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Aalto University ELEC-E8004 Project work course Year 2019

Project plan

Project #18 Robotic platform for manipulation of


Date: 4.2.2019 .

Mikko Mononen

Roope Pääkkönen Thales Mendes Sampaio Hai Pham Jyri Sorvari

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Information page Students Mikko Mononen

Roope Pääkkönen

Thales Mendes Sampaio Hai Pham Jyri Sorvari Project manager Jyri Sorvari Official Instructor Jean-Antoine Seon Starting date 10.1.2019 Approval The Instructor has accepted the final version of this document Date: 4.2.2019

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1) Background In this project, we develop a mechanical stage with two degrees of freedom for an inverted microscope. Two robots, each with three degrees of freedom are to be mounted on to the stage to perform magnetic manipulation of micro-particles. The robots consist of linear actuators and an electromagnetic needle which they use to move the particles suspended in liquid. Figure 1 shows the current setup of the microscope. This eight-degree of freedom manipulation system will be used by researchers at Aalto university. This kind of system could be used in the medical industry for targeted drug delivery.

Figure 1. Current state of the microscope with one robot

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Figure 2. Visualization of the current one robot manipulation system The inverted microscope is model AX10 manufactured by Zeiss. An inverted microscope differs from a traditional microscope in that the light source is above the sample stage and the optics are underneath the sample stage. The linear actuators used in the robots are made by SmartAct. Currently, the platform of the microscope only supports mounting one robot. Figure 2 illustrates the current setup of the microscope. Our task is to develop a platform where another robot can be attached opposite of the current robot, so that micro-particles can be controlled from both sides. The platform will be motorized, so that it can be moved manually or electronically. In addition, we will develop the control system for the two-robot system. The software for controlling one robot already exists. Our task is to adapt that for the second robot and include a safeguard so that the needles of the two robots cannot collide with each other. Our team will also perform manipulation on the finished system to confirm that it works.

2) Expected output The goal of this project is to design an integrated magnetic manipulation platform mounted on an inverted microscope for manipulation of micro-objects. This platform should hold two nano positioning stages that have electromagnetic particle manipulators mounted. Figure 3 is a concept image of the system. Additionally, the sample carrier on the platform should be able to move in the plane using either manual stages or motor. The two magnetic micromanipulators are expected to be controlled manually with a joystick controller. Controller will also be automated so that the manipulated particles can be set to follow a desired trajectory.

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Figure 3. The expected configuration of the microscope at the end of the project

3) Phases of project First month of the project will be used on familiarizing with the subject and project team. Additionally, the project plan should be ready and accepted by the instructor by the end of the first month. Familiarizing with the subject means reading up on microscopes, mechanical design and manipulation. Information for this part is mostly found from the internet and the sources include manufacturer websites for microscopes and actuators. Writing of the project plan was split into several parts and each group member got several headlines of which they are responsible for writing the material. After finishing the project plan the group has a firm understanding on the coming workload. Now that the background is clear the project group can start looking for more specific information. This includes for example measuring the available workspace, defining the the required dimensions for the design and learning to use the selected tools. During the design phase multiple mechanical drafts are drawn using mechanical CAD software. Designs needs to take multiple different aspects into consideration. These include the static, dynamic and electrical designs. Static design includes designs for the mountings for the platform on the inverted microscope and also mountings for the magnetic needle manipulators. Additionally, we need to include the selection of the material from which the platform will be manufactured from. For mechatronic design we need to consider the restrictions and required ranges of motion for the platform. This includes designing the rails, gears and everything else that are required to make the platform move. Third aspect of the design phase is selecting the proper actuators that will move the platform, how these actuators are connected to the system and any additional control circuitry needs. For the prototyping phase the group and instructor will select one design that will move forward. The group will 3D-print a functioning prototype and test it on the inverted microscope for compatibility. The design will be modified depending on the findings and feedback from instructor. At the same time the search for suitable manufacturer can start once the initial design phase has started. After the prototyping phase the group and instructor will select a manufacturer and

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negotiate on the manufacturing terms. The instructor will acquire the required funding and after the funding is accepted the order is placed. Software implementation can start in parallel with the prototyping phase, once the actuating methods and interfaces have been defined. Software implementation can be split to multiple parts that have some functions in common. The system has to read the location of the robots and the platform to prevent collisions between the needle robots and with the environment. After writing the code we need to perform unit and integration tests for the software to verify that the system works as expected. The business aspect for this project can be started in parallel with the data gathering. For this task the group will find other products that are already on the market that can perform a similar task. From these alternative products the group will perform a comparison to see what are the best solutions and what are the costs for the alternative solutions. Based on these studies the group will analyse a market price and possibly demand for the system. The seven milestones that are linked to work package completion are listed below along with deadlines.

