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In 1959, Professor Jerome Lejeune became world famous when, as a young doctor and scientist working in the field of genetics, he discovered the extra chromosome that causes Down syndrome or Trisomy 21. Pioneering this research, he was made the first professor of Fundamental Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. To his great grief, the discovery of Trisomy 21 was used to diagnose and then abort these babies in the womb. Writer Francis Phillips, herself the mother of a child with Down syndrome, writes that Lejeune abhorred abortion: “Not because he was a Christian, but because he knew as a geneticist that life starts at conception.” Jerome Lejeune once told his family that he had met a little boy with Down syndrome who had seen a programme about pre-natal testing. The boy somehow understood what the testing meant and begged the professor to save him from “those who want to kill us.” Lejeune was white with horror: “If I don’t protect them, I am nothing.” He

dedicated the rest of his life to that purpose. For more information on pro-life issues, contact Voice for Life on (09)4430995

or visit the website

In 1959, Professor Jerome Lejeune became famous for discovering the extra chromosome that causes Down syndrome or Trisomy 21. He was made the first professor of Fundamental Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. To his great grief, the discovery of Trisomy 21 was used to diagnose and then abort these babies in the womb. For more info on pro-life issues, visit or phone (09)4430995.

In 1959, Professor Jerome Lejeune became world famous when, as a young doctor and scientist working in the field of genetics, he discovered the extra chromosome that causes Down syndrome or Trisomy 21. Pioneering this research, he was made the first professor of Fundamental Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. To his great grief, the discovery of Trisomy 21 was used to diagnose and then abort these babies in the womb. Writer Francis Phillips, herself the mother of a child with Down syndrome, writes that Lejeune abhorred abortion: “Not because he was a Christian, but because he knew as a geneticist that life starts at conception.” Visit or phone (09)4430995 for more information.

In 1959, Professor Jerome Lejeune became famous for discovering the extra chromosome that causes Down syndrome or Trisomy 21. He was made the first professor of Funda-mental Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. To his great grief, the discovery of Trisomy 21 was used to diagnose and then abort these babies in the womb. Phone Voice for Life (09)4430995 for more info.

Page 2: PROLIFE FACTS PROLIFE FACTS - Right to Life New Zealand · “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Writer William Oddie notes that

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The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has just voted to support the country’s Criminal Code that states a baby becomes a “human being” only after being born. The vote appeared to fly in face of medical reality, but the CMA was trying to prevent an attempt to reopen the abortion debate with an enquiry looming into when human life begins. Canadian Physicians for Life condemned the vote as “shameful” and “defying parody”: “Every Canadian doctor knows that the unborn child is a live human being.” Dr John O’ Shea said that the CMA has a long-established policy of supporting abortion. “The biological fact is what counts here, which is that when the ovum and the sperm unite, a single-celled human organism is formed, period. This organism is a human being, a person at the single-cell stage. From that point on in time, he or she has rights. Anybody who denies that fact is denying biological reality; they are lying.”

For more information on pro-life issues, contact Voice for Life on (09)4430995.

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has just voted to support the country’s Criminal Code that states a baby becomes a “human being” only after being born. The vote appeared to fly in face of medical reality, but the CMA was trying to prevent an attempt to reopen the abortion debate with an enquiry looming into when human life begins. Canadian Physicians for Life condemned the vote as “shameful” and “defying parody”. Visit or phone (09)4430995. .

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has just voted to support the country’s Criminal Code that states a baby becomes a “human being” only after being born. The vote appeared to fly in face of medical reality, but the CMA was trying to prevent an attempt to reopen the abortion debate with an enquiry looming into when human life begins. Canadian Physicians for Life condemned the vote as “shameful” and “defying parody”: “Every Canadian doctor knows that the unborn child is a live human being.” Dr John O’ Shea said that the CMA has a long-established policy of supporting abortion. Visit or phone (09)4430995 for more pro-life information.

