
Project Goal Summary

Project Name Project Goal


D82178AMTo migrate the Animal Census application fromArcGIS Mobile to ArcGIS Server so that theapplication can be used on iOS mobile devices.Currently the Animal Census application is onlycompatible with Windows Mobile 6 devices.

Animal Census Platform Migration

DB3187EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the AnimalControl system.

Animal Control EB

DB2178WLTo build on our Web-licensing System to incorporatethe intake and tracking of animals at the AnimalShelter as well as licenses purchased on-line so thatAnimal Control has one system that incorporates allfunctionality.

Animal Control Web Licensing

DB0174CPTo develop a “case plan” module within the C*Stardatabase so that redundant data entry may beeliminated.

CSTAR Case Plan Module

DB3165EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget for Children'sVillage so that additional value can be obtained.

Children's Village EB


To implement a new Case Management System sothat business processes will improve and laborsavings will be realized.

Children’s Village CaseManagement System

DB0165VTTo research and implement a time tracking solutionso that business processes will improve and laborsavings realized preliminary.

Children’s Village Time Tracking


DB3351EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theCivil/Criminal system.

Circuit Civil/Criminal/Family EB

DB2312EDTo enhance EDMS/OakDocs to empower end usersand reduce IT intervention in creating and modifyingelectronic forms and allow designated users grant ormodify access to records and view uers/groupsrights so that new forms and user access requestscould be processed by court staff requiring lessdevelopment time by IT programmers.

Circuit Court EDMS Improvements

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Project Name Project Goal


DB2312MACreate a mobile application for smart phone users toaccess Court Explorer, ePraecipe and JudicialSchedule Online applications so that access to courtrecords and imaged documents for citizens andlitigants is improved.

Circuit Court Mobile App


To establish a Citizen Engagement budget for theCourts Leadership Group so that hours may beallocated in support of the development andexpansion of Oakland County’s digital media goalsand objectives.

Citizen Engagement Budget –Courts LG

DB3212E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Clerk'ssystem.

Clerk's EB


To integrate the COMPAS data into the CriminalJustice Data Warehouse (CJDW) so that authorizedpersonnel will be able to develop their own reportsusing this data.

Community Corrections COMPASDW Integration

DB3176E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theCommunity Correction's system.

Community Corrections EB

DB3311SBCourts Sizing BudgetCourts Sizing Budget


Courts Unallocated Enhancement BudgetCourts Unallocated EnhancementBudget

DB0321ENTo enhance the current District Court ProbationSystem (DCPS) with more automated proceduresand documents so that better functionality isachieved.

DCPS Enhancements


DB3321EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the DistrictCourt system.

District Court EB


To modify the eCommerce System so that theCounty can provide the ability for interested PublicBodies to take credit card payments for monies duethem over the counter.

E-Commerce Over the CounterPayments

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DB3213EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Electionssystem.

Elections EB

DB3471EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the FOC'ssystem.


DB1314EFTo provide a means for clients with Friend of theCourt to complete and submit information via FOCwebsite so that documents can automatically berouted to the employee queue.

FOC eForms

DB3120EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatOakland County can comply with State and Federalmandates.

Mandates EB

DB3176EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the OCMedical Examiner's system.

OC Medical Examiner EB

DB2212OCTo implement a web-based Concealed PistolLicense (CPL) application which will allow citizens toapply online so that efficiency in the Clerk’s Office isimproved and a greater level of customer service iscreated.

Online CPL Request

DB3341EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the ProbateCourt system.

Probate Court EB


To provide a method for the public to order and payfor court documents from the Probate Court websiteso that convenience for court users and efficiency forcourt staff are both improved.

Probate Order Court DocumentsOnline

DB3411E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theProsecutor's system.

Prosecutors EB

DB2411ODTo develop an imaging solution for the Prosecutor'sOffice so that criminal and forfeiture case files canbe stored electronically in a centralized location andaccessed by all Prosecutor's Office employees andso that document loss due to acts of nature (fire,etc.) will be eliminated.

Prosecutors OakDocs

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Project Name Project Goal


DA2112DATo incorporate an effective and efficient dataanalytics software package into the auditing andpurchasing compliance functions so that productivityis improved through automation and Audit andmonitoring coverage is more comprehensive,accurate, and reliable.

Audit Data Analytics Software

DB3511EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained for the Board ofCommissioners.


