Page 1: Pros and Cons of Technology

Pros and Cons of Technology The Pros and Cons of Technology… Yeah, there are quite a lot of them. I find myself using technology on a daily basis. It makes my life easier. I can video chat with my co-workers, use my smart phone for directions, use software to help streamline our business processes. Heck, I run a technology company and create technology and software services such as Daily Deal Software, CRM Software, Social Networking Platforms, School Platforms, etc. Our software makes life easy for many people :: and that is cool.I also find myself screaming “I hate technology” on a semi-regular basis… We are going to uncover just a few of the pros and cons that technology brings us in the 21st century… Increased Productivity PRO – The use of technology, specifically smart phones and mobile devices has dramatically increased productivity. Yes, even in the restrooms. I can wake up and from the comfort of my own bed, pull out my iPad and clear through emails. I typically don’t have to commute to the office and so by the time I get out of bed it is almost as if I have worked half a day already. CON – Although our productivity has seemingly dramatically increased, we have become reliant on on technology to accomplish certain tasks. Do you remember your friends phone numbers anymore? The fact the about 22% of our time spend online is on social media sites – is also cause for alarm. Not to mention the hundreds of time-sucking technology games that are available for free all over the web… Less Workforce & Higher Profits PRO – Many times jobs that previously required actual living humans to run can now now be automated by the use of technology, further reducing costs. Technology driven sites allow us to be incredibly efficient at in-sourcing, outsourcing, and crowdsourcing. Technology, software, and automation also allows certain jobs and activities to be completed much quicker :: thus reducing costs :: thus raising revenues and profits.

Page 2: Pros and Cons of Technology

CON – Many times jobs that previously required actual living humans to run can now be automated by the use of technology, further reducing jobs and causing an increase in layoffs. Communication & Sharing PRO – Communication is incredibly easy now a days with the use of web services, software, technology, and smartphones. Back in the older days before the technological revolution, people would send snail mail (yes, physical mail using the postal service). Now a days we can get in touch with just about anyone at the touch of a button via; phone, e-mail, G-chat, Instant messenger, Twitter, Fax, LinkedIn, Google Plus, video chat, Skype, etc… The increase in communication also allows remote work-force employers have instant access to staff from mobile phones, web cams, iPads, and lap tops. CON – I am quite sure you have been in my same shoes when you get the feeling that you are way to connected. At times, I don’t want to be able to be reached in an instant. At times, I don’t want to have instant access to my email. At times, you may not want your employer to be able to get in touch with you. You may not want your GPS to always know where you are. I have met multiple people who have had their relationships ruined by Facebook. People posting pictures of things they weren’t supposed to be doing can get you in to trouble. Employers check Facebook profiles and view pictures and have the ability to discover all sorts of secrets about your personal life. Business Potential and Job Creation PROS - There are thousands of technology and software companies that exist today. Our company, HC Consulting Group, focuses on providing technology to the daily deal industry, entrepreneurs, school systems, and SMB’s (Small to Midsized businesses). New job creation and money creation is on the up and up because of the ever growing potential for new technology, software, and internet ventures. CONS – Developing technology is a skillful art. It takes time, persistence, and a new skill set of knowledge that not many educational facilities are teaching properly. Many times, I want to simply pull my hair out when technology and software goes offline and has bugs in it.The list of advantages, and disadvantages that technology brings to the table literally can go on and on and on and on… This just scrapes the surface.