use the domain nmes to commit

    addiona crmna acts if the Cour grted Pueo 80's petition woud nessitate the Cous

    consideration of whether Puero 80 hs comitted crimina acts in the rst instace. Given the

    Cos resoution of the substantia hship issue above the Cout wi defer consideration of

    this uestion unti it considers Puero 80s motion to dismiss which is schdued to be y

    brefed on Sptember 2 2011 Pueo 80 wi have anoth chnce to test the vaidity of the

    seize at that tme


    or he foregoing reasons Puero 80s petiton is DEND The Cerk of Cour is

    directed to cose nd enter judgment in case number 1 Civ 3983

    Dat: New Yor New YorAugust 2011


    IPAL A CROTTYnited States Distrct Judge

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    Case 1 11-cv-03983-PAC Document 2 Filed 06/13/11 Page 1 of 33




    United States of America andDepartment ofHomeland Security,Immigration and Customs Enforcement,Defendants.

    Civil Action No.


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    I, Igor Seoane MUlan, declare as follows:1. I am the CEO ofPuerto 80 Projects, S.L.U. ("Puerto 80''), a limited liability

    corporation organized under the laws of Spain. I submit this declaration in supportofPuerto80's Petition for Release of Seized Property and other relief. The following are matters of mypersonal knowledge, except where otherwise noted, and I could and would testify competentlythereto if called upon to do so.

    2. Puerto 80 has a possessory interest in and "subject domain names"), as it is the lawful owner of he subject domain names and operatesthe "Rojadirecta" site under these domain names.

    3. The subject domain names were registered with, Inc., which is aUnited States company located in Scottsdale, Arizona. As Daniel Brazier notes in his Affidavit inSupport of he Application of a Seizure Warrant ("Brazier Affidavit"), the registry for all ".com"top-level domains is Verisign, Inc., 487 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, California94043. The registry for all ".org" top-level domains is The Public Interest Registry, 1775 WiehleAvenue, Suite 200, Reston, Virginia 20190. The ".org" domain is administered by Afilias USA,Inc., Building 3, Suite lOS, 300 Welsh Road Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044. The subject domainnames will remain under the control of he registries and registrars at all times.

    4. As set forth in the Brazier Affidavit, the Rojadirecta sites do not themselves hostunauthorized copies of he sporting events that Mr. Brazier describes. See Paras. 13, 40(a),40(c). Rather, that content is hosted andlor streamed by third parties and it is never hosted orstreamed atlby Rojadirecta. The Rojadirecta sites merely contain links to those sites.

    5. The advertisements described at para. 40(c) of he Brazier Affidavit are not run byRojadirecta and Rojadirecta does not receive revenue from those advertisements.

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    6. In addition to providing an index of links to material already existing on theInternet, the Rojadirecta sites provide forums in which users can discuss sports, politics, and anyother topic. Among these is a "highlights" forum in which users discuss sports highlights andlink to clips ofhighlights from various sporting events.

    7. The activity on the Rojadirecta site has been expressly held to be lawful by theSpanish judiciary. Following allegations ofcopyright infiingement, the Criminal Court ofFirstInstance ruled in 2009 that the Rojadirecta sites did not violate any copyright laws. One yearlater. in an appeal of hat decision. the Madrid Provincial Court, First District, affirmed thelower court's ruling and held that "the reported actions do not constitute a crime, and the [lowercourt's] decision to dismiss the action is in accordance with law." A true and correct copy ofthose decisions, along with English translations, are attached hereto as Exhibits 1-2.

    B. The continued possession by the government pending the final disposition offorfeiture proceedings will prevent the functioning of he Rojadirecta site under the subjectdomain names in the United States and throughout a substantial part of he world. thus causingPuerto 80 substantial hardship. The site which operates under the subject domain names was(prior to the government's seizure) listed among the 100 most popular sites in Spain in terms oftraffic according to Alexa Internet, a subsidiary ofAmazon that provides, among other things,traffic metrics.

    9. Rojadirecta has users and visitors worldwide, including from the United States.10. Puerto 80 does not receive any revenue that is derived from specific content

    hosted on, or streamed by, the sites to which it links. In other words, Puerto 80 does not receiveany revenue whatsoever from any site to which a user can link from the subject domain namesbased upon the content of he web links to that site. To the extent there is any site that a user can


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    link to from Rojadirccta which contains any infringing material, Puerto 80 receives no benefitfrom a user viewing such content on that site.

    11. The seizure of he subject domain names is depriving Puerto 80 of awfulbusiness. Further, this is a matter of considerable urgency, because Internet users who cannotaccess the Rojadirecta site for a sustained period oftime will eventually stop trying. As a result,the possibility ofgetting the subject domain names back months or even days from now wilJnot solve the problem. With each day that passes, we continue to face the risk that we will loseour ability to conduct our business altogether because users will stop attempting to visit our site,or will use the websites of our competitors. Since the date of he seizure, we have experiencedapproximately a 32% reduction in traffic in terms ofvisits to the Rojadirecta site.

    12. The continued possession by the government of he subject domain names causesimmediate hardship in another respect. Rojadirecta has almost 865,000 registered users, manyofwhom use their accounts to engage in discussions of sports, politics, and a variety of othersubjects on Rojadirecta discussion boards. Because of he government's seizure of he subjectdomain names, those registered users are now unable to access their accounts from the subjectdomain names. and many or most are substantially impeded from accessing their existingaccounts and the information they have stored on those accounts.

