  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    1This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    October 13, 2014

    Michigan State Board of EducationATTN: Mr. John C. Austin, Board President608 W. Allegan StreetP.O. Box 30008

    Lansing, MI 48909

    Dear Mr. Austin and members of the State Board of Education:

    Ray and Associates, Inc. is fully capable of meeting all the requirements of the RFP issued October 7 th

    2014. We clearly understand the search process that is necessary for the state department oeducation to follow to be successful. In fact, we very typically receive more fully completedapplications for the clients we represent than any other search firm in the country.

    As Im sure you are aware, the selection of state superintendent will be one of the most importanttasks your State Board of Education will perform. The boards success in the search process will affectyour State Department of Educations programs for years to come. It is extremely important to findthe right fit for the department. Ray and Associates has recently conducted the state superintendent

    of public instruction search for the Ohio Department of Education, state superintendent search for theWest Virginia Department of Education, Mississippi Department of Education and Wyoming Departmentof Education, the executive director search for the Oregon School Boards Association and previouslyassisted the Florida Department of Education and Rhode Island Department of Education with theircommissioner of education searches. Our firm has also conducted educational leadership searches fothe Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, Arizona School Boards Association, Broward County Schools,Florida; Santa Clara County Office of Education, California and Milwaukee Public Schools, Wisconsin toname a few.

    Ray and Associates, Inc. is a national search firm that is uniquely equipped to assist you in theselection of a state superintendent who meets your particular needs and qualifications. We will notonly advertise, but also actively recruit potential candidates that will meet the criteria established by

    your board, including women and minorities. Most other consultants do not seek out candidates for aposition as we do for our clients. With our extensive national associate base, Ray and Associates, Incwill be able to recruit quality candidates from around the country as well as within the state. We haveoften found excellent in-state candidates, who would not otherwise have applied for the position due toa possible conflict of interest with a state or local firm. Our professional, objective procedures allow usto attract, process, and screen the most successful candidates for a State Superintendent position. Youwill also find our system is flexible, which allows us to customize the search to meet the desires of theboard.

    Executive Plaza Building4403 First Avenue SE, Ste 407Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

    Leaders in Executive Searches

    Phone: 319-393-31Fax: 319-393-49

    Email: [email protected]:

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    2This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    Our partnership with Quinn and Associates provides a state presence being Michigan-based. Dr. Tim Quinnhas been recognized nationally as a pioneer in superintendent preparation, coaching and support. In 1998he founded the Michigan Leadership Institute and the SUPES Academy, which convened for the first time in2000. Today, more than half of Michigans school superintendents have received leadership preparationthrough the SUPES Academy. In 2002, he was contracted by The Broad Foundation of Los AngelesCalifornia, to serve as the founding Managing Director of The Broad Center for Superintendents and theBroad Superintendents Academy. This Academy focused on preparing leaders across America for thesuperintendency of our nations largest and most challenging urban districts.

    Ray and Associates, Inc. firm has exhibited at the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and theAmerican Association of School Administrators (AASA) for over thirty-eight years. This year the firmwill exhibit and present at numerous state school board associations. Exhibiting and presenting atthese state and national organizations allows the firm to meet and recruit outstanding administratorsfor our clients.

    It is our goal to make the selection process professional, efficient, and successful to assure yourcomplete satisfaction with our services. It is quite common for a board to be concerned about thequality of candidates who might be available in todays chief executive officer market. Outstandingadministrators will need to be recruited regardless of the time of year or the position needs to be filled

    because many of these school leaders already have good jobs. We feel that our firm can be verysuccessful in attracting candidates that will meet or exceed your expectations. With a consulting firmof over one hundred sixty (160) associates located nationwide, Ray and Associates, Inc. and Quinn and

    Associates will be able to develop the most comprehensive pool of candidates of any executive searchfirm in the country.

    We will strive to provide the Michigan State Board of Education with the best match possible based onwhat we learn in our extensive interaction with the board and key players in the search. It is ourdesire to activate our network in your behalf to locate individuals that can effectively assume the statesuperintendent position.

    We welcome the opportunity to make a presentation of our services at your convenience. If you haveany further questions or comments regarding the enclosed information, please do not hesitate tocontact our Cedar Rapids office at 319-393-3115.


    Gary L. RayPresident

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    3This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.