M1 Project Plan ready (Deadline 4.2) M2 Data gathering done (Deadline 17.2) M3 Design accepted (Deadline 22.3) M4 Prototyping and manufacturing done (Deadline 31.3) M5 System accepted (Deadline 10.5) M6 Business aspect completed (Deadline 8 - 15.3) M7 Final report submitted (Deadline 13 - 31.5)

4) Work breakdown structure (WBS) Below is a list of our projects work breakdown structure. WBS is split to more manageable work packages in section 5. Visual representation of WBS is presented in appendix 1.

1. Project initiation and project plan 1.1. Meetings with project group

1.1.1. Define the project phases and work packages 1.1.2. Select project manager and work package leaders

1.2. Starting the project 1.2.1. Familiarize with the project topic 1.2.2. Setup project tools, workspaces and documents

1.3. Project planning 1.3.1. Research projects from previous years 1.3.2. Write the project plan 1.3.3. Define the schedule 1.3.4. Create graphs and charts

1.4. Review the plan as a group and ask instructor for feedback 1.4.1. Project plan accepted and submitted

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2. Data gathering

2.1. Considering the possibilities 2.1.1. Self made Modify current platform Design a new platform

2.1.2. Suitable accessories on the market 2.2. Defining work area

2.2.1. Measurements Needle robot Current platform Inverted microscope

2.2.2. Clarify the requirements for new platform 2.3. Learning the skills and tools

2.3.1. Specify and learn to use the tools CAD Programming Testing

2.3.2. Learn more about the skills required to finish relevant work packages

3. Design phase 3.1. Concept design

3.1.1. Brainstorming about concept ideas 3.1.2. Changes to needle robots 3.1.3. Review designs and make new iterations

3.2. Mechanical design 3.2.1. Platform mounting 3.2.2. Needle robot mounting 3.2.3. Actuator mounting 3.2.4. Platform size and shape 3.2.5. Material selection

3.3. Mechatronics design 3.3.1. Manual operation 3.3.2. Motorized operation 3.3.3. Actuator selection 3.3.4. Ranges of motion 3.3.5. Gears / tracks

3.4. Electronics design 3.4.1. Actuator power supply 3.4.2. Actuator control interface 3.4.3. Needle robot wiring

4. Business aspect

4.1. Business report 4.1.1. Research and writing Investigate business possibilities Intellectual property in business Product development and technology

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4.2. Review the report as a group and ask instructor for feedback 4.2.1. Business report accepted and submitted

4.3. Business seminar 4.3.1. Create presentation slides 4.3.2. Prepare for the presentation 4.3.3. Give a business presentation

5. Prototyping and manufacturing

5.1. 3D-printing a prototype 5.1.1. Learn more about 3D-printing 5.1.2. Make sure that the print quality is satisfactory 5.1.3. Test the prototype 5.1.4. Collect feedback 5.1.5. Improve the design 5.1.6. Get acceptance for the final design

5.2. Manufacturing 5.2.1. Search and compare suitable manufacturers 5.2.2. Get acceptance and funding for manufacturing

6. Software implementation

6.1. Support for second needle robot 6.1.1. Modify the existing code to support second needle robot 6.1.2. Unit test the software

6.2. Platform operation 6.2.1. Decide on operating method 6.2.2. Implement the operating method 6.2.3. Unit test the software

6.3. Collision prevention 6.3.1. Collisions between needle robots 6.3.2. Collisions between needle robots and environment 6.3.3. Unit test the software

6.4. Finalizing the software 6.4.1. Perform integration tests for the system 6.4.2. Make sure that the system is on the level of expected output 6.4.3. Get acceptance for the finished system

7. Project closing and final report

7.1. Documentation throughout the project 7.1.1. Prepare and put together notes from project meetings and phases 7.1.2. Pictures of the initial state, project phases and finished product

7.2. Final gala 7.2.1. Create a poster 7.2.2. Prepare for the gala 7.2.3. Give presentation

7.3. Project report 7.3.1. Write the report

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7.4. Review the report as a group and ask instructor for feedback 7.4.1. Final report accepted and submitted

5) Work packages and Tasks of the project and Schedule

5.1) Work packages The project is split to the following seven work packages as per the milestones and work breakdown structure. Each work package has a work package leader and estimated completion time.

