
How would you like to transform the future of YOUR workplace?

What PTHR and the iPractice could do for you

Perry TimmsFounder - i-Practice

Founder & Director - PTHRCIPD Social Media & Engagement Advisor

Visiting Fellow - Sheffield Hallam UniversityPartner:

Ambassador - GiveBackUK @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

“The real focus during the next decade or so needs to be on rethinking our management models—how we

hire, promote, identify leaders, allocate resources, plan, and set direction. We're going to have to look for

some new principles because the old principles that are very deeply baked into our organization—principles

of standardization, specialization, formal hierarchy, unitary command, the use of extrinsic rewards, and so

on—were good principles, but they're all in service of one overarching ideology, which is the ideology of


I think we need an ideological revolution in business. The ideology for the last 100 years has been

"controlism," and the tangible form of that ideology was bureaucracy. As we move from the industrial

economy through the service economy to the knowledge economy, and now the creative economy, the

relative value of control as a source of competitive advantage is going down.”



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el @PerryTimms +PerryTimms @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

Created in February 2014To change the world of work

A global learning community firstBuilt around shared beliefs and values

Assembled around projects & hackathonsCover ALL aspects of People & Org’l Development

From recruitment to exec learning; building better work

Photo by mytoenailcameoff - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by Clauz Jardim - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by apdk - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by cavale - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by chrismar - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by Jon Young UK - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by xavi talleda - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by SketchThisOut - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by marsmet473a - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by eriwst - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

Photo by Roberto_Ventre - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

"The measure of who we are; is what we do, with what we have."

Vince Lombardi , Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

Work Networks Power




DigitalThe Answers?

Imagining and creating better work by being part of a better way to work @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

a new social business model

From recruiting great people through alternative working practices

to leading for the future; and everything in between… @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

What do we mean by an i-Practice?● Not a load of associates coming together around a consultancy - that's merely a

capacity model where someone bids for work; gets it and needs people (they can rely on) to deliver it and the house ALWAYS takes half.

● An i-practice is a new socialised organisational structure. A band of selfies, dabblers, students, carers and entrepreneurs. An uncompany. Where i= independent; interconnected; innovative; interactive; indeterminable; infinite...

● As an i-practice, we share with each other not just work we've got but learning we've done; social capital and networking we have; ideas for the future and a general course of direction.

● We can prove that this kind of activity can be done wherever you are; and it can work BECAUSE you don't work for the same company. Delivery in this model can be proven to be as - if not more - effective than other models.

● There are scaleable elements - we can assemble larger teams dependent on the scale of the project.

● It's a "No Fixed Abode Collection of Hackers, Disruptors and Challengers" not driven by profit but by creating better work - #FFS (Fun; Freedom; Social). @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

How do we make it happen? Who will be involved? What does it mean to us individually? @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

Modelled on new organisational constructs... @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

Keep your own brand; your own clients; your own revenue... @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

Collective intelligence and ideas generation... @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

Shared vision and sense of direction... @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

● Through our Google+ community○ a learning first approach

● Using Asana ○ Project Management App

● By being flexible, agile & creative○ Scaleable on demand

● Using Scrum methodology● Deliverables● Product Backlogs● Project Lead; Scrum Master; Team● Quick-fire catch-ups and Sprint stages● Decisive, adaptive, inventive

● Only having 3 categories of work...● Client Work, ● Research Work, ● Skunk Works

● ...and 3 criteria for success○ Own what you do ○ Love what you do ○ Deliver what you love

how we work...

The world of work is our client; coffee shops are our offices

A band of #selfies, #students, #carers & #dabblers @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

● A range of organisations with unique niches in HR and people development

● Digital, social media, mobile and “gamified” learning● Socialised learning, comms and disruptive innovation● Change and culture consultancy support● Management and specialist skills development● HR-specific skills development● Business simulations and immersive team-building● Employee value proposition/engagement diagnostic● HR professionals peer-learning and networking● Executive development and leadership conferences● Cutting edge psychometric tools● Accredited and accelerated learning● Language of Leadership, coaching and facilitation

Partners @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

Partnerships @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

● Social Media at work● to connect and engage colleagues & customers through use of connecting technologies inside

and outside your organisation covering recruitment; comms; learning & working● Perry is Social Media & Engagement Advisor to the CIPD and built their first ever MOOC: Working Digitally

● Hackathons for work● to innovate; reimagine; and radicalise the work you do through open "ideas-jams"

● Perry is the CIPD/Management Innovation eXchange's "Hacking HR Programme" Guide

● Learning as work● beyond "training" programmes - creating a learning organisation and achieving individual and

collective brilliance ● Perry is an in-demand speaker and consultant to a range of professional L&D journals and conferences

● Leadership that works● new forms of leading and inspiring people

● Perry speaks,writes and consults on new forms of Leadership fit for 21st Century work

● Putting your culture to work● helping you build new structures and organisational flow that lets your culture thrive

and creates a great place to work ● Perry is a recognised voice of influence on new ways to shape organisations

pthr specialities @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

pthr clients (1) @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

pthr clients (2) @PerryTimms +PerryTimms

iPractice Learning Community

iPractice Re:Innovate

iPractice Partnerships

iPractice DigitaliPractice Education

The Future Model


Research & Innovation

Client WorkRevenue Generation

TechnologySkills, Experiments

and Products

Work ReadinessSchool-Business


Thank you – would love to talk some more.

Connect: Create: Change