DB3138EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the CentralServices system.

Central Services EB


To establish a Citizen Engagement budget for theFinance / Admin Leadership Group so that hoursmay be allocated in support of the development andexpansion of Oakland County’s digital media goalsand objectives.

Citizen Engagement Budget –Finance LG

DB3115EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theCorporation Counsel system.

Corporation Counsel EB

D83191EBEDCA Marketing & Comm EBEDCA Marketing & Comm EB

DA3121SBFinance/Admin Sizing BudgetFinance/Admin Sizing Budget

DA3121UBFinance/Admin Unallocated EBFinance/Admin Unallocated EB

DB3126E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from thePeopleSoft Financial/Supply Chain system.

Financial/Supply Chain EB

DB3154EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from thePeopleSoft HRMS system.


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Project Name Project Goal



To implement additional enhancements to theOakland County Health Division (public health)website so that clients, Oakland County residentsand beyond can easily navigate the vast amount ofhealth resources available.

Health Division WebsiteEnhancements

D83166EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the HomelandSecurity system.

Homeland Security EB


Implement a subscription based public notificationapplication that will send notifications to mobiledevices so that Oakland County can more easilynotify residents & businesses in the event of anemergency.

Homeland Security EmergNotification App

D83162EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theImmunization Finance/Admin system.

Immunization Deploy EB

DB3010EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theInformation Technology systems.

Information Technology EB


To develop and implement a web-basedMITradeSchool portal that will serve high schoolstudents not planning to pursue a college educationand the structurally unemployed adult so that theycan be directed towards appropriate skilled tradeprograms and related job opportunities.

MiTradeSchool WebsiteDevelopment


DB3126EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from thePeopleSoft Time & Labor system.

Payroll and T&L EB

D83162E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the PublicHealth Finance/Admin system.

Public Health EB

DB3124EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from thePurchasing system.

Purchasing EB

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DB3127EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theReimbursement system.

REM Reimbursement EB

DB3220EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theTreasurer's system.

Treasurer's Systems EB

DB3173EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the VeteransServices system.

Veterans Services EB


To implement an employment portal that will connectapplicants, Oakland County Michigan Works!,Economic Development & Community Affairs,employers and other partners so that theemployment rate of cognitively impaired individualscan be increased.

Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Initiative

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D92125ATTo finalize an RFP and implement a new/upgradedAssessing & Tax System, so that the County willhave an Assessing and Tax program that utilizesnewer technologies that are closer to current ITStandards.

AAT Program - Remaining ETC


To support the upgrade of the BS&A Software to thecurrent .NET edition, for Assessing and Tax systems,current Land gateway related changes are to bereviewed, so that the software upgrade changes canbe supported.

AAT System Upgrade -LandGateway

D92125ITTo support the upgrade of the BS&A Software to thecurrent .NET edition, for Assessing and Tax systems,intial testing, QA environment set up and LAMSwebservices changes are required to be reviewedand completed.

AAT Upgrade - InitialTesting

D92125TTTo support the upgrade of the BS&A Software to thecurrent .NET edition, for Assessing and Tax systemscompleted.

AAT Upgrade - Testing

DB3162EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Airportsystem.

Airport EB

D12182ACTo offer GIS services in a private cloud solution sothat use of Oakland County GIS products can beexpanded and promoted.

ArcGIS in the Cloud


To determine the required features of existingArcIMS applications so that a strategy can bedeveloped regarding their migration to the ArcGIS10.1 platform.

ArcIMS ReplacementRequirements


To complete an implementation of Cityworks for theIndependence Township as part for the CollaborativeAsset Management System that will standardizecountywide infrastructure (water, sewer, storm androads) and allow Independence Township toproactively manage assets so that long-term costsassociated with the operations and maintenance ofcritical infrastructure are mitigated.

CAMS - CVT Implementation:Independence Twp


To complete an implementation of Cityworks for theCity of Oak Park as part of the Collaborative AssetManagement System that will standardizecountywide infrastructure (water, sewer, and storm)and allow Oak Park to proactively manage assets sothat long-term costs associated with the operationsand maintenance of critical infrastructure aremitigated.

CAMS - CVT Implementation: OakPark


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To develop a data model for roads centerline,intersections, signs and street lighting so thatFarmington Hills and Auburn Hills (CVT participants)can utilize road infrastructure as a CAMS asset forroad maintenance and reporting.

