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Page 1: Props, Costumes and Actors

CostumesI chose these costumes for my armed robbers as these colours are

stereotypical colours for action movies. Black has connotations of being authoritative and powerful. I also chose all of these costumes as they are all very unisex items of clothing, as the main part of suspense in my film is that the armed robbers are female so it does not give any hints away about the gender of the robbers until they take off their balaclavas after the robbery. I chose the balaclava, as it is an essential item used in a robbery to hide the real identity of the robbers, it is used in very successful action productions such as: The Business (2004) and The Great Train Robbery (2013). It proved very successful in these and it is something I think will make my film a success.

The police detective who catches the armed robbers will be wearing a suit as they will be a senior member of the police form to the extent that they will not have to wear the police uniform but can wear a suit.

Page 2: Props, Costumes and Actors


Shotgun x4

The police badge will be use to signify that the man in a suit is in fact a police detective, it will also show his authority because he has power being a police officer.

Each of the armed robbers will have a shotgun to pose a threat to the individuals at location in which they will be robbing. They are also a key aspect to an armed robbery.

I am going to borrow a white van from my father as it will be the getaway vehicle for the armed robbery, the windows in the back of the van are important to the film as it will let in some natural light to my shots making it look more realistic for the shots in the van rather than having artificial lighting.

I am using a black duffle bag for the bag that the money is being collected in whilst the robbery is taking place as it is large and sturdy which could hold a lot of money in.

Page 3: Props, Costumes and Actors


Phoebe Gibson- Armed Robber #1 Leah Fenegan- Armed Robber #2 Ellie Pearcy- Armed Robber #3 Mary- Anne Upson- Armed Robber #4 Receptionist- Thomas Atkinson Driver- Alan Haskell Policeman- Fergus CrichtonI chose the actors in this film for these roles as they have all had some form of acting experience and I feel that they would specifically suit these roles really well. I also chose Alan Haskell for the role of the driver as he has around 17 years experience driving HGV vehicles so he would be able to drive the van.