    Work and Deliverables ............................................................................................. 1

    Proposal Response Requirements ............................................................................. 2

    Pricing .................................................................................................................... 2


    Company Contact Information .............................................................................. 3

    Business Owned by Qualified Disabled Veteran................................................... 17

    Experience with the State of Michigan ............................................................... 17

    Gross Annual Sales Summary ............................................................................ 19

    Experience ....................................................................................................... 20

    Strategic Relationships ...................................................................................... 21

    Principal Place of Business ................................................................................ 21

    Standard Contract ............................................................................................ 21

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    4This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.




    We understand and are prepared to meet the criteria and activities listed a-h on the RFPissued on October 7th, 2014 by the State of Michigan.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    5This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.


    The search and recruitment strategy that will be used to meet the requirements

    identified in Section B, Work and Deliverables. The strategy must identify the

    project management process; project breakdown identifying project and sub-project tasks, and resources required; expected frequency and mechanism for

    updates/progress reviews; process for addressing issues and changes; and

    individuals responsible for receiving and reacting to requested information.

    Vendors Response:



    STAGE 1-BOARD INPUT AND PREPARATION1. Customize the search process to meet the needs and expectations of the Michigan State

    Board of Education.

    2. Conduct individual state board member interviews to assess the boards priorities, goals andobjectives to aid in the development of the criteria and qualifications for the statesuperintendent position.

    3. Work with the state board to establish a timeline that lists each step in the search process.

    4. Discuss with the board the requirements and salary range for the state superintendentposition.

    5. Work with the Michigan State Board of Education staff and those selected by the board inthe development of an accurate informational flyer and online application form. If desired,our office staff has the experience and capability to create the districts promotional flyerThe printing of the flyer will be the responsibility of the department of education.

    6. Provide sample letters to be used by the Michigan State Board of Education in itscorrespondence regarding the vacancy.

    STAGE 2-PROFILE DEVELOPMENT AND PROCESS7. If desired, provide a proven consensus building mechanism for obtaining input from various

    stakeholders and the board. In addition, our firm has the resources to offer an onlinesurvey option. We will provide a link to the survey to post on the departmentswebsiteThe consultants will receive and organize all input data and then report the results to theboard.

    8. Provide the board with cost saving options to minimize expenses by utilizing Skype

    conference calls or gotomeetings to reduce paper copies, travel expenses and shippingcosts.

    9. Develop all required forms for the application and screening process.

    STAGE 3-RECRUITING AND SCREENING10. Conduct all aspects of the recruitment process on a statewide, regional and national basis

    as follows:

    Notify all associates to actively recruit potential candidates. Contact individuals in our firms database whose interests match the departments criteria.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    6This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    Actively recruit applications from qualified individuals. Solicit nominations from knowledgeable people in the profession. Contact other professional consultants in private and public sectors. Discuss with all candidates the districts characteristics and the state board of educations

    profile and criteria for the new state superintendent position. Advertise nationally in the following as selected by the board: AASA Website, Education

    Week Newspaper and Website, Ray and Associates Website, the Michigan SchooAdministrators and Michigan School Boards Publications, Women in Higher EducationNABSE, ALAS, The School Administrator Publication, Executives Only Website and otherpublications selected by the board.

    11.Develop and manage the candidate screening process. All applicants are screened from theperspective of a viable match with the established criteria to determine their capabilities, strengthsand weaknesses. The search team thoroughly reviews each file and seeks alignment ofqualifications with state Board expectations. Those who emerge successfully from this screeningare deemed viable candidates.

    12.Check references provided and conduct additional background investigation of leading candidatesOur firm interviews each viable candidate that meets board criteria and verifies their qualificationsexperience and eligibility of certification. Our background research team then conducts extensiveinvestigations on those individuals. The investigations go well beyond listed references and their

    current position to include contacts with state associations and various national leadershiporganizations. A complete check of a candidates work history is also completed utilizing onlineresources such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sources as welas checking for blogs through candidates local newspaper.


    13.Provide the state board with an opportunity to observe each semi-finalist candidate interviewedwith questions specifically designed to the Michigan State Board of Education superintendent searchthrough video technology. This will allow board members to get a better perspective of eachcandidate in order to determine which candidates to interview. Ray and Associates is the onlysearch firm that provides this video technology screening of candidates. By offering thisopportunity, will save the board members on expenses and their time.