    13. As explained above, the subject domain names will remain under the control ofthe U.S.-based registries and registrars at all times. Thus. there is no risk that the domain nameswill be destroyed. damaged, lost, concealed. or transferred if hey are returned to Puerto 80during the pendency of his proceeding.

    14. I do not have any intent to use the subject domain names to commit criminal acts.15. The first time I learned that the subject domain names had been seized by the U.S.


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    government was when 1visited and on February 1,2011, anddiscovered that the U.S. government had made the site's content inaccessible via those domainnames name and pointed the domain names to another web page stating that the domain had beenseized by ICE.

    16. I have not received any notice from the U.S. government that forfeitureproceedings have been instituted against the subject domain names.

    1declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws of he United States ofAmerica that theforegoing is true and correct. Executed on this 1j day of June 2011 in ACoauNA . Spain.

    ~ M ~ M


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    To whom it may concern:I, Lisa Grayson, do hereby swear and certify the following:1. That I am certified by the American Translators Association (ATA)for translation from Spanish into English, and that my ATA membership is in good standing;2. That the following page is a valid copy of my ATA credentialcertificate, altered only to prevent duplication;3. That the attach ed English-language document is my translation ofth e fax cover sheet and court verdict that I received from DurieTangri LLP, a copy of which is attached after the English translation;4. That, to the best of my knowledge, the English document is anaccurate and faithful translation of the document I received fromDurie Tangri LLP.

    Lisa GraysonATA Member No. 224476

    LISA GRAYSON 2502 W. Eastwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 (773) 463-8128

    February 10 , 2011

    e-mail: [email protected]

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    (pooc. :s 7"'6

    THE A M E R I C A ! ~ TRANSLATORS ASSOCIAnONFounded in 1959Having S".J.ccessfully completed the examination required by the Comn:Ultee on Accreditation.Copy invalid u txs a c w m ~ n i e d by: original lettersigned by Lisa ~ ~ , p . . urayson

    a Member in good standing of the Association, subscribing to its Code of Professional Conduct and Business Practices, is granted thisCopy invalid ~ f W A ~ ~ ~ i p ~ ~ r s i f 6 r t d ~ 1 ~ t l 8 P r f r o m Spanish into English

    Issued under the seal of the Association tills June 27, 2001@ 1 , t _ d . ! ~ c f . ! a - w . ~

    Shuckran KamalChair, ATA Accreditation Committccess accompanied by original letterayson ~ ' ( / / f , , ~.t . ~ ~ I : , ) . ~ ~

    TIus ct:rtificate is v.ilid only in combination with membcrslup in good st'U1ding in the Anlcncan Tmnslators Association.

    u r " ' l th

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    RAMON BLANCO BLANCOCourtAttorneyMadrid Capital JudicialDistrict

    Tax I.D. No.: 51.667.890-T

    (address:) CjMequinenza No.9 = 1st FloorMadrid 28022, SpainTelephone and fax: 91.320.93.56Mobile: [email protected]


    Mr. JAVIER MAESTRE RODRIGUEZ (Attorney at Law) 7, 2010SUBJECT: Summary proceedingsCOURT: No. 37COURT RECORD NO. 2517/07 roll 51/2010CLIENT: Mr. Igor Seoane Milian

    MESSAGEDear colleague:I am sending you the attached decree, issued today.Please accept my bestwishes.(signature)No. of pages including attachment: 8

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    Rol l number 51/2010Prev ious proceed ings number 2517/2008Madrid P r e - t r i a l I n v e s t i g a ti o n c o u r t number 37


    The HonorablePres iden t :

    (rubber stamp)Honorable Assembly ofCourt Attorneys of MadridReceived NotificationMAY 6, 2010 MAY 7, 2010Article 151.2 L.E.C. 1/2000

    Mr. Alejandro Maria Beni to L6pezMagis t r a t es :

    Ms. Arace l i Pe rd ices L6pezMr. Eduardo de Porres Ort iz de Urbina

    DECREE Bo. 364/10

    In Madrid, on A p r i l twen ty - seven th , two thousand te n


    FXRST - On Ju ly 15, 2009, th e Honorable Magist ra te Judge o fMadrid P r e - t r i a l Inves t iga t ion Cour t number 37 i s sued a decree inwhich the p rov is iona l d i smissa l of ac t ion and the" f i l e of theseproceedings was agreed to . Th e p a r t i e s having been no t i f i ed , th el e g a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f AUDIOVISUAL SPORT S.L. f i l ed an appea l ,which has been t r ans f e r r ed t o th e Publ ic Prosecu to r ' s Off ice ando th e r p a r t i e s who have requested r e j ec t ion o f th e appeal .

    SECORD - Timely r epor t s of the l e g a l proceed ings hav ing beenf i l e d i n t h i s Cour t fo r the re so lu t io n o f the appea l ,

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    the date of Apri l 8, 2010, has been indicated for thedel ibera t ion , voting, and verd ic t , appointing Mr. Eduardo dePorres Ortiz de Urbina to express the Court 's opinion.

    FUNDAMENTALS OF LAWFl:RST- The presen t proceedings inves t iga te the Web a page t ha t i s based on " l inks" t ha t allowfor the download, through "door-to-door" exchange programs, ofarchives or f i l e s of diverse content between d i f fe ren t users orgues ts , spec i f i ca l ly , foo tba l l 1 games from other countr ies andwhose r igh ts for usage in Spain belong to the complainant,Audioviosual ( s ic ) Sport S.L.

