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Location Sub-Location


Substance Name

Substance Manufacturer













/kg Number of


Container Size & Type

Risk Assessment Reference


Water Treatment Shed

Ozone from Air

Manufactured on-site Yes SF-H-001

Hatchery Freezer Bay Oxygen, Compressed BOC Yes 2.2 5.1 96.0 2 G Cylinder

Hatchery Hatchery A Hydrochloric Acid

Biolab Australia Pty Ltd Yes 8 II 25.0 5 5 L Bottle SF-H-004

Hatchery Hatchery A Bactrasan Septone Yes 20.0 1 20 L Drum

Hatchery Haterchy A Agriphor Seajay Industries Pty Ltd Yes 8 6.1 II 20.0 1 20 L Drum

Hatchery Hatchery A Sodium Hypochlorite Elite Chemicals Yes 8 II 50.0 2 25 L Drum SF-H-003

Hatchery Sodium Hypochlorite Elite Chemicals Yes 8 II

1,500.0 1 Tank

Hatchery Laboratory Buffodine Evans Vanodine Industrial PLC Yes 5.0 1 5 L Bottle

Hatchery Laboratory Formalin Chang Chun Plastics CO Ltd Yes 2.0 1 2 L Bottle SF-H-005

Hatchery Algae Laboratory

Sodium Hypochloriye Elite Chemicals Yes 8 II 50.0 2 25 L Drum SF-H-003

Hatchery Algae Laboratory

Methylated Sprits Innnisfail Chemx Yes 3 II 4.0 1 4 L Bottle

Hatchery Storeroom Buffodine Evans Vanodine Industrial PLC Yes 40.0 8 5 L Bottle

Hatchery Storeroom Agriphor Seajay Industries Pty Ltd Yes 8 6.1 II 25.0 1 25 L Drum

Hatchery Storeroom Bactrasan Septone Yes 20.0 1 20 L Drum

Hatchery Storeroom Ethanol Asolute Merck Yes 3 II 20.0 1 20 L Drum

Hatchery Storeroom Ethanol Asolute Merck Yes 3 II 10.0 1 10 L Drum

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Location Sub-Location


Substance Name

Substance Manufacturer













/kg Number of


Container Size & Type

Risk Assessment Reference

Hatchery Storeroom Formaldehyde Solution

Chang Chun Plastics CO Ltd Yes 8

III 44.0 2 22 kg Drum SF-H-005

Hatchery Storeroom Methylated Sprits Innnisfail Chemx Yes 3 II 20.0 1 20 L Drum

Hatchery Storeroom Glycerene Tasman Chemicals Yes 20.0 1 20 L Drum

Hatchery Storeroom Exide Australia

Battery Grade Sulphuric Acid Yes 8 II 10.0 2 5 L Bottle

Hatchery Storeroom Nufarm Triflur Yes 20.0 1 20 L Drum

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Safe Work Instruction Reference:- SF-SWI-014



To inform the Seafarms workforce of the minimum acceptable standards of work activity to be achieved whilst

working with hazardous chemicals.

Activities covered by this Safe Work Method include:

Procurement of hazardous chemicals;

Storage of hazardous chemicals;

Use/Handle hazardous chemicals;

Transport dangerous goods;

Respond to a hazardous chemical incident; and

Dispose of hazardous chemicals.

For this Safe Work Method the responsible parties are:

Seafarms management team;

Seafarms employees; and

Contractors and sub-contractors and their employees and agents.


Pre operational requirements in relation to training, information and operational checks.

How to safely store hazardous chemicals.

How to safely use/handle hazardous chemicals.

How to transport dangerous goods.

How to respond to a hazardous chemical emergency/incident.

How to dispose of hazardous chemicals.

