

PSYC 120 General Psychology

Spring 2013 Lecture 26: Treatment

Dr. Bart Moore [email protected]

Office hours Tuesdays 11:00-1:00 Office location: 1030G

Bottle rock?

•  Furthur,

•  The Black Crowes,

•  Primus,

•  Kings of Leon,

•  ALO,

•  The Violent Femmes,

•  Joan Jett,

•  Blues travler,

•  Jane’s Addiction,

•  Bad religion

Antisocial Personality Disorder

•  Psychopath or Sociopath (subgroup)

–  Don’t feel guilty

–  Law-breaking

–  Exploitation of others

–  Irresponsibility

–  Deceit

•  Must be evident before age 15

Antisocial Personality Disorder


Borderline Personality Disorder

•  Instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotions

•  Impulsivity

•  Starts early in life

•  Often self-harm and suicide


Questions? Material? Course business?

Practice Question

What is psychology?



Practice Question

OCD and phobias are part of what class of psychological disorders?


Practice Question

What tool is indispensible for diagnosing mental illness?


Psychological treatment: outline

•  Biological Therapies

•  Psychotherapy

•  Sociocultural Approaches

•  The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy

Biological treatments

•  Intended to directly alter the brain’s chemistry or physiology

•  Types of biological treatments:

–  Drug Therapy

–  Electroconvulsive Therapy

–  Surgery


Drug Therapy

•  The use of medications to treat psychological problems

•  Psychotherapeutic drugs used mainly in . . .

–  Anxiety disorders Antianxiety drugs

–  Mood disorders Antidepressant drugs

–  Schizophrenia Antipsychotic drugs

•  A medication for almost every problem!

–  But perhaps not for every person

Antianxiety Drugs

•  Aka “Tranquilizers”

•  Benzodiazepines (‘Ben-zo-di-az-a-peens’) (‘benzos’) –  Relatively fast acting –  Side effects include drowsiness, loss of coordination,

birth defects –  Are somewhat addictive

Antidepressant Drugs

•  Regulate mood

•  Tricyclics

• Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Inhibitors

•  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) –  Prozac, zoloft, paxil,

•  Lithium –  Solid element used to treat bipolar disorder

•  Influences neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinepherine (NE)

Antidepressant Drugs: SSRI


Antipsychotic Drugs

•  Neuroleptics

–  Block dopamine’s action in brain

–  Side effects include . . .

• Dysphoria Lack of pleasure

• Tardive Dyskinesia Movement disorder

•  Atypical Antipsychotic Medications

–  Lower risk of side effects

–  Block reuptake of serotonin

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

•  Induces seizure

•  Used primarily to treat severe depression

•  Patient receives anesthesia and muscle relaxants

•  Controversial


•  Removal or destruction of brain tissue •  Irreversible

•  Prefrontal Lobotomy –  Severing of fibers connecting frontal lobe with


•  Actual effectiveness questioned •  Ethical concerns

•  Deep brain stimulation

Are drugs the only way?

•  Psychotherapy also leads to changes in the brain

–  In the same and different areas of the brain

•  Medication is quick and cheap

–  Not necessarily the best option

•  Biopsychosocial Model

–  Drugs only address “BIO”


Pharmacology + Therapy Psychotherapy

•  Nonmedical process that helps individuals recognize and overcome their problems

•  Approaches include . . .

–  Psychodynamic

–  Humanistic

–  Behavior

–  Cognitive

Psychotherapy: Who? Where would the New Yorker be without psychoanalysis?


Behavior Therapies

•  Use principles of learning to reduce or eliminate maladaptive behavior

•  Classical Conditioning Techniques

–  Systematic Desensitization

–  Flooding

–  Aversive Conditioning

•  Operant Conditioning Techniques

–  Applied Behavior Analysis

The treatment of phobias: Systematic desensitization

•  Steps of systematic desensitization

1.  Teach patient relaxation techniques in neutral circumstances

2.  Help patient construct an anxiety hierarchy

3.  Move stepwise through hierarchy, either through imagination or in real life

Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

•  Combination of . . . –  Cognitive therapy Reducing self-defeating thoughts

–  Behavior therapy Changing behavior

•  Self-Instructional Methods –  Teaching to modify own behavior

–  Using reinforcing self-statements to take positive steps

Sociocultural Approaches & Issues

•  Individual as part of social system of relationships, influenced by social and cultural factors

• Group Therapy

•  Family and Couples Therapy

•  Self-Help Support Groups

•  Community Mental Health

•  Cultural Perspectives on Therapy


Effectiveness of Psychotherapy

•  Research Psychotherapy works.

•  Meta-analysis

–  Statistical combination of results of different studies

•  No one therapy significantly better than others

•  Therapy benefits during first 6 months