CAMS - Roads Data ModelDevelopment


Implement enterprise enhancements for the CAMSinitiative for asset management, permitmanagement, and citizen requests/complaintsCountywide so that efficiencies can be gained in thesupport and maintenance of the system andenterprise enhancements can be implemented.

CAMS Enterprise Enhancements2013-14

D92611RECAMS Program Remaining ETCCAMS Program Remaining ETC

D83182E2To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the CVTsystem.



To establish a Citizen Engagement budget for theLand Leadership Group so that hours may beallocated in support of the development andexpansion of Oakland County’s digital media goalsand objectives.

Citizen Engagement Budget –Land LG

D82162WMTo develop and implement a module in E-Health toprovide users the ability to record pool inspection orother water data in E-Health so that currentdependencies on several access database andmainframe system can be eliminated.

E-Health Water Module

DE3191CEEDCA Citizen Engagement Budget - Budget forvideo creation.

EDCA Citizen Engagement Budget

D82191DSTo develop a departmentwide social media strategyso that regional and global awareness of EDCAprograms and economic development initiatives isincreased.

EDCA Dept Social Media Strategy

D83191E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the EDCAsystem.


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D82191VCTo promote collaboration between EconomicDevelopment & Community Affairs employeesthrough the use of SharePoint collaboration tools sothat the knowledge gap between employees who arein the office and those that are geographically-dispersed, or telecommuting, is reduced.

EDCA Virtual Collaboration

D93125EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theEqualization system.

Equalization Applications EB


To rewrite the appeals litigation legacy application sothat this application can be a web enabled andeasily maintained and scalable for futureenhancements

Equalization Legacy Appeals -Litigation


To re-write the following applications into a singlefront-end web application and database, so that theycan be more easily maintained and scalable forfuture enhancements.

• Personal Property Square Foot Study• Appeals (MTT, Litigation) Database• Commercial Sales Database• RPP Viewer• Equalization Report

Equalization Legacy Applications -Remaining ETC


To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the FMOsystem.

Facilities Maintenance &Operations EB


To implement a computerized dispatch system sothat dispatch efficiencies are increased by creatingelectronic records thereby reducing errors whenmanually creating dispatch log (calls and alarms)and time loss when manually searching for records.

Facilities Safety DispatchManagement

D12182WRTo automate the process used to update GIS dataevery week on the Enterprise GIS server so that thetime spent monitoring the process is greatlyreduced, and the quality of data is further improvedthrough additional quality assurance.

GIS Data Update Process

D12182GBTo establish an Enterprise Geospatial Program forthe duration of the next Master Plan Cycle so thegeospatial data and application offerings available toCounty Departments, CVTs (cities, villages, andtownships), as well as County citizens can beexpanded.

GIS Enterprise Program

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Project Name Project Goal


D93162EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Healthsystem.

Health EB


To create a web service for real time addressvalidation so that when users enter addresses intoLAMS the addresses will be validated against USPSstandards, reducing returned mail.

LAMS Add Real-Time PostalAddress Validation


D13125EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the LAMSsystem.


D13185EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the LandGateway system.

Land Gateway EB

D92010SBLand Sizing BudgetLand Sizing Budget

D93010UBLand Unallocated EBLand Unallocated EB


To develop a social media strategy for MedicalMainstreet so that global awareness of the initiativeis expanded and attendance at the first annualconference is maximized.

Medical Mainstreet Social MediaStrategy


D82162MBTo establish an OCHD E-Health Mandate ApplicationDevelopment Budget so that hours may be utilizedfor E-Health development projects relating tomandates, to gain efficiency in the Health Divisionbusiness process.

OCHD Mandate Program Budget

D80561WTTo improve customer service through theimplementation of the WebTrac extension toRecTrac so that customers can sign up for activitiesand make reservations and purchases online.

P & R WebTrac Implementation

D83561EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Parks &Recreation system.

Parks & Recreation EB

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Project Name Project Goal



To implement a wireless network at 5 OaklandCounty Golf Course’s grill rooms/banquet centersand 2 Campground’s Bath houses/Pavilions so thatcustomers can easily connect to the internet fromtheir personal devices.

Parks & Recreation Public WirelessNetworking

D83182EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the PropertyGateway system.

Property Gateway (2GAO) EB

D83214EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Registerof Deeds system.

