  • 8/7/2019 Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955


    The Protection of

    Civil Rights Act, 1955

  • 8/7/2019 Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955



    Whole of India [Sect. 1 (2)]

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    An Act to prescribe punishment for the

    preaching and practice of

    untouchability, for enforcement of

    any disability arising therefrom and

    for matters connected therewith.

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    Brief Introduction

    Background of untouchability.

    Varna System, Social Stratification.

    Caste System, Division of Indian Society.

    BhaktiMovement, Social Reform Movement. Man must be known & recognized by his actions

    and not by his caste.

    Government of India Act, 1935, List of Schedule

    Caste, Role ofGandhi & Ambedkar. Universal Deceleration of Human Rights, 1948.

    Indian Constitution, 1950 (Article 14, 17 & 21).

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    Article 17

    Untouchability is abolished & its

    practice in any form is forbidden. The

    enforcement of any disability arising

    out of untouchability shall be an

    offence punishable in accordance with


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    Important Definitions

    Civil Rights (Section-2A)

    Means any right accruing to a person

    by reason of abolition of untouchability

    by Article 17 of the Constitution.

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    Important Definitions


    Not defined in the Act.

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    Important Definitions

    Schedule Caste

    Has the meaning assigned to it in

    clause 24 of Article 336 of the

    Constitution read with Article 341.

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    Article 341 Schedule Castes

    1. The President may with respect to any State orUnion territory, and where it is a State, afterconsultation with the Governor thereof, by publicnotification, specify the castes, races for tribes orparts of or groups within castes, races or tribes

    which shall for the purposes of this Constitutionbe deemed to be Schedule Castes in relation tothat State [Union territory, as the case may be].

    2. Parliament may by law include in or exclude fromthe list of Scheduled Tribes specified in a

    notification issued under clause (1) any tribe ortribal community or part of or group within anytribe or tribal community, but save as aforesaid anotification issued under the said clause shall notbe varied by any subsequent notification.

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    Mangala Parashram Kelkar vs State of

    Maharashtra (AIR 1979, Bom. 282)

    A Buddhist or one professing Buddhism

    does not belong to theS


    astewithin the meaning of the Act.

    Untouchability is specific to Hindu

    religion. Protection ofCivil Rights Act,

    1955 would not be available to aBuddhist.

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    Important Definitions

    Place ofpublic worship (Section 2 D)

    Means a place which is used as a place of

    public religious worship and include-

    All land and subsidiary shrines

    attached to such place of worship &

    A private owned place of worship used

    as a place of public worship.

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    Offences Section 3 - Punishment for enforcing

    religious disability.- Whoever.

    - On the ground of untouchability.

    - Prevents any person from -

    Entering any place of public worship

    which is opened to other person of thesame religion or

    Worshipping/offering prayer/ performingreligious services in any place of publicworship or

    Bathing in or using water of sacred tank,spring, well, river or lake in the same

    manner as permissible to other persons ofsame religion

    - Punishable with 1-6 months imprisonment &fine of Rs 100-500.

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    Explanation to Section 3

    For the purpose of Section 3 & 4 of the

    PCR Act, 1955, Buddhist, Sikh or Jain

    religion or person professing Hindu religion

    in any form or development includingVirashavais, Lingayats, Adivasis, Followers

    of Brahmo, Prarthana, Aryasamaj &

    Swaminarayan Sampraday shall be

    deemed to be Hindus.

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    OffencesSection-4 Punishment for enforcing social disability.

    - Whoever- On the ground of untouchability

    - Enforces any disability

    - Against any person, with regard to

    i. Access to any shop, public restaurant, hotelor place of public entertainment or

    ii. The use of any utensils, and other articleskept in any public restaurant, hotel,dharamshala, sarai or musafirkhana for the

    use of the general public or any sectionthereof or

    iii.The practice of any profession or the carryingon any occupation, trade or business oremployment in any job or

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    v. The use of, or access to, any river, stream,spring, well, tank, cistern, water-tap or otherwatering place, or any bathing ghat, burial or

    cremation ground, any sanitary convenience,any road, or passage, or any other place ofpublic resort which other members of the publicor any section thereof have right to use or have

    access to or The use of, or access to,any place used for a charitable or a publicpurpose maintained wholly or partly out ofState funds or dedicated to the use of thegeneral public, or any section thereof or

    vi. The enjoyment of any benefit under acharitable trust created for the benefit ofthe general public or any section thereofor

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    v. The use of, or access to, any publicconveyance or

    vi. The construction, acquisition, oroccupation of any residential premises inany locality, whatsoever or

    vii. The use any dharamshala, sarai or

    musafirkhana which is open to the generalpublic or to any section thereof or

    viii. The observance of any social or religiouscustom, usage or ceremony or taking partin, or taking out, any religious, social orcultural procession or

    ix. The use of jewellery and finery.