    14.Provide an impartial and objective consensus building matrix instrument developed by Ray andAssociates to assist the board in determining the finalists for an interview. We have beenextremely effective working with boards who are divided on issues and candidates.

    15.Assist the board in establishing the interview format and in developing interview questions.

    16.Coordinate any stakeholder involvement in the interview process, if desired by the board.

    17.Help arrange the details of interviews for leading candidates.

    18.Coordinate with the Michigan State Board of Education designated liason the procedure forreimbursement of candidates expenses.



    If desired, assist district legal staff in negotiating the contract with the successful candidate at noadditional cost.

    20.After the appointment, dispose of the files and send appropriate communications to the candidatesnot interviewed by the board.

    21.Assist in preparing a press release, upon request, announcing the appointment of the new statesuperintendent.

    The state superintendent search services and process provided above can be adjusted to meet the specificneeds of the Michigan State Board of Education.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    7This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.


    Recommendations from Over

    160 Associates


    Contact State,

    Regional and


    Review OurDatabase for



    Advertise in

    Local, Regional

    and NationalVenues



    CandidatesWho Are Not


    Seeking a New



    Care: Easy



    CANDIDATEIDENTIFICATION-RECRUITMENTRay and Associates, Inc. and Quinn and Associates maintains a working relationship with key individuals at the

    college and university level along with other national public and private organizations for the purpose of recruitingoutstanding candidates. However, we are not directly connected with any college, university or any otherorganization. This allows us to be extremely objective in the search process. We stay abreast of theperformance of outstanding school administrators throughout the country, which has contributed to our highsuccess rate.

    Ray and Associates, Inc. maintains a very large pre-screened database of top candidates who are interested innew and challenging positions. The strengths and administrative skills of these potential candidates have beenanalyzed by the firm. However, it is important for our clients to know we are not a placement service that owesany favors to prospective candidates. Our professional objective is to aggressively recruit and advertise for thebest candidate who meets the qualifications and characteristics of a superintendent as set forth by the boardOur recruitment process is very comprehensive, highlighted by the following steps:

    Inform the firms over 160 associates of the position and seek recommendations

    Utilize Quinn and Associates Michigan network and national reputation to recruit outstanding candidates

    Advertise in local, regional and national venues known for high readership by school leaders

    Consult our extensive database for precise matches between department and candidate profiles

    Aggressively recruit successful school leaders who are not currently seeking a new position to invite themto consider the Michigan State Board of Education position

    Contact other organizations at state, regional and national levels regarding the position

    Proactively seek out potential candidates at state and national conventions

    Ray and Associates, Inc. is a very diverse firm; over 40% of our associates are women and/or minorities. Oufirm has placed more women and minorities in the country in the last ten years than any other firm.

    Ray and Associates has developed the most comprehensive pool of candidates of any executive search firm in the

    country. Our firm has a national reputation for the recruitment of outstanding candidates that match the profile

    expectations of our clients. We have also been extremely successful in recruiting women, minorities and non-traditional candidates. It is only a matter of reality that outstanding administrators already have good jobs andwill need to be recruited. However, even more important, is the investigative process and background checks weperform on all viable candidates to ensure you are looking at quality school leaders in all aspects. It will be ourshared goal with the state board to make the selection process inclusive, professional, efficient and successful sowe can state without reservation you will be quite pleased with our services.

    Ray and Associates, Inc. complies with all equal opportunity laws in the firms search for the best and brightestcandidates for our placement services and within our organization.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    8This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    THESEARCHPROCESSCOLLABORATIVEMODELThe state boards role is the most important one in the search process. Although we assist you in theprocess by actively recruiting, identifying, and recommending qualified candidates, you alone wildetermine which candidate you will hire.Once recruited, all applicants are screened from the perspective of a viable match with establishedcriteria to determine their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. The search team thoroughly reviews

    each file and seeks alignment of qualifications with district expectations. Those who emergesuccessfully from this screening are termed viable candidates, and our background research team thenconducts extensive investigations on those individuals. Our firm will interview each viable candidatethat meets the criteria and verifies their qualifications, experience and eligibility of certification. Theinvestigations go well beyond listed references and their current position to include contacts with stateassociations and national leadership organizations such as American Association of Schoo

    Administrators (AASA) and National Association of Black School Educators (NABSE). Our firm alsochecks current and past relationships with administrators and verifies candidates education and workhistory utilizing multiple internet sites and social media feeds. A complete check of a candidates workhistory is completed utilizing online resources such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, MySpaceTwitter and other social media sources as well as checking for blogs through candidates locanewspaper. We not only vet candidates extensively in their professional career, but it is also important

    for us to be familiar with their personal life as that can have an impact in their profession.