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has just voted to support the country’s Criminal Code that states a baby becomes a “human being” only after being born. The CMA was trying to prevent an attempt to reopen the abortion debate with an enquiry looming into when human life begins. Canadian Physicians for Life condemned the vote as “shameful” and “defying parody”. For more info, ph Voice for Life (09)4430995.

Page 3: PROLIFE FACTS PROLIFE FACTS - Right to Life New Zealand · “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Writer William Oddie notes that

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One of the world’s largest abortion providers is Marie Stopes International. Their abortion clinic in Whitfield St, London is being picketed by The Good Counsel Network who provide prolife advice and support for women considering an abortion. Marie Stopes International has hired very expensive lawyers to sue Good Counsel on the grounds that their prayer vigils are “intimidating” women going for abortions. Meanwhile Royal Mail has announced that in October, they will be honouring Marie Stopes with a postage stamp. The BBC listed her as one of the “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Writer William Oddie notes that Marie Stopes believed strongly in racial purity, was rabidly anti-Semitic, sent love poems to Adolf Hitler in August 1939 and advocated compulsory sterilisation for the “unfit”. Marie Stopes International receives 25 million pounds annually from the National Health Service. Oddie observes that much of that money funds the slaughter of unborn children in vast numbers, “an image of whose flagship heroine will shortly be gracing our postage stamps.”

Royal Mail has announced that in October, they will be honouring Marie Stopes with a postage stamp. The BBC listed her as one of the “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Marie Stopes International receives 25 million pounds annually from the National Health Service.

Royal Mail has announced that in October, they will

be honouring Marie Stopes with a postage stamp.

The BBC listed her as one of the “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promot-

ing birth control and abortion. Marie Stopes International receives 25 million pounds

annually from the National Health Service.

Royal Mail has announced that in October, they will be honouring Marie Stopes with a postage stamp. The BBC listed her as one of the “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Writer William Oddie notes that Marie Stopes believed strongly in racial purity, was rabidly anti-Semitic, sent love poems to Adolf Hitler in August 1939 and advocated compulsory sterilisation for the “unfit”. Marie Stopes International receives 25 million pounds annually from the National Health Service. Oddie observes that much of that money funds the slaughter of unborn children in vast numbers, “an image of whose flagship heroine will shortly be gracing our postage stamps.”

Page 4: PROLIFE FACTS PROLIFE FACTS - Right to Life New Zealand · “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Writer William Oddie notes that

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Supreme Court Judgment- Right to Life v

Abortion Supervisory Committee

Right to Life welcomes the judgment of the Supreme Court. Although the judgment declined the appeal of Right to Life by three to two, it affirmed the duty of the Abortion Supervisory Committee to enquire from certifying consultants how they approach their decision-making in general. The Court noted that the Committee had the power to revoke the appointment of certifying consultants, where enquiries the Committee makes lead it to believe that consultants are holding views incompatible with the tenor of the Act. The Committee may refer to the Health and Disability Commissioner or the medical disciplinary authorities, the case of a consultant authorising abortions inconsistent with the abortion law. Ninety-eight per cent of abortions are authorised on the grounds of mental health. Right to Life also notes that a previous chairperson of the Abortion Supervisory Committee stated in a national newspaper in 2000 that she did not believe that all these women were suffering from mental ill health and that consultants were using mental health grounds to provide abortion on demand. It now places certifying consultants on notice that the Committee has power to make generalised inquiries into the criteria they are using to authorise abortions for mental health. For more information, visit the Right to Life website

Supreme Court Judgment: Right to Life v Abortion Supervisory Committee Right to Life welcomes the judgment of the Supreme Court. Although the judgment declined the appeal of Right to Life by three to two, it affirmed the duty of the Abortion Supervisory Committee to enquire from certifying consultants how they approach their decision-making in general. Visit the Right to Life website:

Supreme Court Judgment: Right to Life v Abortion Supervisory Committee Right to Life welcomes the judgment of the Supreme Court. Although the judgment declined the appeal of Right to Life by three to two, it affirmed the duty of the Abortion Supervisory Committee to enquire from certifying consultants how they approach their decision-making in general. Ninety-eight per cent of abortions are authorised on the grounds of mental health. Right to Life also notes that a previous chairperson of the Abortion Supervisory Committee stated in a national newspaper in 2000 that she did not believe that all these women were suffering from mental ill health and that consultants were using mental health grounds to provide abortion on demand. For more information about pro-life issues, visit the Right to Life website

Supreme Court Judgment: Right to Life v Abortion Supervisory Committee Right to Life welcomes the judgment of the Supreme Court. Although the judgment declined the appeal of Right to Life by three to two, it affirmed the duty of the Abortion Supervisory Committee to enquire from certifying consultants how they approach their decision-making in general. Visit Right to Life’s website:

Page 5: PROLIFE FACTS PROLIFE FACTS - Right to Life New Zealand · “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Writer William Oddie notes that

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Southland Hospital staff are still

refusing to be involved in the hospital’s

new abortion clinic, despite the chief medical officer and CEO

obtaining a licence from the Abortion Supervisory Committee.

The board has declined to consult with the Southland community

and there have been continuing public protests and prayer vigils

outside the hospital.

The Catholic Bishop of Dunedin has called on Catholics to oppose

plans to provide abortions. Bishop Colin Campbell wrote in a

letter to the local paper that, “As a family of faith we are

opposed to all abortion and we must do all we can to prevent

this culture of death spreading in our country.”

The board is now faced with recruiting an abortionist and nursing

staff from outside the region.

A paediatrician at the hospital has put in a letter of resignation in

protest at the new abortion service, but this has not been

accepted by the board. They have urged him to reconsider and

have offered to discuss how the number of future abortions may be reduced. For further information on pro-life issues, visit the Voice for Life website: or phone 09 443 0995.

Southland Hospital staff are still refusing to be involved in the hospital’s new abortion clinic, despite the chief medical officer and CEO obtaining a licence from the Abortion Supervisory Committee. The board has declined to consult with the Southland community and there have been continuing public protests and prayer vigils outside the hospital. The board is now faced with recruiting an abortionist and nursing staff from outside the region. A paediatrician at the hospital has put in a letter of resignation in protest at the new abortion service, but this has not been accepted by the board. They have urged him to reconsider and have offered to discuss how the number of future abortions may be reduced. For information on pro-life issues, visit or ph 09 443 0995.

A paediatrician at Southland Hospital has put in a letter of resignation in protest at the hospital’s new abortion service, but this has not been accepted by the board. They have urged him to reconsider and have offered to discuss how the number of future abortions may be reduced. For information on pro-life issues, visit or ph 09 443 0995.

A paediatrician at Southland Hospital has put in a letter of resignation in protest at the hospital’s new abortion service, but this has not been accepted by the board. They have urged him to reconsider and have offered to discuss how the number of future abortions may be reduced. Visit for more pro-life information.

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The humanity of the unborn child can be readily illustrated by models, pro-life leaflets, posters and DVDs, more effectively than by words alone. Voice for Life has for several years provided a selection of resources on various right to life topics to their members, branches and other groups and individuals. This service has recently moved online with a catalogue of items that can be viewed at:

The humanity of the unborn child can be readily illustrated by models, pro-life leaflets, posters and DVDs, more effectively than by words alone. Voice for Life has for several years provided a selection of resources on various right to life topics to their members, branches and other groups and individuals. This service has recently moved online with a catalogue of items that can be viewed at: Phone Voice for Life at 09 443 0995.