    - Punishable with 1-6 monthsimprisonment & fine of Rs 100-500.

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    State of Karnataka v. Appa Ballu Ingale

    1993 Cr. L. J. 1029 (SC)

    Restraining Harijans from taking waterfrom a well on the ground that they wereuntouchable is an offence u/s 4 of PCRA1995

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    State of Karnataka v. Annappa

    1992 Cr. L.J. 158 (Karnataka)

    Court is oblige to pass the statutoryminimum sentence of imprisonment inaddition to statutory minimum stentence offine where it is found that a person is

    guilty of an offence u/s 4 of PCRA 1995

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    Section-5 Refusing to admit a person to hospital etc.

    - Whoever

    - On the ground of untouchability -

    Refuses admission to any person to any

    hospital, dispensary, educational institution& hostel meant for general public.

    Does any Act which discriminates against

    any such person after admission to above

    said institutions.

    Punishable with imprisonment 1-6 months

    and fine Rs. 100-500.

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    Section-6 Refusing to sell goods or render services

    - Whoever

    - On the ground of untouchability -

    Refuses to sell any goods or render any

    service to any person at the same time andplace and on the same terms and conditions

    on which such goods are sold or services

    are rendered to other persons in ordinary

    course of business.

    Punishable with imprisonment 1-6 months

    and fine Rs. 100-500.

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    OffencesSection-7 Other offences arising out of


    - Whoever

    Prevents any person from exercising any rightaccruing to him by reason of abolition ofuntouchability under article 17 ofConstitution.

    Molests injures annoys, obstructs or causes orattempt to cause obstruction to any person inthe exercise of any such right or molests injuresannoys or boycotts any person by reason of hishaving exercise any such right or

    By words, either spoken or written, or by signs

    or by visible representation or otherwise incitesor in courage person or the public generally topractice untouchability or

    Insult or attempt to insult on the ground ofuntouchability, a member of schedule caste

    Punishable with imprisonment 1-6 months and fineRs. 100-500.

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    Section-7A Unlawfull compulsory labour when to bedeemed to be a practice of untouchability.

    - Whoever

    - On the ground of untouchability - Compels any person to do scavenging or

    sweeping or remove carcass or any other

    job of similar nature etc.

    Punishable with imprisonment 3-6 monthsand fine Rs. 100-500.

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    Special Procedures


    1. Cancellation or suspension of

    licenses if convicted for an offenceu/s 6 (License in respect of any

    trade, profession)

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    Special Procedures


    2. Suspension or resumption of whole or any

    part of grant of land or money to amanager or trustee of place of publicworship if the manager or trustee isconvicted of an offence under the PCRA.

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    Special Procedures


    3. Abetment is punishable with the

    punishment provided for the offence.

    Expl. A public servant who willfully neglectsthe investigation of any offence under the

    PCRA shall be deemed to have abetted

    an offence punishable under this Act.

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    Special Procedures


    4. Power of state government to impose

    collective fine if inhabitants if an areaare committing offence under the


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    Special Procedures


    5. Enhanced plenty for subsequentconviction.

    2nd offence six month to one yearand fine 200-500 Rupees.

    3rd offence 1-2 year and fine 500-1000 Rupees.

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    Special Procedures


    6. Presumption where any an offenceunder this Act is committed against a

    member of schedule caste, the courtshall presume that the offence wascommitted on the ground ofuntouchability, unless the contrary is


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    Special Procedures


    7. No Civil Court shall pass any decree

    or order if the execution of suchdecree or order in any way would be

    contrary to the provisions of this Act.

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    Special Procedures


    8. Protection of action taken in good


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    Special Procedures


    9. Offence to be cognizable and triable


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    Special Procedures


    10. Duty of state government to ensure

    that the rights accruing from abolitionof untouchability may be availed by

    concerned persons.

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    Special Procedures


    11. Act to override other

    laws/customs/usage or any decreeof any court or other authority.

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    Special Procedures


    12. Probation of Offenders Act 1958 not

    to apply to persons above the age of14 years.

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    Special Procedures


    13.Power to make rules-

    Central Government.

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    Special Procedures


    14.Repeal 21 legislations relating to

    untouchability enacted by variousstates.

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