    Our search process is set up in a manner that provides the state board with a collaborative monitoringcapability which features clearly defined checkpoints:

    Establish a timeline for the processTimeline

    Determine the input processInput

    Set the state superintendent qualificationsQualifications

    Review and approve informational flyers andapplication formsFlyers

    Receive regular progress reports from the

    consultantProgress Reports

    Approve format and questions for the

    interview processInterview Process

    Select candidates for final interviewCandidates

    Optional on-site visits of leading candidatesOn-Site Visits

    Hire the candidateHiringDetermine and approve the contractContract

    Approve the press releasePress Release

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    9This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    The timeline and milestones identifying the work program that would be used to

    meet the time requirements identified in this Statement of Work.

    Vendors Response:

    Michigan State Board of Education

    STATE SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH SUGGESTEDTIMELINEItems highlighted in yellow indicate an in-person meeting with the consultant(s)


    10/2014 Consultant planning meeting with the board and individual board member interviews.

    (Time: TBD)(option to conduct via Skype or

    10/2014 Begin preparing information for the promotional flyer and online application form with thestate liaison representative(s).

    10/2014 Notify all associates and other professional contacts of vacancy.

    11/2014 If desired contact key stakeholders for input meetings on .

    11/2014 If desired, online survey link, for input on developing the profile, available on state websitefrom

    to .

    12/2014 If desired meet with key stakeholders.

    12/2014 If desired, 8 a.m. deadline for survey/input from stakeholders and board members, includingonline survey.

    12/2014 Promotional flyer draft due.

    12/2014 Board to finalize superintendent profile for the promotional flyer and online application form.(Time: TBD)(option to conduct via Skype or

    12/2014 Print promotional flyer. Forward to consultant.

    12/2014 E-mail promotional flyer and online application instructions to interested candidates.

    02/2015 Deadline for all application materials. (*See note below.)

    03/2014 Consultant develops and finalizes interview questions and procedures with the board.Candidates are presented to the board and consultant assists the board in selectingcandidates for interviews. (Time: TBD)

    03/2014 Interview candidates (1stround).

    03/2014 Meeting with consultant following the last interview. (Time: TBD)

    03/2014 Interview finalist candidates (2ndround).

    03/2014 Final meeting with consultant following the last interview. (Time: TBD)(option to conduct viaSkype or

    TBD Consultant will discuss contract terms with the finalist.

    04/2015 Offer the contract.04/2015 Press release of new state superintendent.

















    *All applications will be reviewed. Materials received after the closing date may be given fullconsideration depending upon the number of applications received and other factors.(Actual dates to be determined in the first meeting with the Michigan State Board of Education).

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    10This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    The Contractors understanding of the educational context, governance, structure,

    landscape, policy, political context and environment of Michigan or other similar


    Vendors Response:

    Ray and Associates, Inc. has conducted numerous successful state searches in the state ofMichigan and is very familiar with the educational context, governance, structure, landscape, policy,political context and environment of Michigan and other similar states.

    Our partnership with Quinn and Associates and Dr. Timothy G. Quinn gives tremendousopportunities to work with and provide a local presence being Michigan-based as well as our nationaexposure. Dr. Tim Quinn has been recognized nationally as a pioneer in superintendent preparationcoaching and support. In 1998, he founded the Michigan Leadership Institute and the SUPES

    Academy, which convened for the first time in 2000. Today, more than half of Michigans schoo

    superintendents have received leadership preparation through the SUPES Academy. In 2002, he wascontracted by The Broad Foundation of Los Angeles, California, to serve as the founding ManagingDirector of The Broad Center for Superintendents and the Broad Superintendents Academy. This

    Academy focused on preparing leaders across America for the superintendency of our nations largestand most challenging urban districts.

