
Published in Aus J Bot 2014

The influence of depth-to-groundwater on structure and productivity of

Eucalyptus woodlands


1 University of Technology Sydney, PO Box 123, Broadway, Sydney, NSW , 2007, Australia

2 National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, University of Technology Sydney

Corresponding author: DEREK EAMUS

Email: [email protected]

Running head: Impact of groundwater depth on woodland structure

Key words: Groundwater depth; Eucalypt woodland; Huber value



Whilst it is well documented that access to groundwater can help plants survive drought in

arid and semi-arid areas, there have been few studies in mesic environments that evaluated variation

of vegetation characteristics across a naturally occurring gradient in depth-to-groundwater. The aim of

this study was to determine whether differences in groundwater depth influence structural attributes

and productivity of remnant woodlands in south-eastern Australia. The study area was located in the

Kangaloon bore-field area of NSW, where depth-to-groundwater varies from 2.4 m to 37.5 m and

rainfall is plentiful. We examined structural (leaf area index (LAI), basal area (BA), stem density, tree

height, Huber value (HV) and aboveground biomass (AGB)) and functional (aboveground net primary

productivity (ANPP)) attributes of seven woodland sites differing in depth-to-groundwater.

Significant differences in structural attributes and ANPP were observed across these sites. The three

shallowest sites with 2.4m, 4.3 m and 5.5 m depth-to-groundwater had significantly larger AGB and

ANPP than the four deepest sites (sites where depth-to-groundwater was 9.8 m or deeper). Across the

four deeper sites (9.8 m, 13 m, 16.3 m and 37.5 m), there were no differences in three structural traits

(BA, height and LAI) and ANPP. Across all attributes except HV in the summer, values were

significantly larger at sites where depth-to-groundwater was 5.5 m or less, compared with sites having

9.8 m or deeper depth-to-groundwater. Despite finding no significant differences in HV across sites in

the summer, in winter the two deepest sites had significantly larger HV than the two shallowest sites.

This study has demonstrated that even in a mesic environment, putative access to groundwater can

have important impacts on structural and functional traits of trees and consequently on woodland




In Australia utilization of groundwater for human consumption has increased exponentially in

the past 150 years (Nevill et al. 2010). As a result groundwater is being over-extracted (Eamus et al.

2006; Polglase and Benyon 2009) in many catchments. In addition to human’s reliance on

groundwater, a number of ecosystems depend on having access to groundwater. These ecosystems are

called groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs).

The role that groundwater plays in controlling ecosystem structure and function is poorly

understood (Hatton and Evans 1998; Megonigal et al. 1997; O'Grady et al. 2006a; Runhaar et al.

1996), particularly in mesic climates. To minimise future impacts of groundwater extraction on GDEs

and achieve effective management of groundwater resources and associated GDEs requires an

understanding of the interactions between groundwater and ecosystem structure.

Groundwater dependent ecosystems (e.g., wetlands and woodlands) rely on an input of

groundwater to maintain their current composition, structure and function (Eamus et al. 2006; Laio et

al. 2009). Terrestrial ecosystems that depend on access to groundwater are generally characterized as

having greater structural complexity, higher floristic diversity, or higher leaf area than neighboring

non-groundwater dependent ecosystems (Eamus 2003). Prolonged absence of groundwater can result

in loss of an entire population or permanent changes in structure and function of obligate GDEs. In

opportunistic GDEs a lack of groundwater supply results in smaller adverse effects (Eamus et al.

2006). Declining productivity and increasing mortality due to excessive groundwater extraction have

been observed in GDEs globally and throughout Australia (Anderson and Mitsch 2008; Cavalcanti

and Graeme Lockaby 2006; Eamus and Froend 2006; Kløve et al. 2011; Nevill et al. 2010; Roxburgh

et al. 2004; Roxburgh et al. 2005).


Information on how vegetation adapts to differences in water availability is critical for

predicting vegetation survival, growth and rates of water-use, which in turn have impacts on site

hydrology (Carter and White 2009; McDowell et al. 2008). The development of species’ response

curves to reduced water availability will significantly enhance our understanding of vegetation water

requirements and will lead to the identification of response thresholds which can be used to quantify

the limits to acceptable reductions in water-resource availability. Such information is a valuable

parameter for characterising water requirements for resource and conservation management (Froend

and Drake 2006).

Comparative analyses of functional traits (for example, wood density, specific leaf area,

Huber value, hydraulic conductivity of sapwood) along rainfall (aridity) gradients have shown strong

correlations between rainfall and trait variation (Buis et al. 2009; Ellis and Hatton 2008; Lane et al.