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Procurement of hazardous chemicals Only approved hazardous chemicals purchased by authorised persons

Hazardous chemical correctly registered in SFGREG003 Hazardous Materials Register

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) obtained and reviewed prior to procurement

Only clearly labelled hazardous chemicals are procured

Hazardous chemical risk assessment documented prior to procurement

Adequate storage readily available for the correct storage of the hazardous chemical

Appropriate emergency/incident response resources readily available to adequately respond to a hazardous chemical incident

All necessary PPE for the hazardous chemical’s use readily available to all users and those exposed

Store hazardous chemicals Responsible persons adequately trained in “Plan and Manage the Storage of Hazardous Chemicals”

Appropriate secure storage facilities and containment measures readily available and correctly maintained

All storages shall be appropriately and effectively ventilated

Adequate inventory records maintained

Appropriate emergency/incident response resources readily available

Applicable emergency response plans documented

Appropriate separation and segregation of reactive chemicals and dangerous goods maintained at all times

Applicable Dangerous Goods Information Placards and directive signs clearly displayed as required

Appropriate supervision of all storage locations maintained

Regular audit/inspection of all storage locations conducted and recorded

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Use hazardous chemicals All persons trained/educated in hazardous chemical safety

All hazardous chemicals and their use, shall be processed via the hazardous chemical risk assessment process, recorded and complied with

SDS’s readily available to all persons

All hazardous chemicals shall be used in accordance with the directions contained within the SDS and on the container label at all times.

SFGREG003 Hazardous Materials Register readily available to all persons

Only approved, trained persons shall access/use/handle hazardous chemicals

All necessary handling/use tools, equipment and/or plant for the tasking shall be readily available

Where necessary, hazardous chemical use/handling areas will be conducted in areas of adequate, effective ventilation

All labels on hazardous chemical containers shall be maintained in a clearly legible state at all times

Appropriate hazardous chemical spill kits shall be readily available to the location of hazardous chemical use and handling

Appropriate emergency eyewash and shower facilities shall be readily available to each place of hazardous chemical use.

Appropriate supervision employed at all times

All applicable PPE shall be correctly worn/used by all persons working with and/or exposed to the hazardous chemical

Where necessary, appropriate atmospheric monitoring shall be conducted by competent person/s

Where necessary, appropriate worker health surveillance shall be conducted by competent and authorised professionals

Transport hazardous chemicals All hazardous chemicals to be transported in sturdy, fully sealed containers.

All liquid hazardous chemicals shall be transported within secondary containment appropriately designed and certified for transport operations.

Reactive hazardous chemicals shall be appropriately segregated and positive separate separation of reactive substances shall be ensured at all times.

An appropriate hazardous chemical spill kit shall be carried within the transport vehicle.

All appropriate PPE shall be carried within the transport vehicle.

A limit of 25 L of hazardous chemical may be carried in a farm vehicle operated by a farm worker at one time.

Open road transport of hazardous chemicals shall be conducted by a competent person using an appropriate vehicle.

Transport vehicles shall be clearly placaded with appropriate dangerous goods information placards as required under the guidance of the ADG Code.

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Respond to a hazardous chemical incident

Only trained, competent persons shall respond to a hazardous chemical incident.

Adequate spill response materials and equipment relevant to the substances used/stored shall be readily available.

Emergency response plans documented, recorded and routinely practiced.

Incident site isolation to be established and all persons evacuated from the incident site.

Environmental protective steps implemented (spill containment) if safe to do so.

Adequate waste collection devices readily available

Appropriately qualified and resourced hazardous waste contractors shall be employed to remove all hazardous waste from site.

Incident reporting (WHS Qld and Qld EPA) conducted and recorded.

Dispose of hazardous chemicals All waste containers clearly and legibly labelled.

SDS readily available for all hazardous chemical waste.

All reactive substances/materials shall be appropriately segregated.

Adequate containment of hazardous waste shall be maintained.

Appropriately qualified and resourced hazardous waste contractors shall be employed to remove all hazardous waste from site on a regular basis.


The following skills and education is required for the successful implementation of this Safe Work Instruction


1. TLID2003A Handle Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances

2. TLIA5209A Plan and Manage Storage of Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances

3. Hazardous Chemical Spill Response

4. Selection, Care and Use of PPE

5. Emergency response scenarios


The following internal documentation is relevant to this Safe Work Instruction:

1. Seafarms Work Health and Safety Management System Manual, Section 6 – Risk Management

2. Seafarms Work Health and Safety Management System Manual, Section 8 – Personal Protective


3. Seafarms Work Health and Safety Management System Manual, Section 9 – Emergency Preparedness

4. Seafarms Work Health and Safety Management System Manual, Section 12 – Incident Reporting and


5. Seafarms Work Health and Safety Management System Manual, Appendix A – Hazardous Chemicals

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6. SFGFORM002 Task Risk Assessment Worksheet

7. SFGFORM003 Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment Form

8. SFGREG003 Hazardous Materials Register

The following external documentation is relevant to this Safe Work Instruction:

1. Qld Work Health and Safety Act 2011

2. Qld Work Health and Safety Regulation 2001

3. Qld Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995

4. Qld Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Dangerous Goods) Regulation 2008

5. Qld Environmental Protection Act 1994

6. Qld Environmental Protection Regulation 2008

7. Qld Managing the Risk of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace Code of Practice

8. Qld Labeling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals Code of Practice

9. Qld How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks Code of Practice

10. The National Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern, Commonwealth of Australia, 2013

11. The Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road or Rail, 7th

Edition (ADG Code)


The following PPE shall be correctly worn by all persons working with or otherwise exposed to a hazardous

chemical whilst at work at a Seafarms facility:

1. Protective dress, long sleeved hi-vis shirt and long trousers;

2. Safety footwear;

3. Safety eyewear; and

4. All applicable PPE detailed in the specific hazardous chemical SDS.


The following directions shall be complied with when working with hazardous chemicals at a Seafarms facility:

Procurement of Hazardous Chemicals


Procurement - The act of obtaining or buying goods and services. The process includes preparation and

processing of a demand as well as the end receipt and approval of payment. It often involves:

1) purchase planning,

2) standards determination,

3) specifications development,

4) supplier research and selection,

5) value analysis,

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6) financing,

7) price negotiation,

8) making the purchase,

9) supply contract administration,

10) inventory control and stores, and

11) disposals and other related functions.

1. On the identification of the need to procure a hazardous chemical, the following information must be

reviewed in the first instance:

a. Is the hazardous chemical listed in the SFGREG003 Hazardous Materials Register? If not, this is a

new inventory item.

b. Is the hazardous chemical’s SDS present within the SFGREG003 Hazardous Materials Register? If not,

it is to be sourced from the supplier prior to procurement.

c. Has a Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment been documented and recorded for the hazardous

chemical? If not, a Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment, using SFGFORM003, must be conducted

prior to procurement.

d. Is the requested procurement a stock resupply or stock increase? If it is an increase, review the

storage capability and any permit/license conditions prior to procurement.

2. Procurement of a hazardous chemical for stock replenishment shall comply with the following:

a. The responsible person shall review the approved maximum holding quantity of the hazardous

chemical detailed in the SFGREG003 Hazardous Material Register and ensure that the procurement

order does not cause an excess of stock.

b. The responsible person shall request from the supplier an updated substance SDS if one is available

at time of order placement.

c. The responsible person shall request from the supplier that all hazardous chemical containers are

clearly and legibly labeled with statutory compliant labels.

d. On receipt of the ordered hazardous chemical/s, the responsible person shall inform the requestor

and ensure that the hazardous chemicals are promptly placed into the appropriate storage

3. Procurement of a new stock hazardous chemical shall comply with the following:

a. The requestor shall source from the proposed supplier a copy of the hazardous chemical’s SDS and

container label.

b. The requestor shall conduct a Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment, using SFGFORM003 and a Task

Risk Assessment, using SFGFORM002 for the proposed chemical use.

c. The requestor shall ensure that appropriate storage is available for the new stock item.

d. The requestor shall submit the risk assessments and details of the hazardous chemical to their

supervisor/manager for interim approval.

e. The relevant supervisor/manager shall pass all documents and the procurement request to the

Seafarm COO for procurement and use approval.

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f. On receipt of the procurement approval, the requestor shall raise a valid and authorised Purchase

Order for the procurement.

g. The requestor shall ensure that notice of the approved procurement of a new hazardous chemical

shall ensure all appropriate detail is provided to the Seafarms WH&S Manager.

h. The Seafarm WH&S Manager shall ensure that the SFGREG003 Hazardous Materials Register is

updated to reflect the new procurement.

i. The Seafarm WH&S Manager in consultation with the requestor, shall ensure that all appropriate

work instructions and emergency preparedness is in place for the new hazardous chemical.

j. On receipt of the procured hazardous chemical, the requestor shall promptly ensure that the

hazardous chemical placed correctly into appropriate storage.

k. On receipt of the procured hazardous chemical and its placement into storage, the Seafarm WH&S

Manager shall conduct a storage review to ensure compliance is maintained.

