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  • 8/14/2019 Project on It




    Computer for Business & Competitive Skill

    Submitted By

    Mr. S A M E E R K H A N

    Submitted To


    As a partial fulfillment of



    MR.Rupesh Dargad



    P E O P L E 'S C O L L EGE

    N A N D E D

  • 8/14/2019 Project on It


    This is to certify that

    Mr. /Miss SAMEER KHAN

    Studying in B.COM 1st Year .hasperfomed set of Experiment ofthe SubjectComputer forBusines&Competitive Skills.

    Satisfactory in the year2007-2008


    Head of Dept Lect. Incharge

    UNIT I




  • 8/14/2019 Project on It



  • 8/14/2019 Project on It


    I N R O D U C T I O NI N R O D U C T I O N ::

    The word computer is derived from the Latin word

    Compute which means to calculate, there for computers were

    considered as calculating device, performing Arithmetical and

    logical operations

    Computers were invented because of mans search

    for fast and accurate calculating devices. In fact the original

    objective for inventing a computer was to create a fast

    calculating machine. However more than 80% of work done by

    computers today is non-mathematical or non-numerical

    nature. Hence to define a computer merely as a calculating

    device is to ignore over 80% of its functions.

    People usually consider a computer to be a

    calculating device that can perform arithmetic operation at a

    high speed. It is also known as data processor because it not

    only computes in the usual sense but also performs other

    functions with data.

    There for computer is a device or equipment. This

    can store, retrieve and recall any amount of data at very highspeed. It doesnt possess its own intelligence.


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    D E F I N A T I O N:

    The Computer is an electronic devicewhich has capacity to accept question from users,process on it and gives a result as an out put.

    Technically, a computer is aprogrammable machine. This means it can execute aprogrammed list of instructions and respond to newinstructions that it is given. Today, however, theterm is most often used to refer to the desktop and

    laptop computers that most people use. Whenreferring to a desktop model, the term "computer"technically only refers to the computer itself -- notthe monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still, it isacceptable to refer to everything together as thecomputer. If you want to be really technical, the boxthat holds the computer is called the "system unit."

    There for A computer is

    1. A device that computes, especially aprogrammable electronic machine thatperforms high-speed mathematical or logicaloperations or that assembles, stores,correlates, or otherwise processes information.

    2. One who computes.


    A device that receives, processes, andpresents information. The two basic types ofcomputers are analog and digital. Althoughgenerally not regarded as such, the most prevalentcomputer is the simple mechanical analogcomputer, in which gears, levers, ratchets, andpawls perform mathematical operations


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    The computers of mechanical era suffered from toseries and major draw backs.

    1) The enteria of the moving past used in the

    components of developing the system limited acomputing speed of this system.2) The movements of data by mechanical means

    were unreliable.

    Before 2000 year ago a calculating deviceWas invented by Japan named Abacus performedcalculations that is Addition and subscriptions

    A B A C U S

    A same kind of instrument invented by china namedSORABAN, perfoming same functions of Abacus.

    After that John Napier introduce a deviceusing elephant teeth called Napiers Bone. Than theBlaise Pascal invented the first mechanical addingdevice in 1642. Later in the year 1671, BaronGottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz of Germany inventedfirst multiplication key board machines.


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    Charles Babbage, a nineteenth century professor atCambridge university, is considered the Father ofModern Digital Computers.

    Babbage designed a difference Engine inthe year 1822 that could produce reliable tables. In1842, Babbage came out with his new idea ofcompletely automatic Analytical Engine forperforming basic arithmetic functions for anymathematical problem at an average speed of 60additions per minute


    1) The Mark I Computer

    2) The Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    3) The ENIAC

    4) The EDVAC

    5) The EDSAC

    6) The UNIVAC


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    First generation of computer (1945-1955)

    The computers produced in 1945-1955 is 1st

    generation computers.

    They were extremely large and had small liability.

    They used vacuum tubes in their circuitry board which

    are fairly large and generated considerable beat large

    for the large number of vacuum tubes.

    The first generations computers were much fasterthan earlier mechanical or electronically device. The

    internal storage capacity was very low or limited in

    these computers produced in first generation. Vacuum

    tubes technology made possible the advance of

    electronic digital computer. These computers were the

    fastest calculating of their time. They could perform

    computation in mille seconds.