Work package number and name Work package leader Estimated time

WP 1 - Project initiation and project plan Jyri 100 h

WP 2 - Data gathering Mikko 200 h

WP 3 - Design phase Thales 250 h

WP 4 - Business aspect Roope 75 h

WP 5 - Prototyping and manufacturing Roope 125 h

WP 6 - Software implementation Hai 250 h

WP 7 - Project closing and final report Jyri 150 h

Total time estimate: 1150 h

5.2) Tasks

The seven work packages are split into tasks. Most of the tasks require attention from each group member, but some tasks are better divided among a smaller group of members for efficiency in case of parallel tasks. Each task has a working hour estimate on how long it takes to complete the task. Picture 1 shows the visual representation of the work packages and tasks.

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Figure 4. Project work packages and tasks

1.1 Initial meeting with project group (10 h) The beginning of the project when each group member met each other. The group learned more about the coming tasks can discussed on possibilities and responsibilities. The roles of each person for the project plan were agreed on. 1.2 Starting the project (30 h) Each group member learns more about the project topic. Project manager sets up the common workspaces, templates and tools used for project planning. Group is familiarizing with each other and the project. 1.3 Project planning (45 h) Team will study project plans made by previous years groups and learn to make their own project plan. Making the project plan consists of planning, writing, visualizing and reviewing. In addition to informative writing, the plan also needs illustrative pictures, tables and graphs. During this phase the project work packages, work package leaders and project schedules are agreed on. 1.4 Review the plan as a group and ask instructor for feedback (15 h) After carefully reviewing the project plan the team will make modifications to the project plan as necessary. After this the project plan is sent to instructor for feedback. Finally with feedback from the instructor the project team will again make modifications to the project plan so that the plan meets the requirements. 2.1 Considering the different possibilities (40 h) In this stage the team brainstorms different ideas for the basic platform. This includes exploring the different types of rails, gears and motors that could be used in the project. Alternative solutions are

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also considered, such as designing a new robot mount in such a way that the original platform could be kept. We will also consider which, if any, parts the old platform could be reused in the new design. 2.2 Defining work area (30 h) The original platform is measured in size and movement. Its attachment to the microscope is studied and also measured. The work area around the microscope is measured so that possible collisions of the robots with the microscope are prevented. Based on this data, requirements for the new platform are drafted. 2.3 Learning the skills and tools (130 h) In this stage the team does research into different kinds of methods on making a moving platform, such as needed gearing, rails, motors and electronics. In this stage we study how we can implement the ideas from step 2.1 in practice. We decide which CAD software to use and learn how to use it to design the model of the system. We also study how current, commercially available platforms work. 3.1. Concept design (65 h) Concept designs and ideas will be discussed among the members to decide the track the design phase is going to take. This is going to be supported by studying the current set-up of the platform and robotic needle, so an iterative development can be initiated to achieve the final goal of the project. 3.2 Mechanical design (70 h) The measurements taken and initial observation of how the platform and needle actuators work, will be used to design the new platform. This includes the design of the platform itself, where the sample is located, the mounting system for the second robotic arm, including the second needle, and the mounting for the actuators that will control the platform. The material selection will be done during this phase. 3.3 Mechatronics design (70 h) This design phase consists of selecting the type of actuators to be used, how the actuators will be controlled, what will be the range of motion for the robotic arms and platform, and how everything should be controlled by the software. 3.4 Electronics design (45 h) A small circuit board must be designed to control the actuators and provide them power. It will receive control commands and provide positioning information via a data acquisition device from National Instruments, which will be the interface to the computer executing the software. The electronics design also includes how the second needle will receive current for its coil, but this is going to be similar to how it is already applied on the current set-up.