2000; Taylor and Eamus 2008; Turner et al. 2008; White and Hood 2004). Similarly a number of

studies have compared physiological and morphological adjustment of riparian species in response to

declining groundwater availability arising from groundwater abstraction (Cooper et al. 2003;

Naumburg et al. 2005; Scott et al. 1999; Stromberg et al. 1996). The large majority of such studies

have been conducted in arid and semi-arid regions (Miller et al. 2010; O'Grady et al. 2006b) where

surface water resources are minimal and groundwater dependency is more prevalent. In contrast,

there have been few studies that have looked at differences in vegetation functional traits across a

depth-to-groundwater gradient in mesic environments.

Biomass allocation in plants and its effect on growth involves a trade-off amongst available

resources and their limitation on productivity (McConnaughay and Coleman 1999; Weiner 2004).

Allocation in plants tends to maximise growth rates by partitioning carbon into organs that optimize

harvesting of the resources that limit growth (Aragago et al. 2009; Litton et al. 2007; Newman et al.

2006; Roa-Fuentes et al. 2012; Zerihun et al. 2006). As an index of the allocation between leaves and

stems, the ratio of sapwood area to leaf area (Huber value; HV), is strongly influenced by tree height

(Addington et al. 2006; Ambrose et al. 2010; Bucci et al. 2004; McDowell et al. 2002), water


availability as precipitation (Choat et al. 2005; Choat et al. 2007; Villar-Salvador et al. 1997) or

groundwater supply (Carter and White 2009; Gazal et al. 2006), atmospheric demand for water

(Mencuccini and Grace 1995), climatic conditions (Thomas et al. 2004) and seasonality (Macinnis-Ng

et al. 2004; Zeppel and Eamus 2008). Generally plants occupying drier habitats maintain larger HV

than plants growing in wetter areas (Canham et al. 2009; Choat et al. 2007; Shumway et al. 1991),

although HV in some species is independent of precipitation (Edwards 2006).

Forest productivity can be considered to be one of the most important characteristics of forest

health (Eamus et al. 2013; Rapport et al. 1998). Soil nutrient content (Chapin et al. 1987; Harpole et

al. 2011), water availability (Ford et al. 2008; Pita and Pardos 2001), climate (Tian et al. 1998) and

anthropogenic disturbance are important factors affecting forest productivity and allocation of

biomass (Binkley et al. 2004; Poorter 2001). The production of aboveground biomass is an important

component of total net primary production in forests, especially in ecosystems where water resources

are not scarce. Forest productivity is influenced by species composition, canopy height, stem density,

basal area and leaf area index. Large investment in foliage production and the resulting large LAI

increases light interception and carbon uptake (Bonan 1993; Malhi et al. 2004).

Variation in water availability has strong impacts on productivity and patterns of biomass

allocation in terrestrial ecosystems (Aragago et al. 2009; Ellis and Hatton 2008; Suso and Llamas

1993). Despite extensive literature on environmental controls of net primary productivity (NPP)

(Aragago et al. 2009; Campoe et al. 2013; Harrington et al. 1995; Heisler-White et al. 2008), our

understanding of the response of NPP to differences in depth-to-groundwater is poor. Several studies

of the impact of groundwater depth on structure and productivity have been conducted in riparian

forests and across GDEs in arid and semi-arid regions (Naumburg et al. 2005; O'Grady et al. 2010;

Stromberg et al. 1996) but there are far fewer studies in mesic regions. Mesic regions can be subject

to wide-ranging and long-lasting drought, including the millennial drought of eastern and southern

Australia (1999-2008) and increased forest mortality has been identified globally as the result of


increased severity and frequency of drought (Allen et al. 2010). Thus, even in mesic regions, access

to groundwater is likely to be important to vegetation (and increasingly, for humans too).

This study focused on a comparative analysis of Eucalyptus woodland structure and

productivity across a natural gradient of depth-to-groundwater. The aim was to investigate how

differences in depth-to-groundwater (DGW) influence patterns of growth, productivity and structure

in a mesic, remnant Eucalyptus forest. We hypothesised that (1) above-ground biomass would be

negatively correlated with DGW; (2) above-ground NPP would be negatively correlated with DGW;

and (3) that Huber value would increase with DGW.