    These are bulky in size and unreliable .thousandsof vacuum tubes that were used emitted large amount

    of hit so that it requires air-conditioning in large


    The memory of these computers used

    electromagnetic relays, and all data and instructions

    were fed into the system from punch cards.


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    Features ofFirst generation computer:

    1) They were the fastest calculating device of theirtime

    2) They were too bulky in size, requiring largerooms for installation.

    3) They used thousands of vacuum tubes thatemitted large amount of heat and burnt outfrequently hence, the rooms/area in whichthese computers were located had to beproperly air conditioned

    4) Each vacuum tube consumed about half a wattpower. Since a computer typically used morethan ten thousand vacuum tubes, powerconsumption of these computers was veryhigh.

    5) As vacuum tubes used that filaments, they hada limited life.becouse a computer usedthousand of vacuum tubes these computerswere opr0ne to frequent hardware failure


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    Second generation of computer (1955-1964)

    The computers invented in 1955-1964 calledsecond generation computers. The transistors wereinvented in 1947. The transistors were made frommetal material called semi conductors in which

    vacuum tubes were replace by transistors calledsecond generation computers. The use of transistorsreduces the hit generated during the operation.

    Second generation computers are featured bythe use of magnetic tapes provides faster inputs ofnumbers. These computers are smaller in size thanfirst generation computers. It reducedcomputational time from mini to micro seconds. But

    it requires air condition.

    The second generations of computers were manufactured using transistors instead ofvacuum tubes. Due to the properties of transistorslisted above these computers were more powerful,more reliable, less expensive smaller and cooler tooperate than the first generation computer


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    Features of second generation computer:

    1) they were more rugged and easier to handle than tubesince they were made of germanium semiconductormaterial rather than glass

    They were highly reliable as compared to tubes since theyhad no parts like a filaments that could burn out.

    2) they were less expensive to produce

    3) they were much smaller than a tube

    4) they dissipated much less heat as compared to vacuumtubes

    5) they consumed almost one-tenth the power consumedby a tubes


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    Third generation of computer (1966-1975)

    The third generation was from 1966-1975. Itwas announced by IBM with its 360 line ofcomputer which used IC in hardware the thirdgeneration was barred on IC technology and thecomputers that were design with the use of

    integrated circuits were called mini computers.

    These computers are smaller and reliableGenerate less hit. But it also requires air condition

    Although transistors were great deal ofimprovement over the vacuum tubes, theygenerated heat and damaged the sensitive areas ofthe computer. The Integrated Circuit(IC) was

    invented in 1958 by Jack Kilby. It combinedelectronic components onto a small silicon disc,made from quartz. More advancement madepossible the fittings of even more components on asmall chip or a semi conductor. Also in thirdgeneration computers, the operating systemsallowed the machines to run many differentapplications. These applications were monitoredand coordinated by the computer's memory


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    Features of Third generation computer s:

    1) They were more powerful than second generationcomputers. They were capable of performing about 1

    million instructions per second

    2) They were smaller than second generation computerrequiring smaller space.

    3) They were more reliable and less prone to hardwarefailures than second-generation computers requiringlower maintenance.

    4) They consumed less power and dissipated less heatthan second generation computers. The rooms/areas in

    which third generation computers were located stillrequired to be properly air conditioned.

    5) They had faster and larger primary and secondarystorage as compared to second generation computers


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    Fourth generation of computers (1976-1980)

    In the fourth generation the computertechnology further minimized through LSI. WithLSI there used micro processor and with these twomicro computers developed.

    They have large storage capacities. They areeasily portable. But they are highly sophisticated.

    Fourth Generation computers are themodern day computers. The Size started to go

    down with the improvement in the integratedcircuits. Very Large Scale (VLSI) and Ultra Largescale (ULSI) ensured that millions of componentscould be fit into a small chip. It reduced the size andprice of the computers at the same time increasingpower, efficiency and reliability. "The Intel 4004chip, developed in 1971, took the integrated circuitone step further by locating all the components of acomputer (central processing unit, memory, and

    input and output controls) on a minuscule chip."

    Due to the reduction of cost and the availability ofthe computers power at a small place allowedeveryday user to benefit. First came theminicomputers, which offered users differentapplications, most famous of these the wordprocessors and spreadsheets, which could be usedby non-technical users.