Register of Deeds EB


To replace and combine the current Warrant andSettlement and Tax Abatement Warrant Applicationswith upgraded technology so that the application willbe written using current IT standard technologiesimproving support and scalability, so that theprogram can be modified to meet expected futureState mandates.

Rewrite - WAS and TAWApplications - Phase I

D83182E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the RoadCommission system.

Road Commission EB

D82148SATo implement a space allocation program so thatdual entry into both AutoCAD and Excel iseliminated while assuring accuracy when assigningsquare footage to departments for billing purposes.

Space Allocation Program

D92071S5To validate the DelTax Requirements so that theestimation for the new TOS development can beevaluated.

TOS - Program Planning

D92071RETOS Program Remaining ETCTOS Program Remaining ETC

D93071E1Treasurer's Office Mandate EBTreasurer's Office Mandate EB

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Project Name Project Goal


D93071EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theTreasurer's system.

Treasury Applications EB

D92711PATo modify the Warrant and Settlement (WAS)system, so that it will accommodate changesresulting from new State and County Public Actmandates.

WAS PA114 AIA Updates


To establish a Water Resources ApplicationDevelopment Budget so that hours may be utilizedfor application development projects leveraging newtechnology to gain efficiency in the Water ResourcesCommissioner’s business.

WRC Development Budget 2013 -2014

D82611IOTo implement GIS based Infrastructure Optimization(I/O) software so that WRC can identify water, sewerand storm infrastructure at risk for failure and focusrepair and capital improvement funding on areas ofmost need.

WRC IO Tool Implementation

D81611NBTo implement a data management system whichwould evaluate the billing information and comparethe results with the flow information to perform thewater balance so WRC can more easily andaccurately evaluate the real time water loss of eachwater system operated and maintained by WRC.

WRC Netbase Solution


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Project Name Project Goal


D43431EBCLEMIS Biometrics EBCLEMIS Biometrics EB


DF2231CATo develop Activity Logs module so that anenhanced CAD system can be developed forenhanced CLEMIS Services.


DF2231CITo develop and implement Activity Logs module sothat an enhanced CAD system can be developed forenhanced CLEMIS Services.



CLEMIS CAD Program Remaining ETCCLEMIS CAD Program RemainingETC


To research and develop plans for Computer AidedDispatch (CAD) so that an enhanced CAD Systemcan be developed for the enhanced CLEMISServices.

CLEMIS CAD Research &Planning-1 (E)



To research and develop plans for Computer AidedDispatch (CAD) so that an enhanced CAD Systemcan be developed for the enhanced CLEMISServices.

CLEMIS CAD Research &Planning-2 (E)


To establish an implementation Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from CLEMIS NewSites.

CLEMIS New Site ImplementationBudget


CLEMIS LRMS Program Remaining ETCCLEMIS Services ProgramRemaining ETC

DF3182SBCLEMIS Sizing BudgetCLEMIS Sizing Budget


MP2013 CLEMIS Svcs CLEAR Sys ProgramDevelopment

CLEMIS Svcs CLEAR SysProgram Development

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Project Name Project Goal



2012-2014 CLEMIS Services Program DevelopmentBudget

CLEMIS Svcs ProgramDevelopment

DF2231M3To develop an enhanced CLEMIS Servicesapplications so that records can be maintained andshared in a more efficient manner.

CLEMIS Svcs Program Mgmt-3 (G)

DF3231EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the CrimeMapping system.

Crime Mapping EB

DF3231M2To work with Omega Group to implement a crimemapping dashboard so that an enhanced crimemapping system can be developed for the CLEMISServices.

Crime Mapping Impl-1

DF2231M1To work with Omega Group to implement a crimemapping dashboard so that an enhanced crimemapping system can be developed for the CLEMISServices.

Crime Mapping-1

D43231EBTo establish a Budget so that additional value can beobtained from the FRMS system


DG3231EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the LEINsystem.


D43163EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the OCSOsystem.


D43231E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the IMACssystem.


D42163F3To implement a laboratory case management andimaging system so that quality and efficiency of theSheriff’s Office laboratory operations can beimproved.


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Project Name Project Goal


DG1432W2To implement new in-car cameras for police cars sothat in-car videos can be archived, managed andaccessed in a more efficient manner.