Many Voice for Life branches have a stand at their regional A&P shows each year. The volunteers often comment on how fascinated teenagers are when shown the foetal models. Mothers appear delighted to show the models to their young sons and daughters when visiting the stands, usually remarking, "This is what you looked like in my tummy.” The humanity of the unborn child can be readily illustrated by models, pro-life leaflets, posters and DVDs, more effectively than by words alone. Those involved with caring for and advising pregnant women, such as midwives, benefit from good quality, accurate back up material when discussing the stages of development of the unborn baby. Foetal models have also been displayed in several schools throughout the country, as an excellent educational tool. The plight of the unborn child can be easily overlooked in today’s busy world, but there are simple ways of reminding people of this, including lapelle pins, bumper stickers and necklaces. Voice for Life has for several years provided a selection of resources on various right to life topics to their members, branches and other groups and individuals. This service has recently moved online with a catalogue of items that can be viewed at: For further information, contact the Voice for Life office at [email protected] or 09 443 0995.

Many Voice for Life branches have a stand at their regional A&P shows each year. The volunteers often comment on how fascinated teenagers are when shown the foetal models. Mothers appear delighted to show the models to their young sons and daughters when visiting the stands, usually remarking, "This is what you looked like in my tummy.” The humanity of the unborn child can be readily illustrated by models, pro-life leaflets, posters and DVDs, more effectively than by words alone. Voice for Life has for several years provided a selection of resources on various right to life topics to their members, branches and other groups and individuals. This service has recently moved online with a catalogue of items that can be viewed at: Contact Voice for Life at 09 443 0995.

Page 7: PROLIFE FACTS PROLIFE FACTS - Right to Life New Zealand · “Greatest Britons” for her pioneering work in promoting birth control and abortion. Writer William Oddie notes that

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The University-based club Prolife Auckland has

convincingly won a crucial vote to remain an

affiliated club on campus, by 227-125. A recent club initiative to distribute ‘Right to

Know’ flyers to students on the harmful effects of abortion saw an anonymous email

complaint to the Student Association. The Association president acted upon this by

proposing a motion to ban the club for spreading ‘harmful misinformation’.

When asked by to explain how the content of the flyer was harmful, she

declined to comment.

The much anticipated vote was held in the university quad on Thursday July 19th.

Over 400 attended including news reporters. An argument based on the right to

freedom of speech in the university setting won the day for the club as they were

supported by two-thirds of the students present. In recent years, pro-life groups

have faced considerable hurdles at the university. Prolife Auckland has faced similar

attempts to block affiliation in their two year history. Additionally, in 2001 the

student pro-life group SOUL was banned and a constitutional amendment was

instituted specifically prohibiting pro-life groups. This was only overturned in 2010.

However, it appears that the student body is beginning to respect the right to

freedom of speech. For more information on pro-life issues, contact

Voice for Life on (09)4430995 or visit the website

The Auckland University Prolife club on July 19th won a crucial student vote to remain an affiliated club, by 227-125. The Student Association president, following a single anonymous email complaint, proposed a motion to ban the club for spreading ‘harmful misinformation’ via a club pamphlet which outlined harmful effects of abortion. When asked by to explain how the content of the flyer was harmful, she declined to comment. Prolife Auckland has faced similar attempts to block affiliation in their two year history. Additionally, in 2001 the student pro-life group SOUL was banned and a constitutional amendment was instituted specifically prohibiting pro-life groups. This was only overturned in 2010. However, it appears that the student body is beginning to respect the right to freedom of speech. Visit for more

information on pro-life issues.