    Quinn holds a PhD from the University of Michigan, and has been recognized with honorary doctoraldegrees from Eastern Michigan, Central Michigan and Grand Valley State Universities for his leadershipin the field of education.

    Tim has extensive knowledge of the education community in Michigan having conducted over 150superintendent searches in the past 15 years. He understands both the Michigan political and

    educational environment at the K-12, community college and university levels.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    11This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    The Contractors knowledge of Michigan and national education leadership

    networks to engage in soliciting candidates

    Vendors Response:

    Ray and Associates, Inc. has nearly 40 years experience conducting numerousstate commissioner searches as well as working with high profile urban and suburbandistricts across the country. Along with Quinn and Associates we have extensiveexperience within the state of Michigan, please see pages 17-18.

    Quinn and Associates founded the Michigan Leadership Institute and the SUPESAcademy. Today, more than half of Michigans school superintendents have receivedleadership preparation through the SUPES academy. Tim Quinn was contracted to serveas the founding Managing Director of the Broad Center for Superintendents and theBroad Superintendent Academy. This academy focused on preparing leaders for

    superintendency s of our nations largest and most challenging urban districts.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    13This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    Dr. Mary FasbenderRegional Search Director -St. Charles, IL

    Mary serves our firm as a regional search director, team member and background investigator and assuch performs the recruiting and screening of candidates. She has an earned doctorate in Educationfrom Northern Illinois University and has been a teacher, assistant principal, assistant superintendentand superintendent in Illinois for the past 40 years.

    Dr. Stan PazRegional Search Director- Tucson, AZ

    Stan serves our firm as a regional search director and will monitor and direct search team efforts aswell as recruit and screen candidates. He has an earned Ph.D. in Educational Administration from theUniversity of Arizona and served as a superintendent, deputy superintendent and associatesuperintendent in Texas and Arizona for over 20 years.

    Ms. Anita JohnsonRegional Search Director- Laguna Niguel, CA

    Anita serves our firm as a regional search director, team member and background investigator and assuch performs recruiting and screening of candidates. She has served as the Executive Director of the

    National Center for Education Research & Technology, a national superintendents group, for the overten years. Anita Johnson has over twenty-five years of public personnel experience with emphasis onexecutive search, recruitment and selection, organizational development, and classification andcompensation analysis.

    Dr. Gary NorrisRegional Search Associate- Waterloo, IA

    Gary serves our firm as a regional search associate, team member and background investigator and assuch performs recruiting and screening of candidates. He earned his Ph.D. in Education Administrationfrom Kansas State University and has been a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, andteacher in several states for over 40 years.

    Dr. Michael Rush

    Regional Search Associate-Lakewood, NJMichael serves our firm as a regional search associate, team member and background investigator andas such performs recruiting and screening of candidates. He has an earned doctorate in EducationaLeadership from Nova Southeastern University and was a superintendent, deputy superintendent andprincipal in New Jersey for 15 years. Dr. Rush also worked with the New Jersey Department ofEducation for 5 years.

    Ms. Michelle KeithVice President, Quinn and Associates- Old Mission, MI

    Michelle holds both a bachelors and masters degree from Iowa State University. With a career thatincludes years of higher education experience she was the co-founder and vice president of the

    Michigan Leadership Institute, through the institute Ms. Keith was engaged by the Broad Foundation.Michelle Keith has over twenty years of human resources experience with emphasis on employment,collaborative bargaining, compensation, planning and policy governance.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


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    Vendors Response:

    Please see separately saved document as requested in the proposal issued on October 7th, 2014.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    15This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.



    Vendor Response:

    Overview of the companySole Contact: Gary L. Ray, Principal/Owner

    Address:4403 1stAvenue SE, Suite 407, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402Telephone:319-393-3115Fax: 319-393-4931E-Mail:[email protected]

    Whether company is local, regional, or national: Ray and Associates conducts local, statewide,regional and national business.

    Areas of specialization: Ray and Associates, Inc. has performed various types of national executivesearches over the past thirty-eight (39) years, including state superintendent searches for stateDepartments of Education, superintendent, assistant superintendent, chief executive officer, chieffinancial officer, principal, business manager, executive director and administrator, for which we recruittraditional and non-traditional candidates.