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4.1 Business report (50 h) The business report consists of the following parts: investigating business, intellectual property in business, product development and technology, conformance in EU and SWOT-analysis. After finishing the report, each group member will review the result and ask the instructor for feedback. 4.2 Business seminar (25 h) The group will prepare a business presentation slides that will be presented to other project groups. The presentation is based on the business report and each group member should be prepared to talk about their assigned aspects. 5.1 3D-printing a prototype (85 h) The group and instructor will select a design to be prototyped by 3D-printing. After printing the prototype it will be tested on the microscope. The group will then improve the design based on findings and ask instructor for additional feedback. 5.2 Manufacturing (40 h) The group must find the manufacturer for the designed platform. The price of manufacturing is also considered as an aspect to evaluate the manufacturer. After considering all the options, the group will discuss to choose the appropriate manufacturer and get the funding for this part with the help from instructor. 6.1 Support for second needle robot (20 h) The main purpose of this task is to control the second robot which is used to manipulate the needle. The code must be modify to guarantee the second robot can work efficiently with the whole platform. The unit testing will be done at the end of the code modification. 6.2 Platform operation (80 h) For this part, the work flow of the operation must be defined. The robots will be operate exactly as the sequence of states which is written in the program. The unit testing will be done at the end of the code modification. 6.3 Collision prevention (90 h) There are some conditions in the program which guarantee that those two robot cannot have collisions. Besides, there is also a function which is written to make sure that the needles cannot touch to each other or damage to the environment. The unit testing will be done at the end of the code modification. 6.4 Finalizing the software (60 h) The software is implemented with the platform. There are some tests to check the output meet the demand of the system. If there are some errors, the software must be checked and debugged again.

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7.1 Documentation throughout the project (20 h) Project group will make continuous documentation through the project to keep the project on track. When the final report writing starts, this documentation needs to be parsed so that it can also be used as a part of the final reporting. 7.2 Final gala (35 h) Project course includes a final gala that the group needs to prepare for. A poster and a practiced presentation is required for the final gala. Each group member has to prepare for the event. 7.3 Project report (70 h) The final report is as critical for the project as is the finished product. Project group has to write a professional looking document describing the project phases and tasks. Final report describes in detail how the product was designed, programmed and manufactured. 7.4 Review the report as a group and ask instructor for feedback (25 h) The process of writing professional documentation is more iterative so the final report has to be intensively reviewed and modified to guarantee satisfactory result. Each group member will personally review the final report then discuss as a group about modifications. After the group is pleased with the report it will be sent to instructor for final round of feedback. The report is then finished with the instructors notes in mind.

5.3) Detailed schedule

Common course deadlines, shown below, were used as the basis for project scheduling.

● 10.1.2019 You know your project topic ● 4.2.2019 23:59, deadline to submit the Project plan, must be accepted by Instructor ● 8.3.2019 23:59, deadline to submit Presentation Slides for Business aspects seminar ● 15.3.2019 23:59, deadline to submit the Business aspects document, accepted by Instructor ● 13.5.2019 08:00 deadline to submit poster designs for Final gala ● 31.5.2019 12:00, deadline to submit final reports to MyCourses (approved by the Instructor)

A basic schedule for the work packages in presented in picture 2. Because the group has five members the schedule includes some parallel tasks where 2-3 people can focus on different aspects of the project. More detailed Gantt chart that shows the scheduled project tasks is shown in appendix 2.

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Figure 5. Work package scheduling

6) Work resources

6.1) Personal availability during the project Table 1. Number of hours available for the project (excluding lectures and seminars) per week.

Jyri Thales Mikko Roope Hai Week 2 5 5 10 10 10 Week 3 5 5 10 10 10 Week 4 20 5 15 5 10 Week 5 20 20 15 5 10 Week 6 20 20 8 0 10 Week 7 15 15 15 15 10 Week 8 15 15 15 20 20 Week 9 10 15 15 20 10 Week 10 15 15 12 10 10 Week 11 10 15 12 5 10 Week 12 10 10 15 20 10 Week 13 10 10 15 20 20 Week 14 10 15 13 15 10 Week 15 5 15 8 10 10 Week 16 10 15 12 10 10 Week 17 10 10 10 5 10 Week 18 10 10 15 0 20 Week 19 10 10 15 10 10 Week 20 10 5 10 10 10 Week 21 5 5 10 10 10 Week 22 5 5 10 10 20

Total 230 240 250 220 250

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6.2) Personal goals

Jyri: I would like to learn more about working in engineering projects and managing the projects. This is the first project that I have ever managed so I’m sure that there will be a lot to learn and it will be impossible to foresee everything that is going to happen. I also hope to improve both communication and social skills during this project. As a project manager I need to be vocal and I also need to focus on writing and documentation to make sure that the plans and reports look formal. Additionally I’m really looking forward to learning about mechanical CAD and how to use Solidworks. Mikko: I want to learn more about product design and especially about the requirements engineering part of designing. I also want to learn more about engineering projects and the work required. This project offers an excellent chance to design an actual product from the start to finish. I am excited to be a part of this project and can’t wait to see our results. Thales: This project serves me as a initial step to apply the theories I have been learning about project planning and development. I hope to have a wide learning outcome, especially involving the mechanical aspects of the project, how to design for reliability and robustness, and control methods to perform precise manipulation of micro-scale particles. I also expect to learn effective ways to divide workload among the team members so that we can develop a successful product, well documented, and according to the expected time-spam. Roope: My personal goal is to learn more about project management and personal time management during a project. On the technical side I’d like to learn mechanical design of robots and more about the accurate control of particles in magnetic manipulation. Hai: The main objective which I would like to approach in this project is that I can improve my personal professional skills in robotics including software and hardware design. Moreover, as participating in a team, I can also study how to collaborate efficiently with the other members so that the project result can be meet the demand. Besides, after this project, I will be able to know more about business potentials of the product which supports to my career path.

