
Protection From Summer Infections

Protection From Summer Infections

“Summers hold the risk of bacterial, parasitic and viral infections”

Summer comes with many risks like dehydration, sunstroke and gastro enteric infections. No matter

how much protection one takes to not get affected by the heat, the humid and hot days have an effect.

Many people forget to take care of themselves in the heat because of day to day pressures.

Summers hold the risk of bacterial, parasitic and viral infections that are usually spread by unhygienic

water and food and mosquitoes. These infections can be easily avoided by eating healthy and taking

simple precautions before stepping out into the sun.

Infections Caused

Bacteria grow faster in warm weather because of which food gets spoiled much faster when left

in the open. When consumed, it leads to food poisoning. Also be careful before drinking water

from any source as it can cause diarrhoea and serious stomach infections like Typhoid, cholera

and Hepatitis A.

Excessive sweating leads to fungal infections cause rashes, irritation and itching. Wearing lose,

cotton clothes helps absorb the sweat.

Skin infections like cellulitis and boils are also very common during the summers and cause a lot

of discomfort.

Fever, sore throat and respiratory tract infections also affect a person in the summers.

Sunburns and blisters should be treated with care, visit a dermatologist at Apollo Clinics for

management and care for these conditions before it gets worse and causes complications.


Avoid food poisoning by maintaining proper hygiene like washing hands often, cleaning tables

and using clean utensils.

Avoid infection through stale food especially dairy products, raw salads and fermented


WHO recommends typhoid and cholera shots to prevent gastro enteric infections available at

the nearest Apollo Clinics.

Avoid getting too close to people as a number of infections spread via respiratory routes.

Do not share food or drinks with others to decrease the risk of infection.

Do not use strong perfumes or soaps as smells attract mosquitoes and this increases the chance

of getting bitten.

Keep mosquito repellent handy when going out at night.

Keep your neighbouring locality garbage free without any stagnant water body around which

any parasites and bacteria breed.

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