Material and methods

Site description

This study was conducted between January 2010 and December 2012 at seven sites located in

remnant Eucalyptus woodland that constitute the Kangaloon bore-field in the Upper Nepean

catchment, 110 km south west of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Fig. 1). Overall there were

four dominant species across all sites: E. piperita, E. globoidea, E. sieberi and E. sclerophylla. These

seven sites were chosen to span a wide range of average depth-to-groundwater: 2.4 m, 4.3 m, 5.5 m,

9.8 m, 13 m, 16.3 m and 37.5 m along an 11 km transect. Within each site, each of two plots covering

an area of 2500 m2 was established in January 2010, from which all measurements were collected.

The study area has an average annual rainfall of 1067 mm (2000-2010, BOM station no.

68243). However, total rainfall received in 2011 and 2012 was 1561 mm and 1188 mm respectively

(46 % and 11 % larger than the long term average). The highest monthly rainfall occurs in February

(average of 186 mm) and the lowest in August (average of 51 mm). Average minimum temperature

occurs in July (2.7 oC) and average maximum temperature in January (24.3 oC) (2000-2012).


Basal area and tree height

Within each plot diameter at breast height (DBH) and plant height (using a clinometer;

Haglӧf Electric Clinometer, HEC; Sweden) were measured for all trees and shrubs larger than one

centimeter in diameter and one meter in height. These measurements were made once at all seven

sites. A scaling relationship between DBH and basal area (BA) was derived for each plot:

BA (m2) = 7.854 10-5 [DBH(cm)]2 (1)

Stem density per hectare was calculated from the count of DBH measurements within the plot area.

The dominant tree species were defined as those that accounted for > 80 % of total tree standing basal


Above-ground biomass (AGB)

Inventory measurements of forest structural characteristics were used to estimate above-

ground biomass (AGB) using the general allometric equations developed by Williams et al. (2005).

Williams et al. (2005) developed two allometric equations from inventory data (one using DBH and

the other using tree height and DBH) to estimate above-ground biomass in Australian Eucalyptus


ln(AGB) = -2.0596 + 2.1561 ln(DBH) +0.1362 ln (H)2 (2)

ln(AGB) = -2.2111 + 2.4831 ln(DBH) (3)

Equation 3 (using only DBH) was included was due to the smaller errors associated with DBH than

height measurements in forests (Montagu et al. 2005).


Leaf area index

Canopy leaf area index (LAI) was measured non-destructively using the digital photography

(Macfarlane et al. 2007). This method applies gap fraction analysis to upward looking digital images

to estimate canopy LAI. Image analysis was conducted using an automated procedure in MATLAB

following Fuentes et al. (2008). Photographs were taken at all seven sites during each of four seasons

across two years. Photographs were taken along a 100 m transect that was centered on a plot’s center

in each site. Transects were sampled every five meters (i.e. 20 images per site), and the camera was

mounted at a height of 1.5 m above the ground. Upward-facing images were leveled to ensure a match

to zenith angle.


Litterfall was collected monthly for two years (December 2010–May 2013) at each of the

seven sites. Thirty-five litter baskets were made from nylon mesh and set in a PVC frame (60 cm

diameter) and mounted 100 cm above the ground surface. Litter was sorted into leaves, woody parts

(stem and branches), bark, fruit, flowers and others (animal and bird remaining or unidentified

materials) following Bray and Gorham (1964) and Binkley et al. (2004). Litterfall mass (kg ha−1) was

estimated from litter that was oven dried to a constant weight.

Above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP)

Above-ground net primary productivity can be estimated from the sum of above-ground biomass

increment, fine litter fall, above-ground losses to consumers, and emission of biogenic volatile

organic compounds (Clark et al. 2001). Above-ground loss to consumers and emission of biogenic

volatile organic compounds are commonly small and neglected in most studies of ANPP (Keeling and

Phillips 2007). In cases where one measurement is unavailable, an estimate of ANPP can be made

using only litterfall and AGB (Murphy 1975, Clark et al. 2001). In the present study, ANPP was

calculated at the seven sites using four combinations of two methods:


1- In a global model, Bray and Gorham (1964) showed that NPP is strongly correlated with total

litterfall. Total ANPP was calculated as 3.1 times total litterfall (Murphy 1975). The global

model for calculating ANPP by Bray and Gorham (1964) provides a more accurate estimate

of ANPP because it was developed and tested across a variety of global ecosystems, in

contrast to most models that were developed for tropical forests and tend to overestimate


2- Clark et al. (2001) developed two logarithmic relationships between AGB increment and

litterfall (r2 = 0.69) or above-ground biomass (r2 = 0.53):

a. AGB increment (Mg ha-1 year-1) = 1.13 ln (fine litterfall ) + 0.57 (4)

b. AGB increment (Mg ha-1 year-1) = 1.05 ln (AGB)-2.91 (5)

Altogether, four combinations of these methods were used to determine ANPP: 1) from

litterfall alone (i.e. 3.1 × litterfall, Murphy 1975) or 2) from AGB increment that was determined from

fine litterfall (Eqn. 4) or AGB that was estimated from 3) BA as a function of DBH and tree height

(Eqns. 2 and 5) or 4) BA as a function of DBH alone (Eqns. 3 and 5). In each case, it was assumed

that 50% of the total dry mass was equal to the carbon content of the plant material (Basuki et al.