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    Fe atures of Fourth generation computers:

    1) They have faster and larger primary and secondarystorage as compared to fourth generation of computer

    1) PCs were smaller and cheaper than mainframe or minicomputers of third generation

    .2) PCs of fourth generation made computers affordable

    even by individuals for their personal use at home.

    3) They consumed less power than third generation


    4) They were more reliable and less prone to hardwarefailures than third generation computers requiringnegligible maintenance cost.

    5) They had faster and larger primary and secondarystorage as compared to third generation computers.


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    Fifth generation of computer (1982 onwards)

    Computers produced during 1980s are fifthgeneration computers. From 1982 onwards supercomputers made. They made with advancetechnology. They have very high speed and cost ofthese computers also very high, hence these are

    used only in a certain complex application.

    These are the generations of computers.And it is very important thing of computers in therecreation.

    Fifth generations computers are only inthe minds of advance research scientists and beingtested out in the laboratories. These computers willbe under Artificial Intelligence (AI), They will be

    able to take commands in a audio visual way andcarry out instructions. Many of the operationswhich

    Requires low human intelligence will be performedby these computers.

    Parallel Processing is coming and showing thepossibility that the power of many CPU's can be

    used side by side, and computers will be morepowerful than those under central processing.Advances in Super Conductor technology willgreatly improve the speed of information traffic.Future looks bright for the computers.


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    Features of Fifth generation computers:

    1) They have faster and larger primary and secondarystorage as compared to their predecessors.

    2) They are general-purpose machine.

    3) They consume less power than their predecessorsdo.

    4) Fifth generation pcs and workstations are severaltimes more powerful than pcs of fourth generation.

    5) Although fifth generation mainframes requireproper air conditioning of the rooms/areas in whichthey are located


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    Due to all these The Todays Computers hasFollowing Characteristics:

    1) SPEED:

    The speed of a computer system is unthinkable. ItCan perform in a Few seconds. Those human

    beings cant do.

    2) ACCURACY:

    The accuracy of a computer is very high orunlimited. Mistake can occur in system but theyare mainly due to human beings rather thantechnical problems or incorrect data.

    3) Power of Remembering:

    A computer can store any amount of data due tohis secondary storage devices that is Hard disk.

    A computer can recall any amount of data withhigh speed.

    4) Storage:

    The main memory of the computer is finite. It isbuilt up in megabyte modules. Earlier, a pc usedto have 640 KB, and more powerful PCs had4MB, of main memory

    5) Diligence:

    Unlike a human being a computer is freefrom tiredness and lack of concentrationand hence can work hours together without creating any errors and withoutjumbling. It may be helping officesecretary to tress and important letter .


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    Types of computer:













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    In the general there are three types of computer

    1) Digital computer:

    2) Analog computer:

    3) Hybrid computer:


    A digital computer operates directly on decimaldigits that represent either descript data or symbolit takes inputs and gives out put in the forms ofnumbers, letters and special charactersrepresented by holes in punch cards magnetictapes, printing on the paper and so on .

    A digital computer is gernaly used for business andscientific data processing

    The digital computer has a unique ability and thatis storing large quantity of data

    In digital computer mathematical expressions arefinally represented by Binary digits that 0 & 1 andall operation done using these digits at very highspeed rate. The digital computer basically knowsonly how to add, multiplication, divisions etc.Are converted into addition and than calculated,

    these computers are used for business or scientificpurpose


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    An analogcomputer in a contrast to a digitalcomputer measures continuous electrical orphysical magnitude like voltage , pressure , shaftrotation and water flow etc.

    And react in a free define way to changes in a

    specified quantities the process and controldevices. An analog computer has the abilty toaccept inputs which vary with time intencity anddirectly apply with to them various devices withinthe computer which performs the computingoperation.

    In short analog is Greek word which meansestablishing similar laities between two quantities.

    In analog computer similarities are establish in theform of current or voltage signal analog computeroperate by measuring an electrical signals produceby analogous to the variable of physical system


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    In a certain situation to simulate a guided missilesystem or new air craft design

    A computer that combines the most desirablefeatures of both Analog and digital computer I semploy a computer of this natureis referred as a hybrid computer

    For example in hospital intensive care unit (ICU)analog devices may measure a patients heartbeats, temperature and other vital sides

    Hybrid computers are computers that comprise features ofanalog computers anddigitalcomputers. The digitalcomponent normally serves as the controller and provideslogical operations, while the analog component normallyserves as a solver ofdifferential equations.