    The par t i cu la r charge i s made with the understanding tha t therei s an ac t of publ ic communication o f works protected by theIn te l l ec tua l property Law wi hout author iza t ion from therespec t ive owners.

    It i s cur ren t ly a genera l ly accepted cr i t e r ion t ha t the ac t ofdownloading f i l e s from the In ternet does not const i tu te a crime.It suf f ices to c i te the cr i t e r ion from Circular 1/2006 from theState General Prosecutor ' s Office to show the relevance of t h i sfactor . The above-mentioned Circular confirms the following:

    In regard to determining t he t ype o f conduct o fsomeone who gathers protected works through a serveron a Web s i t e , without the authorizat ion o f the ownero f the r igh t s o f use, it can be inc luded ???? in theassumptions o f unauthorized communication, but in th i scase, if no considerat ion i s given for it, the typ ica lelement o f p r o f i t does not coex is t , th i s conduct canbe l ega l l y pursued only as an illicit c i v i l act ion . In

    1 This presumably means European footba ll, i.e., soccer.

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    regard ~ h e user who Hdownloads o r rece ives H a worknfrom ~ h e I n ~ e r n e ~ H w i ~ h o u ~ [ f i nanc ia l ] c o n s i d e r a ~ i o n as a resu l o f an a c ~ o f u n a u ~ h o r i z e d c o m m u n i c a ~ i o n made by a n o ~ h e r person, making a p r i v a ~ e copy o f ~ h e work ~ h a ~ c a n n o ~ be cons idered c o n d u c ~ o f a c r im ina ln a ~ u r e . In regard ~ o [ ~ y p o ; l e ~ ~ e r s o r word miss ing]~ h e respons ib i l i o f ~ h e company' s i n f o r m a ~ i o n serv ice prov iders , ~ h e y will n o ~ be respons ib le when~ h e serv ice ~ h e y o f f e r i s one o f simplei n ~ e r m e d i a ~ i o n , w i ~ h i n ~ h e ~ e r m s e s ~ a b l i s h e d inA r ~ i c l e s 14 18 o f Law 34.2002, d a ~ e d Ju ly 11[2002] , o f serv ices o f the i n f o r m a ~ i o n o r e l e c ~ r o n i c commerce company.

    Notwiths tanding th e foregoing, i n t h i s proceeding what has beeninves t iga ted and quest ioned i s no t the ac t iv i ty o f the personswho are pa r t of the f i l e exchange network, bu t ra ther theac t iv i ty of those r espons ib le fo r the Web page t h a t provides t h i sserv ice , and who a lso gain an economic advantage from t he i rac t iv i ty no matter how i nd i rec t it may be, since the charge i sno t paid , only the pub l ic i ty of the i n s e r t on the page i t s e l f ,which i s seen independent of what i s produced o r not downloaded.Those responsible fo r th e Web page do no t di rect ly commit ac t s o fpubl ic communication o f works protec ted by the LP I [ In t e l l ec tua lProper ty Law], s ince the downloaded i tems a re not loca ted int h e i r f i l e s . They only encourage t h i s behavior by the means inwhich they s e l ec t , make ava i lab le , and inform about how to accessthe pages t h a t of f e r the games' r e t r ansmiss ion .

    Far from contempt ible i s the pos i t ion of those who maintain t h a tif th e i nves t iga t ive a c t iv i y i s advantageous together with andas a funct ion of the f ina l r e s u l t , the web pages such as the oneunder inves t iga t ion could be publ ic ly of fe r ing protec ted worksand performing those necessary ac ts of support so t h a t In te rne t

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    user s can communicate and use th i s publ ic offer ing of the work.Their l abor , from th i s perspect ive, would not be t h a t of mereintermediat ion but the hea r t of ac t iv i ty tha t advert ises andmakes poss ib le the massive exchange of f i l e s for the users who,without t h i s publ ic i ty and organiza t ion , could not do it or coulddo it in a s ign i f i can t ly more l imited way. The work of makingavai lab le and offer ing publ ic works cons t i tu tes an unauthorizedac t of publ ic communication more because t echnica l ly it i s theuser and not the provider who in fac t puts the f i l e a t publ icdisposa l . The provider adver t i ses and of fe r s the pro tec ted workto the user s in a publ ic way, an d in some cases f a c i l i t a t e s thetechnica l means so t h a t the user s can connect among themselvesand make the download. Such a pos i t ion could have support inAr t ic le 20 of the LPI, in which the concept of "publ iccommunication" in open form i s defined, inasmuch as t ha t preceptdef ines t h a t l ega l concept broadly as fol lows: HAny ac t throughwhich a plura l i t y o f persons ca n have access to the work withoutpr io r dis t r ibu t ion o f samples o f each one o f them. Communicationi s no t considered publ i c when it takes place within a s t r i c t l ydomest ic environment t ha t i s i n t egra ted or connected to abroadcast network o f any type ."