    Company Contact Information

    1. Sole contact during the RFP process. Include the name, title, and contact information (address,

    email and phone number).2. Sole contact authorized to receive and sign any resulting Contract (address, email, and phonenumber).

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    16This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    Vendor Response:


    Ray and Associates, Inc. is a professional organization that specializes in school executive leadership searches.The firm has been in the school executive search business since 1975 and has established an outstandingreputation. The firm has been recognized by The School Administratorjournal as one of the top search firms inthe country. Our professional consultants, including women and minorities, are persons with long-termexperience in the school executive search field with extensive backgrounds as school administrators, business

    executives, school board members, university professors, and attorneys. All of the consultants within the firmhave years of experience in the school executive search field.

    Ray and Associates, Inc. is an independent and objective firm that does not accept placement fees from anycandidate. We have designed a highly effective procedure that allows us to impartially assist schools in selectingthe best individual for their particular needs.

    In partnership with Quinn and Associates, Dr. Timothy G. Quinn along with Ray and Associates, Inc. gives the

    Michigan State Board of Education tremendous opportunity to work with and provide a local presence beingMichigan-based as well as our national exposure. Throughout his career, Dr. Quinn has served as an Englishteacher and football coach, assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent, and at age 32, was appointedSuperintendent of the 20,000-student Green Bay Public Schools in Wisconsin, a position that he held for almostseven years. Dr. Tim Quinn has been recognized nationally as a pioneer in superintendent preparation, coaching

    and support. In 1998, he founded the Michigan Leadership Institute and the SUPES Academy, which convened

    for the first time in 2000. Today, more than half of Michigans school superintendents have received leadershippreparation through the SUPES Academy. In 2002, he was contracted by The Broad Foundation of Los Angeles

    California, to serve as the founding Managing Director of The Broad Center for Superintendents and the BroadSuperintendents Academy. This Academy focused on preparing leaders across America for the superintendencyof our nations largest and most challenging urban districts.

    In addition to our corporate office located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, we have a national executive director, corporatedirector, six regional directors and over one hundred sixty (160) associates located throughout the country.Therefore, distance is not a factor to our firm when meeting with our clients.

    The corporate office also maintains a full-time administrative staff to assist in the executive search business andcan be reached at (319) 393-3115 or

    Our firm has exhibited and presented at the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and the American

    Association of School Administrators (AASA) for the past thirty-eight (38) years. In fact, past president of theAmerican Association of School Administrators (AASA), Dr. Don Kussmaul, is an active associate with our firm. Inaddition, we have exhibited at various state school board conventions, including such states as Virginia, IllinoisIowa, Arizona, California, Texas, Washington, Oregon, Nebraska and others. We are the only search firm thatinvests the time and money to exhibit at national conventions which ultimately benefits our clients. We also haveassociates who are affiliated with the Council of Great City Schools, Urban Superintendents Association of AmericaBroad Urban Superintendents Academy, the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS),National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE), as well as with other professional organizations. Exhibitingat state and national conventions allows the firm to meet and recruit outstanding administrators for our clientdistricts. As a result, Ray and Associates has access to the most comprehensive pool of candidates of anyexecutive search firm in the country.

    It is only a matter of reality that outstanding administrators already have good jobs and need to be recruited

    We recently conducted the state superintendent search for West Virginia Department of Education and havepreviously conducted state superintendent searches for the Mississippi Department of Education and WyomingDepartment of Education, the executive director search for the Oregon School Boards Association and previouslyassisted the Florida Department of Education and Rhode Island Department of Education with their commissioneof education searches. Our firm has also conducted educational leadership searches for the Iowa Board ofEducational Examiners, Ohio Department of Education, Arizona School Boards Association, Broward CountySchools, Florida; Santa Clara County Office of Education, California and Milwaukee Public Schools, Wisconsin toname a few. Our network and recruiting efforts are second to none. We bring a wealth of experience andknowledge to your district focused upon our goal to make the selection process professional, efficient, andsuccessful so we can state, without reservation, that you will be quite pleased with our services.

    2. Company Background Information.
  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    17This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    Vendor response:Is the bidder a disabled veteran-owned business? No.

    Vendor response:List of Michigan searches in the last 10 years from Ray and Associates.