The Auckland University Prolife club on July 19th won a crucial student vote to remain an affiliated club, by 227-125. The Student Association president, following a single anonymous email complaint, proposed a motion to ban the club for spreading ‘harmful misinformation’ via a club pamphlet which outlined harmful effects of abortion. She has declined, however, when asked to explain how it was harmful or misinformation. The vote was won convincingly by the club on the grounds of ‘freedom of speech’. Visit

The Auckland University Prolife club on July 19th won a crucial student vote to remain an affiliated club, by 227-125. The Student Association president, following a single anonymous email complaint, proposed a motion to ban the club for spreading ‘harmful misinformation’ via a club pamphlet which outlined harmful effects of abortion. She has declined, however, when asked to explain how it was harmful or misinformation. The vote was won convincingly by the club on the grounds of ‘freedom of speech’. For more pro-life information, visit

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On the front page of the "Saving Downs" website, there is a beautiful photo of a little girl with Down syndrome. Underneath the photo, a caption reads: ‘Saving the endangered Kiwi’. There is evidence to suggest that unborn children with Down syndrome (and other conditions such as Spina Bifida) are being systematically identified and targeted for elimination via the Ministry of Health's antenatal screening programme. The Ministry may claim otherwise, but documents have been obtained through the Official Information Act that show that this is certainly a purpose of the screening programme. Mothers who have undergone routine antenatal testing have come under pressure to abort their wanted babies when test results identify the baby as having Down syndrome or another condition such as Spina Bifida. The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has decided to initiate a formal preliminary examination into the Government’s screening programme. New Zealand is signatory to the Rome Statute, under which the ICC operates. The persecution of an identifiable group of the civilian population through birth prevention is prohibited under the Statute. Mr Sullivan, the spokesperson for Saving Downs, welcomes the Prosecutor’s decision as an unprecedented step towards according the proper respect towards the lives of people with Down syndrome, Spina Bifida and other conditions. "Such people live awesome lives, are loved members of their families and communities and should be afforded the full protection of International Law on an equal basis with all." For more information, visit the website:

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which operates under the Rome Statute, has decided to initiate a formal preliminary examination into the New Zealand Government’s antenatal screening programme,, as evidence suggests that unborn children with Down syndrome, Spina Bifida and other conditions are being identified and targeted for elimination.

For more information, visit the website:

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which operates under the Rome Statute, has decided to initiate a formal preliminary examination into the New Zealand Government’s antenatal screening programme, as evidence suggests that unborn children with Down syndrome, Spina Bifida and other conditions are being identified and targeted for elimination. For more information, visit:

New Zealand is signatory to the Rome Statute. The persecution of an identifiable group of the civilian population through birth prevention is prohibited under the Statute. The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which operates under the Rome Statute, has decided to initiate a formal preliminary examination into the NZ Government’s antenatal screening programme, as evidence suggests that unborn children with Down syndrome, Spina Bifida and other conditions are being identified & targeted for elimination. Mr Sullivan, the spokesperson for Saving Downs, welcomes the Prosecutor’s decision as an unprecedented step towards according the proper respect towards the lives of people with Down syndrome, Spina Bifida & other conditions. "Such people live awesome lives, are loved members of their families and communities and should be afforded the full protection of International Law on an equal

basis with all." For more information, visit the website:

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“Legalised Euthanasia – Do we need it?” On June 30th many concerned citizens gathered in Auckland to hear a range of speakers address this question. It is an important question for New Zealanders to think about because if Maryann Street’s private members bill goes ahead, there is a possibility that New Zealand could ultimately have legalised voluntary euthanasia. If selected from the ballot box, this will be the third time a private members bill on this issue has come up for consideration, as a conscience vote. Michael Laws (in 1995) and Peter Brown (in 2003) failed to get similar legislation passed in parliament. It is important for concerned New Zealanders to carefully examine the issues so that they can make their views known. Canadian Alex Schadenberg was the keynote speaker at the conference last month.