OCSO WatchGuard Impl-1

DG2432W4To implement a wireless network at SheriffSubstations for new in-car cameras for police carsso that in-car videos can be transmitted for archivein a more efficient manner.

OCSO WatchGuard Wireless-2

DF3231OETo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from OakNet atselected substations.


D43187EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Oak Videosystem.

OakVideo EB

D42183OVSizing Estimate: To design and develop areplacement OakVideo system using up-to-datetechnology and techniques so that videoarraignment and related services are sustainableinto the future.

OakVideo Program

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DL3231SBCLEMIS Radio Sizing BudgetCLEMIS Radio Sizing Budget

DL2183OCTo implement managed network services forconnectivity to OakWIN Radio Towers in OaklandCounty so that video and alarm signals can berouted to the appropriate responder to reducedamage and theft at the towers.

OakWIN Connectivity Program

DL3231EBOakWIN Radio Tower Security EBOakWIN Security EB

DL2183OATo continue to analyze OakWIN coverage andaugment as required so that interoperability andradio coverage is improved.

OakWIN Site Augment Program

DL3231E1OakWIN Site EBOakWIN Site EB

DL2183OUTo update OakWIN infrastructure and replaceobsolete dispatch consoles to that dispatchoperations can continue in a reliable manner

OakWIN Update Program

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Project Name Project Goal


DE2182CETo establish a Citizen Engagement budget for the ITLeadership Group so that hours may be allocated insupport of the development and expansion ofOakland County’s digital media goals and objectives.

Citizen Engagement Budget - IT

DE2182CRTo establish a County Recognition and InitiativesProgram Budget for the duration of the next MasterPlan Cycle so that hours may be allocated in supportof eGovernment goals and objectives.

County Recognition and Initiatives

DE2182MPTo establish an online service and product catalogfeaturing public agency and approved vendorscalled G2G Market Place so that any interested USpublic body may review and engage with preferredgovernment vendors and agencies.

G2G - Market Place


To perform provisioning, deployment and supportactivities required so as to deploy Cloud Readyservices to possible Cloud Services customers.

G2G - Participant DevelopmentBudget


To perform provisioning, deployment and supportactivities required so as to deploy Cloud Readyservices to possible Cloud Services customers.

G2G - Participant ImplementationBudget

DE2182GPTo manage and provide oversight to various projectsfor positioning services of Oakland County in cloudenvironment so that they can be consumed bypotential customers in government sector.

G2G - Program Management

DJ3010EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the G2Gsystem.


DE1187WRTo refresh the look and feel of the Oakland Countyweb site so that it will provide easier public access toCounty information and online services. Web Site Refresh


To research and implement credit card andelectronic check payment processor(s) so that theCounty may provide online payment capabilities toPublic Bodies at the best cost.

Replace Online PaymentProcessor


To convert of all TeamSite supported internet contentto SharePoint so that the County can maintain allcontent using a single content managementplatform.

TeamSite to SharePointConversion

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To convert the existing Contact Us application that isused on to the Versal Code templateso that it supports mobile compatibility, streamlinesits support and maintenance long-term, and readiesthe application to be used with G2G Cloud serviceofferings.

Upgrade Contact Us Applicationwith Versal Code

DE2182WDTo establish a Web Site Development Program forthe duration of the next Master Plan Cycle so thathours may be allocated for new web sitedevelopment.

Web Site Development Program


To implement customer initiated change orders sothat the customer’s benefits and business objectivesare achieved.

Website Content PublishingServices

DE2182WMTo migrate external SharePoint websites to thecloud.

Website Migration


To enhance the eCommerce applications so thatOakland County residents and external agenciescan process electronic payments via mobile devices.

eCommerce Mobile Expansion -Phase I


To enhance the E-Commerce Shopping Cart so thatOakland County residents and external agenciescan process general payments via mobile phones.

eCommerce Mobile GeneralPayments

DE3187EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theeGovernment system.

eGovernment EB


To establish a eGovernment Program DevelopmentBudget for the duration of the next Master PlanCycle so that hours may be allocated in support ofeGovernment goals and objectives.

eGovernment ProgramDevelopment

DE3187SBeGovernment Sizing BudgeteGovernment Sizing Budget

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Interal Services


To develop and facilitate partnerships with public &private institutions so that the availability, access,and usage of high speed broadband infrastructure inOakland County can be increased.