2009; Chambers et al. 2001; Clark et al. 2001).

Huber value

The Huber value (HV; m2 m-2) defined as the ratio of sapwood cross sectional area (A sapwood) to

leaf area (Aleaf) was calculated for five branches per tree and three trees per species in each of the


dominant species at each site. Huber value was measured at four sites (2.4 m, 43 m, 9.8 m and 37.5 m

depth-to-groundwater) in summer and winter.

Data analysis

The relationship between each measured trait and DGW was tested using regression analysis.

Two-way analysis of variance was used to test the null hypothesis H0: that LAI, BA, HV, tree height

and stem density did not differ between sites. Pearson correlation was used to determine the

correlation between BA, stem density, tree height and LAI. Analyses were performed using IBM

SPSS STATISTICS version 19, Armonk, NY, USA.


Stand structural characteristics are presented in Table 1. Significantly taller (p< 0.001,

F=107.32) trees (26 m ± 0.66) occupied sites with the three shallowest groundwater depths (2.4 to 5.5

m DGW; Table 1) than sites with deeper water tables (9.8 m or deeper; mean tree height = 15.84 ±

0.20 m). Stand basal area and stem density were similarly significantly (P < 0.001) larger at the three

“shallow” groundwater sites than at the four sites with deeper groundwater (DGW below 9.8 m

depth). Maximum basal area (82 ± 19.2 m2 ha-1) was observed at the shallowest water table site (2.4 m

DGW) while the minimum (18 ± 0.4 m2 ha-1) occurred at the site where DGW was 13 m. There were

significant positive correlations amongst structural traits (BA, maximum tree height, stem density and

LAI) in which the sites with taller tress were associated with larger stem density, BA and LAI (Table


Values of AGB that were calculated with and without tree height (Equations 2 and 3) were

similar at all sites except for the shallowest site, where ABG was much larger using the height × DBH

equation (> 500 Mg C ha-1) than when using the single-factor DBH model (ca. 300 Mg C ha-1; Table

1). All traits (BA, tree height, stem density and AGB) showed a significant step-function decrease

when DGW reached 9.8 m or more. Maximum AGB (363 ± 33 Mg C ha -1; using Equation 3) was


estimated at the 5.5 m DGW site following by 302 ± 85 Mg C ha -1 at site 2.4 m DGW and the smallest

AGB (65 ± 11 Mg C ha-1) was measured at the 13 m DGW site.

LAI at the three shallowest sites was significantly larger than at the four deeper sites (i.e., at

sites where the water table was deeper than 9 m; Fig. 2). Seasonal changes in LAI were minimal at the

four deeper sites, while at the sites with 2.4 and 5.5 m DGW, LAI was smallest during autumn and


The amount of material collected in litter baskets at the site with the shallowest groundwater

(9.10 Mg ha-1 y-1) during the first year of collection (Dec 2010–Nov 2011) was nearly twice as large

as that at the site with the deepest groundwater (4.86 Mg ha -1 year-1). The smallest litterfall collection

was obtained at the site with 13 m DGW (2.59 Mg ha -1 y-1). The relationship between DGW and total

litterfall was very similar across both years: total litterfall declined exponentially with increased DGW

in both the first (r2 = 0.74, p = 0.04, df = 1) and second year of study (r2 = 0.96, p = 0.005, df = 1; Fig.


Figures 4 and 5 show the composition of the monthly litter collections across all sites during

the first and second study years, respectively. Both years followed similar seasonal patterns in rates of

litterfall. More litter was collected during summer than during winter in both years (F = 21.08, p

<0.001, df = 23). The largest amount of litter was collected during the summer of the first year (Dec-

Feb). In the second year the largest litterfall was collected during the latter half of summer and early

autumn (Jan-March). The smallest amount of litter was collected during June 2012 across all sites.

