
Project 2010-17 Definition of Bulk Electric System

&Bulk Electric System Rules of Procedure


Presenter: Peter Heidrich, FRCC – BES Drafting Team Chair


Standard Drafting Team (SDT) Accomplishments

1st Posting for Formal Comments

Bulk Electric System (BES) Definition Significant Revisions

Technical Principles Concepts

Bulk Electric System Rules of Procedure (BESROP) Update

Short-term Project Milestones


SDT Accomplishments/Planned Activities

Industry-Wide Joint BES/ROP Webinar (May, 2011)

SDT Activities

• Meetings

• Conference Calls

• Future Meetings

Industry-Wide Joint BES/ROP Webinar (Concurrent Posting)



1st Posting for Formal Comments

BES Definition

• Comments from 279 different people from 213 companies representing 10 of the 10 Industry Segments

BES Definition Significant Revisions


Exclusion of Local Distribution Facilities

Generation Threshold Values

Local Networks (High Voltage Limit)

Reactive Resources

Exclusion of Local Distribution Facilities


Bulk Electric System (BES): Unless modified by the lists shown below, all Transmission Elements operated at 100 kV or higher and Real Power and Reactive Power resources connected at 100 kV or higher. This does not include facilities used in the local distribution of electric energy as established by applicable regulatory authorities.

Core Definition

Generation Threshold Values

BES Designation Criteria Inclusions:

I2 - Generating resource(s) located at a single site with aggregate capacity greater than 75 MVA (gross aggregate nameplate rating) including the generator terminals through the high-side of the generator step-up transformer(s) connected at a voltage of 100 kV or above.


BES Designation Criteria

Local Networks (High Voltage Limit)

BES Designation Criteria Exclusions:

E3 - Local Networks (LN): A group of contiguous Elements operated at or above 100 kV but less than 300 kV that distribute power to Load rather than transfer bulk power across the Interconnected System. LN’s emanate from multiple points of connection at 100 kV or higher to improve the level of service to retail customer Load and not to accommodate bulk transfer across the interconnected system.


BES Designation Criteria

Reactive Resources

BES Designation Criteria Inclusion:

I5 –Static or dynamic devices dedicated to supplying or absorbing Reactive Power that are connected at 100 kV or higher, or through a dedicated transformer with a high-side voltage of 100 kV or higher, or through a transformer that is designated in Inclusion I1.


BES Designation Criteria

Reactive Resources

BES Designation Criteria Exclusion:

E4 – Reactive Power devices owned and operated by the retail customer solely for their own use.


BES Designation Criteria


Exception Process Technical Principles

• Comments from 75 different people from 45 companies representing 8 of the 10 Industry Segments

1st Posting for Formal Comments


Reliability benefits of an Element cannot be determined by a single study or analysis of a single parameter.

Not feasible to establish continent-wide values and/or limits.

Exception Process Technical Principles


The SDT has adopted a new approach:

• Targeted questions for Transmission and Generation addressing the Facility characteristics with guidance on the type of supporting evidence to accompany request.

• No hard numbers to guide the evaluation of the request.

• Engineering judgment will be utilized by common Regional panels to perform the evaluation of the evidence in an open, repeatable and transparent process.

Exception Process Technical Principles

DRAFT BES Rules of Procedure Process Objectives

ROP Process spells out:• Who to file a request with• When to file a request and expect a

response• How to file a request and what to include• Who decides based on technical justification• How consistency is assured


BES Exceptions (linked to BES Definition Designation


BES Rules of Procedure Team Update

The Rules of Procedure Team produced a draft procedure document that would be incorporated as an appendix to the Rules of Procedure

This procedure document was posted for an informal 30-day comment period to obtain industry input ending June 10th.


Industry Input

The posted Rules of Procedure exceptions process received comments from 176 different people from 131 companies across all 10 industry segments in Canada and the US.

There is strong support for a bright-line definition with an associated exception process.


Industry Input

There is a strong desire for a process that is more efficient than the one presented in the draft in two aspects:

• 1) greater clarity in the process and timelines for process steps, and

• 2) help in determining the status of an element by application of the definition.

The ROP team is considering the comments received and will produce a proposed amendment to the Rules of Procedure for a 45-day formal comment period concurrent with the posting of the BES definition in early September.  


Near-term Project Milestones

Concurrent Posting Periods (Sept./Oct. 2011)

• Revised BES definition with exception criteria (inclusions and exclusions)

• BES Definition Exception Process

• Technical Principles to support request for BES Definition Exception

Industry Webinar


Question & Answer