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    Types of Digital computer :

    The digital computers also divided intoTo group that is

    1) size wise2) Purpose wise

    Size wise computer also divided as under

    Mainframe Mini computer Macro computer Super computer

    Which are described as fallows: -


    Mainframes are computers used mainly by large organizations for

    critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as census,

    industry and consumer statistics, ERP, and financial transaction


    The term probably originated from the early mainframes, as they

    were housed in enormous, room-sized metal boxes or frames. [1]

    Later the term was used to distinguish high-end commercial

    machines from less powerful units which were often contained in

    smaller packages.

    Today in practice, the term usually refers to computers compatible

    with the IBM System/360 line, first introduced in 1965. (IBM

    System z9 is IBM's latest incarnation.) Otherwise, systems with

    similar functionality but not based on the IBM System/360 are

    referred to as "servers." However, "server" and "mainframe" arenot synonymous

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    Minicomputer :

    Minicomputer is a largely obsolete term for a class of multi-usercomputers that lies in the middle range of thecomputing spectrum, in between the largestmulti-usersystems (mainframe computers) and the smallest single-user systems (microcomputers orpersonal computers).

    Formerly this class formed a distinct group with its ownhardware and operating systems notably having smalleraddress space (notice the cited numbers of bits in a dataword, ranging from 8 to 24 bits commonly around 16-bits).While the distinction between mainframe computers and

    smaller computers remains fairly clear, contemporarymiddle-range computers are not well differentiated from

    personal computers, being typically just a more powerfulbut still compatible version of a personal computer. Moremodern terms for minicomputer-type machines includemidrange systems (IBMparlance), workstations (Sun

    Microsystemsand generalUNIX/Linuxparlance), andservers.

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    Microcomputer :

    Amicrocomputer is a computer with a microprocessor asits central processing unit. Another general characteristic ofthese computers is that they occupy physically small amountsof space when compared to mainframe and minicomputers.Many microcomputers (when equipped with a keyboard andscreen for input and output) are also personal computers (inthe generic sense).[3][4]

    The term "microcomputer" came into popular use after theintroduction of the minicomputer, althoughIsaac Asimovused the term microcomputer in his short story "The DyingNight" as early as 1956 (published in The Magazine of

    Fantasy and Science Fiction in July that year). Most notably,the microcomputer replaced the many separate componentsthat made up the minicomputer's CPU with a singleintegrated microprocessor chip.

    The earliest models often sold as kits to be assembled by theuser, and came with as little as 256bytes ofRAM, and noinput/output devices other than indicator lights andswitches. However, as microprocessors and semiconductormemorybecame less expensive from the early-to-mid-1970sonwards, microcomputers in turn grew faster and cheaper.This resulted in an explosion in their popularity during thelate 1970s and early 1980s.

    The increasing availability and power ofdesktop computers

    for personal use attracted the attention of more softwaredevelopers. As time went on and the industry matured, themarket for personal (micro)computers standardized aroundIBM PC compatibles running MS-DOS (and laterWindows).

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    A supercomputer is a computer that is considered, or wasconsidered at the time of its introduction, to be at thefrontline in terms of processing capacity, particularly speedof calculation. The term "Super Computing" was first used by

    New York Worldnewspaper in 1929[1] to refer to largecustom-builttabulatorsIBM made for Columbia University.

    Supercomputers introduced in the 1960s were designed

    primarily bySeymour Crayat Control Data Corporation(CDC), and led the market into the 1970s until Cray left toform his own company, Cray Research. He then took over thesupercomputer market with his new designs, holding the topspot in supercomputing for five years (19851990). Cray,himself, never used the word "supercomputer", a little-remembered fact is that he only recognized the word"computer". In the 1980s a large number of smaller

    competitors entered the market, in a parallel to the creationof theminicomputer market a decade earlier, but many ofthese disappeared in the mid-1990s "supercomputer marketcrash". Today, supercomputers are typically one-of-a-kindcustom designs produced by "traditional" companies such asIBM and HP, who had purchased many of the 1980scompanies to gain their experience, although still specializesin building supercomputer. The term supercomputeritself is

    rather fluid, and today's supercomputer tends to becometomorrow's normal computer. CDC's early machines weresimply very fast scalar processors, some ten times the speedof the fastest machines offered by other companies. In the1970s most supercomputers were dedicated to running a

    vector processor, and many of the newer players developedtheir own such processors at a lower price to enter themarket.