    Nevertheless , the following considerat ions should be made:a) Addressing the act ions repor ted in th i s process, one cannotge t around the f ac t t ha t the Web page in quest ion does not keepthe f i l e s , nor does it d i rec t ly make the download. Th e f i l e s aret r ans fe r red through download programs broadly avai lab le amongIn te rne t users .b) Th e act ions of making avai lab le an d adver t i s ing the gamest h a t are t r ans fe r red fac i l i t a t e download, but they do not providethe means of doing SOi there fore , in pr inc ip le , the can bequal i f ied as ac ts of mere intermediat ion.c) On the other hand, the fees t ha t the Web pageadminist rators receive do not pay fo r the download of the publ ict i t l e s ; r a the r , it i s the pUbl ici ty t ha t comes from gener ic

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    access to the page, which i s independent of the pub l ic i ty andwhich can be produced even if there i s no download.d) The operators of the web page, such as they are l i s t ed inthe accusing l ega l record, do not f ac i l i t a t e the removal ofpro tec t ion from the key codes for viewing the spor t ing events ,nor do they make connections with programs tha t do so : r a ther ,they only f ac i l i t a t e the viewing of t e lev is ion programs tha t arebroadcas t openly.

    For a l l of the above reasons, the repor ted act ions do notconst i tu te a crime, and the decis ion to dismiss the ac t ion i s inaccordance with law. Furthermore, in regard to a s imila r claimmade by the p l a i n t i f f agains t a d i f fe ren t Web page with s imila rcontent (www. tvmix .ne t ) . th i s Provinc ia l Court al ready ru led onNovember 3, 2008 (Section 5) in which the Court wa s asked if thepar ty responsible for a Web page t ha t fac i l i t a t ed l inks to viewfoo tba l l games from abroad committed a crime or induced thecommission of a crime, and responded as fol lows:

    NNo in b o ~ h cases, because e x c e p ~ for w h a ~ i sc lari f ied in ~ h e fol lowing an d f inal conclusion, ~ h e programs ~ h a ~ i n v i ~ e or encourage u ~ i l i z a ~ i o n aref ree ly available, ~ h e i r use i s open and universal ,because ~ h e y do not require any use l i cense , and as ar e s u l ~ , for ~ h e r e p o r ~ e d a c ~ i o n s , ~ h e s u b j e c ~ o f ~ h i s r e p o r ~ , no legal i n f r a c ~ i o n was c o m m i ~ ~ e d , a l ~ h o u g h indeed in some cases a ~ h i r d - p a r ~ y economic c o m p l a i n ~ r e s u l ~ s . i s for ~ h i s reason ~ h a ~ A r ~ i c l e 270 o f ~ h e CP (Criminal Code) does n o ~ apply e i ~ h e r ; requireseconomic damage an d pro f i m o ~ i ve. In regard ~ o ~ h e economic damage i m p u ~ e d ~ h e owners o f ~ h e b r o a d c a s ~ r i g h ~ s o f N a ~ i o n a l League games, said damage has n o ~ been d e ~ e r m i n e d , given ~ h e ever-changing world o f

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    the Internet , in which proof o f e i ther case becomespract ical ly imposs ible , therefore it i s lacking adeterminant element o f t h i s [proof} (STS 1578/02), noro f the exis tence o f a pro f i t motive on the par t o f thedefendant who, according to the experts appearing inthe proceedings, did not receive any type o f benef i tfor serving as a " l ink , " but from indirectremuneration from the Web portal publ ic i t y . In th issame context , we emphasize the Supreme Court sentence529/2001 o f Apr i l 2, 2001, which indicates that tha twhich i s punishable are the importing o f s tolen works,bu t not those legal ly acquired abroad, even thoughthe i r commercialization in Spain has not beenauthorized here, so that the t i t l e owner ca n defendagains t such conduct through prevent ive in junctionsand the system o f respons ibi l i ty out l ined in Ar t ic le138 f f . o f the Inte l lec tual Property [Law}. I t can beassumed that t h i s can be appl ied to the t ypicalconduct o f Ar t ic le 286, which has not been violated inth is case e i ther ."

    These same c r i t e r i a are appl i cable to the present case , in whichthe denounced ac t i ons completely l ack cr iminal re levance .

    For a l l of the above reasons , the appeal i s denied.

    SECOND - Not having found the pa r t i e s ac t ing in bad f a i th and ingiven the denia l of the appeal , the cos ts fo r t h i s appel la tehear ing should be declared th e cour t ' s own, as author ized byAr t i c l e s 239 o f the Law of Criminal Judgment.

    ORDER OF THE COURTTHE COURT AGREES: WE DENY the appeal pe t i t i on f i l ed by the l ega lrepresenta t ive of AUDIOVISUAL SPORT S.L. agains t the cour t orderof Ju ly 15, 2009, i ssued by In s t ruc t ing Court number 37 of Madrid

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    (previous proceedings 2517/2007), which we confirm in i t sen t i r e ty , declar ing the cos ts o f t h i s appel late hearing "deof ic io" [ the cour t ' s own expenses] .

    Notice of th i s verd ic t sh a l l be posted, agains t which there i s nofur ther appeal , and the Ins t ruc t ing Court sha l l be informed,including cer t i f i ca t ion of t h i s verd ic t .

    The Magistrates l i s t ed in the margin agree, confirm, and s ignt h i s decis ion, which I cer t i fy .