Despite similar seasonal patterns the amount of material that was collected across two consecutive

years was not the same. In spring of the second year (Aug-Nov 2012), the amount of material

collected from all sites was larger than the same period of the first year (up to 2 times larger). Leaves

contributed 57–59% of total material and this did not vary between sites. A significantly larger total

amount of litterfall was collected at the three shallowest sites (F = 32.47, p < 0.001, df =6) than at

sites where the water table was deeper (9.8–37.5 m DGW).


Use of different methods for calculating ANPP resulted in small and inconsistent differences

in ANPP across sites, although the Global model (Bray and Gorham 1964) often produced the

smallest value (Fig. 6). Regardless of the method of calculation, ANPP decreased exponentially as

depth to groundwater increased (r2=0.92, p=0.005, F=24.98) (analysis was conducted on average of

ANPP of the different methods of calculation and for the 5 month period when data from all seven

sites was available; Sep.2010-Jan.2012) (Fig. 7). Results from the site with 4.3 m DGW (first year)

and the 5.5 m DGW site (second year) were not included because a full year of data were not

available at these sites because of damage to the litter baskets. Aboveground net primary productivity

was larger in the first year than in the second year at all sites except for sites with 13 m and 16.3 m

DGW. The largest reduction in ANPP in the second year was at the site with 37.5 m DGW (> 30%

decrease) while the site 2.4 m DGW had a 20% reduction in ANPP in the second year compared to

the first (Fig. 6).

When HV was combined for all species within each site, there were no significant differences

in summertime HV among the dominant species across sites (F= 1.89, 3,267, p=0.01). By contrast in

winter, HV was significantly larger (33% on average) at the two deeper groundwater sites (9.8 m and

37.5 m DGW) than at the two shallower groundwater sites (2.4 and 4.3 m DGW) (F= 8.86, df =

3,267; p< 0.001; Fig. 8). Within site comparisons showed in winter HV was significantly larger for the

two deepest groundwater sites (29% increase at 9.8 m and 33% increase at 37.5 m DGW) compared to

the summer (Fig. 8) while minimal differences between two seasons was observed within two

shallowest groundwater sites. Comparisons of individual species across sites are presented in Figure

9. The largest within-site and between-site variation of HV was in E. sclerophylla and the smallest was

in E. piperita (Fig. 9).


We hypothesised that woodlands would be denser and support more aboveground biomass at

locations where groundwater was shallow as a result of access to groundwater providing refuge from

drought. Consequently, we hypothesised that aboveground productivity would increase with increased


putative supply of groundwater, assumed to be reflected in declining depth-to-groundwater. This

hypothesis was based upon the additional hypotheses that at mesic sites with a large average annual

rainfall of 1046 mm, increased access to groundwater will still exert a positive influence on canopy

structure and hence increased site productivity because this mesic site has many experienced years

with rainfall below average (seven years of the last nine years which ended at the start of the study

period). To test these hypotheses, canopy structure and aboveground productivity were studied at

seven sites across a 2.4–37.5 m gradient in depth-to-groundwater.

Structural characteristics were significantly different between the three shallow sites and the

remaining four sites with deep water tables. These three shallowest groundwater site contained taller

trees, more stems per hectare, larger total tree basal area, larger LAI, smaller H V, larger aboveground

biomass, larger annual rates of litterfall production and consequently larger ANPP than the four sites

with a deeper water table. Furthermore, these characteristics did not change significantly amongst the

three shallowest sites (2.4 m, 4.3 m and 5.5 m). Likewise below 9.8 m, structural characteristics of the

forest varied little with DGW (i.e. reached a minimum plateau). These findings support the main

hypothesis of this study, namely that DGW plays a key role in forest structure and productivity.

The relationship between each of these individual traits and DGW was not a simple negative

linear one. Rather, for all structural traits (LAI, BA, stand density, tree height and litterfall) as DGW

increased beyond approximately 9.8 m depth, there was very little change in the value of any

structural trait. For groundwater depths less than approximately 9.8 m, there was either a step-function

response, most clearly evident in the values of LAI (Fig. 2) but also apparent in the changes in tree

height (Table 1). Alternatively there was a steeply declining, approximately exponential decline in

litterfall, tree density and basal area with increasing DGW across sites. In a comparable study from

semi-arid ecosystem in California, USA, total plant cover increased as depth-to-groundwater

increased; however, contrary to expectation, the shallowest site did not have the largest plant cover

(McLendon et al. 2008), while another study in eastern California, USA found a linear relationship

between plant cover and DGW (Elmore et al. 2006). Negative responses in structural attributes to

increasing DGW have been observed in pine savanna (Ford et al. 2008), Banksia woodlands


(Sommer and Froend 2011), floodplain forest (Horner et al. 2009), multiple sites in the USA

(McLendon et al. 2008) and riparian forest (González et al. 2012).