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    Indias first super computer is PARAM which is developed by

    C-DAC, of pune a government organization CRAY-XMP

    The super computer makes use of multiple processors, usedin structure engineering, used weather for casting in military,used in oil companies

    Types of purpose wise computer :


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    1) Special purpose wise :

    2) General purpose wise :

    Special purpose wise:

    A special purpose wise those computer which areused for special purpose or job are called Specialpurpose Computer

    General purpose wise:

    The general purpose are the computer which aredesign to store different programs and can thus beused in countless application and those which areused for general purpose are called Generalpurpose Computer


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    Input Put Devices:Input Put Devices:

    1. Floppy:

    Computer use disks to store information floppy.Disks are plastic disks made of thin magnetic material that


    Input and Output


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    can store logic 0 & 1 in the form of magnetic direction. Theyhave semi random property it is permanently enclosed inthickness only a few thousands of inches. The disk is rotatedat a constant speed of 360 RPM.

    Floppy is a surface device. Surface of the disks isdivided into a no. of concentric tracks; each track is dividedinto sectors. There is a large hole known as indexing hole,disks drive uses this hole as a reference to count the sectors.The oblong cut out called the head slot is the reading,recording segment that is only surface that combed incontact with the disks drive. At edge of the disks near thehead slot, is a notch called the write protect notch. Thisnotch is provided to protect the information.

    Floppies come in the different sizes and varyingstorage capacities. Storage capacities of floppies aremeasured in kilobytes or megabytes.

    2.2. Hard disk:Hard disk:

    A hard disk is similar to floppy disks in which itinformation but a hard disks is much larger and much

    faster than a floppy disks. Small hard disks might as muchas 25 times larger than a floppy disks capacity of a hard

    disks is measured in megabytes they came inVarious size: 40mb, 80mb, 129mb, 200mb and up.

    Hard disks are made of aluminium plats and areencased in a sealed dust proof case. Hard disks arecombination of a metallic disks and drive.

    The sealed unit is mostly located I the system box.Once attached to system unit, the hard disks are not takenout and are hence also called fixed disks.

    Optical disks:Optical disks:

    It consists of rotating disks whose surface is coatedwith a thin metal or other highly reflective material. A lairbeam is used to record data on the surface of spinning disks.The laser beam is switched on and off at varying rate anddue to this tiny gets bump into metal coating of the disksalong its tracks.

    3.3. CD-ROM:CD-ROM:


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    This is secondary device that uses optical techniques toread/write data. CD-ROM has a reasonable fast access timeand vast storage capacity. A CD-ROM disk is usually 12cm in

    diameter.4.4. Mouse:Mouse:

    A mouse is hand held pointing device, it is an electromechanical device used at a pointer to select items from anon screen menu. Mouse was originally devised with the ideaof reducing the number of key strokes required for a

    particular task. The most conman mouse uses an internal,magnetically coated bal to detect movement of the mouseacross a flat surface, usually a dark top movement of themouse is monitored via an input post and this is translateinto movement an icon. Usually an arrow on the screen,

    Mouse is increasingly becoming hi tech.




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    A computer peripheral that provided the uses with an instant status and update of computer activities.Monitor use similar, but for many reasons different,technology to a television on the monitor, the computer

    result .The image on the screen of the monitor is made alsocalled CRT .The typed character or the data keyed on thekeyboard get displayed on the monitor screen. Theinformation during execution of a program is displayed onthe monitor.


    A printer is device that produces that writtenimages on the paper .After a document been created on acomputer .We can printer can be classified into threecategories.


    This printer prints character by character. Inthis the printer head physically hits the paper through theribbon the print head comprises a matrix of tiny needles.

    The print quality of a DMP is inferior to that of a

    daisywheel printer .But dot matrix printer are generallyfaster than letter quality printer in the range of go to 250character per second . They are also less expensive than adaisy wheel and hence if the quality of o/p is not animportant factor then the DMP used mostly, there isadditional advantage of DMP over letter quality printer inthe sense that DMP do not have fixed character that a

    programme can describe. It supports graphics too.