    Ann Arbor Public Schools

    Ann Arbor, Michigan(Superintendent)

    West Bloomfield School District

    West Bloomfield, Michigan(Superintendent)

    Ann Arbor Public Schools

    Ann Arbor, Michigan(Superintendent)

    Plymouth-Canton Community SchoolsPlymouth, Michigan(Superintendent)

    St.Johns Public SchoolsSt. Johns, MI


    Kalamazoo Public Schools

    Kalamazoo, MI(Asst. Supt. of Teaching and Learning)

    Kalamazoo Public SchoolsKalamazoo, MI

    (Director of Elementary Education)

    3. Business Owned by Qualified Disabled Veteran

    4. Experience with the State of Michigan.

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    18This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    4. Experience with the State of Michigan Continued.

    Vendor response:List of Michigan searches in the last 10 years from Quinn and Associates.

    Essexville-Hampton Public Schools Swartz Creek CommunitySchools

    Westwood HeightsSchools

    Homer Community School

    Bangor Township School District Port Huron School District Shepherd PublicSchools Hopkins Public Schools

    Eaton Rapids Public Schools Inkster Public Schools Bangor TownshipSchool District

    Charlotte Public Schools

    Kingsley Area Schools Branch ISD Traverse Bay Area ISD Whitmore Lake PublicSchools

    Ottawa ISD Mecosta-Osceola ISD South Redford SchoolDistrict

    Huron School District

    Cheboygan-Otsego-Presque Isle


    Petoskey Public Schools Lansing School District Alpena-Montmorency-Alco


    Woodhaven-Brownstown SchoolDistrict

    Morenci Area Schools Oakland Schools(DeputySuperintendent)

    Troy School District (DepuSuperintendent)

    Brandywine Public Schools Lincoln Consolidated Schools Gratiot-Isabella RESD Dansville SchoolsCrestwood School District Redford Union Schools Mt. Pleasant Public


    Calhoun ISD

    Boyne Falls Public Schools Wexford-Missaukee ISD Portage Public Schools Cheboygan Area Schools

    Capac Community Schools Potterville Public Schools Clawson Public Schools Lake Shore Public Schools

    Farwell Area Schools Western School District Alpena Public Schools Grand Ledge Public Schoo

    Marion Public Schools South Haven Public Schools Montcalm ISD St. Louis Public Schools

    East Lansing Public Schools Mecosta-Osceola ISD Onsted CommunitySchools

    Harbor Springs PublicSchools

    Greenville Public Schools Cass City Public Schools Buena Vista Schools Fennville Public Schools

    YMCA Academy, Detroit, Michigan Owosso Public Schools Ellsworth Community


    Coldwater Community


    Fruitport Community Schools Mason County CentralSchools

    BrandywineCommunity Schools

    Swan Valley School Distric

    Albion Public Schools Grand Rapids Public Schools Wayne RESA Constantine Schools

    Eaton ISD Lowell Area Schools Midland Public Schools Garden City Public Schools

    Buckley Community School Buchanan CommunitySchools

    Okemos Public Schools Deckerville CommunitySchools

    Muskegon Community College(President)

    Riverview Community Schools Dundee CommunitySchools

    White Pigeon CommunitySchools

    New Lothrop Area Public Schools Bangor Township SchoolDistrict

    Croswell-LexingtonCommunity Schools

    Breckenridge CommunitySchools

    Northport Public Schools East Grand Rapids Public



    Community Schools

    Dexter Community Schools

    Novi Community Schools Allen Park Public Schools Ionia County ISD Brandon School DistrictOak Park School District Utica Community Schools Berkley School District Glen Oaks CommunityCollege (President)

    Bentley Community Schools Gaylord Community Schools Freeland CommunitySchool District

    Harper Woods SchoolDistrict

    Merrill Community Schools Southfield Public Schools Livingston ESA Bullock Creek School Distr

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    19This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    Contractor must identify the gross annual sales for the last 5 years.

    If the award of any resulting contract will increase your gross revenue by more than 25%from the last years sales, explain how you will scale up to manage this increase.

    Vendor response:

    Five Years of Gross Earnings

    2013-2014 664,400

    2012-2013 808,544

    2011-2012 457,250

    2010-2011 535,500

    2009-2010 625,350

    5. Gross Annual Sales

  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring


    20This is property of Ray and Associates, Inc. and is not intended for duplication or distribution without permission.

