
Psychology Review

What is Psychology? Unit 1 Review

Psychodynamic Approach

• Behavior is controlled by the unconscious mind

• Id, ego, superego• Freudian slip (of the tongue)

Behaviorist Approach

• Behaviors are acquired through our environment

• We learn behavior from outside influences(nurture)

Humanist Approach

• How we view ourselves (inner feelings)

Cognitive Approach

• The way a Human processes, stores and uses information

• Brain is like a computer

Biological Approach

• Behavior and experiences are caused by activity in the nervous system of the body


• Study of the human skull

Nature v. Nurture

• Inborn v influence

• Nature – Behavior is determined by your inherent genetic structure

• Nurture- Behavior is a result of learning and experience resulting from outside factors

Stream of consciousness

• Flow of thoughts through the mind that can help explain the mind

• William James

Lab experiment (lab observation)

• Behavior as it occurs in lab setting with intervention/control

Field Experiment (naturalistic observation)

• Behavior as it occurs in a natural setting with no attempts at intervention


• A prediction

• A group of subjects who are exposed to the variable being studied

Experimental Group

Control Group

• A group of subjects, close to the treatment group, but not receiving the factor being studied

Independent VariableVariable in a study you have control over

Dependent Variable

• Variable in a study that depends on the IV• what you measure in the experiment and

what is affected during the experiment

• Final judgment or summarization



• Measure of the extent in which two variables are related

• Process of viewing something or someone carefully in order to gain information


What are the goals of Psychology?

• description of behavior using careful observations

• explanation identifying the cause(s) of behavior

• prediction allows for specification of the conditions under which a behavior will or will not occur

• facilitating changes in behavior (e.g., therapy)

Earliest Psychologists

• Plato – Truth can be found in the mind (knowledge in our souls)

• Democritus- the world behaves like a machine which changes because of moving atoms

• Aristotle – knowledge is gained through experience (4 laws)

• • Decartes- Dualism Mind/body seperate

Who is the father of experimental Psychology?

William Wundt

What 2 men are resposible for Behavorism?

• Skinner and Watson

What does Psychology Value today?

• 1. Empiricle evidence• 2. Critical thinking• 3. Systematic research methods

Pavlov’s Contributions

• Studied Classical Conditioning and behaviorism

• Pavlov’s dogs

Freud’s Contributions

• Psychoanalytical study– Id, ego, superego– -learn behavior from childhood– Oedipus complex

Piaget’s Contributions

• Study of child development in stages from birth to adulthood

Watson’s Contributions

• Father of behaviorism• Little Albert Experiment

Maslow’s Contributions

• Hierarchy of needs• Human motivation

Psychologist v Psychiatrist

Difference• Schooling

• Psychologist - psychotherapy, administers psychological tests, and conducts research

• Psychiatrist- can assess patients, diagnose disorders, provide psychotherapy and prescribe medications to patients

Similarities• work with people suffering

from grief, trauma or mental disorders

• conduct psychotherapy and research

• provides therapy services