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    An Ink jet printer system produces character by

    spraying small ink droplets onto paper. A high frequencyelectrical generator causes a piezoelectric crystal to vibrateand throw off high frequency electrical generator causestiny ink droplets supplied from a reservoir. The droplets inthe precise manner to form the desired character on paper.

    Such printers are capable of speed of 40-300 cps.


    Laser printer blends printer printers and officecopier technology. Laser printer writes the desired o/pimage on a copier drum with a light beam that operatesunder computer control.

    On those part of drum surface exposed to the laserbeam. These laser exposed rays attract a toner that attachesitself to the laser generated charges on the drum. The toneris then permanently fused on paper with heat or pressure.

    Laser printer are quite and produce high quality o/p Laser printer are capable of printing about 10-15 pages per



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    Unit II




  • 8/14/2019 Project on It


    Msword is a GUI graphical user interface packagewhich works under window terminologyMs word not only combines a word processor anddesktop publisher but also a spread sheet

    Microsoft Word is an essential tool for the creationof documents. Its ease of use has made Word one ofthe most widely used word processing applicationscurrently on the market. Therefore, it's importantto become familiar with the various facets of thissoftware, since it allows for compatibility acrossmultiple computers as well as collaborativefeatures. Word is a fairly simple program to use forcompleting simple tasks. However, it may be more

    difficult to learn how to explore the more advancedpossibilities of Word.

    Opening Microsoft Word:

    To run Word on your computer: Start >>Programs >> Microsoft Office >> MicrosoftOffice Word 2003. If there is an icon of MicrosoftWord available on your desktop (shaped like asquare with a "W" in the middle), you can open upthe program by double-clicking it, as well


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    Opening screen of ms word:


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    Tool bars of ms word:

    Elements of MS- WORD opening screen are as



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    1) TITLE BAR:

    It present on' the top of the MS-Word screen. On the left sideit contains MS- Word logo followed by the name of the

    document in the window, followed by "Microsoft Word". Onthe right side it contains control menu which consist ofMinimize, Maximize/Restore, Close button.

    2) Minimize:

    It is represented by underscore (_), placed at the right of atitle bar. It minimizes or stores an MS-Word window at the

    bottom of the screen.

    3) Maximize:

    It is represented by a box, placed at the right of a title bar. Itfills the entire screen with MS-Word window.

    4) Restore:

    It is represented by double box, placed at the right of a titlebar. It restores an MS-Word window into a sizeable

    window (user can, change size of window by dragging it).

    5) Close:

    It is represented by "x", placed at the right of a title bar. Itcloses the MS- Word window.

    6) MENU BAR:

    It provides access to the commands on the menus. Menubar consists of menus as follows:

    File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, Help.When we click on or select any menu then options in thatmenus are present indrop down list.



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    It contains buttons that gives quick access for basic fileoperations such as : new, open, save, print, print preview,spelling and grammar, cut, copy, paste, format painter,undo, redo, insert hyperlink , tables and border, insert table,

    columns, document map, zoom.

    8) Ruler line:

    It controls the margins, paragraph 1indentation and tabsettings for a document. The horizontal ruler is alwaysdisplayed at the top of the document window. The verticalruler is displayed only in the print layout view.


    Using this we move backward and forward in our document.We can click the up arrow button and down arrow button toscroll one line at a time. We can click drag the scroll box(thumb) to move quickly through the document. As wedrag .the scroll box, word displays a screen tip showin3 thepage number.


    Using this we move from left side to right side or vice versain our document. It is useful ill page layout views when thepage we have working on is too wide to fit on the screen. Tomove we-can use either scroll button or scroll box.

    11) SPLIT BAR:

    It splits the word window into two part so that we can see

    different parts of document at the same time.

    12) STATUS BAR:

    It is present at the bottom of the MS- Word window. Itdisplays information about the active document or the

    work we are processing. It displays following information


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    a) Then number of the page the insertion point iscurrently on

    b) The number of the section the insertion point iscurrently in

    c) The current page number and the number of pages inthe whole documentd) The, vertical position of the insertion point from thetop of the pagee) The column number, the number of characters between

    the current position of the insertation point and theleft margin.

    f) Indicate whether the micro recording is on/off. (Rec)g) Indicate whether change-tracking is on/off (TRK)h) Indicate whether the extend selection mode is on/off

    (EXT)i) Indicate whether overtype mode is on/off (OVR)

    13) Previous page:

    Using this we can move to previous page of the document

    14) Next Page:

    Using this we can move to next page of the document

    15) Select Brose object:

    Using this button we can change the behavior of the nextpage and previous page button. For example instead of moving tonext page, we can set it to move to next/previous table, endnote,

    footnote, section, comment, graphic, heading, find, etc.