7) Cost plan and materials The allocation of budget and management of purchases will be done in a cooperation between the project manager the instructor. The material cost of this project is not expected to be high. The main parts, namely the inverted microscope and actuators, are already available. Most of the budget will be used to buy prototyping materials, like plywood, metal sheets, and 3D-printing materials;

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actuators for the platform movement; and manufacturing services. Table 2 contains information about the approximate costs of this project. Table 2. Estimated cost of materials and services.

Name Description Cost (Euros)

Prototyping Material Wood, metal and 3D printed pieces to back the prototyping of the platform’s initial design.


Actuators Two precise servo or stepper motors for controlling the robotic platform.


Manufacturing Services Manufacturing costs for the platform pieces.

1500 - 2000

Total Cost 1650 - 2150 euros

The procedure to acquire the materials and manufacturing services will be such that we will discuss among the team the exact pieces or services need, and make a request to the instructor, so he can proceed with the purchase.

8) Other resources

The team will have the nano-robotics laboratory available for use, provided authorization from the instructor. The current set-up of the platform, with one robotic arm, is also available along with power supplies, data acquisition interface, and a computer with the partial control software. A 3D printer can be used to develop the initial prototypes of the platform pieces.

9) Project management and responsibilities

Each group member is responsible for their own work and workload. If a member feels that he cannot successfully complete the tasks assigned to him on time it is his responsibility to inform rest of the group and ask for assistance. Group members must take initiative and proceed with the project if the project manager is not able to perform his duties due to sickness or any other reason. Work package leaders have responsibility for their corresponding work packages. This consists of making sure that the deadlines and quality requirements are met. Work package leaders are also actively working on the tasks and managing the workload of other group members working on the same work package. Project manager has the main responsibility that the project is completed successfully and on time. It is also project managers responsibility to keep track of the progress and attend course related events. Project managers tasks include administrative work, organizing group meetings and relaying

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course related information to group members. In addition to the management tasks he will also participate in project task execution. Instructors responsibility is to supervise and guide the project group. Instructor can also give advice and connections that can further help the group finish the project. Getting the funding for manufacturing is also part of instructors responsibilities. Instructor also has the final word when making major decision regarding the project.

10) Project Meetings Each meeting will have a designated memokeeper. Memokeeper writes short memos of meetings so that if someone is not able to attend the meeting he can read up on the discussions and decisions that were made made. Memos are stored in the projects google drive for accessibility. Project will have weekly group meetings and biweekly meetings with the instructor. Meetings with the instructor are held on every other friday, not counting evaluation weeks, in TUAS building at 14:15. During instructor meetings the instructor is informed about current tasks and progress and he will steer the group towards successfully completing the project. Project manager is responsible for arranging the internal group meetings and informing the time and place to group members. Suitable time for everyone is selected using doodle scheduling platform. Meeting agendas are posted well before by project manager so that each group members has got time to prepare for the meeting. In addition to meetings the group keeps tight contact trough digital communications applications according to the communication plan.

11) Communication plan In this project, it is necessary to communicate internally as well as with the instructor. The group’s members exchange the information by using web application and mobile one. Depending on the type of task, each application is used as the following points:

- Telegram: this is a mobile application which team members will communicate to each other to not only decide the time of meeting but also post some individual problem in the period of project

- Trello: this web application is used for setting up and arranging the task for each member to finish. The member can not only follow his task but also track the tasks of others. Besides the instructor can use Trello to follow the project process.. Besides, the instructor can follow the project’s process by Trello

- Google drive: this is a cloud in which all of the project’s documents will be stored. Each member is able to modify and update the documents depending to the project’s plan

- Slack: Team members can also contact to the instructor in Slack channel. If there are some additional requirements for the project, the instructor can announce those in the channel as well to guarantee that all members can update the information immediately.