He is the National Director and International Chair of the Euthanasia Prevention

Coalition. In the countries in which euthanasia or assisted suicide has been legalised,

various safeguards have been built into the law in order to prevent abuses and to

ensure that euthanasia is voluntary. However, as Schadenberg explained, even where

these safeguards are included, these can become “hurdles to be jumped”. A study

published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 32% of euthanasia

in the Flanders Region of Belgium were carried out without request or consent. (The

Newsletter, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, May 2012)

For more pro-life information, visit the Right to Life website

“Legalised Euthanasia – Do we need it?” On June 30th many concerned citizens gathered in Auckland to hear a range of speakers address this question. Canadian Alex Schadenberg was the keynote speaker at the conference last month. He is the National Director and International Chair of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. In the countries in which euthanasia or assisted suicide has been legalised, various safeguards have been built into the law in order to prevent abuses and to ensure that euthanasia is voluntary. However, as Schadenberg explained, even where these safeguards are included, these can become “hurdles to be jumped”. A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 32% of euthanasia in the Flanders Region of Belgium were carried out without request or consent. (The Newsletter, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, May 2012) For more information about pro-life issues, visit the Right to Life website

“Legalised Euthanasia – Do we need it?” On June 30th many concerned citizens gathered in Auckland to hear a range of speakers address this question. It is an important question for New Zealanders to think about because if Maryann Street’s private members bill is goes ahead, there is a possibility that New Zealand could ultimately have legalised voluntary euthanasia. Visit Right to Life’s website:

“ Legalised Euthanasia – Do we need it?” On June 30th many concerned citizens gathered in Auckland to hear a range of speakers address this question. It is an important question for New Zealanders to think about because if Maryann Street’s private members bill goes ahead, there is a possibility that New Zealand could ultimately have legalised voluntary euthanasia. For more information on pro-life issues, visit the Right to Life website:

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Staff at the Level J Abortion Clinic at the Wellington Hospital and the Lyndhurst Abortion Clinic at the Christchurch Hospital have been giving women a pamphlet entitled, “Women Know”. It appears to provide reassuring rebuttal to some of the doubts a worried pregnant woman might have about the morality of abortion. Stated in the pamphlet: “We know when the choice of abortion can prevent the harsh consequences of bringing a child into the world when we are not ready or able to do our child justice.” “We act out of love when we consider what we would be taking away from the child or children we already have if we brought another child into our family now.” This pamphlet would be confusing to many vulnerable pregnant women, as it links abortion to the concepts of love, compassion and justice, rather than the taking of innocent human life. For more information about pro-life issues, visit the Right to Life website

Staff at the Level J Abortion Clinic at the Wellington Hospital and the Lyndhurst Abortion Clinic at the Christchurch Hospital have been giving women a pamphlet entitled, “Women Know”. It appears to provide reassuring rebuttal to some of the doubts a worried pregnant woman might have about the morality of abortion. Some of the statements in the pamphlet include: “We know when the choice of abortion can prevent the harsh consequences of bringing a child into the world when we are not ready or able to do our child justice.” “We act out of compassion when we wait to have a child until the time when we can give it the kind of life every child deserves.” “We act out of love when we consider what we would be taking away from the child or children we already have if we brought another child into our family now.” “We take care of our spiritual well-being each in our own way, trusting our faith to provide: Infinite love, complete understanding, unlimited forgiveness and boundless compassion.” This pamphlet would be confusing to many vulnerable pregnant women, as it links abortion to the concepts of love, compassion and justice, rather than the taking of innocent human life. For more information about pro-life issues, visit the Right to Life website

Staff at the Level J Abortion Clinic at the Wellington Hospital and the Lyndhurst Abortion Clinic at the Christchurch Hospital have been giving women a pamphlet entitled, “Women Know”. It appears to provide reassuring rebuttal to some of the doubts a worried pregnant woman might have about the morality of abortion, linking abortion to the concepts of love, compassion and justice, rather than the taking of innocent human life. Visit Right to Life’s website:

Staff at the Level J Abortion Clinic at the Wellington Hospital and the Lyndhurst Abortion Clinic at the Christchurch Hospital have been giving women a pamphlet entitled, “Women Know”. It appears to provide reassuring rebuttal to some of the doubts a worried pregnant woman might have about the morality of abortion, linking abortion to the concepts of love, compassion and justice, rather than the taking of innocent human life. Visit the Right to Life website: