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Page 1: Proposal for my experiments


Multiple exposure imagery and high speed photography


For this multiple exposure task I will be using anything and everything that is at my disposal, which might work together, i.e. people linked with nature, or inanimate objects with objects of importance, or things that are a total contrast to each other. The high speed photography will just be using a number of different things like water, darts etc. to show how movement can be frozen I could also make some contrasting images to show hot the movement of an object can also be captured by using a lesser shutter speed.


For this I will be using my home and surrounding area with some of the images and some may be taken in college depending on what type of images I need to capture. The majority will be done from home as I will have more control over the lighting and what I use in my images.


For the multiple exposure images I will just be taking the images as individual shots as I don’t have the camera function available to me with my camera. I will be then placing the images into Photoshop and manipulating the images how I need from there to get the multiple exposure effect. The high speed photography will be done by setting up the camera with a low aperture like f8 and as high a shutter speed as I can get which is around 1/8000 which in combination with the right amount of light and ISO setting to freeze the object within the image to give me the desired finish.

Page 2: Proposal for my experiments


I have chosen to do these types of photography because I felt like they would provide me with a good opportunity to see how creative I can be with my photography and what kind of ideas I can come up with. These are both types of photography that I haven’t experimented with in the past so it will be interesting to see how it goes and how strong the images that I manage to create are. I feel that this will be a challenge and trying to come up with new ideas that people haven’t done before will be a tough challenge. Essentially I felt like this would be a good way to get chance to experiment with different types of photography.