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12) Risks

Risks of the project can come from multiple sources. This project plan aims to minimize these risks. Overall there are risks in underestimating the workload in some part of the project. This is taken into account in the schedule of our milestones. Project members will notify others if they are falling behind schedule, and others can help them. As this is an integration project where our design needs to fit an existing microscope, the design needs to follow specifications exactly. To this end, the specifications need to be clear and unambiguous. Otherwise there is the risk of the design not fitting the microscope or not working properly. The software part of the project has risks related to the required workload, as the software part starts later in the project. However, as we can adapt existing control software for the second robot and only the collision prevention needs to be developed, this risk shouldn’t be high. Table 3 shows some of the potential risks for this project. Table 3. Risks, likelihoods, consequences and risk prevention

Risk Likelihood Consequence Prevention

The mechanical stage isn’t stable.

Small Severe, prevents efficient manipulation.

The design will be tested and approved to ensure stability.

Problems with mechanical stage movement.

Small Quite severe, can prevent efficient manipulation.

The design will be tested to make sure it fulfills requirements.

The mechanical stage doesn’t fit the microscope

Unlikely Severe, the design would have to be reworked

3D-print a prototype before manufacturing and send clear plan to manufacturer

The software doesn’t prevent needles from colliding.

Unlikely Severe, can damage the needles and prevents manipulation.

The software will be designed so that there is a safe buffer zone around the needles. Enough time was allocated for the development of the software

Too high workload for team members

Moderate Work is delayed Project planning, scheduling and communication between team members

Damaging the hardware

Small Work is delayed, extra costs

Being cautious around the microscope and prototype

Material supply chain complications

Moderate Work is delayed, design needs to be altered

Early research on suppliers, scheduling some slack for the manufacturing phase

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13) Quality plan

The manager of each work package is responsible for the quality of that work package, with the project manager being responsible for the quality of the whole project. Each work package will have a defined expected outcome that the work package needs to fulfill. Each work package will be reviewed by the project team at the end of the work package. The project manager will periodically review all the work done in the project to ensure that the project as a whole follows the specifications given by the instructor or made by the project team. The project manager will point out any issues to the corresponding work package manager. During each project meeting the project members present the work they have done and other project members have a chance to review the work done. Project members agree to point out any problems they encounter or notice during the project. Issues can be discussed during project meetings, on Slack or on Telegram. The project members can then come up with solutions. The quality of the platform specifically is ensured by careful planning, prototyping and testing before implementing. The instructor will approve the the prototype for manufacture. The quality of the software is similarly tested. The instructor will oversee the project and also provide the project team with necessary information on the project. The instructor sets the level of quality required.

14) Changing this plan

To change the plan, each member must follow the procedures: - Change must be posted in Telegram group at least one week before the deadline of the task. For the meeting, if someone cannot attend, he/she must announce at least one day before. For the team meeting, if someone cannot attend with the team, he/she has to tell in the communication channels at least one day before. - Group will choose a meeting to discuss about the change and give the final decision. - Modification will be published to Slack channel or email to the instructor. If small tasks are changed, it is not necessary to announce it to the instructor. However for important tasks which can have effects on the final result, the modification must be verified by the instructor. Each member has the right to provide the ideas to change the project plan. However, the modification must be discussed together and depending on the votes of all team members. If the change is important or emergency, the project manager can send the notification to the instructor. All the member must have responsibility to contribute in the decision of making any changes in project plan. If some members of the group cannot attend to the meeting to make the decision, the information of the meeting will be published to Telegram or Trello. Each member can follow the information and give comments. The final decision will be accepted if the vast majority of the group vote for it. The modification of plan is followed by aspects:

- Advantages and disadvantages of the change - Proportion of achievement - Time to apply the change

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15) Measures for successful project Well defined final goals and milestones were created to measure the successfulness of the project. The final outcome will be evaluated by comparing it with the specifications and requirements of the project. If the validation and tests phase are successful, with no unexpected errors or outcomes, the project can be considered a success. In this case, the platform must be steady and robust, the movement assisted by robots of the platform must be precise, and the robotic arms should be responsive to commands given by the user. If all these requirements are fulfilled and fully tested, we will proceed with the stretch goal of automating the movement of the particles using computer vision. To evaluate the progress of the project, the project manager will be closely tracking deadlines and milestones, analysing the outcomes of each phase. The evaluation and final tests will be done in the nanorobotics laboratory with the assistance the instructor. The project will be presented at the Final Gala.

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 2

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