As annual precipitation increases across the low-to-moderate range, leaf area index

(Danielopol et al. 2003; Ellis and Hatton 2008; Harrington et al. 1995; Jose and Gillespie 1997; Meier

and Leuschner 2008; Pfeifer et al. 2012) and litterfall increase (Chave et al. 2010; Danielopol et al.

2003). Groundwater can provide an additional water resource for terrestrial ecosystems, thereby

resulting in an increased LAI and productivity. Recent studies confirm that GDEs can support

significantly larger LAI (Carter and White 2009; O'Grady et al. 2011) than adjacent ecosystems not

accessing groundwater. Our study showed that LAI at the three shallowest DGW sites was about four

times larger than at sites with deeper groundwater. Thus, significantly larger LAI in the current study

at the three sites with shallower groundwater (i.e., < 9.8 m) supports our conclusion that trees in those

sites had access to groundwater. The response of LAI to declining DGW occurred over a narrow

range of depths. This is in marked contrast to previously published responses that are often linear as a

function of gradients in precipitation (Ellis and Hatton 2008; Lane et al. 2000; Pfeifer et al. 2012).

The sudden decline of the LAI after 5.5 m DGW and minimum change for depth exceeding 9.8 m is

presumed to result from a loss of access to groundwater resources and therefore reflects the maximum

rooting depth of trees in these sites.

There were significant positive correlations amongst BA, height, stem density and LAI. The

tallest trees occupied sites with the largest BA, stem density and LAI. Plant growth is a function of

resource supply and the efficiency in resource use (Binkley et al. 2010; Forrester et al. 2013). Leaf

area index determines light interception by a canopy. Although increased LAI is associated with

increased self-shading (Ackerly and Bazzaz 1995; Anten et al. 1995; Posada et al. 2012) an almost

linear positive relationship between leaf area and light absorption occurs in woodlands and forests

(Campoe et al. 2013; Forrester et al. 2013). Similarly there a strong positive relationship between

light interception and ecosystem productivity in a range of biomes (Forrester et al. 2013; Nunes et al.

2013). As a result of long-term variations in ecosystem productivity, more biomass accumulates at

locations where larger LAI can be supported.


Aboveground biomass (ABG) was calculated from general allometric models (Williams et al.

2005). The general allometric equations, including DBH and height as a predictor resulted in larger

estimates of AGB at the sites with a shallow water table (i.e. < 9.8 m DGW) and smaller estimates of

AGB at sites with deep water table (i.e. > 5.5 m DGW) relative to the one based on DBH solely. This

was due to significant differences in tree height between sites. Regardless of the method of

calculation, AGB decreased sharply between 5.5 and 9.8 m DGW (Table 1) and was significantly

larger at sites where DGW was less than 5.5 m than those at the deeper water table sites, reflecting the

long-term benefits of access to groundwater. Although rainfall in the two study years was larger than

the long-term average, AGB of trees reflects water availability over a much longer time period (the

age of the tree) and therefore in this study, included the effects of a multiple-year drought (the

millennial drought of eastern Australia). .

The range of ANPP estimated in the present study (2.7-7.9 Mg C ha -1 y-1) was similar to

ANPP in other Australian ecosystems (Chen et al. 2003; Coops et al. 1998) and overlaps, at the

shallowest, most productive sites, with tropical rainforests (Chambers et al. 2001). The pattern of

litterfall production and ANPP followed the same step-function responses to increase in depth-to-

groundwater as LAI and AGB. Similarly, positive correlations between water availability and ANPP

are common and can exhibit a step-function (McLendon et al. 2008; Suso and Llamas 1993) or linear

responses (González et al. 2012; Knapp and Smith 2001; Lane et al. 2000), except where flooding

results in decrease in productivity (Cavalcanti and Graeme Lockaby 2006; Megonigal et al. 1997).

Huber value is a species specific trait (Choat et al. 2005; Prior and Eamus 1999; Tyree et al.

1991) that also shows significant intra-specific variation in response to differences in water supply

and evaporative demand (Mencuccini and Grace 1995). Huber values in the current study ranged

between 1.7 at the shallower sites and 3.9 at the deeper sites. This trend is consistent with our

hypothesis and comparable to woodlands and forests elsewhere (Carter and White 2009; Choat et al.