    Assignment on

    Ms Word

    1) Letter

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    An application for the post of lecturer in peoplescollege Nanded.

    Angel Villa,On Ali Road,


  • 8/14/2019 Project on It


    Peerburhan Nagar,Nanded, 431605

    Dated 10 Feb 2008,

    ToThe principle,Peoples College,Nanded, 431605,

    SUB: - An application for the post oflecturer in your college.

    REF: - Your advertisement in thetimes of India dated 8 Feb 2008.

    Respected Sir:-

    With reference the above maintainedsubject. Your advertisement in the times of India forthe post of lecturer. I would like to apply my self. SirI have completed B.COM & M.COM from peoplescollege under SRTMUN. I request you to consider myqualification and experience for the post of lecturerin your esteemed college. I will work best of myability.

    I submit here under my detailedbiographical particulars for favor of your kindconsideration.

    Name : Sameer Khan Shareef Khan


  • 8/14/2019 Project on It


    Postal Address : Angel Villa,On Ali Road,Peerburhan Nagar, Nanded,

    431605, Dated 10 Feb 2008

    Date of Birth : 25th march 1975

    Marital status : unmarried

    Qualification :


    Name ofboard /University

    % ofMark


    1990 S.S.C LATUR 65% I Division

    1992 H.S.C LATUR 70% I Division



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  • 8/14/2019 Project on It




    Ms Excel

  • 8/14/2019 Project on It



    What is Excel?

    Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used tostore, sort and efficiently crunch numbers. Accountants useExcel to keep track of transactions for their company.

    Students might use Excel to help draw conclusions from thedata they gathered on a science project.

    No matter what you are using Excel for it is important thatyou have the basic knowledge required to do the everydayoperations you will encounter while using this program.

    The Excel Spreadsheet

    A spreadsheet originally existed in the physical world as apiece of paper that you could actually write on. These paperspreadsheets were used mainly by Accountants to helporganize data in a logical and easy to view manner. However,the spreadsheets of the Information Age reside on yourcomputer, though they still have the basic form of the oldspreadsheets.

    This lesson will teach you about the different elements thatmake up a spreadsheet, including some vocabulary so that

    you can understand the following lessons of Tizag's ExcelTutorial. We have included several diagrams of actual Excelspreadsheets, which we encourage you to compare to theExcel program you are running at home or in the office.


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    Parts of the Spreadsheet

    Nearly every part of the spreadsheet has its own term and itis quite useful to know your spreadsheet vocabulary to makeusing Excel that much easier. There are three basic parts ofan Excel Spreadsheet:

    1. Column - The vertical segments that you see on thespreadsheet are called columns.

    2. Row - The horizontal segments are referred to as rows.3. Cell - Each box that is created from a row and column

    intersecting is referred to as a cell.

    Working with Excel is very easy and fun.Ms-Excel is used for Mathematical and arithmeticcalculations and operations.Basically, using Excel we can create a Worksheet,also known as a Spread sheet.

    i. An Excel worksheet allows us to display ourinformation in a table of rows and columns,

    like a conventional financial statement. Youcan then manipulate this information in avariety of charts and graphs

    ii. We can represent our data and information ina wide variety of charts and graphs

    iii. We can store our information as records in adatabase. We can then perform all databaseoperations on our data.

    As we can say that the Excel is in fact a 3-

    in-1 program-Worksheet, Graphics and Databasemanaging tools, all integrated seamlessly into asingle powerful application. It has a wholespectrum of powerful utilities like, automaticrecalculation, what-if analysis, pivot tablingmultimedia compatibility, etc.

    In Ms-Excel there is a workbook for thecalculations. In one workbook three sheets areavailable. Each sheet contains the rows andcolumns. The columns headings are labeled

    alphabetically starting with A to B, AA to AZ, and


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    BA to BZ and so on for a total of 256 columns. TheRows are numbered starting with 1 and endingwith 65,536. The insertion of Row with a Column isknown as the Cell. Each cell has a cell address

    which is made up of the intersecting column androw.