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    C/ Mequi!1t:l'"JI''' 9 -\" c:21m2:! Mndriur.,.,tIrlIlJorde I.}. 't'ribUhtdr5"/lftido Jallicilll 11m- MadfilJ (41)ilal

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    Case 1 11-cv-03983-PAC Document 2 Filed 06/13/11 Page 18 of 33,07-05-10 13:26 913209356 BLANCOPROCURIIDOR->934882792 ECI1 PIlG. 112

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    Rollo nUffiero 51/2010Diligencias ~ r e v i a s nUmero 2517/200aJuzgado de I n s t r ~ c c i 6 n numero 3 d e . M ~ a : d ~ r ~ ~ . d ~ ______" _ II (!>lIn ( ' ( I ' ( ---,-. . . . .", ' 1, .. o , 1 1 t 1 ; ' ~ H I I'lt\I}O'/I' '. I l / , ; C F . f ' ( I I ) : ~ ' . ~ J U .. I ,W ' " j ) IB C:::'1ECCION PRnlERAIimos. Sres. MtfcuJo '5J.2______ .E.C. 11200&p.z:esidente:

    Don A l e j a n d ~ o Maria Benito LopezMagistrados:

    Do5a Arace l i Perdices LopezD O ~ Eduardo de Parres Ortiz de Urbina

    AUTO N2 364/10

    ......- ...... -"-"-

    En ~ a d r i d . a vein t is ie te de ab r i l de dos mil diez

    P:RIMERO.- El d ia 15 de C'ulio de 2009 e l / l a I lmo/a Sr /aMagistrado/a Juez del Juzgaco de !nstracci6n numero 37 deMadrid dict6 auto por e1 que acord6 e1 sobreseimientoprovisiona: y ,:lrchivQ de la s presentes di l igencias .N o ~ i f i c a d o a la s par tes , l a representacion proceaal deAUDIOVISUAL SPORT S .L . i : l t e rpuso de ap e l ac i 6 n d e l que s a hedado t ras lado a l Minister io F i s c a l y demas p a r t e s quie;1es hansol ici tado la deses t imaci6n del r e c u ~ s o .

    SEGUNDO. - Rerr.i t ido e l oportuno testimonio de la s .:lctuacionesa es te ~ r i b u n a l para la resolucion del recurso sa ha senalado

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    I IMadrid

    e1 dia 8 de Abri..l de 2010 pa.ra la del iberacion, votaci6n yfallo. d e s i q n ~ b d o s e Ponente a Don Eduardo de Porras Ortiz deUrbina, que expresa e1 pareeer de 1a Sala.

    PRlMERO.- En las presentes diligencias se invest iga la p a g i ~ a Web pagina qu e se basd en "sl inks" qu epermiten bejar, a traves de programa.s de intercambio "puerto apuerto" archivos 0 t icheros de contenido o.iverso entre lo sdist intos usua r ios 0 invitados, en concreto, partidos deftltbol emitidos en otros paiae;s y cuyos derechos deexplotaC'ion en Espana oorrespondsn a la quere : lante ,Audioviosual Spore S.L.

    a c u s a c i 6 ~ par t icular entiende que existe un acto decomunicaoi6n pUblica de obras protegidas por l a Ley depropiedad Inte lactual sin autorizacion de los respectivost i tu lares .Es un c r i ter io general izado actualmente qu e 190 actividad dedescarg90 de archivos a "traves de In terne t no es cor. .s t i tut ivade del i to . Baste c i t a r e1 c r i t e r i o de 10. Circular 1/2006 de laFiscal ia General del Estado para poner de relevancia esa~ i r c u n s t a n c i a . En 10. referida Circular se a:irma 10 s iguiente :

    En cuanto a 1a r ; ip i f icac ion de la conducta de qui encoloca a t raves de un serv.idor en un s i t io de la Redobras proteg;tdas sin autorizaci6n del ti ular de losderechos de expiotaci6n, puede incardinarse centro delos supuesto's de comunicacion no autorizada, pero enes t e supuesto s i nO es ta acreditada ningun{Icontraprestacion para el, no concurrira e1 elementot lp ico del animo de luero , pudisndo perseguirse esaconducta s610 oarno ilici o civ:i.J.. Respect;o del usuario

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    que nbaja 0 se c'J.esca.rga. de 113 Red" una obra, y obtieneesta sin con trapres taci6n, como consecuencia de un actode comunicaci,6n no 8.utorizado realizado p o l . ~ ot:r:o,: t 'ealiza una capia pri1,rada de la ohra que no puede serconsiderado como conducta penalmente tipica. En 10 querespecta e la responsabilidad de los proveedores deservicios en 18. sociedad de 1a informacion, 10 5 mismos110 serin responsables cUlindo e1 se.rvicio que prestan seae1 de simple intermediaci6n, dentro de los terminos queestablecen los articulos 14 a 18 de 18. Ley 34/2002, de11 aa j u l i o , de .serv ic ios de 1a sociedad de lainformaci6n y de comercio electrOnico.

    obstante 10 anterior , en e s ~ e proceso 10 que s hainvestigado y cuestiona no es la actividad de la s personas quesa integ-ran en la red de intercambio de al:'ohivos sino la delos responsables de 1a pagina que provee es te s s rv ic io , y queobt iener . ademas una ventaja econ6edca p ~ r BU actividad por masque sea ind i rec ta , ya que no se r e t r ibuye deecarga s ino 1apublicidad de 1a inserta en la propia pagina y que sevi sua l i za con independencia de que se produzca 0 no d e s c ~ r g a .

