  • 1.Pub 355 Online Marketing for Publishers
    Presented by: Christine Kuo
    What are some easy tools for creating a blog?

2. To Get Started: Sign-Up for an Account
3. Easy Tools for Creating a Blog
Posts (Adding Texts, Images, Videos, Audio, Media or Polls)
Post by e-mail
Importing posts or comments
4. Appearance
There are 104 themes to choose from in WordPress.
5. Posts: Adding Texts, Images, Videos, Audio, Media or Polls
Type your message in the textbox. Press the icons circled in red to add images, videos, audios, media or polls.
6. Post by E-Mail
Locate the blog that you wish to post and click enable
Add the address to your address book by downloading it as a vCard
Go to the dashboard and click on my blogs
7. Post by E-Mail
Use this address to post by e-mail. The e-mail subject is your posts title. The body is the posts contents. After the e-mail post is sent, a notification will be sent to you regarding the details of the post.
8. Importing Posts or Comments
Choose from this list to start importing posts or comments from another blog.
9. Importing Posts or Comments: Blogger
Using Blogger as an example, you can import posts and comments from your Blogger account into your WordPress blog.
A Google account and an upgraded blog hosted on or a custom domain are required.
Get authorization from Blogger.
You may also choose a file on your computer if you have a Blogger export file.
10. Ratings
Choose to have ratings above or below each blog post.
The ratings are below each blog post.
11. Links
Attach links relevant to your company or product.
12. Any Questions?
Thank you for
13. References
