
Psychology 20Unit 1 - What Is Psychology?

What Is Psychology?definition: Social psychology is the study of thoughts, feelings and behaviours of individuals

further: psychology deals with humaninteraction - the way people relate to one anotherand the way people influence one another

Question: how can studying psychologymake a POSITIVE difference in our lives?

Psychology - making a positive difference

Social psychologists have worked to understand such phenomena as economic depression, attitude formation, racial prejudice, adaptation of immigrants, friendships and relationships, the effects of the Canadian multiculturalism policy, social norms of behaviour, group dynamics, propaganda and conformity, the development of racial identity among native children, conflict resolution, cognitive processes such as memory, attention and problem solving, environmental issues, marital conflicts, addiction and aggression (Alcock et al., 1998, p. 9).

What Influences Human Social Action & Interaction?

Life is what happens to you while you’re making plans ... John Lennon

How is it that human beings have dreams, make plans, feel joy or hunger, fall in love, read and understand this page, or remember events that took place ages ago? 

This question is about the relationship between biology, brain, and behaviour and the answer is at once most simple and most complex.  The simple answer is this.  All of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours originate from basic biological processes – more specfically from the brain.

• What is the biological basis for our behaviour?

•What are the various ‘systems of support’ that influence our behaviour?

- family

- school

- community structures (ex. police)

- health care

- employment opportunities

- cultural values

- political systems

- the law

- economic systems

• In what ways do heredity, experience and/or the systems of support influence how we think, feel and behave?

- Psychologists and biologists have long debated whether interaction with the environment—a person’s family and culture, for instance—is more important than genes in shaping disease, character, and behaviour.

NATURE vs. NURTURENATURE = behaviour comes from your

genesNURTURE = behaviour comes from


- It is becoming more obvious that environment and genes have different degrees of influence, depending on the trait.

Muscle Strength

Music Ability

Academic Intelligence


Activity 4Name some of your traits:★ who did you get them from?★ are they nature or nurture, or both?

Trait Got FromNature/Nurture?

Music Ability My mom ?

• How does gender influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviours?

Gender identity: the classification of ourselves (and others) as male or female, boy or girl, man or women, etc.

Questions:1. Does gender control behaviour? Why do you say that?2. Do people get treated differently based on their sex?3. If you could swap genders, would you?

6 Psychological ‘Perspectives’:

•Psychodynamic Perspective

•Behavioural Perspective

•Cognitive Perspective

•Humanistic Perspective

•Evolutionary Perspective

•Socio-cultural Perspective

Possible ways human thoughts, feeling & behaviours are interpreted:

The Psychodynamic Perspective:Advocates of the psychodynamic perspective believe that behaviour is motivated by inner forces, memories and conflicts that are generally beyond people’s awareness and control.

Sigmund Freud

- the unconscious part of our personality contains infantile wishes, desires, demands & needs ... hidden because of their disturbing nature.

- Psychodynamic perspective developed by S. Freud

- Freud believed that our unconscious is responsible for a good part of our behaviour.- Freud believes we have 3 parts to our personality:1. the id2. the ego3. the superego

- other supporters of this perspective: Erikson & Jung ... what were their ideas?

Freud Documentary Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Id • Ego • Superego• Id - the raw, unorganized, inborn part of the

personality that is present at birth. It represents primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression or irrational impulses: called the ‘pleasure principle.’

• Ego - the part of your personality that is rational & reasonable ... also called the ‘reality principle.’ This part restrains you and allows you to be part of society. Sort of acts like a ‘buffer’ between the Id and the outside world.• SuperEgo - the part of your personality that represents a person’s conscience ... ie. distinguishing between right & wrong. Learned around age 5 or 6 ... learned from parents, teachers, etc.

• in this perspective, people do NOT pass through a series of stages.

The Behavioural Perspective:This perspective suggests that the keys to understanding development are observable behaviour and outside ‘stimuli’ in the environment. If we know the stimuli, then we can predict behaviour!