4. Procurement of a trial hazardous chemical shall comply with the following:

a. Positively identify the trial hazardous chemical through obtaining a current SDS and where possible

the container label for the specific chemical.

b. Document a hazardous chemical risk assessment using SFGFORM003 for the proposed use of the

hazardous chemical.

c. Document a task risk assessment using SFGFORM002 for the proposed trail activity, including

disposal of all waste, spent substances and un-used chemicals.

d. In consultation with the relevant manager, ensure that adequate storage is readily available for the

trial hazardous chemical/s.

e. In consultation with the Senior Farm Manager, develop the trail chemical project plan and submit to

the Senior Executive for procurement approval.

f. On receipt of Senior Executive approval, proceed with the procurement of the trial hazardous

chemical in accordance with the “Procurement of New Stock Item” instructions above.

5. Procurement of a increase to stock levels of a hazardous chemical shall comply with the following:

a. Ensure sufficient adequate storage is available for the extra stock, paying particular attention to

adequate containment measures.

b. In consultation with the relevant manager, ensure the extra stock procurement and proposed

storage plan is approved.

c. In consultation with the Seafarm WH&S Manager ensure that SFGREG003 Hazardous Materials

Register is amended to reflect the new total storage of the hazardous chemical.

d. The Seafram WH&S Manager shall ensure that the proposed stock increase does not affect any

current storage permit/approval or induce a need to be a registered storage of the chemical.

Storage of Hazardous Chemicals

The Relevant Manager shall ensure:

1. All containers of hazardous chemicals are clearly and legibly labelled with the applicable manufacturer’s

label at all times.

2. That all hazardous chemicals are stored within adequate containment measures at all times. Containment

measures shall be capable of retaining the contents of the largest stored container + 10% of container

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size; shall be capable of storing all containers within the containment at least 1 m clear of the

containment wall; shall be capable of safe and environmentally responsible drainage of any/all captured

liquids; shall be secured at all times.

3. That appropriate hazardous chemical spill kits are readily available to all storages and that adequate

quantity of spill response materials in relation to the stored quantity of hazardous chemicals is available at

all times.

4. That appropriate emergency response plans are documented for the hazardous chemical storage

situation/s and that such plans are fully implemented.

5. That all storage locations are clearly identified through the display of legible placards and signage as

appropriate to the hazardous chemical/s stored. This can include facility dangerous goods information

placards as required by the Qld Work health and Safety Regulation 2011, Schedule

6. That workers are correctly trained in safe hazardous chemical storage and handling as appropriate to their


7. That adequate housekeeping practices are maintained at all times.

8. That adequate disposal options are readily available and appropriate for the hazardous chemicals in use,

this may include the use of specialist hazardous waste contractors.

Storage of Chemicals of Security Concern

The Relevant Manager shall ensure that:

1. All hazardous chemicals that are classified as a Chemical of Security Concern are identified.

2. All Chemicals of Security Concern are stored within secured storage and only accessible to authorised


3. All applicable permits/licenses for the storage and use of Chemicals of Security Concern are held by

Seafarms and that such permit/license is valid.

4. The inventory of storage/use is accurately maintained.

5. Any lost/misplaced/stolen Chemical of Security Concern is promptly reported to the appropriate authority

on the National Security Hotline – 1800 1234 00.

6. All inventory discrepancy is promptly investigated.

Use/Handle Hazardous Chemicals

The Relevant Manager shall ensure that:

1. Only approved hazardous chemicals (i.e. documented chemical risk assessment documented and an entry

in the Seafarms Hazardous Chemicals Register) are used within their area of responsibility.

2. Appropriate SWIs are documented and successfully implemented into the workplace for all work involving

the use of a hazardous chemical.

3. All hazardous chemicals are correctly and legibly labelled at all times.

4. All workers under their management are correctly trained and competent for the task being performed.

5. All hazardous chemicals are correctly used/handled by all persons at all times.

6. All hazardous chemical waste is correctly collected and responsibly disposed of.

7. All necessary emergency/incident response resources are readily available to the workforce and that all

emergency response equipment is fully functional at all times.

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8. That all necessary PPE is readily available, suitable to task and correctly worn/used by the workforce as


The Worker shall ensure that:

1. The direction of the applicable task SWI is complied with at all times.

2. All necessary PPE is correctly worn at all times whilst working with and/or likely to be exposed to the

hazardous chemical.

3. A review of the hazardous chemical’s SDS is undertaken prior to any work with a hazardous chemical.

4. The location and functionality of all emergency response resource i.e. emergency eyewash and shower,

Oxyviva, antidote, etc) is confirmed prior to the commencement of task.