2013/14 Broadband TechnologyOpportunities Program


Application Development Program BudgetApplication Development ProgramBudget

D90182LSTo improve and refine the development lifecyclestandards so that the requirements, developmentand testing processes continue to be standardizedresulting in more efficient services to OaklandCounty.

Application Lifecycle Standards


To implement ITIL Change Managementenhancements utilizing Service Center that willprovide a streamlined CAB approval process, byimplementing a “standard” pre-authorized changecategory so that efficient and prompt handling of allchanges will minimize the impact of incidents andproblems upon implementation/release.

Change ManagementEnhancements



Based on ITIL best practices, implement CA’sConfiguration Management Database (CMDB) thatwill maintain an accurate and up to date ITinfrastructure model so that support will be improvedfor Incident, Change, Problem and ReleaseManagement. The CMDB will allow for completeimpact assessments, identifying Configuration Item(CI) details and relationships, improved financialplanning (maintenance and support costs), accuratebilling and improved security (location mapping andversioning).

Configuration ManagementDB/Asset Management Program


HR Update IT Job Descriptions for ADAAHR Update IT Job Descriptions forADAA


DH3181HRIT HR InitiativesIT HR Initiatives

DH3181EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the PSRequisition system and the Time Tracker system.

ITPSRS/Time Tracker EB

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Interal Services


To establish Information Technology R&D Budget sothat investigation of new applications andtechnologies can be undertaken by the InternalServices Division.

Information Technology R&DBudget

DH3181SBInternal Services Sizing BudgetInternal Services Sizing Budget

DR2181IFTo research and evaluate industry best practices,standards, and guidelines for Mobile DeviceManagement, including BYOD (Bring Your OwnDevice) for potential use so that InformationTechnology Mobile Device policies and procedurescan be updated.

Mobile Device Assessment


To establish a Project Management Budget so thathours may be utilized for Project Managementdevelopment projects leveraging new functionality togain improved efficiency in Project Management.

Project Management ProgramDevelopment

DR2010COTo fulfill Service Center Communications customerinitiated Change Order (CO) requests for the2013/14 Master Plan period so that the customer’sbenefits and business objectives are achieved.

SC Communications CO Services


To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the SCCommunications Land Call Agent system

SC Communications Call AgentEnhancements

DR3181E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the SCCommunications system.

SC Communications EB

DR3181EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the ServiceCenter system.

Service Center EB


Based on analysis and requirements definition,continue with the development and implementationof prioritized, approved IT Division service requests,enhancements and projects in Service Center thatwill provide value so that Service Center will be thesingle point of contact, allow for automated workflow,standardize capture of all service requests andprovide automated status notification.

Service Center Enhancements -Service Expansion ImplementationIII


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Interal Services

D93182EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theVersalCode Template system.

VersalCode Template EB

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Technical Systems & Network


To assess current backup restoration process,identify improvement opportunities, includingpossible technical solutions, so that backup processis optimized.

Backup Strategy / Backup ServicesReplacement

TP2186FMTo provide necessary IT services required bybuilding relocation and renovation projects, as wellas individual IT customer relocations, so that FM&O,CLEMIS, and CVT project objectives are met.

Building Program 2013-14

T33186EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained for CapacityExpansion.

Capacity Expansion EB

T60186CCTo conduct a feasibility study to evaluate thebenefits, risks and costs associated with positioningthe IT department of Oakland County as a serviceprovider of IT services to other local governmentinstitutions using cloud computing.

Cloud Computing



To assess legal requirements and developagreements for the services planned to bepositioned in Cloud Service, so that the agreementscan be used during deployment of the services tothe potential customers.

Cloud Computing - LegalRequirements Assessment



To develop a G2G marketing processes forpositioning services of Oakland County in a cloudenvironment so that they can be consumed bypotential customers in the government sector.

Cloud Computing - Marketing andPromotion


To develop an application to allow NACo membersto document and search applications used withinCounty governments which will provide opportunitiesto improve collaboration and workflows amongparticipants.

Cloud Computing - NACoApplication Store

TN2186COTo implement customer initiated change orders sothat the customer’s benefits and business objectivesare achieved.

Customer Change Order Services

T33186E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the Databaseand Deployment Services systems.

DBA/Deployment Services EB


To establish a development budget so that hoursmay be utilized to improve the services provided bythe Database and Deployment Services groups, andto ensure that application teams will continue to besupported in the most efficient and cost effectivemanner possible.