• we are affected by things in our environment

• famous ‘Behavioural’ psychologists: Watson, Skinner & Pavlov

• famous ‘Behavioural’ theories: Classical & Operant Conditioning

Definitions:Classical Conditioning - learning to associate two stimuli and thus anticipate eventsOperant Conditioning - learning to associate a response & its consequence,

Classical Conditioning

Example #1

Pavlov’s DogPavlov’s Dog

Classical Conditioningcontinued

Example #2

So to review theprevious example:

• bell - neutral stimulus• food - unconditioned stimulus

• Rover salivating - unconditioned response• pairing food repeatedly with bell - classical

conditioning• bell - conditioned stimulus

• salivating to bell - conditioned responseSo in this example:- name the neutral stimulus- name the unconditioned stimulus- name the unconditioned response- when does classical conditioning occur?- name the conditioned stimulus- name the conditioned response

Operant ConditioningExample!

In operant conditioning, Skinner demonstrated that individuals learn to act deliberately on their environments in order to bring about desired consequences.  In a sense, then, people operate on their environment in order to bring about a desired state of affairs.  Reinforcement is the process by which a stimulus is provided that increases the probability that a preceding behaviour will be repeated.  In addition, punishment will decrease the probability that the preceding behaviour will occur in the future (Feldman, 2000, p. 18)

‘Using consequences to form behaviour.’

• in this perspective psychologists hope to understand how children & adults process information, and how their ways of thinking and understanding affect their behaviour (Feldman, 2000, p. 20).

• Psychologist Jean Piaget had the largest impact on creating this perspective.

• From his observation of children, Piaget understood that children were creating ideas. They were not limited to receiving knowledge from parents or teachers; they actively constructed their own knowledge. (Wikipedia, 2010)

The Cognitive Perspective:The cognitive perspective focuses on the processes that allow people to know, understand and think about the world.

• Jean Piaget says that all people pass through a series of developmental stages of ‘cognitive development.’

Videos - Cognitive PerspectiveSensorimotor

birth - 2 yrsPreoperational

2 - 7 yrs

Concrete Operational7 - 11 yrs

Preoperational2 - 7 yrs

Preoperational2 - 7 yrs

Formal Operational12 - ?

The Humanistic Perspective:The humanistic perspective says that people have a natural tendency to make decisions about their lives and control their behaviour. This perspective emphasizes free will.

• Psychologist Carl Rogers suggests that people have a need for positive regard that results from an underlying wish to be loved and respected. (Feldman, 2000, p. 22)

Definitely NOTthe Humanistic Approach!

• Rogers also says our view of ourselves (and our self worth) is a reflection of how we think others view us.

Not the Humanistic Approach!The Humanistic


The Evolutionary Perspective:In this perspective behaviour is strongly influenced by biology, is tied to evolution, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods. Evolutionary approaches grow out of the groundbreaking work of Charles Darwin (Feldman, 2000, p. 22)• Psychologist Konrad Lorenze

discovered that geese are ‘genetically preprogrammed’ to become attached to the first moving object they see after birth.

Duck ‘imprinting’on dog

Bill Lishmanaka - Father Goose

Are humans ‘preprogrammed’to behave certain ways?

The Socio-cultural Perspective:Every person has his or her individual learning history, but each of us is also embedded in a larger culture that helps shape who we are. (Passer, 2008, p. 25)

• definition: ‘Culture’ refers to the values, beliefs, behaiours, and traditions shared by a large group of people and are passed on from one generation to the next. (Brislin, 1993)

• definition: ‘Norms’ are rules that describe what is acceptable and expected for members of a cultural group. (Passer et al, 2008, p. 26)

Assignment:1. Why do human form cultures?2. In two paragraphs, in Microsoft Word describe the ‘Canadian’ culture to an alien who has arrived on earth.3. Make a list of 10 one sentence ‘norms’ that you follow every, or most days.