5. Any incident or unexpected reaction that occurs during the use of a hazardous chemical is promptly

reported to the Relevant Manager/Supervisor.

6. All containers of hazardous chemicals are clean and securely closed when not in use.

7. All containers of hazardous chemicals are returned to their place of storage on the completion of tasking.

8. All waste, including disposable PPE, is correctly collected into hazardous waste receptacles, sealed shut,

identified and placed for disposal in the designated area.

9. Personal hygiene is maintained at all times.

Transport Dangerous Goods

The Relevant Manager shall ensure that:

1. Appropriate worker skills and authorisations are available for the transport of placardable loads where


2. An appropriately registered and insured vehicle is available for the transport of placadable loads where


3. Any contractor selected for service provision and where that service involves the transport of dangerous

goods are compliant with statutory directions.

4. Any transport of dangerous goods by Seafarms operations is fully compliant and conducted by authorised

persons and utilises a correctly registered, insured and identified vehicle.

The Driver of a dangerous goods transport vehicle shall ensure that:

1. All dangerous goods being transported are correctly packaged in clearly labelled containers.

2. Appropriate segregation of reactive chemicals is correctly maintained in a compliant manner.

3. Correctly annotated Dangerous Goods Shipping Document is produced and carried for the load being


4. All necessary SDSs for the load are carried.

5. All necessary Emergency Information Panels or Handbook 76 are carried.

6. Where necessary (i.e. in bulk or significant quantity) the appropriate Dangerous Goods Information

Placard is correctly displayed.

7. All necessary PPE, spill kit and fire extinguishers are carried.

8. All road rules are complied with at all times and that the vehicle is operated in a safe manner.

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Respond to a Hazardous Chemical Incident

The Relevant Manager shall ensure that:

1. Adequate emergency response plans are documented, resourced and successfully implemented within

the their area/s of responsibility.

2. Adequate skills are readily available for likely emergency scenarios.

3. That all planned responses are routinely practiced.

In the event of a hazardous chemical incident the following actions will be undertaken:

1. The alarm shall be raised immediately.

2. The person noting the incident will immediately inform the Relevant Manager/Supervisor.

3. Evacuate all unnecessary personnel from the area.

4. Establish incident isolation areas and decontamination capabilities.

5. Using the readily available suitable skill kit, the spill will be contained by competent persons, WHERE SAFE


6. Recover any/all victims and process via adequate decontamination, WHERE SAFE TO DO SO.

7. The Relevant Manager/Supervisor will inform the Seafarms COO as soon as practical.

8. The COO will report the incident as required to the relevant authority in the appropriate format.

9. Once safe, the spill is to be neutralised (where necessary) and cleaned up; all waste is to be collected into

appropriate hazardous waste receptacles and correctly disposed.

10. The area is to be decontaminated.

11. The incident investigation is to be completed.

Dispose of Hazardous Chemicals

The Relevant Manager shall ensure that:

1. A suitable and clearly identified (through the use of adequate signage) area for the collection of

hazardous waste is established and maintained. Such a collection area shall be within suitable

containment and have provision for the appropriate segregation of reactive substances.

2. Suitable receptacles are readily available for the storage of hazardous waste are readily available at all


3. A service contract is maintained for the regular removal of hazardous waste from site. Such contractor

shall be a specialist hazardous waste removal and treatment agent.

The Workers shall ensure that:

1. All hazardous chemical related waste is to be correctly collected in a compliant, clearly identified


2. Hazardous waste that is reactive (e.g. Acids and Alkali) shall not be placed in the same receptacle.

3. No hazardous chemical is disposed of in general waste of disposed down drains.

4. When storage of hazardous waste accumulates to significant quantity, the worker/s will inform the

Relevant Manager/Supervisor.

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5. Empty hazardous chemical containers shall be cleaned to a state where they are product free (i.e. triple

washed), the labels removed and rendered unusable prior to disposal in general waste.

6. Where hazardous chemical containers are to be recycled/reused, they shall cleaned to a state where they

are product free (i.e. triple washed) and labels shall be removed, prior to reuse.


Bi annual review; or

When change occurs in the way the job is undertaken (products, tools etc); or

An employee or contractor requests a review; or

Following an accident or incident; or

When new information comes to hand.