    I"OIi> r e ~ p o n s a : O l e s de la pag-ina no real i tan de forll1a directaaetos de comunicaci6n publica de OOJ:'as pro teg idas par la LPIya que no alojan en Sl lS archivos lo s t i tu lo$ descargados .Unicamente favorecen esa conducta en la medida en qu eseleccionan. ordenan e inferman sebre la forma de acceder ala s :paginas que ofrecen la retransmisi6n de partidos,

    No es desdef iable l a postura de quienes sos t ienen que s i sevalora 1a ac t iv idad investigada de conjunto y en funci6n d e lresul tado f i na l , las paginas we b como l a i n v e s ~ i g a d a p u d i e ~ a ~ estar ofertando p ~ b l i c a m e n t e obras pro t eg idas y realizando lo saetos de apoyo necesarios para qu e los ~ s u a r i o 5 de la red secomuniquen y u t i l i cen esa ofe r ta publ i ca de las obras . Sulabor, desde esta perspectiva, no ser ia de mera intermediaci6n

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    AIOlltl.t"-tl ' 1 ' ~ " H t ,j"J,I',I,;i'!


    sino e1 nucleo de a c ~ i v i d a d qu e anuncia y posibi l i ta e1intercambio mash'o de archivos a los usuarios que, l3in esapuhEcidad y organizadon. no poddan hacerlo 0 10 podrianhacer de forma signif icat ivamente ~ ~ s l imitada. Las labores deo ~ d e n a c ~ 6 n y ofer ta de las obras podrian const i tu i r un acto decomunicaci6:l publica no auto:dzada per mas que tecnicamentesea e l usuario y no e:: proveedor quien de facto ponga adisposic!.6n d e l pUblico e1 archivo, E l proveedor anuncia yofert.a a lo s usuarios de forma pUblica Ia obra protegida yfac i l i ta en algunos cases lo s medios '.:;ecnicos para que lo su s u a r ~ o s e r . : a c e ~ entre sf y realicen Ia descarga. Tal posic!6npodria t ene r apoyo en 91 ar t icu:o 20 de 1a Ll?I en e l que sad e f i ~ e e1 concepto de " c o ~ ~ ' i c a c i 6 n p u b l i c a ~ de forma abier tae:'l. cuanto dicho precepto define ese concepto jur idica de :ormaamplia de 1a s iguiente forma: "todo Cicto par e1 cual unapluralidad de personas pueda tener acceso a la oera sin pretriadistribuci6n de ejemplares de cada una de elIas. No seconsiderara publica 1a coml.lnicaci6n cuando se celebre dentrode un ambito estrictamente domestico que e s t ~ integrado 0conectada a una red de difusion de cualquier t i p o ~ .

    Sin embargo, deben hacerse las siguientes consideraciones:

    a} En atenci6n a lo s hechos acreditados en este p ~ o c e s o nopueda soslayarse 1a circunstancia de qu e 1a pagina webinvestigada no aloja los archivos, ni rea l iza directamente 1ad e s c a r ~ a , Los archivos se transfieren a traves de programas dedescarga de amplia difusi6n entre los usuarios de Internet .

    b) L o ~ aetos de ordenBei6n y ar:uncio de los part idos que set rBns f ie ren faci l i tan 1a descarga perc no pueden equipararse ae s t a , por 10 que, en principio podrian cal i f icarse de aetos demera intermediaci6n.c} Por otra parte . 1a retribuc10n que o);)r.ienen losadmin i s t r ado re s de la pil9':'na no compensa la descarga de los

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    I IM;idrid

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    t i tulos sino la publicidad derivada del acceso generico a lapagina, que as independient.e c.e esta y que se puede produciraunque no haya descarga.

    d) Los gestQres de la pagina, t a l y corea se indica en e1 auto~ m p u Q n a d o , no fac i l i tan :a des?rotecci6n de los c6digos claveepara e l visionado de los e ~ e n t o s deport ivos, ni realizancanexionas con prograrras de desprotecci6n, sino qu e faci l i tanunicamente e1 visionado de programss de te levision emitidos enabierto.Par todo ello, los hachaB denunciadoB no son constitutivos dedel i to y la deei$i6n de sohreseer las actuacianes es conformsa derecho. A mayor abundamiento, sobre una reclamacion similarefect.uada por la denunciante concra otra pagina de contenidosimilar (} ya se ha pronunciado esta AudienciaI?rovincial er:. sentencia de 3 de Noviem.bre de 2008 (Seccionsa) en 1a que e l Tribunal se preguntaba s i e1 responsable deuna T;laqinCl WEB que faci l i taba .enlaces para ver partidol3 defutbol desde e l extranjero cometia del i to 0 inducia a lacomision de un d e l i ~ o y respondia en lO B s iguientes t e r ~ i n o s :

    "No en ambos casos, porque a r e s e r v ~ de 10 que sed i l u c i a ~ con 1a s iguiente y ultima conc1usion, losprogramas que i n v i t ~ 0 incluso i nc i ta a ut i l i zar , son del ibre uso, y BU ut i l i zaci6n es ab ier ta y universal, por10 que no necesitan ninguna l icancia oe uso, y enconsecuencia, para lo s hechaB denunciCiaos, objeto deeste informe, no se comete ninguna infracc i6n, aunqve s ise produce en algunos casos quebxanto econ6mico aterceros. Es pox ello que tampocQ quedaria acreditado e larticulo 270 del CP que preaisa de un perjuicioeconomico y de UZl a11imo de lucro_ En relaci6n a1perjllicio econ6mico in feri do a lo s t i tulares de losderechos de emisi6n de lo s partidos de Lige Npcional nose ba podido detarminar e1 mismo dado e l movedizQ mundo

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    .r.~ . l I h ...

    1\( 11 . r .H.I 'II !'t Ie jl}:;i!' '.


    de In terne t en e l que la prueba de ta l extrema resultapracticamente imposible, par 10 que Ealtaria un alamencod e t e r ~ i n a n t e de ssts (STS 1578/02) ni tampoco 14existeneia. de un animo de lucro par p,;lrt;e de1 imputadoque segUn las periciales obrantes en las actuaciones noobten1.a ningUn tipo de beneficia par servir de hlirtk"sino por 1a remuneraci6n indirecta de Ia publicidad delportal . E l l es t e mismo contexto destaca 1a sentencia delTribunal Supremo 529/2001 de 2 de abri l en la que indicaque 10 .oaZlc.1anable .son 1a importaci6n de las obra.susurpadas pero no las adquiridas liei. tamente en e lextraniero aunaue su eomercializaci6n en Espai!a no bayasiao aqu[ au tori zada. , por 10 que de esa conducta puededefenderse el t i tu lar medianta la s medidas cautelares ysisteI l lCi de responsdbilidad pre"t.risto en el ar t i cu lo 138 ys . s . de la Propiedad Intelectual. Supuesto esteextrapolable a 1a conducta t ipica del articulo 286 quetampoco se veria conculcado en e1 presente supuesto H

    Estos mismos c r i t e r i o s son a p l ~ c a b ~ e s a l presen te caso 10 queabunda en l a fBl ta de r e levanc ia penal de lo s hechosdenu.""1ciados.

    :Por todo 10 ex:.:luesto, precede l a desestimaci6n de l r ecur so .SEG'O'NDO.- No aprecianc.ose mala fa y pese a l a desest imaciondel racurso deben declararse de of icio l a s c o s t a s procesalesde e s t a a lzada , segun al . : torizan lo s ar t .{culos 21 9 yc o ~ c o r d a n t e s de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Cr.iminal.

    LA SALA ACUERDAIi n t e L ~ u e s t o p ~ r laSPORT S.L. contra


    DESESTIMAMOS e1 recurSQ de apelacionrepresentacion pr ocesa l de A ~ D I O V I S U A L e1 auto de fecha 15 de JuJ. ': o de 2009

    dic ' ;ado po r e:- Juzgado de Ine t rucc i6n tlUmero 37 de YIadrid

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    . Ih11111:.' " : ~ I I I

    (Ii, h.:',


    fDil igencias Previas2517/2007) I que confirmamos i n t e g ~ a m e n t e , declarando de oficio l a s costas de esta alzada.

    esta resoluci6:'l, contra la que no cabe recursoalquno, y p6ngase ec conocimiento del Juzgado de I n s t ~ c c i 6 n . remitiendo ce r t i f i c ac ion de l a presente reso:uci6n.

    Lo acuerdan, mandan y f i r ~ n los Sres. Magistrados que figurana l margen, 10 que cert i f ieo.

    . ~ .

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    To whom it may concern:I. Lisa Grayson. do hereby swear and certify the following:1. That 1am certified by the American Translators Association (ATA)for translation from Spanish into ~ n g l i s h . and that my ATA membership is in good standing;2. That the following page is a valid copy of my ATA credentialcertificate. altered only to prevent duplication;3. That the attached English-language document is my translation ofthe fax cover sheet and court verdict that 1 received from DurieTangri LLP. a copy of which is attached after the ~ n g l i s h translation;4. That. to the best of my knowledge. the English document is anaccurate and faithful translation of the document I received fromDurie Tangri LLP.

    I f '. . . ! - - L - - - ' ~ ~ / 4 ~ 4 4 p ~ 1 ~ / l - ..---- ..Lisa GraysoV IATA Member No. 224476

    LISA GRAYSON 2502 W. ~ a s t w o o d Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 (773) 463-8128

    !=ebruary 10. 2011

    e-mail: [email protected]

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    THE AMERIC AN TRANSLATORS ASSOCIAnONPowldcd in 1959Having s ~ c c e s s f u l l y completed the examination required by the Comm ittee on Accreditation.Copy invalid ut!Xs a c w m ~ n i e d by original lettersigned by Lisa ~ ~ r f 1 . urayson

    a Member in good star.-ding of the Association, subscribing to its Code of Professional Conduct and Business Practices, is granted tIllsCopy invalid ~ ~ T l ? ~ ~ i p g ~ r s m r l ~ 1 ~ t 1 8 P r f r o m Spanish into English

    Issued under the seal of the Association this June 27,2001~ o - r J 9 I a . - m ~

    Shuckran KamalChair, ATA Accreditation Committcc

    ess accompanied by original letter L , , ( / f H ~.t . ~ ~ ~ .. ~ t . Courtney Searls-RidgeSecrct;U)'. ATA

    TIlls cenificale is v,did only in combination with membership ill good standing in the Americ:m Trauslators Association.

    ur.t) lu

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    RAMON BLANCO BLANCOCourt AttorneyMadrid Capital Judicial DistrictTax 1.0. No.: 51.667.B90-T

    (address:) CjMequinenza No.9 =1st FloorMadrid 28022, SpainTelephone and fax: 91.320.93.56Mobile: [email protected]


    Mr. JAVIER MAESTRE RODRIGUEZ (Attorney at Law) July 20, 2009SUBJECT: Summary proceedingsCOURT: No.37COURT RECORD NO. 2517/07CLIENT: Mr. Igor Seoane Mifian

    MESSAGEDear colleague:I am sending you the attached dismissal of action, issued today.Please accept my best wishes.(signature)No. of pages including attachment: 3

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    PRE-TRIAL INVESTIGATION COURT NO. 37MADRID(address) PLAZA DE CASTILLA 1, 6th FloorTelephone: ( i l legible) Fax: ( i l legible)Ident i f ica t ion Number: ( i l legible)


    In Madrid, on July f i f t een th , two thousand nineFACTS

    SOLE FACT - The cur ren t proceeding was s ta r ted by the ac t ionst h a t r esu l ed from the previous l ega l proceedings, dueinves t iga t ive di l igence having been pract iced as indicated incour t records .

    LEGAL REASONINGSOLE ISSUE From the di l igence carr ied out , t h a t i s ,declarat ions of the accused and an exper t repor t on f i l e incour t records , it i s c lea r t ha t the In te rne t pages administeredby th e accused did not fac i l i t a t e the removal of protect ion fromthe key codes fo r viewing the spor t ing events , nor d id theycreate a connection with protect ion-removal programs; ra ther ,what they fac i l i t a t ed were l inks to download programs t ha tallowed the viewing of such events tha t , a l hough ( the events)were with access through a coded system in Spain, are openlybroadcast on Internat ional TV channels; it does not follow tha tth e harmful conduct of the accused, nor the programs they madeavai lable were not freely used, t he i r use being open anduniversa l , not obtain ing from another party the denounced d i rec tbenef i t s by fac i l i t a t ing such l inks , but ra ther ind i rec tremuneration of the web por ta l publ ic i ty .

    For the above reasons, it not appearing t ha t the commissionof a criminal inf rac t ion has been duly proved, the provi s iona ld i smissa l of act ion hereby proceeds, and closing the f i l e of theac t ions taken in appl icat ion! of the provis ions of Art ic le 779.1,sect ion 1, of the Criminal Judgment Law as re la ted to sect ionno. 1 of Art ic le 641 of the same l ega l t ex t .

    ORDER OF THE COURTTHE PROVISIONAL DISMISSAL OF ACTION AND CLOSING THE FILE OF THEPRESENT CLAIM IS HEREBY APPROVED.1 Typo in original. I am assuming that apalicacion should have been aplicacion (application).

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    The Prosecu tor ' s Office and other in te res ted par t i es sha l l benot i f i ed of th i s reso lu t ion , a le r t ing them t h a t they may f i l e ape t i t i on fo r review and/or appeal agains t the decis ion beforet h i s Court within a per iod o f THREE DAYS.Thus agrees, ' orders , and s igns Ms. PURIFICACION ELISA ROMEROPAREDES, MAGISTRATE-JUDGE of the Madrid P r e - t r i a l Inves t iga t ionCourt No. 37 and th e Jud ic ia l D is t r i c t . I hereby swear.

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    RAMON StANCO BLANCOPrucurlldordt IuIt Trlbuos\esP a r t i d ~ Jvditial do M.dritf (:apilAl

    N I.J' . S I M7.IIw:r

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    JUZGADO DE INSTRUCCION n 37MADRIDPI.AZJ. DE: =u.u' , 1,6' Pl.'.Y1'ATeletono, n u : s ; . ! ; . r , ~ 7r,-" !'IIX; l t l . ~ ' : a 7 f 1


    PAG. 112

    ONICO.- El presente procedimiento se inc06 por los hechoBque r esu l t an de las a n t e r i o r ~ s actuaciones, habiendosepracticado l ~ s d i l i g e n c i a ~ de inveDtigacion que constan enautos.R A Z O N ~ E N T O S JURiDICOS

    UNICO.- De lasx di l igencias pract icadas , a saber ,declaraciones de lO B imputados e informe per ic ia l obranteen autos, se desprende qu e la s paginas de in te rne tadministradas por los imputados no r ac i l i t an ladesproteccion de lo I s codigos claves para e l visionadol delo s eventos depor t ivas , n i real izan conexiones conprogramas de desproteccion, s ino qu e 10 que fac i l i t abanson enlaces para descargar programas que permit ian e1visionado de t a l e s eventoc que, aunque can acceso desistema codif icado en Espana, son emitidos en abier to porcanales de TV In ternacional ; no se desprende ni elcomportamiento do1oso de los imput.ados, n i que lOGprogramas que S 8 fac i l i t aban no fuesen de l ib re usa,siendo su ut i l izac ion abier ta y universal , no obteniendop ~ r otra par te los denunciados beneficios directos porf a c i l i t a r t a l es enlaces, sino remuneracion indirecta de l apublicidad del por ta l .

    Por 10 expuesto, no apareciendo debidamentejus t i f icada la perpetracian de inf raccion penal , procedee1 eobreseimiento provis ional y a r c h i v ~ de la s actuacionesen apalicacion de 10 dispuesto en e1 ar t icu lo 779 . 1 , 1 dela Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal en r e lac ion con e1 num.del ar t icu lo 64l del mismo Texto Legal.PARTE DISPOSITIVA


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    P6ngase esta resolucion en conocimiento del MinisterioFisca l y demas partes personadas, previniendoles que contrala mierna podran interponer, ante este Juzgado, recurso dereforma y/o apelaci6n, en e1 plazo de TRES DIAS.Asi 10 acuerda, manda y f i rma D. PURIFlCACION ELISA ROMgaOPAREDES , MAGISTRADQ-JUEZ del Juzgado de Instrucci6n n G 37de f4ADRID y su part ido.- Doy fe.

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