Making Sense of Our Behaviour

The Scientific MethodPsychology is a science. Science is fundamentally a rational process.  In its simplest form, the rational model consists of four steps: 

(1) formulating a theoretical problem, which is then translated into testable hypotheses

(2) selecting the appropriate research method, and designing and carrying out the study

(3) analyzing and interpreting the results

(4) using the results to confirm, deny or modify the theory (Alcock et al., 1998, p. 17).

Methods of Research:Methods of Research:

1. Experimental Methods2. Interviews

3. Observation4. Case Study

5. Topical6. Survey

Milgram Experiment

Research MethodsHandout questions

1. What are the four steps in the scientific process?2. Name the 6 methods in psychology research ... also, give a one sentence description of each method.3. What does ‘reliability’ mean in relation to research?4. What does ‘validity’ mean in relation to research?5. Briefly explain the 4 ‘ethical issues’ in research.6. Name the 6 ways to make your psychological research more accurate or ‘valid.’

After you watch the movie, in Microsoft Word, type up a three page overview/essay of the movie. • You may use Wikipedia as a reference, but everything MUST be in your own words.• You may quote 3 sentences out of the Wikipedia article.• You must put 4 or 5 pictures from the movie into your essay, using the Microsoft Word ‘text wrap’ feature.• You must outline your essay first. (Mr. Lehrer will help you get going on this.)• Your outline must appear at the end of the essay.• Proofread your essay.• Get a partner to proofread your essay.• Print your essay ... making sure you’ve titled it, and put your name at the top.• You should have two pages of print, in 1.5 spacing using 14 pt font. The pictures will make your essay 2.5 to 3 pages long.

AWAKENINGSBackground Info: Encephalitis lethargica

Four Part Research ActivityPART ONE - AUDIO INTERVIEW

Choose a person in the class to interview.• you will record the interview with your partner,

using the GarageBand software.• you will interview them, and they will interview

you.• you will interview the other person on the topic

of:‘Role Models.’

(With your partner, brainstorm 10 questions you can

ask each other on this topic.)• after you’ve interviewed each other you must ‘transcribe’ EVERYTHING your partner said in

Microsoft Word.Interview FAQ’s

Four Part Research ActivityPART TWO - VIDEO INTERVIEW

• choose a group of two or three• one person in your group will be interviewed on the

a topic of your choice• with your partner(s), videotape a role play of a

situation where a person has gone to see a psychologist.

ex. behaviour, drugs, etc.• get a quick lesson on how to videotape someone WITH


• edit the interview in iMovie• export the finished product as a Quicktime


Three Part Research ActivityPART THREE - SURVEY

In a group of 1, 2 or 3:• create a survey using Survey on a topic listed below:

• Should parents be legally permitted to spank their children? • Should the government be launching a national day care program paid for by taxpayers? 

• Should parents be held accountable in some way for the behaviour of their children?• Should we abolish the military and use the money to fund social programs, (e.g., health and education)?

• What, or who, are the primary influences on you?• Should animals be used for scientific research purposes?

• What are the qualities you most admire in a friend?• Should the legal age to drive a car be raised to 18?

• Should the legal age to consume alcohol be raised to 21?• Do you agree with euthanasia (mercy killing)?

• Do you think we should reinstate capital punishment?• Do you believe in fate?

• What is the most important human value?• What is the most important quality in a parent?• If you could swap genders, would you? Why?

• Is it right to steal life-saving medicines that you cannot afford?• Should you tell the police if your best friend committed a crime?


• email your survey to each member of our class

Four Part Research ActivityPART FOUR - OBSERVATION

(‘naturalistic’ observation)

In naturalistic research, the observer does not intervene at all.  For all intents and purposes, the researcher is invisible and works hard to not interrupt the natural dynamics of the situation being investigated.• choose a location to do a ‘naturalistic’

observationex. the mall food court, your kitchen table,

your family room, volleyball game, etc.• trying to be as ‘invisible’ as possible, do a ‘naturalistic observation for exactly 10

minutes• write down EVERYTHING you observe

• practice: Mutch Hall (5 min.)