2007; Gazal et al. 2006; Macinnis-Ng et al. 2004; Mokany et al. 2003; Taylor 2008; Zeppel and

Eamus 2008). Larger HV at the drier sites (i.e., sites with deeper groundwater) during the winter

indicate that these trees are unable to sustain a large leaf area or invest less in sapwood than at the


wetter sites because of the less consistent and persistent supply of water at the deeper sites (Carter and

White 2009; Choat et al. 2005; Eamus 1999). Increased HV for evergreen species in winter have been

previously recorded in woodlands in temperate SE, Australia (Macinnis-Ng et al. 2004; McClenahan

et al. 2004; Zeppel and Eamus 2008) and have been explained by (i) increased leaf loss during winter

(Macinnis-Ng et al. 2004) and (ii) increased production of new leaves during spring and summer

(Hatton and Wu Hsin 1995). These are likely to be responses to seasonal changes in irradiance and

temperature (Vertessy et al. 1995). In the present study litterfall declined during winter, suggesting

that the first mechanism was not apparent and seasonal differences in HV were more pronounced at

deeper groundwater sites due to increased production of new leaves in the spring and summer. The

lack of seasonal changes in shallower sites coupled with small HV (Fig. 8) implies that groundwater

was used at these sites because the additional supply of water supported a larger leave production for

a given sapwood area throughout the entire year.

When depth-to-groundwater exceeded about 9.8 m there was very little impact on structural

attributes of woodlands and ANPP. We suggest that this is because of the limit to the depth of rooting

of the trees at our sites (Mata-González et al. 2012; McLendon et al. 2008). As a consequence of trees

losing access to groundwater at the sites with a deep water table, further increases in DGW below the

threshold do not result in any further change in structural traits (Elmore et al. 2006), which along with

productivity are controlled by factors other than groundwater supply (Elmore et al. 2006; McLendon

et al. 2008). A threshold response to depth-to-groundwater of between 5.5 and 9.8 m depth was

apparent in this study such that groundwater can provide a refuge against drought.

In conclusion, we have demonstrated the importance of groundwater depth in influencing

forest structural attributes and productivity in a mesic climate. The strong step-function response of

BA, LAI and ANPP to groundwater depth, which are long-term integrated measures of plant

performance, strongly support the conclusion that groundwater supply influenced woodland structure

and function to a depth of approximately 10 m. Where the depth-to-groundwater was deeper ( >9.8

m), it was unavailable to these woodlands and consequently, further increases in depth did not affect

structural features of these woodlands. Identification of groundwater thresholds from these responses


can be used in the future to identify the limits of drawdown, thereby providing guidance for resource

and conservation management.


This research was supported financially by the National Centre for Groundwater Research

and Training (NCGRT) and the University of Technology of Sydney.


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Figure Legends

Figure 1. Study area and location of site within Australia (top panel) and location of bores (lower panel).

Figure 2. Leaf area index (LAI) as a function of depth-to-groundwater (m).

Figure 3. Total litterfall (Mg ha-1 y-1) as a function of depth-to-groundwater depth (m) in the first (2011, triangles and dashed line) and second (2012, circles and solid line) years. The combined curve (combining both years’ data) is shown in the dotted line.

Figure 4. Monthly total litterfall (Mg ha-1 y-1) collected during year one (Dec. 2010–Nov. 2011) as leaves, branches, bark, flower, fruits and un-identified materials (others). Litter baskets were placed at the 4.3 m DGW site in September 2011.

Figure 5. Monthly total litterfall (Mg ha-1 y-1) collected during year two (Dec. 2011–Nov. 2012) as leaves, branches, bark, flower, fruits and un-identified materials (others). Litterfall collection ceased at the 5.5 m DGW site in February 2012.

Figure 6. Average above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP; Mg C ha-1 y-1) estimated using different methods across a gradient of depth-to-groundwater (m) for two years; A) December 2010–November 2011 and B) December 2011–November 2012.

Figure 7. Average ANPP for a 5 month period when data from all sites were available: Sep 2010-Jan 2012.

Figure 8. Huber value of dominant species across sites during summer (grey) and winter (black). Bars of the same colour (i.e., within the same season) with the same letter were not significantly different.

Figure 9. Huber value of four species across sites. a) E. piperita; b) E. globoidea; c) E. sieberi; d) E. sclerophylla during summer (grey) and winter (black). Bars of the same colour (i.e., within the same season) with the same letter were not significantly different.



Figure 1: Study area; location of site within Australia (top panel) and location of bores (lower panel).


Figure 2: Leaf area index (LAI) as a function of depth-to-groundwater (m). That this is LAI measured at a height of 1.5 m.


Figure 3: Total litterfall (Mg ha-1 year-1) as a function of depth-to-groundwater depth (m) in the first (2011, triangles) and second (2012, circles) years. The combined curve (combining both years’ data) is shown in the black dotted line.


