
Psychology 302, Quantitative MethodsFrancis Marion University Quiz, Sampling Distributions

1. According to ______ the larger the sample, the closer the sample mean is to the population

mean. (p. 251)

A. Murphy’s lawB. the law of large numbersC. the Hildreth PrincipleD. Simpson’s ParadoxE. null hypothesis

1. According to ______ the larger the sample, the closer the sample mean is to the population

mean. (p. 251)

A. Murphy’s lawB. the law of large numbersC. the Hildreth PrincipleD. Simpson’s ParadoxE. null hypothesis

2. A property of the population is called a: (p. 250)

A. parameterB. polarityC. pooled estimatorD. Probability distributionE. Correlation

2. A property of the population is called a: (p. 250)

A. parameterB. polarityC. pooled estimatorD. Probability distributionE. Correlation

3. We do inferential statistics because the ____ is unknown. (p. 250)

A. parameterB. polarityC. pooled estimatorD. Probability distributionE. skewness

3. We do inferential statistics because the ____ is unknown. (p. 250)

A. parameterB. polarityC. pooled estimatorD. Probability distributionE. skewness

4. The population mean is represented as:

A. σB. MC. PMD. μE. Σ

4. The population mean is represented as:

A. σB. MC. PMD. μE. Σ

5. A sampling distribution is like a frequency distribution except that it consists of: (p. 255)

A. statisticsB. parametersC. meansD. slopesE. ANOVA’s

5. A sampling distribution is like a frequency distribution except that it consists of: (p. 255)

A. statisticsB. parametersC. meansD. slopesE. ANOVA’s

6. The mean of a sampling distribution is equal to the mean of the sample and the standard

deviation of the sampling distribution is equal to: (p. 256)

A. the standard deviation of the sampleB. the square root of the sampleC. the standard deviation of the sample divided by the

square root of nD. the harmonic meanE. all of the above

6. The mean of a sampling distribution is equal to the mean of the sample and the standard

deviation of the sampling distribution is equal to: (p. 256)

A. the standard deviation of the sample

B. the square root of the sampleC. the standard deviation of

the sample divided by the square root of n

D. the harmonic meanE. all of the above

X X N /

7. According to the Central Limit Theorem: (p. 259)

A. the mean of the sample equals the standard deviation

B. the standard deviation cannot be calculated

C. when n is large the sampling distribution is normal

D. when n is small the sampling distribution is normal

E. the standard deviation is used to measure the center

7. According to the Central Limit Theorem: (p. 259)

A. the mean of the sample equals the standard deviation

B. the standard deviation cannot be calculated

C. when n is large the sampling distribution is normal

D. when n is small the sampling distribution is normal

E. the standard deviation is used to measure the center

8. According to the Central Limit Theorem: (p. 259)

A. the sampling distribution is normal even if the population is not

B. the sampling distribution can be normal only if the population is normal

C. the population mean measures the population variance

D. the mean always equals the standard deviation

8. According to the Central Limit Theorem: (p. 259)

A. the sampling distribution is normal even if the population is not

B. the sampling distribution can be normal only if the population is normal

C. the population mean measures the population variance

D. the mean always equals the standard deviation

9. For the sample means, the distribution is ______ the raw score means. (p. 257)

A. less spread out than

B. more spread out than

C. the same as

D. all of the above

9. For the sample means, the distribution is ______ the raw score means. (p. 257)

A. less spread out than

B. more spread out than

C. the same as

D. all of the above

10. Averages are ____ than individual differences.

A. more variable thanB. the same asC. less variable thanD. all of the aboveE. none of the above

10. Averages are ____ than individual differences.

A. more variable thanB. the same asC. less variable thanD. all of the aboveE. none of the above

Bonus question: The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is called:

A. The hypotenuse

B. The level of significance

C. The Range

D. The standard error

E. The correlation coefficient

Bonus question: The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is called:

A. The hypotenuse

B. The level of significance

C. The Range

D. The standard error

E. The correlation coefficient

X X N /

The End

A. 1-b. 2-a, 3-a, 4-d, 5-a,6-c, 7-c, 8-a, 9-a, 10-c