    Excel Columns

    Each vertical segment of the spreadsheet is referredto as a column. Here is the "A" column.

    Excel uses letters to represent columns andnumbers to represent rows. This may be a littleconfusing at first, but with practice and a littleeffort this will become second nature to you.

    Excel Rows

    The horizontal segments, those that run left-to-right, are referred to as rows. Here is row "1".

    Once again, Excel uses numbers to label rows.

    Excel Cells

    Now that you understand columns and rows youcan grasp the labeling system for cells. When acolumn and a row intersect they form a cell. The

    very first cell, where column A and row 1 intersectis referred to as A1. It seems that the column label


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    always comes first and the row second. Try toremember that!

    Here's a picture of Cell A1:

    If you are ever having trouble trying to find a cell,we recommend the following technique (we use cellG13 as an example):

    1. Find the column on the column bar by lookingfor the letter of the cell (in this case that wouldbe G).

    2. Find the row on the row bar by looking for thenumber of the cell (in this case that would be13).

    3. After you have found both the column and the

    row trace an invisible line from each to the cellwhere they intersect and click there if youwish to enter data.

    Starting the Excel:Starting the Excel:


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    When we start our computer, we will be greetedwith the Windows Desktop. From here, there are manyways to start the Excel for Windows.

    Steps to be followed:Steps to be followed:

    1. Click on the Start Button. Start menu appears.2. Position the mouse pointer on programs

    option. A program menu appears.

    3. Look for the name Microsoft Excel and click onit

    We should see the following opening screen ofMicrosoft Excel.



  • 8/14/2019 Project on It





    Ms -Excel

  • 8/14/2019 Project on It


    SALARY SHEETName Basic Da Ta Hra Gross DD



    ALI KHAN800

    0 2000 1200160


    0 2560 10240


    0 2075 1245 166


    0 2656 10624

    SALMAN KHAN 7900 1975 1185 15801264

    0 2528 10112

    PREM KHAN900

    0 2250 1350180



    0 11520

    ANWAR KHAN 8200 2050 1230 1640 13120 2624 10496


    0 2350 1410188



    8 12032

    IRFAN UDDIN 7000 1750 1050140

    0 11200 2240 8960


    0 2000 1200160


    0 2560 10240

    ADITI VAIDYA 7800 1950 1170 15601248

    0 2496 9984

    KOMAL 6700 1675 1005 1340 10720 2144 85

    RADHIKA 8500 2125 1275 17001360

    0 2720 10880

    SUMIT PATIL 80502012.


    5 16101288

    0 2576 10304

    SAJEED KHAN 8500 2125 1275 17001360

    0 2720 10880USMANCHAUSH

    8400 2100 1260



    2688 10752


    0 2150 1290 1720 13760 2752 11008PRAJACT

    DHOBLE 8500 2125 1275 1700


    0 2720 10880

    KULKARNI 7000 1750 1050140

    0 11200 2240 8960

    DEEPALI 9100 2275 1365 182

    0 14560 2912 11648

    SADAF 9300 2325 1395 186


    0 2976 11904


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    53/58 Ist Year Imfromaion :

    Names CLASS Roll No.

    ALI KHAN B.COM 1ST Year 100

    ANGEL KHAN B.COM1ST Year 101


    PREM KHAN B.COM1ST Year 103

    ANWAR KHAN B.COM1ST Year 104




    1ST Year 108

    KOMAL B.COM1ST Year 109

    RADHIKA B.COM1ST Year 110


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    News & views

  • 8/14/2019 Project on It



    The Salman khan Deserve the No 1 position inthe whole Bollywood.

    He is the King of Style and Attitude.

    He is alike the sun from which the entireBollywood is shining.

    He is taking India to the world.

    He is really humble, helpful and sympathynature person.

    He is heart beat of billion people.

    His existence in Bollywood or in the entireworld remains for forever.


  • 8/14/2019 Project on It


    UNIT V



  • 8/14/2019 Project on It



    While working on this project I have learnt newsoftware like Ms Word, Ms excel ect.

    I have also learned the actual application ofcomputer in business field.

    It also made me aware of the computer as aneffective tool to be used in the field of businessand house hold activity.

    While bringing this project I deal with complexproblems of the computer system

    Now I have known the importance of computerin this modern age.

    Now the world is calling the computerizedworld

    S a m e e r K h a n


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    58/58 IST Year