Database and DeploymentServices Program DevelopmentPhase 1

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Technical Systems & Network


To inventory desktop software applications in use atOakland County so that desktop software is incompliance.

Desktop Software AuditCompliance Phase 1

T62186DSTo implement Microsoft recommended security andinfrastructure enhancements, so mitigating controlscan be implemented to address weaknesses incurrent directory services.

Directory Services Enhancements


To reengineer current DR CMDB and DR Toolkits, sothat the DR process can be aligned with thevirtualized and consolidated technical architecture.

Disaster Recovery ImprovementsPhase I


To inventory Enterprise software applications in useat Oakland County so that software is in compliance.

Enterprise Software Legal AuditCompliance

TP9186IITo provide scalable solution options for ISP servicesand bandwidth, so that the IT department’s ability toimplement additional applications and services usingthe Internet is improved.

ISP Redesign - Implementation



To initiate, implement, and sustain an InformationTechnology Architecture program, so as to improvestrategic alignment, reduce IT costs, reducetechnology risks, improve IT security and improveresource management.

IT Architecture FrameworkDevelopment Program Phase I

D90186IVTo replace the end-of-life IVR System, so that thesystem can be supported and maintained.

IVR Services Implementation

T61186SRTo eliminate the remaining dependencies on the oldSiteMinder R6 environment and to consolidate thethree primary user stores into a single ActiveDirectory Instance.

IdentityMinder Replacement

T62186TITo develop an initial environment for hosting .NetVersalCode applications so that we reduce futurecosts, comply with licensing, improve security, andexpand server and network capacity.

Infrastructure Expansion


To develop and implement an internal environmentfor hosting .Net VersalCode so that applications andwebsites can connect to the mobile device standardtemplate in an accelerated timeframe.

Infrastructure Expansion - InternalEnvironment

23Oakland CountyDepartment of Information Technology

Information Technology 2/21/132013-2014 Master Plan

Project Goal Summary

Project Name Project Goal

Technical Systems & Network


To develop an initial environment for hosting .NetVersalCode applications so that we reduce futurecosts, comply with licensing, improve security, andexpand server and network capacity.

Infrastructure Expansion -Standard EnvironmentDevelopment

T63186TITo develop and implement an environment forhosting .Net VersalCode applications andSharePoint so that future costs are reduced, complywith licensing, improve security, and expand serverand network capacity.

Infrastructure Expansion Program

TN0186MPTo implement Managed Print Services (MPS) so thatoverall printing costs are reduced.

Managed Print Services

TN2186MPTo implement Managed Print Services so that overallprinting costs are reduced.

Managed Print Services Program


To implement Microsoft Exchange as the County’sprimary email system so that integration ofEnterprise Calendaring and the Microsoft Officesuite can be obtained.

Microsoft Exchange/CalendaringImplementation


To research and implement Mobile DeviceManagement (MDM) solution so that end usermobile devices can be supported and secured inCounty IT environment.

Mobile Devices Security StrategyImplementation

TP3186E1To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from theNetworking systems.

Network Services EB

TP2186COTo implement customer initiated PBX change ordersso that the customer’s benefits and businessobjectives are achieved.

PBX Change Order Services

TP3186E4To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the PBXsystem.


24Oakland CountyDepartment of Information Technology

Information Technology 2/21/132013-2014 Master Plan

Project Goal Summary

Project Name Project Goal

Technical Systems & Network

T62186SITo perform high-level information securities riskanalysis, so that overall enterprise informationsecurity is enhanced.

Security Improvements


T63186EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from the ServerAdministration system.

Server Administration EB

TP3186SBTSN Sizing BudgetTSN Sizing Budget

TP3186E3To establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from TechnicalOperations.

Technical Operations EB

TP2186UCTo conduct a Unified Communications FeasibilityStudy to determine benefits and related costs forimplementing a Unified Communications solution toreplace and/or supplement the current SL100 andPBX systems.

Unified Communications Strategy

TN2186SCTo enhance workstation software managementstrategy so that workstation software deploymentefficiencies are achieved.

Workstation SCCM Phase 1

TN3186EBTo establish an Enhancement Budget so thatadditional value can be obtained from WorkstationServices.

Workstation Services EB

26Oakland CountyDepartment of Information Technology

Information Technology 2/21/132013-2014 Master Plan