Figure 4: Monthly total litterfall collected (Mg ha-1) during year one (Dec. 2010–Nov. 2011) as leaves, branches, bark, flower, fruits and un-identified materials (others). Litter baskets were placed at the 4.3 m DGW site in September 2011.


Figure 5: Monthly total litterfall collected (Mg ha-1) during year two (Dec. 2011–Nov. 2012) were as leaves, branches, bark, flower, fruits and un-identified materials (others). Litterfall collection ceased at the 5.5 m DGW site in February 2012.


Depth to GW (m)

2.4 4.3 5.5 9.8 13 16.3 37.5



g C

h-1 y-1








Depth to GW (m)

2.4 4.3 5.5 9.8 13 16.3 37.5



g C

h-1 y-1







Estimated from logarithmic relationship between AGB (calculated by both height and DBH) and AGB-incrementEstimated from logarithmic relationship between AGB (calculated by DBH) and AGB-incrementEstimated from logarithmic relationship between litterfall and AGB-incrementEstimated from global model suggested by Bray and Gorham (1964)


Figure 6: Average above-ground net primary productivity (Mg C ha-1 year-1) estimated using different methods across a gradient of depth-to-groundwater (m) for two years; A) December 2010–November 2011 and B) December 2011–November 2012.


Figure 7: Average ANPP of different methods for a 5 month period when data from all sites were available; Sep 2010-Jan 2012.


Figure 8: Huber value of dominant species across sites for summer (grey) and winter (black). Letters above bars indicates the differences between sites in each season.


Depth to GW (m)

2.4 4.3 9.8 37.5


er v



4 )






a a

b b

ab aabb


Depth to GW (m)

2.4 4.3 9.8 37.5


er V


(x 1

04 )






a aa





Depth to GW (m)

4.3 9.8 37.5


er v


(x 1

04 )












Depth to GW (m)

4.3 9.8 37.5H



ue (x


4 )0













Figure 9: Huber value of four species across sites. a) E. piperita; b) E. globoidea; c) E. sieberi; d) E. sclerophylla for summer (grey) and winter (black). Letters above bars indicates the differences between sites in each season.

Table 1: Stand characteristics of the seven sites across the gradient in depth-to-groundwater (stand mean ± SE). Values within a row with

different letters indicate means that are significantly different (p < 0.05).

Stand parameter 2.4 m 4.3 m 5.5 m 9.8 m 13 m 16.3 m 37.5 m

Stand Basal area (m2 ha-1) 82.0 ± 10.2 a 52.4 ± 2.4 a 64.2 ± 0.7 a 23.3 ± 1.5 b 18.4 ± 0.4 b 37.9 ± 8.2 ab 32.6 ± 2.1 b

Max tree height (m) (n = 10) 26.5 ± 1.0 a 26.1 ± 0.5 a 25.2 ± 0.1 a 16.1 ± 0.3 b 14.05 ± 0.1c 16.1 ± 0.07 bc 16.3 ± 0.1 b

Stem density (stems ha-1, stems > 1cm) 2466 ± 101 a 1440 ± 103 b 1455 ± 42 b 648 ± 32 c 673 ± 56 c 692 ± 192 c 809 ± 126 c

AGB (Mg C ha-1)* 535 ± 182 a 245 ± 29 b 348 ± 38 c 96 ± 9 d 56 ± 1 e 152 ± 44 d 117 ± 2 d

AGB (Mg C ha-1) ** 302 ± 85 ab 208 ± 13 b 363 ± 33 a 95 ± 8 c 65 ± 11c 185.3 ± 52 cb 151 ± 15 c

ln(AGB) = -2.0596 + 2.1561 ln(DBH) + 0.1362 ln(H)2

** ln(AGB) = -2.2111 + 2.4831 ln(DBH)

Carbon content was assumed to be 50% of dry mass as was suggested by (Basuki et al. 2009; Chambers et al. 2001; Clark et al. 2001)


Structural trait BA Max





BA (m2 ha-1) r 1


Max tree height (m) r 0.90* 1

P-value 0.005

Stem density (stems ha-1) r 0.94** 0.86* 1

P-value 0.001 0.01

LAI (m2 m-2) r 0.91* 0.98** 0.86* 1

P-value 0.004 0.000 0.01

** correlation is significant at the 0.001 level

** correlation is significant at the 0.01 level

Table 2: Pearson’s correlation (r) matrix of structural traits (BA, max tree height, stem

density and LAI).

