Page 1: Project Concept Form Engaging with Zeteo Tech, LLC Principal Investigator: Campus Address: Telephone: Email: Other Team Members:

Project Concept FormEngaging with Zeteo Tech, LLC

Principal Investigator:

Campus Address:



Other Team Members:

Page 2: Project Concept Form Engaging with Zeteo Tech, LLC Principal Investigator: Campus Address: Telephone: Email: Other Team Members:

Problem/Solution/Needs Charts

• Chart 1: The problem• Why should the agency care?• Why is the current solution not successful?

• Chart 2: Your solution• Why is the solution possible?• What does the end state look like?

• Chart 3: What do you need?• What facilities or equipment will you need?• What skills / partners will you need on your

team?• How do you change the cost equation

(Government acquisition and ownership)?

Please keep these Heilmeier questions in mind as you prepare your idea. Questions 1-4 will be important when you start discussions on a new concept with a Program Manager; Question 5 should be considered, but does not need to be quantified at this stage.

1. What are you trying to do?

2. How does this get done at present? Who does it? What are the limitations of present approaches?

3. What is new about your approach? Why do you think you can be successful at this time?

4. If you succeed, what difference will it make?

5. How long will it take? How much will it cost? What are your mid-term and final exams?

Page 3: Project Concept Form Engaging with Zeteo Tech, LLC Principal Investigator: Campus Address: Telephone: Email: Other Team Members:

The problem

• Text describing how the military or other customer is unable to successfully complete a mission

• Text describing why the technical reason the current solution is not sufficient

Page 4: Project Concept Form Engaging with Zeteo Tech, LLC Principal Investigator: Campus Address: Telephone: Email: Other Team Members:

Your Solution

• Text describing the technical reasons why your solution can be achieved

• Text describing how the mission will be achieved using your solution

Graphics will help tell your story but start with text at this stage

Page 5: Project Concept Form Engaging with Zeteo Tech, LLC Principal Investigator: Campus Address: Telephone: Email: Other Team Members:

Facilities, Teaming and Cost Equation• Facilities: What equipment or special facilities will you need?• Teaming: What skills do you need for your team? Are they internal or

external to UA?• Changing the Cost Equation: How does your concept change the cost

of doing business for the military or other DoD organization?• Example problem: We can no longer afford to use a $1 million missile to

destroy a $10,000 pickup truck
