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Page 1: Prototype and Test Ideas

Stakeholder NEEDS A WAY TO

Need (verbs) BECAUSE InsightYoung professional, who looks forward to starting her adult life, trying to implement changes to her life-style, likes to have control over situations, lives a healthy lifestyle because she is afraid to get old, feels she has to take care of people.

She needs to incorporate more of her interests, which she has neglected while she was at school, in her new routine

She feels that she has more time now to explore these and has neglected them for too long.

Idea Selection:

i. the most practical idea

Dedicate a specific one day of the week to each interest. This idea doesn’t require any fancy gadgets just a willing participant.

Prototype 1 is a simple spinner. The user spins it and the outcome of the spin is the activity for Monday and so on. There is a lot of flexibility here. The user may just choose to spin each day and be surprised as to what the activity of the day is. They may also do this weekly. I’m sure that there are many possibilities here.

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User feedback on Prototype 1:

What worked:

- It works if I have 8 activities but don’t know what I want to do first. A perfectly valid way of choosing activities.

What would be improved:

- nothing




Tried and true method for people who don’t know what they want to do.

ii. the most disruptive idea Get the skills/experiences offered by your interests immediately by downloading them directly to your brain. This is available via wireless connection to the cloud based resource.

I did not prototype this idea.

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iii. your favorite idea Approach Netflix to create and interest profile for you. You would be able to choose an activity of your interests and set preferences of how you liked it, if you want to do it less or more. You could choose from video instructions or Netflix would schedule a visit or an appointment for you with a trainer of your choice. You could also choose a holographic personality based on experts that are no longer living (example learn to dance from Ginger Rogers or learn history of Egypt from Cleopatra through fully holographic environment). Activity suggestions would be purely based on your ‘viewing’ pleasure. Your activities outside of this may be recorded and stored for future use. Your preference may also include subliminal messages to encourage you to the activities that you don’t quite enjoy, but require these to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Prototype 2 – is the idea based on Netflix like strategy to choosing activities. The below describes the basic idea. Of course, there are many fine details missing in this concept drawing.

User feedback on Prototype 2:

What worked:

It didn’t work for me because this activity

What would be improved:

- Nothing. You did not come up with

Page 4: Prototype and Test Ideas

is a sales related activity. The wireframes do not work for me. The choice would be based on how “attractive” the activity looks from sales perspective.

anything new here. I get what you were trying to do.