    Vendor response:

    Ray and Associates, Inc. has been recruiting and successfully placing state and local superintendentsfor over thirty-eight years and has established an outstanding reputation. The firm has beenrecognized by The School Administrator journal as one of the top search firms in the country. Ourprofessional consultants, including women and minorities, are persons with long-term experience in theschool executive search field with extensive backgrounds as school administrators, business executivesschool board members, university professors, and attorneys. All of the consultants within the firm haveyears of experience in the school executive search field.

    Searches vary from client to client, but typically take about three months. A thorough search is onethat commences with establishing position criteria, the timeline, and salary for the position andproceeds through recruiting, advertising, screening and presentation of semi-finalists. The search isonly termed complete when the new State Superintendent is contracted for the position and our clientsare totally satisfied.






    West Virginia Department of

    Education(State Superintendent)

    Charleston, WestVirginia


    Director ofOperations

    Wk: 304-282-6754

    [email protected]

    Wyoming Department ofEducation

    (Director of theDepartment of




    State Board ofEducation


    Cell: [email protected]

    Ohio Department ofEducation

    (Supt. of PublicInstruction Search)

    Columbus, Ohio J.C. Benton

    Director of


    Wk: 614-466-3825

    [email protected]

    Rhode Island Dept. ofEducation

    (Commissioner Search)

    Providence, RhodeIsland


    Chief of StaffWk:401-222-8705

    [email protected]

    Arizona School BoardsAssociation

    (Executive DirectorSearch)

    Phoenix, ArizonaMichaelHughes


    Cell: 480-797-5043Hm: 602-723-5485

    [email protected]

    This is not a complete list, and more references can be provided upon request.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Proposal for superintendent hiring



    7. Strategic Relationships.Explain any partnership and strategic relationships you currently have or haveused that would bring significant value to the State and how that relationship willbring value to the state.Vendor response:

    Our partnership with Quinn and Associates and Dr. Timothy G. Quinn gives tremendousopportunities to work with and provide a local presence being Michigan-based as well as our national

    exposure. Dr. Tim Quinn has been recognized nationally as a pioneer in superintendent preparation,coaching and support. In 1998, he founded the Michigan Leadership Institute and the SUPES Academywhich convened for the first time in 2000. Today, more than half of Michigans school superintendents havereceived leadership preparation through the SUPES Academy. In 2002, he was contracted by The BroadFoundation of Los Angeles, California, to serve as the founding Managing Director of The Broad Center forSuperintendents and the Broad Superintendents Academy. This Academy focused on preparing leadersacross America for the superintendency of our nations largest and most challenging urban districts.

    Quinn holds a PhD from the University of Michigan, and has been recognized with honorary doctoradegrees from Eastern Michigan, Central Michigan and Grand Valley State Universities for his leadership inthe field of education.

    Throughout his career, Quinn has served as an English teacher and football coach, assistant principal,

    principal, assistant superintendent, and at age 32, was appointed Superintendent of the 20,000-studentGreen Bay Public Schools in Wisconsin, a position that he held for almost seven years.

    Tim has extensive knowledge of the education community in Michigan having conducted over 150superintendent searches in the past 15 years. He understands both the Michigan political and educationaenvironment at the K-12, community college and university levels.

    Michelle (Shelley) Keith was the co-founder and vice president of the Michigan Leadership Institute, which isdedicated to leadership development, placement of outstanding leaders, and continuous research on thetopic of leadership. Through the Institute, Ms. Keith was engaged by The Broad Foundation to partner onthe creation and management of The Broad Superintendents Academy. This Academy was a rigorous ten-month executive management program designed to prepare and support the next generation of urbanschool leadership. As Associate Director of the Academy, Ms. Keith had responsibility for curriculum

    development, program management, and coordination of alumni support services. These support servicesincluded executive coaching, board retreats, instructional audits, and organizational audits.

    8. Principal Place of Business.Vendor response:


    CEDAR RAPIDS,IOWA 52402-3221PHONE:319-393-3115

    FAX:319-393-4931E-mail: [email protected]


    9. Standard ContractVendor response:


    Ray and Associates, Inc. agrees with standard issued contract terms which will contain the provisionsof this proposal and any modifications or changes mutually agreed by the parties.

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
