
310 T H E B R I T I S H H O M ( E O P A T H I C J O U R N A L



DEAR SIR,-- I was greatly interested to read Dr. A. Taylor-Smith 's excellent paper, " Poliomyelitis and Prophylaxis ", reported in your journal of April, 1950 (Vol. XL, No. 2). I would like to join the other members of the Faculty in congratulating him. Although in Beaumont ' s Medicine India is not mentioned in the list of countries where this dreaded disease occurs, but I think tha t was on ly to show tha t so far epidemics of it had not affected the populace as sporadic cases have always been seen. However, the health authorities and the people got a little panicky last year, when small epidemics of it occurred in various big cities of India. Special hospital arrangements were made for Polio eases, as none existed before, and co-operation of W.H.O. experts was sought to train personnel here. Even in such an emergency the Heal th Ministry, Government of India, did not take much notice of some articles published about the efficacy of medicaments used for homceo-prophylaxis. This despite the fact tha t except for general sanitary measures they had no effective means to combat the new menace. Such an at t i tude by the Health departments, manned by members of the orthodox school, is perhaps common in most pa r t s of the world. A wider publicity of Dr. Taylor-Smith's brilliant results (as also of Dr. Grimmer's reprinted in an earlier issue of your journal), may be of some use in stirring them.

Returning to Dr. Taylor-Smith's paper I think tha t even though the figures mentioned on prophylaxis are very impressive indeed it is important to know as to what was the average incidence of Polio amongst those who did not get Lathyrus sat. and were living in the same suspect area or a similarly infected area elsewhere. Though in my own mind I have no doubt that Lathyrus helped but Comparative statistics about such controls would make the paper more immune to criticism.

Research done by individuals naturally has great limitations but I would suggest tha t since we have a " Test for Immuni ty " against Polio this should be utilized in conducting further research. Then Lathyrus (or Gelsemium) can be given to those individuals tha t show no previous immunity and if its adminis- trat ion results in a postive test for immunity it will be an excellent laboratory demonstration of the effectiveness of the medicament. The test could also be used to find out how long such immuni ty lasts. Even a few cases done this way would carry more effective conviction with the laboratory minded people at the helm of affairs. And incidentally this would form another non-clinical proof of the very potent action of infinitesimals. We are already familiar with such research done with Baptisia tinct, for typhoid using Widal Reaction as an index.

Yours faithfully, HARISH CHAND.


By DR. T. D. RAJA, L.H.M.S.

Copy of the Report read at the Joint Congress on July 26th, 1950 Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very much thankful to you Mr. President, for giving me an oppor- tuni ty to submit my report regarding Homceopathy in Pakistan, as also my views for consideration of the august body of Joint Congress of the Council of The International Homeeopathic League, The Faculty of Homoeopathy and The British Homceopathic Congress.

On Ju ly 4th, 1949, I addressed a letter to Sir John Weir, G.C.V.O., in connection with the W.H.O. and Homceopathy, which letter, I was told had been referred to The Homoeopathic League, as per Facul ty 's letter of October 20th,

